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View Full Version : Study: Radicalized Muslims Have Little Actual Knowledge Of Islam

Great warrior
07-15-2017, 01:17 PM
A group of professed Muslim radicals “had no basic knowledge about Islam,” according to a new study.

Extremists and Islamophobes alike have attempted to paint violent factions within Islam as the true expression of the faith. But a new study (https://www.amazon.de/Lasset-shaa-Allah-Plan-machen/dp/365817949X?tag=thehuffingtop-20) gives credence to what countless Muslim leaders, activists and scholars have argued (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/24/muslim-scholars-islamic-state_n_5878038.html): that groups like the self-proclaimed Islamic State are Muslim in name alone.

A group of German scholars at the Universities of Bielefeld and Osnabrück analyzed 5,757 WhatsApp messages found on a phone seized by police following a terrorist attack in the spring of 2016. The messages were exchanged among 12 young men involved in the attack. The attack itself was not identified in the report.

Deutsche Welle noted (http://www.dw.com/en/young-islamists-in-germany-have-very-scant-knowledge-of-koran/a-39644737) that the timeframe suggested it may have been a bombing at a Sikh temple (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/sikh-temple-bombing-in-germany-was-carried-out-by-isis-sympathisers-a7007166.html) in Essen carried out in April of that year by a group of German teens with reported links to Islamic extremism.

Researchers conducting the study said the young men’s conversations demonstrated little understanding of their professed faith and that the group constructed a “Lego Islam” to suit their purposes.

Bacem Dziri, a researcher at the University of Osnabrück and co-author on the report, examined the messages from an Islamic studies perspective and concluded: “The group had no basic knowledge about Islam.”

The scholars published their study as a book exploring the “violent Salafist youth scene in Germany,” according to the Amazon blurb (https://www.amazon.de/Lasset-shaa-Allah-Plan-machen/dp/365817949X?tag=thehuffingtop-20), referencing an ultraconservative strain of Islam with which the young men were allegedly affiliated.


What's obvious is obvious. Dziri said: “With a profound knowledge of faith, it would be impossible, or at least considerably more difficult to radicalize in that way.”

07-15-2017, 01:57 PM
I suppose you can cite all the studies you want, but the fact remains that islam is a worldwide scourge and it's up to you muslims to figure out how to stop your fellow muslims from committing daily atrocities.

It seems that most of you are silently condoning murders of infidels, and when there is something said, it's when asked for and doesn't seem sincere - just lip service.

Great warrior
07-15-2017, 02:01 PM
silently Huh :cool:

07-15-2017, 02:19 PM
Muslims SUCK. I have some muslim "friends". I was warned. EVERY one of them has somehow, someway, screwed me. The most dishonest people I have ever had the displeasure of getting to know. And the cheapest. And the rudest. I was never ROBBED in New York until I got closer with a few muslim folks. Even a grown muslim woman took me for over $500.

Between all of the shit I learned growing up. Then watching nearly EVERY terror incident belonging to muslims. Then watching how the others reacted since. Then watching the ignorance. Then getting to know at least 20 of them personally, and via the local mosque. Sorry, I learned from my OWN, they can't be trusted, not one slight bit, not those I took a chance with.

07-15-2017, 02:20 PM
silently Huh :cool:

Shame the approximately 500 million of them that are radicalized in one fashion or another, get joy out of watching others die because they aren't muslim.

Anyone willing to kill children and family and mothers - with rocks, acid and hanging - FOR HONOR??? Or for leaving the religion? No thanks.

07-15-2017, 03:04 PM
silently Huh :cool:

Yes. Silently, for the most part.


Great warrior
07-16-2017, 02:16 AM
Yes. Silently, for the most part.


So, this is your source !
It's just another hate site that has been exposed over and over.Remain superficial. Do not study the Quran deeply. Best to rely on Google or websites that cherry pick verses out of context to make their point, or weave together the most offensive quotations available from Imams or rulings of Islamic jurors over time. How hard can it be to grasp the ins and outs of a 1500-year-old religious tradition whose texts are written mostly in languages you don’t understand, which spans countries and continents and has billions of adherents? Judaism could be well understood after several hours on anti-Semitic websites, right? And Atheist websites would be a great guide to the history of Christianity? Right. So stick to anti-Islam websites for your information. What could go wrong?


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-16-2017, 05:54 AM
A group of professed Muslim radicals “had no basic knowledge about Islam,” according to a new study.

