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View Full Version : Soldier Arrested for ISIS Ties

07-10-2017, 08:01 PM
This is really disturbing news:


07-10-2017, 08:32 PM
Sad to say, but he does appear to have been somewhere near Obama during his many trips to Hawaii. Who knows?
Could Obama have been busy, after his golf games, trying to find new ACORN members to assist in the Overthrow of the Govt. from Inside our military???

Look at how busy Obama is these days, breaking laws, and hiding while trying to destroy Trump's presidency with....OLD OBAMA lovers working in D.C. and spilling FAKE NEWS to the IGNORANT.

07-11-2017, 12:20 AM
Massive and unfair to link Obama to this guy, as mentioned above.

The guy is evil or stupid. I am leaning towards "he's stupid."

07-11-2017, 03:51 PM
Massive and unfair to link Obama to this guy, as mentioned above.

The guy is evil or stupid. I am leaning towards "he's stupid."I'd go with stupid. Stupid CAN produce evil. So, he's both.

If guilty, life in Leavenworth far as I'm concerned. I'd go for a firing squad, but I doubt the US government will. Guess he can always try the "But Hillary did it ..." defense.

07-11-2017, 04:32 PM
The good news is both the Army and FBI were on to the idiot. Hopefully he'll spend a few decades rotting behind bars.

Better yet, why not air drop him over Afghanistan sans parachute? I think that would be fitting.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-11-2017, 05:49 PM
I'd volunteer to pull the lever on him.. fry him--not joking..--Tyr

07-11-2017, 06:16 PM
Massive and unfair to link Obama to this guy, as mentioned above.

The guy is evil or stupid. I am leaning towards "he's stupid."

It may sound unfair DMP, and I understand why you would say that. However, during the entire eight years of Obama in the W/H, the entire nation has witnessed a huge trend to disobey, and ignore rules, laws, and the rights of others with whom Obama Lovers still hate; much like those who hate Trump today who were convinced there would be Four more years of LAWLESSNESS if Hillary had won.

I have personally witnessed the actions of many members of the military (primarily Navy) who assumed an attitude that THEY WERE FREE to ignore rules, and laws because....THEIR pretend....Commander-in-chief was sanctioning their behavior by ignoring the Constitution as well. So...they followed his lead, and still do today.

07-13-2017, 01:42 AM
It may sound unfair DMP, and I understand why you would say that. However, during the entire eight years of Obama in the W/H, the entire nation has witnessed a huge trend to disobey, and ignore rules, laws, and the rights of others with whom Obama Lovers still hate; much like those who hate Trump today who were convinced there would be Four more years of LAWLESSNESS if Hillary had won.

That's a very good point - Obama and his ilk - and their rampant disregard and unpunished ignoring of law sets the example for others.