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View Full Version : trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 11:56 AM
This is a bit lengthy, but it serves as an introduction and provides topics for discussion about our looney president. Also, it will serve as a beacon to friends who may be coming here.

Defining trump<!-- .entry-header -->
<!-- .entry-meta --> https://meanliberal.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/trump-chicken.pngI was thinking about how to define the trump presidency in a word or two. It became obvious immediately that it would be difficult to contain so much … trumpiness so succinctly.
Of course, “incompetence” came immediately to mind. From his Muslim travel ban to his health care bill to illiterate tweets to appointing people like Rick Perry or Betsy DeVos specifically for their ineptitude, this administration reeks of incompetence like no presidency I can think of. bush was a moron, but he looked for competence in his administration, perhaps in compensation for his cretinism.
“Dishonesty” is certainly prominent under trump. trump was labeled by every legitimate factchecker as far and away the biggest liar in a field of 19 candidates. He has not let up. His political career was built on the birther lie. He lied about always opposing the Iraq war and continued to lie in spite of a video showing he supported the invasion. He lied about watching Muslims celebrate on 9/11 and stuck by the lie just as he has about being “bugged” by Obama. Incompetence rises again in terms of how blatant and awkward are his lies. He knows now his fluffer groupies would believe him if he told them it was noon at midnight. They not only do not care that trump is a prolific liar, they love him for it. Fools think he only lies about and to “bad” Americans.
Ignorance works as a definition. Proud, stubborn ignorance. “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” trump figured out North Korea after ten minutes of talking to the president of China. Frederick Douglass is a rising star and he is good friends with a dead Pavarotti. Again, what a decent person would see as a flaw, Deplorables eat up as a virtue. trump is their knight against all those snooty people who know things.
Treasonous? Narcissistic? In both cases the nation is imperiled as trump is motivated primarily by feeding his justifiably fragile ego or pleasing Putin, in no particular order. The good of the nation barely registers in the brat’s tiny mind.
Cronyism? One of trump’s biggest lies is how “Drain the Swamp” became “Swamp the Drain.” He has a cabinet full of banksters and cronies. He has more ethics waivers to allow lobbyists into his administration in four months than Obama had in eight years.
The militaristic national chauvinism and over-compensating macho bluster evoke the definition “fascist.” His attacks on a free press, combined with the lickspittle approval of his herd turn his buffoonery into something more frightening. The casual bigotry seen in the way he has pandered to the ugliest of Americans adds an even more sinister odor of nazism to the fascism that so appeals to so many Deplorables. Sissies are so desperate for a strong man to protect them that they can even find him in a flabby septuagenarian brat.
Ultimately, though, I decided I would go with “cowardly.” Nothing defines trump and trumpies better. trump’s lies come largely from him being too much of a pussy to handle the truth. His incompetence is mostly a matter of his fear of hard work. Learning is so much more difficult than hiring somebody to do the thinky stuff. His cronyism is a result of being too afraid to have around him someone who might challenge him or see through his bluster. And fascism, of course, is all about cowardice. It works best on those who see boogey men everywhere and are such wimps they will happily trade independence for the security of goose stepping in a herd. trump himself is very bold when surrounded by the pitchforks-and-torches crowd. He has plenty of courage when inciting his mob to violence. Face to face? trump never brought up the Wall to the President of Mexico. He took it like a bitch when Carley Fiorina slapped him around in the debate, and then whined at Faux Gnus about it after. He had similar reactions in dealing with Megyn Kelly or a Black pastor, submitting meekly face to face, and then blustering bravely from a distance. Yup, cowardly. No label I can think of better defines trump. Certainly none better defines his fluffer bitches.

07-28-2017, 11:59 AM
I personally like to call him "president". Or better, sometimes I like to call him the "president who made liberals cry, scream, bite their teeth until they bled, the man who made liberals forget the word "tolerance". The president who made the nation laugh at the phrase "when they go low, we go high".

But President #45 works for me.

Some bumps that aggravate me. Stated them prior to you arriving here. Outside of those, I absolutely LOVE him, and LOVE him more with each liberal whine. :)

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 12:09 PM
I personally like to call him "president". Or better, sometimes I like to call him the "president who made liberals cry, scream, bite their teeth until they bled, the man who made liberals forget the word "tolerance". The president who made the nation laugh at the phrase "when they go low, we go high".

But President #45 works for me.