Extremists and Islamophobes alike have attempted to paint violent factions within Islam as the true expression of the faith. But a new study (https://www.amazon.de/Lasset-shaa-Allah-Plan-machen/dp/365817949X?tag=thehuffingtop-20) gives credence to what countless Muslim leaders, activists and scholars have argued (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/24/muslim-scholars-islamic-state_n_5878038.html): that groups like the self-proclaimed Islamic State are Muslim in name alone.

A group of German scholars at the Universities of Bielefeld and Osnabrück analyzed 5,757 WhatsApp messages found on a phone seized by police following a terrorist attack in the spring of 2016. The messages were exchanged among 12 young men involved in the attack. The attack itself was not identified in the report.

Deutsche Welle noted (http://www.dw.com/en/young-islamists-in-germany-have-very-scant-knowledge-of-koran/a-39644737) that the timeframe suggested it may have been a bombing at a Sikh temple (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/sikh-temple-bombing-in-germany-was-carried-out-by-isis-sympathisers-a7007166.html) in Essen carried out in April of that year by a group of German teens with reported links to Islamic extremism.

Researchers conducting the study said the young men’s conversations demonstrated little understanding of their professed faith and that the group constructed a “Lego Islam” to suit their purposes.

Bacem Dziri, a researcher at the University of Osnabrück and co-author on the report, examined the messages from an Islamic studies perspective and concluded: “The group had no basic knowledge about Islam.”

The scholars published their study as a book exploring the “violent Salafist youth scene in Germany,” according to the Amazon blurb (https://www.amazon.de/Lasset-shaa-Allah-Plan-machen/dp/365817949X?tag=thehuffingtop-20), referencing an ultraconservative strain of Islam with which the young men were allegedly affiliated.


What's obvious is obvious. Dziri said: “With a profound knowledge of faith, it would be impossible, or at least considerably more difficult to radicalize in that way.”

Say, how is your friend JAFAR DOING THESE DAY?
You know , the verses that command the violence and the murders of infidels..
Now try to tell me those verses do not exist or that they have been abrogated..
You know the Koran has never had a reformation because anytime any person attempted to stop its commandments to murder non-muslims that person was himself murdered by muslims!
By the way, the Koran is the only holy book I know of that has a command to lie to non-believers.-Tyr

07-16-2017, 09:55 AM
So, this is your source !
It's just another hate site that has been exposed over and over.Remain superficial. Do not study the Quran deeply. Best to rely on Google or websites that cherry pick verses out of context to make their point, or weave together the most offensive quotations available from Imams or rulings of Islamic jurors over time. How hard can it be to grasp the ins and outs of a 1500-year-old religious tradition whose texts are written mostly in languages you don’t understand, which spans countries and continents and has billions of adherents? Judaism could be well understood after several hours on anti-Semitic websites, right? And Atheist websites would be a great guide to the history of Christianity? Right. So stick to anti-Islam websites for your information. What could go wrong?


Prior to 9/11/01, I had a relatively neutral outlook toward islam, like most other religions not mine. But my neutral outlook changed to very negative, and has been further reinforced with every atrocity muslims have committed since.

Jews don't go out and mass murder innocent people while shouting 'God is Great!'.

Christians don't go out and mass murder innocent people while shouting 'God is Great!'.

Buddhists don't go out and mass murder innocent people while shouting 'God is Great!'.

Hindus don't go out and mass murder innocent people while shouting 'God is Great!'.

I don't need to research other religions - their actions speak louder than words. All the other great religions are peaceful for the most part, with only the occasional idiot murdering someone - and here's the catch : When that happens, everyone from that community is outraged that one of their own would do something so evil and it is roundly condemned in no uncertain terms.

Conversely, the world is subjected to bloody attacks by muslims on a daily basis. And it doesn't matter what religion, color, creed or nationality the victims are; muslims kill them indiscriminately - men, women and children. You muslims even kill other muslims not of your particular sect with wild abandon.

You don't see Jewish Rabbis or Christian Priests or Buddhist Monks or Hindu Swamis whipping up the masses urging bloody massacres or calling for the heads of someone who disagrees with their religion. Instead, they're preaching love, tolerance and respect for others.

Conversely, islamic leaders call for murderous actions daily, and the crowds scream in response : 'Allahu Ackbar!'

No, I do not want to research islam, nor do I need to. I don't need or want to understand any other religion other than mine - I can judge by the religious adherent's actions of that faith to see what it is really all about.

I only have a vague understanding of Buddhism, but when I happen to meet a Buddhist, there is no deep suspicion or animosity between us; it is the person - not their different religion - that matters. There is no thought of a suicide bomb or decapitating someone and that's because Buddhists don't do such things.

