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View Full Version : HUUUGE non story on foxnews about obama

06-27-2017, 12:18 PM
Front page news! Wow! Obama enjoying his retirement. Who gives a flying fuck. He's not in office anymore. He can do whatever he wants with his money. Must be a slow day.

Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

06-27-2017, 12:33 PM
Front page news! Wow! Obama enjoying his retirement. Who gives a flying fuck. He's not in office anymore. He can do whatever he wants with his money. Must be a slow day.

Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

So non-news that you feel the need to post about it? :laugh:

And if it's the left who is following what he does and they are angry - why are you blaming someone for reporting their being angry?

06-27-2017, 12:36 PM
So non-news that you feel the need to post about it? :laugh:

And if it's the left who is following what he does and they are angry - why are you blaming someone for reporting their being angry?

Why does it merit reporting at all? Breaking News: "Old man angry at bird for shitting on his chair". Front page! Someone is angry!

06-27-2017, 12:41 PM
Why does it merit reporting at all? Breaking News: "Old man angry at bird for shitting on his chair". Front page! Someone is angry!

Why did those democrats feel the need to get angry and then speak up about it? OF COURSE news from a recently left the office president is going to make news. Hell, how long did you guys squawk on about Bush after he left office, never mind the media reporting it?

06-27-2017, 12:50 PM
Why did those democrats feel the need to get angry and then speak up about it? OF COURSE news from a recently left the office president is going to make news. Hell, how long did you guys squawk on about Bush after he left office, never mind the media reporting it?

From what I can tell it's one "Democratic strategist". One Democratic strategist's opinion is not front page news.

06-27-2017, 01:02 PM
From what I can tell it's one "Democratic strategist". One Democratic strategist's opinion is not front page news.

And I know you'll say this isn't good enough, as the entire left goes nuts over the non-news stories about Trump himself and Russia, from sources that will only say "anonymous".

And it's more than just "one"


The Democratic base is growing increasingly frustrated

according to Democrats and activists contacted by Fox News.

said Democratic strategist Pat Caddell

Left-wing activists told Fox News

said Dr. David Michael Smith of the Houston Socialist Movement

The left-wing media is also worried about Obama’s luxury vacations

said HBO host John Oliver in an interview with Seth Meyers

06-27-2017, 01:03 PM
Front page news! Wow! Obama enjoying his retirement. Who gives a flying fuck. He's not in office anymore. He can do whatever he wants with his money. Must be a slow day.

Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

Seeing as how Fox still leads in rankings, I'd say they're doing things nicely. Hard to argue with first place, isn't it Petey?

It would seem that the anti-Trump thing isn't panning out so well for the others. And yesterday CNN had to fire 3 of their 'journalists' for another dishonest hit piece!

So, you're complaining about what Fox is doing when they're indisputably #1... I'd say your instincts are 180° off as usual.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-27-2017, 01:06 PM
front page news! Wow! Obama enjoying his retirement. Who gives a flying fuck. He's not in office anymore. He can do whatever he wants with his money. Must be a slow day.

Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

yet you never post criticism when media blast out news of the the maggot obama's criticisms of trump and trump's policies.

While you try to defend the traitorous piece of shit and the wealth he made while deliberately weakening this nation....-tyr

06-27-2017, 08:31 PM
Front page news! Wow! Obama enjoying his retirement. Who gives a flying fuck. He's not in office anymore. He can do whatever he wants with his money. Must be a slow day.

Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

petey. You get better at BS every time you post here. So, tell us. If GWB had done what Obama did during his term, and now...afterward; How would YOU and all the other HATERS from the left have treated your..."NON-STORY?"

Since I, and many others know you WON'T respond to this question. The truth always hurts you the most.

06-27-2017, 09:58 PM
Front page news! Wow! Obama enjoying his retirement. Who gives a flying fuck. He's not in office anymore. He can do whatever he wants with his money. Must be a slow day.

Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/06/27/obamas-under-fire-from-left-for-never-ending-sizzling-ultra-luxury-vacations.htmlSure. Everything is STILL Bush's fault, but Obama's retired. Just like when Clinton "retired". Everything was Bush's fault before he even assumed office. Now, it's all Trump's fault.

Y'all need a new game. This one's stale.