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View Full Version : Rand Paul: I Want a 'Clean Repeal' Amendment on Healthcare Bill

07-20-2017, 05:11 PM
I hope others hope on board with Rand. If they can convince him, he'll get the others I think. He's one of the tougher nuts to crack. Get him onboard and compromise somehow on all of the medicare stuff, and hopefully reel them all in.


Rand Paul: I Want a 'Clean Repeal' Amendment on Healthcare Bill

Sen. Rand Paul appears to be inching closer to helping GOP leaders get a healthcare bill over a procedural hurdle, The Hill reported.

The Kentucky Republican told reporters he'd support a motion to proceed to the House-passed healthcare bill — the vehicle being used for action in the Senate — if he could get a deal on amendments, including one on a "clean repeal."

"If they want my vote, they have to at least agree that we're going to at least have a vote on clean repeal," he said, The Hill reported.

He suggested he'd be on board of Senate leaders guarantee votes on some of the most prominent healthcare proposals from the GOP — including repeal-only, repeal-and-replace and a bill created by Sens. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Susan Collins of Maine.

"I think they're pretty equal in support," he said, The Hill reported. "Let's do a random selection. Let's have three or four of them, put them in random order, the first day, equal billing. I think that's a compromise. I'm willing to get on the bill."

Senators are expected to hold a procedural vote Tuesday.

Paul has been a unequivocal "no" vote on the GOP's healthcare bill, and GOP leaders could get a boost if Paul were to come over to the "yes" side, and at least debate healthcare legislation.