Islam is the only faith in the world that actively uses children to engage in suicide missions. This is unthinkable to everyone else; and it shows the level of depravity muslims operate at.

You don't like the Religion of Peace website and dispute the information there, eh? Tell me, in the last 30 days, which of the following terrorist attacks did NOT occur?


Go ahead, dispute it. I'll wait for your response and discuss every one of those crimes against humanity and I'll get independent confirmation for them.

07-16-2017, 11:51 AM
silently Huh :cool:

https://www.theguardian.com/world/sh...errorism-stats (https://www.theguardian.com/world/shortcuts/2017/mar/26/muslims-condemn-terrorism-stats)

When a classmate told 19-year-old Heraa Hashmi that “all terrorists are Muslims” she began to compile a dossier of all instances of Muslims condemning terror attacks
"... Using Google spreadsheets, she made a “712-page list of Muslims condemning things with sources”, which she tweeted. The list includes everything from acts of domestic violence to 9/11.

“I wanted to show people how weak the argument [that Muslims don’t care about terrorism] is,” she explained.

Her stats struck a chord. Within 24 hours, Hashmi’s tweet had been retweeted 15,000 times. A couple of her followers volunteered to help her turn her spreadsheet into an interactive website and, within a week of the tweet, muslimscondemn.com was born. This was last November, but the website has grown considerably since then and, sadly, flickers into prominence whenever a new attack takes place...."

I've never doubted that MOST Muslims flatly Condemn Terrorism. And i believe the western plutocrats/oligarchs/kletocrats are using Islam and "terror groups" as pawns and as the new boogie-man.
However, the Islamic faith easily lends itself to terrorism on the edges.
And in the main, it lends itself to political and social oppression of all those that don't "submit" to it's prescribed lifestyle...

...More than any other major religion.

Great warrior
07-16-2017, 02:52 PM
Prior to 9/11/01, I had a relatively neutral outlook toward islam, like most other religions not mine. But my neutral outlook changed to very negative, and has been further reinforced with every atrocity muslims have committed since.

Jews don't go out and mass murder innocent people while shouting 'God is Great!'.

Christians don't go out and mass murder innocent people while shouting 'God is Great!'.

Buddhists don't go out and mass murder innocent people while shouting 'God is Great!'.

Hindus don't go out and mass murder innocent people while shouting 'God is Great!'.

I don't need to research other religions - their actions speak louder than words. All the other great religions are peaceful for the most part, with only the occasional idiot murdering someone - and here's the catch : When that happens, everyone from that community is outraged that one of their own would do something so evil and it is roundly condemned in no uncertain terms.

Conversely, the world is subjected to bloody attacks by muslims on a daily basis. And it doesn't matter what religion, color, creed or nationality the victims are; muslims kill them indiscriminately - men, women and children. You muslims even kill other muslims not of your particular sect with wild abandon.

You don't see Jewish Rabbis or Christian Priests or Buddhist Monks or Hindu Swamis whipping up the masses urging bloody massacres or calling for the heads of someone who disagrees with their religion. Instead, they're preaching love, tolerance and respect for others.

Conversely, islamic leaders call for murderous actions daily, and the crowds scream in response : 'Allahu Ackbar!'

No, I do not want to research islam, nor do I need to. I don't need or want to understand any other religion other than mine - I can judge by the religious adherent's actions of that faith to see what it is really all about.

I only have a vague understanding of Buddhism, but when I happen to meet a Buddhist, there is no deep suspicion or animosity between us; it is the person - not their different religion - that matters. There is no thought of a suicide bomb or decapitating someone and that's because Buddhists don't do such things.

Islam is the only faith in the world that actively uses children to engage in suicide missions. This is unthinkable to everyone else; and it shows the level of depravity muslims operate at.

You don't like the Religion of Peace website and dispute the information there, eh? Tell me, in the last 30 days, which of the following terrorist attacks did NOT occur?


Go ahead, dispute it. I'll wait for your response and discuss every one of those crimes against humanity and I'll get independent confirmation for them.

Do you believe that US has the right to drop the nuclear bombs on Japan ?

Muslims are Angels when compared to the bloody history of others. Remember the barbaric crimes of France, Portugal, US, Crusaders, Japanese. Your site again is a joke; http://islamiat101.blogspot.com/2012/08/exposing-lies-of-thereligionofpeacecom.html Whether you admit it or not, it's not my business. Whether you admit Islamic teachings are the most civilized ones compared to other religions or not It's not my business too.


07-16-2017, 03:17 PM
Do you believe that US has the right to drop the nuclear bombs on Japan ?