Some bumps that aggravate me. Stated them prior to you arriving here. Outside of those, I absolutely LOVE him, and LOVE him more with each liberal whine. :)

Haven't noticed the whining you are talking about. Of course, it is kinda hard to hear over all the Deplorable caterwauling over how they and trump are victims of a corporate media with a leftist agenda, some "deep state" conspiracy, scientists, Mexicans, environmentalists, unions, women, teachers, black people, Muslims, all furriners but Putin, and liberal snowflake bullies.

Black Diamond
07-28-2017, 12:14 PM
Haven't noticed the whining you are talking about. Of course, it is kinda hard to hear over all the Deplorable caterwauling over how they and trump are victims of a corporate media with a leftist agenda, some "deep state" conspiracy, scientists, Mexicans, environmentalists, unions, women, teachers, black people, Muslims, all furriners but Putin, and liberal snowflake bullies.
You lost to the deplorables. That's funny.

07-28-2017, 12:19 PM
Haven't noticed the whining you are talking about. Of course, it is kinda hard to hear over all the Deplorable caterwauling over how they and trump are victims of a corporate media with a leftist agenda, some "deep state" conspiracy, scientists, Mexicans, environmentalists, unions, women, teachers, black people, Muslims, all furriners but Putin, and liberal snowflake bullies.

You've missed a LOT of whining then. It started with the outright tears and excuses from day one. And continues to this day with Hillary making excuses, along with the entire Dem party.

But she has no say in anything, thank God. I admit to hearing the things you write, but not my writing.

The MSM has an agenda, and several have been caught lying.

The illegals coming over our southern border is a problem, no matter the race. I still want a wall. But seeing the illegals down by 70% is fantastic!!

I couldn't care less about the environmentalists.

Women and teachers are doing just fine on the R side. As are black people. The very black people that were more than pissed off that there hero didn't really do jack shit for them in 8 years.

I don't fear the muslims. But they ARE a massive problem, and for the entire world. It's proven time and time and time again - hell, daily for that fact.

The liberal snowflakes are hardly bullies. Just funny little buggers who complain enough to get their weird little ways.

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 12:26 PM
You've missed a LOT of whining then. It started with the outright tears and excuses from day one. And continues to this day with Hillary making excuses, along with the entire Dem party.

But she has no say in anything, thank God. I admit to hearing the things you write, but not my writing.

The MSM has an agenda, and several have been caught lying.

The illegals coming over our southern border is a problem, no matter the race. I still want a wall. But seeing the illegals down by 70% is fantastic!!

I couldn't care less about the environmentalists.

Women and teachers are doing just fine on the R side. As are black people. The very black people that were more than pissed off that there hero didn't really do jack shit for them in 8 years.

I don't fear the muslims. But they ARE a massive problem, and for the entire world. It's proven time and time and time again - hell, daily for that fact.

The liberal snowflakes are hardly bullies. Just funny little buggers who complain enough to get their weird little ways.

We can discuss this more later. I get drunk every Friday night, whether I need to or not, and argue politics on the internet until the wee hours. I find it cathartic. See you then if not sooner.

07-28-2017, 12:31 PM
We can discuss this more later. I get drunk every Friday night, whether I need to or not, and argue politics on the internet until the wee hours. I find it cathartic. See you then if not sooner.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! LOL So now we are all pre-warned about Friday nights!!

07-28-2017, 02:47 PM
Good afternoon, all.
New digs.
I'm impressed by the speed of the registration process.

07-28-2017, 02:54 PM
Good afternoon, all.
New digs.
I'm impressed by the speed of the registration process.

Welcome to our little site. :) We have a long running thread here if you would like to tell us a little about yourself. Hope you stay with us for a bit!


07-28-2017, 04:12 PM
I for one am glad to welcome Trump as POTUS. He will be a lot better for the rest of the world than Hillary would have been. Unfortunately for the US it will come at its expense. Thank you for your sacrifice.

As evidence of my assertion I refer you to the recent meeting of the G19. Has anyone but Trump managed to get them to work together so well?

I rest my case...

Yeah, easy rego, very good.

07-28-2017, 06:21 PM
I for one am glad to welcome Trump as POTUS. He will be a lot better for the rest of the world than Hillary would have been. Unfortunately for the US it will come at its expense. Thank you for your sacrifice.

As evidence of my assertion I refer you to the recent meeting of the G19. Has anyone but Trump managed to get them to work together so well?

I rest my case...

Yeah, easy rego, very good.

Once a colonial, always a colonial.
Are you sneering at "The Donald", you nasty KIWI bitch?

