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View Full Version : Is Breitbart turning on Trump

07-26-2017, 04:19 PM
I don't believe there has EVER been a negative comment made about Trump on the Breitbart site. Until I saw this on Tuesday:


President Trump’s decision Tuesday to attack Attorney General Jeff Sessions over Sessions’ “position” on Hillary Clinton’s various scandals only serves to highlight Trump’s own hypocrisy on the issue — and is likely to fuel concerns from his base who see Sessions at the best hope to fulfill Trump’s immigration policies.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2017

Trump’s attack is the latest in a series of shots Trump has launched at Sessions in recent days, annoyed still over Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from Russia investigations in March. But Trump himself was the one who flip-flopped on whether to prosecute Clinton.

And then there was this:


Could it be that Sessions is a better representation of Breitbart's agenda than Trump?

07-26-2017, 06:47 PM
Nope. Breitbart isn't turning on Trump at all. Much to the mindless dismay of Liberals who WANT that to be true. Breitbart is only speaking, and reporting the TRUTH. Unlike the LAME STREAM MEDIA and their FAKE NEWS, presented daily as Liberal truth.
All of the accusations about Breitbart from libs suddenly went away when they saw Breitbart being HONEST. Not something many Dems, or Libs recognize.

07-31-2017, 01:40 PM
I don't believe there has EVER been a negative comment made about Trump on the Breitbart site. Until I saw this on Tuesday:


And then there was this:


Could it be that Sessions is a better representation of Breitbart's agenda than Trump?

In essence, Breitbart is Bannon. That is, a nationalist, isolationist, anti-trade, nativist agenda. You may also have noticed that earlier quips about "President Bannon" have subsided, and Bannon was more or less shoved out of the limelight. The Trumpy doesn't want to share that with anyone. So, maybe the folks at Breitbart thought that remembering the Trumpy he's not everybody's darling in every respect - easy enough to figure out in that the Trumpy has no ideological core, given "I Me Mine" doesn't amount to an ideology - and having a few shots at the vulgar talking yam on matters loosely related with what true ideologues find important would be in order. The Trumpy's attacks on Sessions, who appears to run the ideological Bannon train far more reliably than the Trumpy himself, would be a good occasion for the reactionary counter-strike.