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07-21-2017, 11:08 AM
FOX is reporting that there are 'reports' that Spicer has resigned.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 11:09 AM
Time for Ingraham.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 11:10 AM
Wonder if he will turn on trump the way Bush43's did.

07-21-2017, 11:11 AM
I'm wondering if on this beautiful Friday, we'll find that Sessions too changes his mind and resigns.

07-21-2017, 11:14 AM

Sean Spicer resigns as White House press secretary after objecting to Scaramucci hire

Angelica LaVito (http://www.cnbc.com/angelica-lavito/)
<time class="datestamp" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2017-07-21T12:09:10-0400" style="user-select: text; padding: 5px 0px 0px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: &quot;Gotham Narrow SSm 4r&quot;, Arial; font-size: 11px;">3 Mins Ago

</time>President Donald Trump (http://www.cnbc.com/donald-trump/)'s press secretary Sean Spicer (http://www.cnbc.com/sean-spicer/) has resigned after opposing Trump's appointment of Anthony Scaramucci as communications director, NBC has confirmed with two people familiar with the matter.

The New York Times first reported the news (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/21/us/politics/sean-spicer-resigns-as-white-house-press-secretary.html?smid=tw-share&mtrref=undefined&_r=0).

A source close to the White House told NBC that Scaramucci met with Trump and it went well. When NBC asked whether Trump would change is mind, the source said the president's mind is made up.

But Trump chief of staff Reince Priebus (http://www.cnbc.com/video/2017/04/07/trump-considers-shakeup-of-senior-white-house-team-dj-.html) and top adviser Steve Bannon (http://www.cnbc.com/stephen-bannon/) had resisted the appointment, NBC News reported Friday (http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/anthony-scaramucci-expected-be-named-white-house-communications-director-n785076). It said the two were kept out of the loop on the decision.

This story is developing. Please check back for further updates.

07-21-2017, 11:15 AM
Saw this one a mile away, I thought he was going to resign at least a month ago. I wouldn't mind seeing Ingraham in there, but I think she would start getting blasted on the late shows and MSM before she said a single word in front of the cameras.

And while maybe Sessions as well - I also see on Drudge that Bannon maybe on the brink? Says Trump eyeing new faces? Not even knowing problems or concerns, maybe some new and fresh faces would allow for a fresh start in a manner of speaking. Bannon was NEVER given a chance, and there's still talk of him lying on Breitbart (not once ever proven) and that he was some sort of white supremacist, not even remotely ever proven.

07-21-2017, 11:21 AM
Saw this one a mile away, I thought he was going to resign at least a month ago. I wouldn't mind seeing Ingraham in there, but I think she would start getting blasted on the late shows and MSM before she said a single word in front of the cameras.

And while maybe Sessions as well - I also see on Drudge that Bannon maybe on the brink? Says Trump eyeing new faces? Not even knowing problems or concerns, maybe some new and fresh faces would allow for a fresh start in a manner of speaking. Bannon was NEVER given a chance, and there's still talk of him lying on Breitbart (not once ever proven) and that he was some sort of white supremacist, not even remotely ever proven.

Seems to me that unless he brings in people he's been loyal to from Trump Inc., he's going to have hiring people. He's been treating many of his staff in the same manner he treats CNN. It may play well with some, but is a problem in the long haul. It seems that those that had been the most loyal to him personally, got treated the worst. Granted, we don't get to see the sausage making.

07-21-2017, 11:31 AM
Seems to me that unless he brings in people he's been loyal to from Trump Inc., he's going to have hiring people. He's been treating many of his staff in the same manner he treats CNN. It may play well with some, but is a problem in the long haul. It seems that those that had been the most loyal to him personally, got treated the worst. Granted, we don't get to see the sausage making.

I've seen such position changes, and other changes, in almost every presidency I have watched. I think (could be wrong) that even Obama in the last presidency changed secretaries as well. Some leave during term changes, some leave in between, some get tossed and some resign. If all the folks that were fired or resigned over the years from their various bosses, we would have a ton of presidents that we could label as having loyalty and problematic issues with employees. I see a lot of this discussion because he is Trump.

