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View Full Version : Marie Antoinette

08-07-2007, 12:54 PM
I thought this was really good, much better than I thought it would be. A lot of people seem to be misinterpreting the idea behind the movie, I think it was a conscious choice that Sofia Coppola made to avoid almost all political turmoil going on outside of Versailles until the very end. It shows how isolated M.A. was from her people. The music choices (a good portion of the soundtrack consists of late-80's postpunk) were slightly jarring at first, but it was a great way to give the viewer a sense of unbridled youth, even if it is anachronistic as hell. I could see why the French booed the movie at Cannes, but I wouldn't say it glorified M.A. in any way, I felt it made her look very incompetent, oblivious until it was far too late, and we all know the results. To that end, the film's conclusion is sudden and jarring, disturbing in a way, but not in the obvious way that you would think.

So, I love Sofia Coppola and Kiersten Dunst, so I was kind of predestined to love this movie, but it really surprised me how much I liked it, anyway. Very good stuff.