Hugs and kisses.

07-28-2017, 06:30 PM


07-28-2017, 06:32 PM
lol.....look at what the cat dragged in.....got anything good to say about Carter's inflation rates?......

07-28-2017, 07:08 PM
lol.....look at what the cat dragged in.....got anything good to say about Carter's inflation rates?......

No. We were talking about General Kelly's life insurance premiums.

07-28-2017, 07:12 PM
Is there an "Ignore" feature here?
I just saw a poster who a) bores the shit out of me, and b) doesn't know how to construct a sentence in English.
You might say I have a PMS aversion.

07-28-2017, 07:13 PM
Is there an "Ignore" feature here?
I just saw a poster who a) bores the shit out of me, and b) doesn't know how to construct a sentence in English.
You might say I have a PMS aversion.

No. Just skim by those posts you don't want to read. It's easy. ;) (Assuming you know how that works.)

07-28-2017, 07:45 PM
No. Just skim by those posts you don't want to read. It's easy. ;) (Assuming you know how that works.)

You mean scroll past, or is there another way?

07-28-2017, 07:46 PM
Is there an "Ignore" feature here?
I just saw a poster who a) bores the shit out of me, and b) doesn't know how to construct a sentence in English.
You might say I have a PMS aversion.

Try this (http://www.debatepolicy.com/profile.php?do=ignorelist).

07-28-2017, 08:01 PM
Is there an "Ignore" feature here?
I just saw a poster who a) bores the shit out of me, and b) doesn't know how to construct a sentence in English.
You might say I have a PMS aversion.


You should be able to open the member profile of anyone here. Choose the option once in there to place that member on ignore. The only members you cannot do so with are staff members aka moderators.

07-28-2017, 08:08 PM

You should be able to open the member profile of anyone here. Choose the option once in there to place that member on ignore. The only members you cannot do so with are staff members aka moderators.
:laugh2: I honestly forgot!

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 09:04 PM


I learned that you need to insert the URL at the top of the page into the video icon thingy, rather than use the one you get by right-clicking on the vid.

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 09:07 PM
I see you've met some of my friends. Let me fix myself something to drink, so I can settle in. Normally, I would be starting with some homemade wine - did a great batch of cherry wine recently - but another friend who will be here eventually, BV, left me some Polish beer. Damn, forgot to come up with an appropriate joke for that.

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 09:10 PM
Well, that's different. Beer is called "who you calling WUSSIE," a pilsner. Tasty.

07-28-2017, 09:14 PM
Try this (http://www.debatepolicy.com/profile.php?do=ignorelist).

Thank you!
If he ever learns to post using English punctuation marks, please inform me.

07-28-2017, 09:17 PM
Sorry. I can't stay tonight.
I'll be back tomorrow.

07-28-2017, 09:39 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/20292765_10212139228183277_8913516251205625116_n.j pg?oh=886c8071ba83d54e3262fa9f1afe3a96&oe=5A07A12A

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 09:44 PM
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/20292765_10212139228183277_8913516251205625116_n.j pg?oh=886c8071ba83d54e3262fa9f1afe3a96&oe=5A07A12A

Howdy. Right now, this place is more active than USMB is.

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 09:49 PM
OTOH, I just looked in, and SPRAYIT has some new crying baby pictures. Okay, it's the same one, but ...

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 09:52 PM
So, Rancid Priebus is out. Seems leaking is a worse offense in the trump administration than is self-fellatio. Speaking of which, I see Beauregard Sessions is working hard at trump's crotch in an effort to save his job.

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 09:55 PM
I'm sure Scaramucci will keep the trump admin the "fine-tuned machine" it has been to this point.

https://mattgerrardonline.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/59659-picture_48_super.png (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjpjpf4vq3VAhWqwVQKHURIANAQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmattgerrardonline.wordpress.com% 2F2011%2F02%2F18%2Fzohan-versus-zoolander%2F&psig=AFQjCNGGTXyyuw24HNOpCSkiHFIFDGZEOA&ust=1501383197882638)

07-28-2017, 09:56 PM
Howdy. Right now, this place is more active than USMB is.

With you here, it should even get busier. Lotta tough-guy patriots here. Hope they aren't E-thug, geeky dweebs like the last place. Putting up with simpleton bigots is bad enough, but the needy hand-holding while speaking in allegory was more offensive than typical rightard racism.