If this were the case, what you were writing, we would have a LOT more problems with folks leaving from his cabinet and more.

And outside of the presidency, speaking of him as a boss from his own company, many employees and former employees spoke out about loving him, and about his loyalty.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 11:32 AM
Opportunity of a lifetime. I think Laura is tough enough to withstand the critics. Trouble is she has five kids. Can't count on banned words like Kathy Griffin to leave them out.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 11:35 AM
Every president goes through multiple press secretaries, chief of staff, etc. This gets more attention because it's early and because it is trump.

07-21-2017, 11:53 AM
Every president goes through multiple press secretaries, chief of staff, etc. This gets more attention because it's early and because it is trump.

Priebus will go, that was discussed a month ago or so. Steve Bannon on the ropes. Nancy Pelosi needs to go. Oh, he can't fire her? Damn.

07-21-2017, 11:57 AM
FWIW, apparently Trump had tried several times to get Spicer to stay on board, but Spicer bailed anyway. The only reason I point this out is to quell any of the 'you're fired' stuff before it comes up. And that's from cnn.

07-21-2017, 12:00 PM
Being the dumbass that I am, I was unaware that Spicer also held the title of 'White House Communications Director', in which the new guy, Anthony Scaramucci, was hired on for. That's all I know, but it makes you wonder.

07-21-2017, 12:25 PM
I've seen such position changes, and other changes, in almost every presidency I have watched. I think (could be wrong) that even Obama in the last presidency changed secretaries as well. Some leave during term changes, some leave in between, some get tossed and some resign. If all the folks that were fired or resigned over the years from their various bosses, we would have a ton of presidents that we could label as having loyalty and problematic issues with employees. I see a lot of this discussion because he is Trump.

If this were the case, what you were writing, we would have a LOT more problems with folks leaving from his cabinet and more.

And outside of the presidency, speaking of him as a boss from his own company, many employees and former employees spoke out about loving him, and about his loyalty.

Which is why I said he needs to hire from Trump Inc. Sure people quit, people get fired. Like him though, the true bad mouthing, making fun of their clothes, weight, etc., is unique. For some I guess, a good thing. What a leader is really like.

07-21-2017, 12:46 PM
Which is why I said he needs to hire from Trump Inc. Sure people quit, people get fired. Like him though, the true bad mouthing, making fun of their clothes, weight, etc., is unique. For some I guess, a good thing. What a leader is really like.

I don't think his cabinet members and others were all hired from Trump Inc. I don't see them getting fired or out there all resigning. Folks have disagreed with him since his presidency begun and not all issues are heated, or end up on the NYT like Sessions.

None of those things make a leader, nor has anyone stated as much.

But let's be honest here. You would have said the same as him about being a leader before the election. The same as him and having employees. Pretty much all things negative. I understand you would be happier should he proved you wrong in many areas. But you really never even acknowledge the brighter areas.

07-21-2017, 12:47 PM
Axios, seems to have the first 'insider' account of Spicer leaving. (Axios seems to be getting quite a few of these 'leaks' if you will, reporting them pretty straight forward):


onathan Swan (https://www.axios.com/community/jonathanswan)
Mike Allen (https://www.axios.com/community/mikeallen)
21 mins ago

Inside the room at Sean Spicer's resignation announcement

Reince Priebus and Anthony Scaramucci told the White House comms team earlier today that they were old friends and have known each other forever. While the length of their relationship is a fact, Reince, with the support of Steve Bannon and Sean Spicer, tried to block Scaramucci from getting the job, telling people he was woefully unqualified for the position.

At a 10 a.m. meeting this morning, President Trump offered Scaramucci the job as White House Communications Director.
Spicer quit after that meeting, according to (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/21/us/politics/sean-spicer-resigns-as-white-house-press-secretary.html) the NYT's Glenn Thrush.

"This was the last straw," said a source close to Spicer. The objection of the press secretary and his allies was that Scaramucci would hold the title, while Spicer would be expect to continue to carry out many of the duties related to strategy and planning.

"Sean was going to be expected to serve as press secretary while also being the quasi-comms director," the source said.

