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View Full Version : Justices Strike Down Law Banning Disparaging Trademarks

06-19-2017, 03:04 PM
This is great for the Redskins who have battled over their name for years now. I'm glad they never gave in to this lame crap.


Justices Strike Down Law Banning Disparaging Trademarks

WASHINGTON — In a decision likely to bolster the Washington Redskins’ efforts to protect its trademarks, the Supreme Court on Monday ruled that the government may not refuse to register potentially offensive names. A law denying protection to disparaging trademarks, the court said, violated the First Amendment.

The decision was unanimous, but the justices were divided on the reasoning.

The decision, concerning an Asian-American dance-rock band called the Slants, probably also means that the Washington Redskins football team will win its fight to retain federal trademark protection.

The law at issue in both cases denies federal trademark protection to messages that may disparage people, living or dead, along with “institutions, beliefs or national symbols.”

Rest here - https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/19/us/politics/supreme-court-trademarks-redskins.html

06-19-2017, 05:29 PM
Considering we committed genocide to the natives I'm surprised anyone wants to name their business sports team after them. Truly bizarre in my book.

06-19-2017, 05:58 PM
You mean I don't have the right to not be offended???

WWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH Where's my safe space and my blanky? :crying2:

06-19-2017, 06:00 PM
Considering we committed genocide to the natives I'm surprised anyone wants to name their business sports team after them. Truly bizarre in my book.Genocide? How about a war of attrition? Since that's what it was. Ad what pray tell do you think those poor red men on horesback did to the Anasazi, Mound People, and other "natives" that were here before them?

It's a name for a football team. Who cares?

Black Diamond
06-19-2017, 06:46 PM
Considering we committed genocide to the natives I'm surprised anyone wants to name their business sports team after them. Truly bizarre in my book.
Yeah they should change their name to the Wizards. Oh wait that's already been done. It was like wtf

Black Diamond
06-19-2017, 06:47 PM
Genocide? How about a war of attrition? Since that's what it was. Ad what pray tell do you think those poor red men on horesback did to the Anasazi, Mound People, and other "natives" that were here before them?

It's a name for a football team. Who cares?
There used to be a team called the crackers. Baseball team. Maybe triple A. In Atalanta I think.

06-19-2017, 06:52 PM
Genocide? How about a war of attrition? Since that's what it was. Ad what pray tell do you think those poor red men on horesback did to the Anasazi, Mound People, and other "natives" that were here before them?

It's a name for a football team. Who cares?

Attrition is the method of the genocide. I just think it's a weird to name a sports team after a people you decimated. I'm not arguing the ruling.

06-19-2017, 07:57 PM
Attrition is the method of the genocide. I just think it's a weird to name a sports team after a people you decimated. I'm not arguing the ruling. Genocide has a meaning. Taking away an adversaries means to wage war Is not that meaning. The indians you feel sorry for killed everything that stood in their way when they were on top. It's how wars were fought then. The last war we actually won was fought that way. Genocide was never a goal. It WAS however a goal of the indians.

Either way, who cares? Only people looking for an excuse to be offended.

06-19-2017, 08:47 PM
Genocide has a meaning. Taking away an adversaries means to wage war Is not that meaning. The indians you feel sorry for killed everything that stood in their way when they were on top. It's how wars were fought then. The last war we actually won was fought that way. Genocide was never a goal. It WAS however a goal of the indians.

Either way, who cares? Only people looking for an excuse to be offended.

manifest destiny. genocide was the only way.

06-19-2017, 09:00 PM
manifest destiny. genocide was the only way.Genocide was not the only way, nor was it used as policy. It was a clash of cultures. Been happening since time began. The indians had every advantage and every opportunity to keep us out. They were too busy fighting each other to band together and address the real threat.

The very same thing we are doing today with illegal immigration and Muslim extremists. History is just repeating itself.

Still has nothing to do with pantywaists looking for the slightest and stupidest reasons to be offended.

06-19-2017, 09:25 PM
manifest destiny. genocide was the only way. If you think the so called indigenous populations didn’t take the land from some other people, you are sorely mistaken.

