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View Full Version : Rand Paul - Porkfest in health bill

07-23-2017, 12:32 PM
I honestly haven't thought of, read about or heard about this until today. But he's right. I've found myself agreeing with Rand an awfully lot as of late! And normally I find him a little out in planet cuckoo.


Rand Paul Says He's Looking for a Healthcare Solution, Slams "Pork Fest" Bill

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has been firmly opposed to each iteration of a healthcare bill the Senate has put out this year, and this morning he used even stronger language to call out his Senate colleagues' "pork fest" replacement bill on CNN's "State of the Union."

Sen. McConnell is expected to hold a vote to begin debate on healthcare as early as Tuesday. Sen. Paul said he'd vote to begin debate as long as it was for a clean repeal, but not for the Senate bill. In January, though, he said it would be a mistake to not pass a replacement bill at the same time as repeal, and Tapper asked him to square those positions.

"Really, I've always been talking about replace at the same time. The problem is, Republicans can't seem to agree on what replacement means.

"Replacement is legalizing inexpensive insurance, which means the federal government doesn't regulate it and we will allow the sale of inexpensive insurance again, legalizing the ability to join in association across state lines. I thought that's what we as Republicans believe in, but it turns out many actually believe in this giant insurance bailout super fund, nearly $200 billion that they're going to give to the insurance executives and rich insurance companies. So I'm not for that."

Sen. Paul insists he's looking for a solution and not to simply obstruct, but he won't vote for a big spending bill.

"If we can do both [repeal and replace] at the same time, absolutely I'm still for that.

I'm looking for a way to get this done. If you divide it into a cleaner repeal and then you take the pork fest and put that into another bill, I think they can probably get Democrats, because I don't know a Democrat that won't vote for a big spending bill.

They can work with Democrats if they want bigger government, but let conservatives vote for an actual repeal of Obamacare."

Rest here - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/jennifervanlaar/2017/07/23/rand-paul-healthcare-n2358654

07-24-2017, 12:36 AM
I think Paul makes generally solid points on how to best-run things. Too bad folks are afraid of change. :(