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 10:04 PM
With you here, it should even get busier. Lotta tough-guy patriots here. Hope they aren't E-thug, geeky dweebs like the last place. Putting up with simpleton bigots is bad enough, but the needy hand-holding while speaking in allegory was more offensive than typical rightard racism.

Ran into a bit of the I'm-Sergeant-Rock stuff on the transgender thread, but nobody has gone ethug here that I've seen.

07-28-2017, 10:16 PM

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 10:34 PM

I was listening to a discussion today about the Mooch being one of the most notorious leakers in the bush campaign. They finally cut him off from any important information. His wife filed for divorce today, remarking she was disgusted by his "naked ambition."

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 10:42 PM
Okay, bipartisan humor break:
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/q86/s720x720/20368956_2064989253728710_7197592067945649388_o.jp g?oh=61b674ec86ff290a448e308ba9a666b1&oe=59FACD02

Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 11:02 PM
And some partisan humor:
<i class="img sp_w99bN_youhv sx_60a7e2"><input name="privacyx" id="u_jsonp_7_18" type="hidden" value="291667064279714" autocomplete="off">

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/11204424_1934503419893960_694081520177479757_n.jpg ?oh=c0924a42aa1a4f7e50a1d1c4c8905d8a&oe=5A01260B


Ricky Tavy
07-28-2017, 11:59 PM
Just did a walkabout, enlightening the savages on other threads with the Word of Knowledge. It is time now to sit back a bit and await their grateful adoration.

Ricky Tavy
07-29-2017, 12:47 AM
Damn, I'm hoping the lack of activity here after dark is a matter of all the swingers partying elsewhere on a Friday night and not a case of the residents sleeping off the Denny's early-bird special. I hope I did not scare all the righties deep into their burrows.

07-29-2017, 02:27 AM
lol.....look at what the cat dragged in.....got anything good to say about Carter's inflation rates?......

Yes. You are..........too innumerate to calcula...........te them correctly and mad..............e a laughing stock of yours.................elf in attempting to do so. lol

07-29-2017, 02:29 AM
Once a colonial, always a colonial.
Are you sneering at "The Donald", you nasty KIWI bitch?

Hugs and kisses.

No way. He is the president the US deserves.

Ricky Tavy
07-29-2017, 02:56 AM
Not sure if we scared the righties into their burrows, or if this place just rolls up the sidewalks after dark. Drawbacks of not importing our own rightards? I'm thinking that right about tonight, "Welcome, newbies" became "Oh my Gawd!"

Ricky Tavy
07-29-2017, 04:45 AM
Okay, I don't do weekends much, so you have a couple of days, most likely to form something resembling an explanation as to why it is somebody else's fault you're a victim.

07-29-2017, 08:27 AM
We can discuss this more later. I get drunk every Friday night, whether I need to or not, and argue politics on the internet until the wee hours. I find it cathartic. See you then if not sooner.

You may not need to get drunk. Ah, but, do you need to be drunk to argue your politics ?

I sympathise. I really do ...

07-29-2017, 08:28 AM
Not sure if we scared the righties into their burrows, or if this place just rolls up the sidewalks after dark. Drawbacks of not importing our own rightards? I'm thinking that right about tonight, "Welcome, newbies" became"Oh my Gawd!":laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

God - that's priceless !!

Ricky, you're a welcome addition here. GREAT sense of humour, my son !!

07-29-2017, 04:26 PM
No way. He is the president the US deserves.

'... the US deserves ...'.


Trump has the potential to be a truly great President, so, you may be correct, though in a manner you probably don't intend.

Your wording, though, suggests you're not from the US yourself ? Where are you from ?

A previous post mentioned 'Kiwi', I think, though I don't know if the reference is accurate. Are you from that part of the world ?

If so ... I'd be interested to know if NZ media is as prejudicially jaundiced as its British counterpart(s) ......

07-29-2017, 04:27 PM
With you here, it should even get busier. Lotta tough-guy patriots here. Hope they aren't E-thug, geeky dweebs like the last place. Putting up with simpleton bigots is bad enough, but the needy hand-holding while speaking in allegory was more offensive than typical rightard racism.

Is it 'naughty' to be patriotic ?

Just asking :rolleyes: ....

07-29-2017, 04:30 PM

God - that's priceless !!

Ricky, you're a welcome addition here. GREAT sense of humour, my son !!

Sir Drummond. Is there a kind way to tell Ricky how we have to Lower our standards here, that allow devout haters to believe they are funny?:laugh:

07-29-2017, 05:05 PM
If so ... I'd be interested to know if NZ media is as prejudicially jaundiced as its British counterpart(s) ......

Hoho, for a demonstration of deflection you should see interviews of the PM where his impression of the POTUS is sought.

07-29-2017, 08:44 PM
Nice place! Like the look. I could get used to this.

07-29-2017, 09:08 PM
Nice place! Like the look. I could get used to this.

The software is the same as that of three other places we've been to...modulo the version, of course

07-29-2017, 09:12 PM
The software is the same as that of three other places we've been to...modulo the version, of course

Signing up was a breeze. The site seems responsive.

07-30-2017, 04:14 AM
Sir Drummond. Is there a kind way to tell Ricky how we have to Lower our standards here, that allow devout haters to believe they are funny?:laugh:

I doubt it, Aboutime ...

I've a funny feeling that 'kindness' isn't near the top of our newcomers' considerations. Rather, I think that things are going to get lively around here ...

.. which is fine, from my point of view. If our opposition think they can do well from challenging people like myself, I think they've a surprise coming their way.

Time will tell. Should be 'fun' ...

07-30-2017, 10:30 AM
I don't think invincible ignorance will be surprise, we've encountered it everywhere else as well.

07-30-2017, 01:18 PM
I doubt it, Aboutime ...

I've a funny feeling that 'kindness' isn't near the top of our newcomers' considerations. Rather, I think that things are going to get lively around here ...

.. which is fine, from my point of view. If our opposition think they can do well from challenging people like myself, I think they've a surprise coming their way.

Time will tell. Should be 'fun' ...

Looking forward to it, Sir Drummond. Someday, the American Liberals, Democrats, and Haters will realize...."THEY LOST LAST NOVEMBER!"

<img src="https://pastorwardclinton.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/dems-lost.jpg?w=809">

07-30-2017, 08:33 PM
I don't think invincible ignorance will be surprise, we've encountered it everywhere else as well.

Rivetingly informative .... wow ....

You are welcome to try a little harder than this to make a case ... any case ........

Black Diamond
07-30-2017, 09:43 PM
Any moron could do the following:

1. Turn a few million dollars into $4 billion while creating a real estate empire in a city known for chewing people up and spitting them out..

2. Star in and produce the #1 show on television.

3. With zero political experience, defeat 14 republican candidates, and then the "most qualified candidate in history" in an election unwinnable for any republican ( blue wall anyone?)

Yes anyone can do any and all of the above.. That's why everyone does.

07-31-2017, 08:59 AM
Any moron could do the following:

1. Turn a few million dollars into $4 billion while creating a real estate empire in a city known for chewing people up and spitting them out..

2. Star in and produce the #1 show on television.

3. With zero political experience, defeat 14 republican candidates, and then the "most qualified candidate in history" in an election unwinnable for any republican ( blue wall anyone?)

Yes anyone can do any and all of the above.. That's why everyone does.

Only a moron could believe all of the above, and apparently, enough voters could. Hence, the buffoon is president.

07-31-2017, 09:11 AM
You voted for a leader who has "zero moral compass."
Bell, who was once a megachurch pastor, says many evangelicals voted that way because they were motivated by "fear and power."
"The reason why this person got elected in many ways can be traced to a misreading of scripture," Bell said. "The way of Jesus is the way of nonviolence, it's love of the other. The story of Exodus is remembering you were once wandering slaves, so whatever you do be kind to the widow, the orphan, the immigrant among you. So when a nation of immigrants starts putting up travel bans, you have officially lost the plot."


07-31-2017, 09:18 AM
“Is it conservative to praise dictators as ‘strong leaders,’ to speak fondly of countries that crush dissent and murder political opponents …? Is it conservative to demonize and vilify and mischaracterize religious and ethnic minorities …? Is it conservative to be an ethno-nationalist? Is it conservative to embrace as fact things that are demonstrably untrue?”Trump will surely see Senator Flake’s appearance on CBS at some point, since he famously keeps close track of how he’s portrayed in the media (http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tv-cable-news-cnn-fox-msnbc-2017-4). He probably won’t pick up Flake’s book, however, since he’s never been a big reader. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trump-doesnt-read-much-being-president-probably-wouldnt-change-that/2016/07/17/d2ddf2bc-4932-11e6-90a8-fb84201e0645_story.html?utm_term=.3bd5bd316f4b) But he can’t be happy that yet another Republican senator has finally said “enough” in response to his failed presidency.


Black Diamond
07-31-2017, 09:36 AM
Only a moron could believe all of the above, and apparently, enough voters could. .
Yes. Only a moron would believe trump is a moron. I agree.