06-20-2017, 08:04 AM
If you think the so called indigenous populations didn’t take the land from some other people, you are sorely mistaken.

Most of native american DNA traces back to the first migration, so I don't know WTF you are talking about nor how it matters. Are you making some kind of twisted rationalization for genocide? The fact is that America lied, murdered and raped their way across the country. New Zealand and Australia did the same.

06-20-2017, 08:09 AM
I don't care how any of it happened or with who - it doesn't change the underlying point, as to whether or not it should somehow be censored. And things that are simply words, that some weak wieners out there can't deal with, should certainly not be censored or disallowed.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-20-2017, 08:24 AM
I don't care how any of it happened or with who - it doesn't change the underlying point, as to whether or not it should somehow be censored. And things that are simply words, that some weak wieners out there can't deal with, should certainly not be censored or disallowed.
I agree. Laying history aside in this debate is the correct way methinks.
It comes down to a question of freedom, as in being a free speech issue.
The judges made not only a unanimous decision but also one that is 100% correct..
And what shocked me was that the usual liberal/leftist oriented judges actually managed to vote correctly..-Tyr

06-20-2017, 08:33 AM
I agree. Laying history aside in this debate is the correct way methinks.
It comes down to a question of freedom, as in being a free speech issue.
The judges made not only a unanimous decision but also one that is 100% correct..
And what shocked me was that the usual liberal/leftist oriented judges actually managed to vote correctly..-Tyr

COTUS has always been strong on First Amendment, it's fundamental in law studies.

I don't know if it was this article or another I read where the observation was something to the effect, 'when culture and law collide, culture nearly always ultimately wins.'

The trends on campuses for the past 20 years, does not bode well for the ruling if the observation is correct.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-20-2017, 08:57 AM
COTUS has always been strong on First Amendment, it's fundamental in law studies.

I don't know if it was this article or another I read where the observation was something to the effect, 'when culture and law collide, culture nearly always ultimately wins.'

The trends on campuses for the past 20 years, does not bode well for the ruling if the observation is correct.

Problem is this is more than a matter of a current law..
It is a matter of a direct attack on free speech by government decree.
First Amendment has no meaning, no validity at all if this insanity was deemed correct..
That is exactly why the decision was unanimous. However, you are correct about the nature of the thriving leftist/liberal culture in our universities and their long ranging effects/powers in regards to change..
Which points to something I have stated thousands of times--
Glaring fact/consideration is -- how many Senators and Congressman are not university educated?
Vast majority are and thus they were brainwashed towards favoritism to some degree socialistic ideas disguised as Humanitarianism..
That very deadly and devious fallacy of leftist oriented/borne self-righteous egotism coupled with political power makes for having to engage in some serious and very hard actions to reverse its power and cleverly accomplished deeds.
And such intensity and hard level actions are no in the make-up of the current Republican party, IMHO.

06-20-2017, 09:02 AM
Problem is this is more than a matter of a current law..
It is a matter of a direct attack on free speech by government decree.
First Amendment has no meaning, no validity at all if this insanity was deemed correct..
That is exactly why the decision was unanimous. However, you are correct about the nature of the thriving leftist/liberal culture in our universities and their long ranging effects/powers in regards to change..
Which points to something I have stated thousands of times--
Glaring fact/consideration is -- how many Senators and Congressman are not university educated?
Vast majority are and thus they were brainwashed towards favoritism to some degree socialistic ideas disguised as Humanitarianism..
That very deadly and devious fallacy of leftist oriented/borne self-righteous egotism coupled with political power makes for having to engage in some serious and very hard actions to reverse its power and cleverly accomplished deeds.
And such intensity and hard level actions are no in the make-up of the current Republican party, IMHO.

I hear you, in fact you just expanded what I wrote, we're saying the same thing.

06-20-2017, 09:53 AM
Most of native american DNA traces back to the first migration, so I don't know WTF you are talking about nor how it matters. Are you making some kind of twisted rationalization for genocide? The fact is that America lied, murdered and raped their way across the country. New Zealand and Australia did the same.

No it doesn't. Not even a good try.