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View Full Version : Trump donor 'kills himself'

07-14-2017, 02:06 PM
Hmmmm, not the first "suicide" we've heard of when it comes to getting information about the Clinton's.


Trump donor 'kills himself' after revealing he tried to get Hillary Clinton's emails from Russian hackers

A Republican donor who died soon after telling a newspaper he tried to obtain Hillary Clinton's emails from Russian hackers during the 2016 presidential election killed himself, according to a report.

Peter W Smith, a former equity adviser, was found dead around ten days after telling the Wall Street Journal he tried to acquire emails missing from Ms Clinton's server.

Ms Clinton said she deleted some 30,000 online messages because they related to her personal life.

But Mr Smith told the Journal he thought the emails were connected to her official duties. He said and his team had found five groups of hackers, two of them Russian, who claimed to hold the emails.

Mr Smith claimed his efforts were independent of Donald Trump's campaign. Yet he implied he was working with Lt Gen Michael Flynn, who served as the President's national security adviser until he was fired over his alleged contact with Russian officials.

A cache of emails from the Democratic National Committee were published online during the election campaign. US Intelligence agencies said Russia launched a cyber attack in July last year with the intent of helping Mr Trump's campaign.

Rest here - https://sports.yahoo.com/trump-donor-kills-himself-revealing-111711748.html