07-31-2017, 09:41 AM
In Defense Of President Trump
I've had enough of the constant needling from the Left. I'm sick of the insults and the disrespect, the wagging fingers and the I-told-you-sos. Donald Trump won the election. He's our leader, and he's doing a fantastic job. So strap in, America, as I list every single one of his accomplishments as President.
And liberals, don't try to turn this into a discussion about all the things you don't like about him. His political inexperience. His caustic style. His lack of judgment. Save that crap for your own whiny rants. This is my time, and I'm here to show Trump some respect.
So forget about Russia for a minute. Forget about the clandestine meetings involving Trump's inner circle and a conniving, Dirty Dozen squadron of shady Kremlin operatives. Forget about the Putin-sponsored hacking and the pee tape. You know, the one with the Russian call girls, the one cited in that intelligence dossier? That's exactly the kind of junk that has no business in a post about Trump's accomplishments, so if that's what you're looking for, brother, you've come to the wrong place.
Oh and let me guess, you're sitting there, arms folded, shaking your head, dwelling on the "pussy grabbing" incident, right? The time we all clearly heard Trump casually admitting to and boasting about sexual assault? The tape his apologists downplayed as "locker room talk"? That has no business here, Jack. If all you can do is dwell on that, go read yourself some Mother Jones. Because I'm here to talk about the positives.
Not the empty promises. We aren't here to revisit his campaign speeches. I'm not bringing up "Day one, Obamacare is dead! DEAD!" Or "You're going to get so tired of all the winning!" Or "Lock her up!" Or "The wall just got ten feet higher!" Oh, I'm sure you would just love to put those under the hot klieg lights and watch me squirm as I try to defend them. Ain't gonna happen.
No, I'm not here to argue about whether or not Donald Trump has time and time again revealed himself to be ignorant of history, uninterested in filling the tremendous gaps in his knowledge and likely wholly incapable of doing so because he lacks the capacity to think about anything that doesn't serve to stroke the throbbing, orange shaft of his own ego. So go mull that over in a pot-smoke-filled basement with your butthurt liberal friends, because it's not worthy of my time.
And I won't talk about his impulsive and unhinged Twitter rants. You won't lure me into a debate about the stupidity of Trump's digital pyromania - his compulsion to set distracting little fires at 5:30 a.m. in 140 characters or less while he sits alone in bed in his underwear, bathed in the flickering light of a FOX News broadcast. I'm not interested in discussing his viciousness, his vindictiveness, and the fact that he can't resist the urge to strike back at every perceived slight, no matter how small. So I'm not mentioning it.
Other topics I'm not here to discuss:
His Cabinet full of goons.
The infighting that has paralyzed his White House staff.
His tone-deaf speeches and his never-ending election campaign.
His complete disregard for the balance of power in our government.
His attempts to stymie the investigation into his misdeeds, and his threats against anyone who won't bend the knee.
His incessant attacks on minority groups.
The way he has turned America into a laughingstock.
His love for dictators and despots.
His endless attacks on the media.
His singleminded focus on undoing Obama's legacy.
His winking support of violence and hate.
His comical attempts to suck up to Christians by portraying himself as a religious man.
His obsession with Hillary.
His constant lies.
And finally, you can just forget about any discussion that pokes fun at Trump's persona. His "poor man's idea of a rich man" vibe. The orange hair and the long ties and the private jets and the branded buildings and the TV shows and the models and the champagne and the golden everything and the "bigly" and the dripping wet sleaze. Get this through your thick skulls - I am here to show respect for Donald J. Trump. If you want mocking, click on over to the Huffington Post.
So let's knock off the foreplay, and let's get to all the beautiful things he has done since taking office. I'm going to list every single one of his accomplishments right here, right now, in black and white. Every last one.
You know, on second thought, what purpose would that serve? Donald Trump won the election. He is our President. He's good enough for less than half of America, and that's good enough for me. -Red State Rustler

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 10:19 AM
Any moron could do the following:

1. Turn a few million dollars into $4 billion while creating a real estate empire in a city known for chewing people up and spitting them out..

2. Star in and produce the #1 show on television.

3. With zero political experience, defeat 14 republican candidates, and then the "most qualified candidate in history" in an election unwinnable for any republican ( blue wall anyone?)

Yes anyone can do any and all of the above.. That's why everyone does.

1. "A few million dollars"? Estimates of his inheritance vary from $40 to $200 million. And, that does not count loan guarantees from daddy. If he had put it $120 (middle of inheritance estimates) into the stock market when he got it then, it would be close to $9 bil. Then, throw in that his best real estate deals look like money laundering for Russian oligarchs and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and you get some insight why trump broke his promise to reveal his tax returns.
2. Rupert Murdoch made billions selling bullshit to Deplorables needing their prejudices reinforced. Those who get their news from Faux Gnus have been shown to be very poorly informed, but they keep going back for more. Moral of the story is, lots of people have made money selling stupid on TV.
3. Yes, trump was successful selling fear and validating bigotry in politics. A sufficiently large minority of American voters were attracted to a vulgar brat who fed their hatred, stoked their fear, and gave them someone to blame for their inadequacies by promising a scapegoat in every pot.

This has now brought us to where America is humiliated before the world, as a dysfunctional White House deals with which of its residents is "sucking his own cock." You must be so proud.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 11:14 AM

07-31-2017, 12:50 PM
Damn, I'm hoping the lack of activity here after dark is a matter of all the swingers partying elsewhere on a Friday night and not a case of the residents sleeping off the Denny's early-bird special. I hope I did not scare all the righties deep into their burrows.

Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, Ricky. I can't speak for the others, but I've been busy playing Tour Guide for my visiting family from Wisconsin.

We've had more than a few moonbats wander through here spewing the usual liberal vitriol and I've seen nothing from you that warrants any cause for alarm.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 01:00 PM
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, Ricky. I can't speak for the others, but I've been busy playing Tour Guide for my visiting family from Wisconsin.

We've had more than a few moonbats wander through here spewing the usual liberal vitriol and I've seen nothing from you that warrants any cause for alarm.

Pehaps, the others who came through here became quickly bored. The complaint I'm hearing from my friends is that the righties here just aren't very good. "I know you are" and "you're gay" appear to be the acme of Deplorable wit. Whining that liberals are mean, especially to that paragon of civility Donnie trump is your anthem. Forensics is based on logical fallacies that would embarrass a high school student. Parrotry of rightard propaganda sites is the ultimate weapon deployed in support of stunningly silly assertions.

You guys need to step it up ... bigly.

07-31-2017, 01:08 PM
Pehaps, the others who came through here became quickly bored. The complaint I'm hearing from my friends is that the righties here just aren't very good. "I know you are" and "you're gay" appear to be the acme of Deplorable wit. Whining that liberals are mean, especially to that paragon of civility Donnie trump is your anthem. Forensics is based on logical fallacies that would embarrass a high school student. Parrotry of rightard propaganda sites is the ultimate weapon deployed in support of stunningly silly assertions.

You guys need to step it up ... bigly.

That's a mighty big brush you've got there. Been wielding it long?

Jump in, Ricky. The water's fine.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 01:31 PM
That's a mighty big brush you've got there. Been wielding it long?

Jump in, Ricky. The water's fine.

Perhaps, you could point to a righty I brushed unfairly? Someone who can at least discern I have been swimming about for some time now?

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 01:43 PM
Scaramucci out!


07-31-2017, 01:51 PM
Scaramucci out!


Always loved juggling to steam calliope music.

07-31-2017, 01:52 PM
Damn, I'm hoping the lack of activity here after dark is a matter of all the swingers partying elsewhere on a Friday night and not a case of the residents sleeping off the Denny's early-bird special. I hope I did not scare all the righties deep into their burrows.

Speaking solely for myself, some of the answers I received to my olive branches and initial posts, kinda turned me off. I've been sitting back solely reading, and have read a ton of insults geared towards the entire board already. Not really my cup of tea all the time.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 02:06 PM
Speaking solely for myself, some of the answers I received to my olive branches and initial posts, kinda turned me off. I've been sitting back solely reading, and have read a ton of insults geared towards the entire board already. Not really my cup of tea all the time.

My post introducing myself was met with insults. Deplorables on the transgender thread have used variations of "you're a fag" as their number one debate point. And, while this board is made up mostly of righties, and I and we have insulted their level of knowledge and forensics abilities, that is not the entire forum.