Muslims are Angels when compared to the bloody history of others. Remember the barbaric crimes of France, Portugal, US, Crusaders, Japanese. Your site again is a joke; http://islamiat101.blogspot.com/2012/08/exposing-lies-of-thereligionofpeacecom.html Whether you admit it or not, it's not my business. Whether you admit Islamic teachings are the most civilized ones compared to other religions or not It's not my business too.

Are you fucking shitting me with that rebuttal from that site? Holy deja vu batman!!

So let me get this straight. They say it was jihad or whatever that these muslims were doing that killed the innocent people. The site of course sets people straight on what jihad REALLY means, and since it's "supposed" to be fighting the bad and helping the oppressed - therefore it couldn't be jihad and muslims? get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

FACTS - the attacks on those pages - they are muslims killing other muslims, catholics, jews, buddhists....
FACTS - the FILTH that kill and say god is great, and in "honor", or for aspostasy, or because it's an infidel, or for whatever new reason of the day they find - ALL scumbag muslims. It's a theme, a common denominator.

Come and make whatever excuses and stories you like - REALITY and all of our own damn eyeballs speak volumes more. - also FACT.

Civilized? Teaching kids WHAT about Jews? Teaching kids WHAT about infidels? Teaching kids and young girls WHAT about the respect of women, their "equal" rights and all that other bullshit?

Is it civilized to bury someone to their waist and then bash them with rocks until they're dead. Oh, wait, some are buried to the shoulders, does that make it more civilized?

Is it civilized to kill someone because they leave the faith of Islam to now being Catholic? Don't act like you don't know what apostasy is and don't act like the killings don't happen - you'll just expose yourself further.

Is it civilized and/or ok for a man to EVER lay his hands on a woman, EVER?

Fuck, I feel dirty right now. :rolleyes:

07-16-2017, 03:23 PM
<img src="http://freethoughtnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/violentkoranictexts2-300x300.jpg">

You are the only one CHERRY PICKING here....<img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5q2i6TrzuE4/TZN8VsOG6fI/AAAAAAAAEGg/UA-boaZ_6Xs/s1600/cherry+pick.jpg">


07-16-2017, 04:42 PM
In my opinion, radical Islamists are better described as just the biggest gang of thugs in the world. They're a bunch of guys that feel marginalized by the world, but have found that if they gang up together and commit violent acts, then people start to fear them. They really like the feeling of being feared, and they don't feel so marginalized anymore, so they go out and commit more violent acts, and that makes them feel powerful. And then they justify it all by quoting the Koran, which is easy to do because the Koran approves of violence in a lot of ways. Maybe a lot of the radicals consider themselves followers of Islam, but more than that, they are just a big gang of thugs.

If non-radical Islamists, especially the clerics, would be more vocal in condemning terrorism, it would be a big help. But I rarely seen any Islamist doing so, and never clerics. Why not?

07-16-2017, 05:22 PM
Do you believe that US has the right to drop the nuclear bombs on Japan ?

You damn right we did. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat. It was a righteous nuking.

Muslims are Angels when compared to the bloody history of others. Remember the barbaric crimes of France, Portugal, US, Crusaders, Japanese. Your site again is a joke; http://islamiat101.blogspot.com/2012/08/exposing-lies-of-thereligionofpeacecom.html Whether you admit it or not, it's not my business. Whether you admit Islamic teachings are the most civilized ones compared to other religions or not It's not my business too.

Your taqiyya won't fly here. I've got your number.

07-16-2017, 05:56 PM
Why Islamic Terrorists Commit Attacks
- In Their Own Words

"I am one of the servants of Allah. We do our duty of fighting for the sake of the religion of Allah. It is also our duty to send a call to all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam...

"Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion."

Osama bin Laden, May 1998

So, Oh Phony Warrior. Tell us how you would handle a Nuclear Weapon to get your Martyr status, and win a Life-long adventure with your favorite GOAT???

07-17-2017, 07:24 PM
Ah, the religion of peace. (http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx)

silently Huh :cool:

07-27-2017, 07:27 PM
Ummm ,,, did "Great Warrior" run off? THAT is what I've noticed "studying" Muslims as the Great Kabuki suggests ... watching their backsides as they run when engaged.

07-27-2017, 08:04 PM
Ummm ,,, did "Great Warrior" run off? THAT is what I've noticed "studying" Muslims as the Great Kabuki suggests ... watching their backsides as they run when engaged.

Gunny. I think he realized, after asking the question for this thread...He was telling us that he actually has little knowledge of Islam, as the Radical Muslim he is. So..Bye Bye he went.:laugh: