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06-28-2017, 04:22 PM
How it went from simply citing a statistic to the KKK being brought up is beyond me. I suppose he's upset that the crime rate of his district is being pointed out, but that hardly makes someone racist for doing so. I've been called a racist many times over the years on a couple of boards, for simply posting crime statistics.

This "white privilege" crap is getting out of hand, IMO. Not every white person in this world is somehow granted a better lifestyle, it's just tiresome. I've been pulled over like 100x in my life, ticketed on many many of them. I've been in the local lockup. I've been discriminated against because of my tattoos aka appearance. I've been sued before. I was jumped once in my life and robbed of like 20 bucks. I went to public school like everyone is offered and was never given special grades, I had to learn, study and do well to get the good grades. I had the shittiest of jobs at times. I first worked for $3.25 an hour and was thrilled to be working. A .25 cent raise like 6 months later was great. I got fired from several jobs. I once lived in a neighborhood for 2 years where the crime rate probably wasn't that far off from the 44 in New Orleans. I had a car stolen once.

Welcome to life. Shit happens to everyone.

Democratic Rep: Citing Uncomfortable Data Is White Privilege

Republican Iowa Rep. Steve King found himself accused of using his white privilege last week after he offered statistics that Democratic Louisiana Rep. Cedric Richmond didn’t like.

It all started at a House Judiciary Committee hearing where King brought up the high-crime rates of Central American nations that many immigrants hail from. King called the violence of countries like El Salvador shocking, but then pointed out that some cities in the U.S. have comparable murder rates.

“That shocking number in El Salvador, that 93.09 violent deaths per 100,000 — shocking until I looked up the data that was delivered to this committee from former member and stellar member Randy Forbes of Virginia, who had gone to New Orleans to examine the violent death rate and the crime rates,” the Iowa congressman stated. “And New Orleans, this was post-Katrina, and there the violent death rate, that was actually characterized as a homicide rate, in New Orleans was 90 per 100,000.”

The murder rate for New Orleans has since lowered to 44.8 per 100,000 — a figure that still makes it one of the deadliest cities in the country.

And that talk infuriated Rep. Richmond, who represents parts of New Orleans.

“We just had a conversation about this. We’re going to lose all civility in this committee if he thinks it’s appropriate to compare New Orleans to Guatemala,” Richmond fumed while incorrectly identifying the nation King was speaking of.

The committee chairman, Republican Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte, tried to calm down the situation by pointing out the obvious. “The gentleman from Iowa has the right to make a statistical comparison between two locations,” Goodlatte said in response to Richmond’s outburst.

But that only made the Congressional Black Caucus member get even angrier and bring up the inevitable Ku Klux Klan comparison.

“You are comparing the people in the location — that would be like me comparing him [King] to somebody in the Klan. I don’t have the basis to do that,” Richmond retorted to Goodlatte, before humble bragging about how civil and bipartisan he is.

Rest here - http://dailycaller.com/2017/06/27/democratic-rep-citing-uncomfortable-data-is-white-privilege/

06-28-2017, 04:28 PM
True story. Should have been around when then Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen Mundy stated on 60 minutes that statistically, blacks were poor swimmers. That inconvenient truth sent the Clinton Admin to peeing their pants.:laugh:

06-28-2017, 04:35 PM
True story. Should have been around when then Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen Mundy stated on 60 minutes that statistically, blacks were poor swimmers. That inconvenient truth sent the Clinton Admin to peeing their pants.:laugh:

Of course, anyone on the right is a racist pig when they are running against a democrat.

06-28-2017, 04:44 PM
Of course, anyone on the right is a racist pig when they are running against a democrat.Fact is, THEY keep racism alive, and it's partly the Right's fault. They use it as a weapon because the Right constantly overreacts to the accusation. I'd use it as long as it worked and they have. To the point that any idiot should be able to spot that stench a mile off in a gale. Yet, the Right still cringes every time it's thrown out there.