After the Oval Office meeting: Spicer, Priebus and Scaramucci stood in a row behind Sean's desk in the corner of the press secretary's office. A wall of TVs playing cable news was in the background. Some 40 staff gathered, according to a source in the room.

Spicer started off:

"A lot of you are hearing the news, and I want you to hear it directly from us."
He praised Scaramucci, said he's a fighter and can do a great job. Everyone applauded for Scaramucci.
Spicer added: "I want you all to be the first to hear that I told the president that I'm going to step down, but that I'm going to be very involved in the transition to make sure that Anthony can be very successful."
Sean framed the decision as wanting to give Mooch a clean slate.
A source in the room said he was very gracious about it, and everyone applauded for Sean.

Reince: "The president had decided to bring Anthony in, and it's going to be a great thing, he's a self-made man. He knows what it takes to run an organization... has built several businesses.... it was a great choice...."

Scaramucci's comments, after praising Spicer and the comms team:

He and Reince have a long relationship that started at a Koch brothers conference.
He'd actually tried to hire Reince to be COO with ownership stake of Skybridge, the firm he sold while waiting on a White House job.
They've worked closely together since the Romney campaign.

What's next: Scaramucci will spend the next week transitioning into the role and meeting his new staff.

Also, Spicer is to appear on Hannity tonight, for those interested.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 12:49 PM
Axios, seems to have the first 'insider' account of Spicer leaving. (Axios seems to be getting quite a few of these 'leaks' if you will, reporting them pretty straight forward):


Also, Spicer is to appear on Hannity tonight, for those interested.
If that's the case, I wouldn't count on him pulling a McClellan.

07-21-2017, 12:50 PM
I don't think his cabinet members and others were all hired from Trump Inc. I don't see them getting fired or out there all resigning. Folks have disagreed with him since his presidency begun and not all issues are heated, or end up on the NYT like Sessions.

None of those things make a leader, nor has anyone stated as much.

But let's be honest here. You would have said the same as him about being a leader before the election. The same as him and having employees. Pretty much all things negative. I understand you would be happier should he proved you wrong in many areas. But you really never even acknowledge the brighter areas.

I said that going forward he should look to Trump Inc., for his new hires. As you stated, they seem to have the loyalty he's looking for.

As for the last bolded, untrue. Likely you're not reading them, but even yesterday I responded to your list of achievements, though it may have been on a related thread.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 12:52 PM
Priebus will go, that was discussed a month ago or so. Steve Bannon on the ropes. Nancy Pelosi needs to go. Oh, he can't fire her? Damn.
He should use the military against Pelosi. :)

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 01:00 PM
Trump thrives on chaos.... Always has.

07-21-2017, 01:08 PM
Trump needs to hire
DON KING as his press secretary. That way Trump might be able to get some work done.

DON KING would be able to suck at least some of the air away from Trump.
After that he should hire successively
OZZY Osborne
Charlie Sheen
Dennis Rodman
Gary Busey
Kim Kardashian
Conye West
Ted Nugent
Mel Gibson
And still I say RICK FLAIR the Nature Boy "WHOO!!"

CNN and FOX ratings would be through the roof.
And Trump would look rational by comparison.

07-21-2017, 01:09 PM
Axios, seems to have the first 'insider' account of Spicer leaving. (Axios seems to be getting quite a few of these 'leaks' if you will, reporting them pretty straight forward):


Also, Spicer is to appear on Hannity tonight, for those interested.

I'll be curious about what he has to say for sure! Losing a title/job that you have been doing, hoping to get that gig long term is one thing... but then losing the title, and still being expected to do a portion of the work for that gig? That doesn't sound like material that would make any employee happy.

So will he now be unhappy and unleash some dirt for us? :) Or will we hear the usual about how it was simply time to move on to bigger things and a brighter future BS?

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 01:09 PM
Trump needs to hire
DON KING as his press secretary. That way Trump might be able to get some work done.

DON KING would be able to suck at least some of the air away from Trump.
After that he should hire successively
OZZY Osborne
Charlie Sheen
Dennis Rodman
Gary Busey
Kim Kardashian
Conye West
Mel Gibson
And still I say RICK FLair the Nature Boy "WHOO!!"

