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07-23-2017, 12:24 PM
I think had he picked up the baton early enough and they tossed Shrillary aside, I think he very well may have beaten Trump. But how would he do over a long continued campaign season? It all depends on how this Russian thing turns out of course. If nothing found, or if it's solely about folks surrounding him and no connection to him? Then we move onto how well did his first 4 years go. And Joe, while a nice guy, polite and all, isn't the brightest bulb out there. Anyway, just posting what I saw today, a tad early for speculators I suppose. Not to mention, he'll already be a fossil by then, and I think that alone may be the deciding factor.


Biden deflects question on 2020 run

July 22 (UPI) — Former Vice President Joe Biden deflected a question about whether he will run for president in 2020, saying instead his focus is on helping elect a Democratic Congress next year.

Biden publicly weighed a difficult decision about whether to enter the Democratic primary dominated by Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders in the immediate aftermath of the death of his son, Beau Biden, from brain cancer in 2015.

Biden ultimately opted not to run, citing the strain it would put on his grieving family.

Biden appeared ay OZY Fest in New York, a mashup of policy-related symposiums and musical acts. His wife, Jill Biden, a medical doctor, was one of several participants in a symposium on healthcare moderated by the journalist Katie Couric. With Biden looking on in the audience, Couric invited him to speak and asked whether he intended to run for president.

“My focus now, our focus now, is to get a Democratic Congress elected in 2018,” Biden said to cheers. “There’s a lot of talent in the Democratic Party. My hope and expectation is that some of the younger folks are going to come up and fill the void.”

Biden is 74 and would be 77 in 2020. If he were to capture the Democratic nomination it would make him by far the oldest candidate to do so when seeking a first term. President Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, at 70 and 69 respectively, are presently the oldest candidates nominated by either party in 2016.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/news/biden-deflects-question-on-2020-run/

07-25-2017, 05:21 AM
please please please make a go of it, Uncle Joe.

07-25-2017, 10:47 AM
Biden would have won, and he would most likely beat Trump in 2020. The Republican party is a shambles, and Trump isn't a conservative. The usual fed up people who don't even know what a conservative is but claim to be one will again act like babies and stay home and not vote, or vote for a sure loser 3rd party moron whose a bigger socialist than either Hitlery or Biden.

Trump beat the only person he could simply because no one wanted her. He won't be that lucky twice.

07-25-2017, 10:50 AM
Trump beat the only person he could simply because no one wanted her. He won't be that lucky twice.

Ummm, Maxine Waters is apparently testing the waters for a 202 run. :laugh:

Whether Trump, or a diseased and dead monkey from India - either would get my vote over her!

07-25-2017, 11:16 AM
Ummm, Maxine Waters is apparently testing the waters for a 202 run. :laugh:

Whether Trump, or a diseased and dead monkey from India - either would get my vote over her!Problem is, the left will vote for her. They do. Somebody's putting Waters, Pelosi, Rangel et al in office. It ain't me.

Meanwhile, the MSM is doing to Trump what it did to Bush ... just a constant needling at every turn going on and on and won't quit. People just get tired of hearing the sh*t and fall right into the left's game with a "f*ck it" attitude. trump would not have won without a collective and concerted effort to keep Hillary out. The GOP currently has no focal point to rally around where ALL conservatives/Republicans are on the same sheet of music. The RINOs act like babies if they don't get each and every single thing they want and refuse to talk.

Congress is the worst example and if something doesn't changes, we'll lose Congress again. Follow that with another left wing moonbat as President and we're just f*cked again.

07-25-2017, 11:19 AM
Problem is, the left will vote for her. They do. Somebody's putting Waters, Pelosi, Rangel et al in office. It ain't me.

Meanwhile, the MSM is doing to Trump what it did to Bush ... just a constant needling at every turn going on and on and won't quit. People just get tired of hearing the sh*t and fall right into the left's game with a "f*ck it" attitude. trump would not have won without a collective and concerted effort to keep Hillary out. The GOP currently has no focal point to rally around where ALL conservatives/Republicans are on the same sheet of music. The RINOs act like babies if they don't get each and every single thing they want and refuse to talk.

Congress is the worst example and if something doesn't changes, we'll lose Congress again. Follow that with another left wing moonbat as President and we're just f*cked again.

Very good summary that I can't argue against.

I can easily see the negativity going on forever, many falling for it, and congress having major issues in 2018. But if the idiots can't get shit done with such a majority, then some deserve to be out of a job. But the consequences STILL are bad for a nation, proper turnover or not. :(

07-25-2017, 11:30 AM
Very good summary that I can't argue against.

I can easily see the negativity going on forever, many falling for it, and congress having major issues in 2018. But if the idiots can't get shit done with such a majority, then some deserve to be out of a job. But the consequences STILL are bad for a nation, proper turnover or not. :(
What I see is a bunch of babies who can't set priorities. RINOs want all this and that but can't grasp the simple concept that you can't dictate all your candyass little wants without the POWER. You have to get the POWER BEFORE you can exercise it.

Sitting at home whining and/or throwing away your vote is just a vote for the bad buys.

07-25-2017, 11:40 AM
What I see is a bunch of babies who can't set priorities. RINOs want all this and that but can't grasp the simple concept that you can't dictate all your candyass little wants without the POWER. You have to get the POWER BEFORE you can exercise it.

Sitting at home whining and/or throwing away your vote is just a vote for the bad buys.

Yups, I agree. I hate this current congress, both dang sides, but of course more angry at the GOP schmucks. Have all the power and can get so damn much done, but they're too busy blowing it right now. They can make Obamacare disappear and put in something better, something discussed for YEARS, and yet they can't seem to do it.

There has GOT to be a way for citizens to do something, and get something into law or an amendment or whatever.

My broken record time: Fire all of them. Replace all of them. Maybe do it over a years period so folks are always in there. Finally come up with term limits. Lower salaries. Stop with the endless perks.

Then watch how we stop seeing career politicians that do what THEY want and couldn't give a shit about anyone else. You'll slowly start to see people in office that are all about helping their folks back home that elected them.

I don't know, maybe it would be more harm than good. But it can't be worse than the current lot of jerks in there now!

07-25-2017, 02:50 PM
<img src="http://www.lifezilla.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/BIDEN.jpg">

<img src="http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/nj1015.com/files/2012/10/552570_330559737041755_117961235_n.jpg">

<img src="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a319/fladj11/Nov%2011/bidenwalterjeffdunham.jpg">