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06-22-2017, 04:46 PM
Stevie Wonder: Can’t Say, ‘Black Lives Matter’ When Blacks Are Killing Blacks

While addressing “gun violence” at a North Minneapolis Conference on Peace, musician Stevie Wonder said it is contradictory to say, “Black Lives Matter” while black-on-black crime rages out of control.

According to Billboard magazine, Wonder said, “It is in your hands to do it. It is in your hands to stop all the killing and all the shooting wherever you might be. Because you cannot say, ‘Black lives matter,’ and then kill yourselves.”

He continued:

Because you know we’ve mattered long before it was said, but the way we show that we matter, the way that we show all the various people of color matter is by loving each other and doing something about it. Not just talking about it, not just waiting to see the media and press come when there’s a horrible thing.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2017/06/22/stevie-wonder-cant-say-black-lives-matter-when-blacks-killing-blacks/

06-22-2017, 05:21 PM
Stevie Wonder: Can’t Say, ‘Black Lives Matter’ When Blacks Are Killing Blacks

While addressing “gun violence” at a North Minneapolis Conference on Peace, musician Stevie Wonder said it is contradictory to say, “Black Lives Matter” while black-on-black crime rages out of control.

According to Billboard magazine, Wonder said, “It is in your hands to do it. It is in your hands to stop all the killing and all the shooting wherever you might be. Because you cannot say, ‘Black lives matter,’ and then kill yourselves.”

He continued:

Because you know we’ve mattered long before it was said, but the way we show that we matter, the way that we show all the various people of color matter is by loving each other and doing something about it. Not just talking about it, not just waiting to see the media and press come when there’s a horrible thing.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2017/06/22/stevie-wonder-cant-say-black-lives-matter-when-blacks-killing-blacks/He'll get called an Uncle Tom.

Got to admit though ... Stevie Wonder doesn't see in color. Ain't a lot anyone can say about that.