CNN and FOX ratings would be through the roof.
And Trump would look rational by comparison.
And it would guarantee reelection

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 01:10 PM
Only in America....

07-21-2017, 01:11 PM
I'll be curious about what he has to say for sure! Losing a title/job that you have been doing, hoping to get that gig long term is one thing... but then losing the title, and still being expected to do a portion of the work for that gig? That doesn't sound like material that would make any employee happy.

So will he now be unhappy and unleash some dirt for us? :) Or will we hear the usual about how it was simply time to move on to bigger things and a brighter future BS?

I don't think Spicer is going to give 'dirt.' Perhaps in the future, but not now.

07-21-2017, 01:18 PM
Only in America....

He could really stir the pot and hire Some Former Russian or Ukrainian Model.
Or even more some Former U.S. Russian Ambassador!
CNN's heads would explode.

07-21-2017, 01:22 PM
The press conference at the WH is running late, the talking heads on FOX are saying, 'Just coming in are reports that Susan Rice is being questioned by committee regarding unmasking. Also that there's movement on healthcare proposal. Unfortunately all eyes are on the ruckus at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., as is now normal.'

These are not anti-Trump folks, these are mostly folks that have tried to spin for him. They seem fatigued.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 01:33 PM
It's Sarah huckabee sanders.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 01:34 PM
Lol. Can't get a link. Just the alert on my phone. Maybe I should start using screen shots. :laugh:

07-21-2017, 01:38 PM
I thought it was SARAH PALIN!!
that'd be a good one too.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 01:41 PM
I thought it was SARAH PALIN!!
that'd be a good one too.
She will replace Comey.

07-21-2017, 04:32 PM
I hope he writes a book...

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 04:41 PM
I hope he writes a book...
Don't they all eventually ?

07-21-2017, 04:51 PM
I hope he writes a book...

I expect he will, down the line. For the time being, he'll be 'loyal.' I don't think this administration is going to engender good feelings from those that leave.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 05:19 PM
Cracks about sanders weight will be on the docket for late night tv.

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 05:25 PM
I expect he will, down the line. For the time being, he'll be 'loyal.' I don't think this administration is going to engender good feelings from those that leave.
It could be argued this job will pay millions down the line. I wonder how the watergate clan did with book sales

Black Diamond
07-21-2017, 05:26 PM
I expect he will, down the line. For the time being, he'll be 'loyal.' I don't think this administration is going to engender good feelings from those that leave.
Hopefully he doesn't pull a McClellan.

07-21-2017, 07:05 PM
Anyone watch the press conference today? Really bizarre. Scaramucci couldn't hide that he's a total slime ball.

07-21-2017, 08:23 PM
Anyone watch the press conference today? Really bizarre. Scaramucci couldn't hide that he's a total slime ball.

Who'd a thunk it petey? Whenever anyone talks about you, or mentions your name, you can't hide your SLIMINESS either. Of course you had to come here to show just how low, sick, and ignorant you are.....AGAIN!

07-23-2017, 02:03 PM
The more that comes out, the more it's becoming clear that this wasn't a Trump being a "bad boss" issue, or how either one of them treated one another. Trump wanted him to stay. both from his staff words, and Spicer's words himself.


Spicer: The President did not want me to go

Washington (CNN)Sean Spicer said Friday night that President Donald Trump did not want him to resign as White House press secretary but "understood" that it was in the best interest of the administration.

Speaking to Fox News' Sean Hannity, Spicer said that while he had previously considered resigning, it was his decision alone to leave his post as press secretary and give it over to a new communications team under Anthony Scaramucci, who was named the new White House communications director, and deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who will be taking over the press secretary position. The White House announced Spicer's resignation earlier on Friday.

"He's been very gracious throughout this process," Spicer said of Trump. "My decision was to recommend to the President that I give Anthony and Sarah a clean slate to start from, so that they can talk about the President's agenda and help move it forward. And he, after some back and forth, understood that the offer that I was making was something that was in the best interest of the administration."

Rest here - http://www.cnn.com/2017/07/21/politics/spicer-priebus-fox/index.html

Black Diamond
07-23-2017, 02:23 PM
See how Huck sanders does