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View Full Version : Ann Coulter Is Slightly Pissed With Trump

06-16-2017, 07:57 PM
Understatement: http://hotair.com/archives/2017/06/16/jackass-really-ticking-off-coulter-major-right-wing-media-figure-criticizing-trump/


Yesterday, the Trump administration kept in place Obama’s unconstitutional executive amnesty.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 16, 2017 (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/875761029589995521)

This daily Trump melodrama is worth it ONLY if he’s really going to build the wall, cut off Muslim refugees and deport illegals.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 16, 2017 (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/875761295710195714)

Today's BORDER WALL CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Miles completed yesterday–Zero; Miles completed since Inauguration–Zero. NEXT UPDATE TOMORROW.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 16, 2017 (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/875761776683606016)

Anyone in a Southwestern state who strolls to the border & drops a brick will have done more to build the wall than @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump).
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 16, 2017 (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/875762166065975300)

If @VP (https://twitter.com/VP) Pence were smart, starting making noises about how he'd LOVE to build a wall. He'd be sworn in as president about 2 weeks.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 16, 2017 (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/875764194917920768)

I thought w/ Trump we'd finally have a president helping OUR country. So far: Syria, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Italy, China, N Kor. Today: Cuba!
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 16, 2017 (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/875776868569493504)

At least Cuba's in our hemisphere. How long can it be before Trump gets to America? https://t.co/vTf5osrr15
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 16, 2017 (https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/875777203291729921)

Mediaite (http://www.mediaite.com/online/coulter-on-trump-this-jackass-is-really-ticking-me-off/) saw that and emailed her to ask her how she really feels. Quote:

It was a whole series today! This jackass is really ticking me off. And today…Cuba? F*cking Cuba? If he’d run a campaign promising to do everything he’s done in the last 6 months, he’d never have been elected.

Are there any other big-name Trumpers holding his feet to the fire like Coulter is? I’m sure Laura Ingraham grumbles from time to time about immigration but until recently she was allegedly considering joining theWhite House communications team (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/30/us/politics/trump-dubke-white-house-staff-changes.html). Some of thealt-right (https://twitter.com/allegrakirkland/status/875743756238147584)has soured on him but they’re marginal compared to cable-news mainstays like Coulter. Meanwhile, Hannity is rock solid, Gingrich is rock solid, conservative talk radio seems rock solid, Trump’s base seems …mostly solid (http://hotair.com/archives/2017/06/15/gop-turns-sour-satisfaction-direction-u-s-among-republicans-17-points-month/). Everyone’s on message about “the deep state” and “witch hunts.” It’s pretty much just Coulter as far as I can tell who’s demanding results on the core populist Trump agenda notwithstanding whatever “the deep state” is throwing at him. And it’s pretty much just Coulter who seems willing to acknowledge that the “daily Trump melodrama” is a burden, worth bearing only if it produces meaningful policy gains, rather than some sort of massive pwnage of the left and the media that’s worth celebrating for its own sake.Rage-tweeting about Rod Rosenstein (http://hotair.com/archives/2017/06/16/go-rod-rosenstein-weighing-whether-recuse-russiagate-probe-trump-attacks-twitter/)isn’t agoodthing. It’s a dumb thing that’s arguably worth toleratingifit pays off with major upgrades to health care, the tax code, and immigration. But it hasn’t yet.
