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View Full Version : It's No Longer the DLC's Party

red states rule
08-08-2007, 05:09 AM
From the Daily Kos. The Democrat party have handed the car keys over to the kook left

Sad and ridiculous
by kos
Tue Aug 07, 2007 at 10:45:31 AM PDT
The DLC desperately tries to remain relevant, with Harold Ford and Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley arguing some nonesuch about Democrats and the "center":

In the past 150 years, only three Democrats, one of whom was Franklin Roosevelt, have won the White House with a majority of the popular vote.

As LithiumCola put it, one could also say, "In the past 63 years, only three Democrats, one of whom was Franklin Roosevelt, have won the White House with a majority of the popular vote." Fun with statistics and all...

But beyond that, here's a simple fact -- one of those presidents WASN'T Bill Clinton, the DLC's patron saint.

The DLC doesn't want a victorious Democratic Party unless such victories happen using their formula. We've been there, done that, and it simply didn't work. Even working out of their own playbook, we couldn't get that magical majority of the popular vote. We lost control of the House and the Senate. Things truly seemed hopeless. We as a movement sprung from those failures.

So we arrived on the scene. We didn't flinch from our position on the war. We held the line on social security, even as the Very Serious People told us it was irresponsible. We championed Dean when we were told it would kill the party. We championed Lamont when we were told it would cost us the Senate. We celebrated Nancy Pelosi when we were told we would be demonized as "San Francisco liberals".

And we won in 2006. And we didn't eeke out a victory, but won a wave election. And yes, we won the popular vote in 2006. (54-42 in the Senate, 54-46 in the House, and 56-44 in governor races.)

Funny, the DLC's top candidate -- Harold Ford himself -- lost even as populist Dems won all over the country, in every region (even in the South).

We helped build this majority. Not the DLC's 350 or so members. This is no longer their party. And as such, we can look forward to finally being truly competitive for years to come.