07-31-2017, 02:08 PM
Speaking solely for myself, some of the answers I received to my olive branches and initial posts, kinda turned me off. I've been sitting back solely reading, and have read a ton of insults geared towards the entire board already. Not really my cup of tea all the time.I'm trying to figure out why people with special crying rooms in their taxpayer funded universities are calling the people bitching about their own party (so you KNOW it ain't any lockstep Demmings) crybabies. ? I've been laughing at the frantic left since November.
And, @imnyc , when the f*ck are you going to learn to quit sticking your olive branch crank out for the ungrateful to whack? You're suck a dumbass sometimes.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 02:10 PM
Speaking solely for myself, some of the answers I received to my olive branches and initial posts, kinda turned me off. I've been sitting back solely reading, and have read a ton of insults geared towards the entire board already. Not really my cup of tea all the time.

Speaking for myself and some others, I should add we WERE impressed with your welcome to liberals. We are impressed that we have not seen one-sided moderation of insults to this point.

07-31-2017, 02:12 PM
My post introducing myself was met with insults. Deplorables on the transgender thread have used variations of "you're a fag" as their number one debate point. And, while this board is made up mostly of righties, and I and we have insulted their level of knowledge and forensics abilities, that is not the entire forum.

I've seen quite a bit of insulting going on towards the masses, with some not having replied as such to any of you. When no one is quoted, and an insult is geared towards the masses "here" or such, one is only left to believe that it's to everyone. I would assume everyone knows how to use the quote feature. No biggie, just explaining one person's hesitance is all. I'm not here to fight people and ignore the rest of the board. But I do understand that each has their preferences.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 02:12 PM
I'm trying to figure out why people with special crying rooms in their taxpayer funded universities are calling the people bitching about their own party (so you KNOW it ain't any lockstep Demmings) crybabies. ? I've been laughing at the frantic left since November.
And, @imnyc , when the f*ck are you going to learn to quit sticking your olive branch crank out for the ungrateful to whack? You're suck a dumbass sometimes.

Your resentment of higher education, given this bit of gibberish, is ... understandable.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 02:15 PM
I've seen quite a bit of insulting going on towards the masses, with some not having replied as such to any of you. When no one is quoted, and an insult is geared towards the masses "here" or such, one is only left to believe that it's to everyone. I would assume everyone knows how to use the quote feature. No biggie, just explaining one person's hesitance is all. I'm not here to fight people and ignore the rest of the board. But I do understand that each has their preferences.

Well, I haven't seen what you are talking about, so I would assert that it has not exactly been pervasive. I would agree that it is rude to insult an entire board one is using.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 02:16 PM
Okay, later.

07-31-2017, 02:17 PM
Speaking for myself and some others, I should add we WERE impressed with your welcome to liberals. We are impressed that we have not seen one-sided moderation of insults to this point.

As it should be. Moderating is short here unless a must, or moving posts to the appropriate areas.

As far as posting, as I said elsewhere, I'm more of a "reply in kind" kinda guy. I know this place is mostly rightie, but seems like you guys came expecting a fight with crazy righties, and that's now what we're about. I just read a comment from one of the new members about being told this or that about the members here, referring to intelligence. Again, to each their own.

07-31-2017, 02:21 PM
Your resentment of higher education, given this bit of gibberish, is ... understandable.When you get one, let me know. You need to get a clue. You came on here talking all this crap how you "checked out the board". Guess that so-called "higher education" doesn't include intelligence, common sense, logic, an ability to read people and/or a sense of humor.

You're "just another" joke to me. Been watching your act for over a decade. Change the name, but the kindergarten-level game is the same. You want to sling insults you'll just have to get in line. I have a life therefore no the time to sit here and what for your every enlightening word. I will of course me more than happy to slap your silly ass around at my convenience. :)

OR ... you could just get some fukkin manners. Goes a long way.

Black Diamond
07-31-2017, 02:24 PM
When you get one, let me know. You need to get a clue. You came on here talking all this crap how you "checked out the board". Guess that so-called "higher education" doesn't include intelligence, common sense, logic, an ability to read people and/or a sense of humor.

You're "just another" joke to me. Been watching your act for over a decade. Change the name, but the kindergarten-level game is the same. You want to sling insults you'll just have to get in line. I have a life therefore no the time to sit here and what for your every enlightening word. I will of course me more than happy to slap your silly ass around at my convenience. :)

OR ... you could just get some fukkin manners. Goes a long way.
Rdean and Kirky don't impress?

07-31-2017, 02:36 PM
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, Ricky. I can't speak for the others, but I've been busy playing Tour Guide for my visiting family from Wisconsin.

We've had more than a few moonbats wander through here spewing the usual liberal vitriol and I've seen nothing from you that warrants any cause for alarm.

Seems to be common rightard theme lately. After months of having nothing to say except liberals are snowflakes and butthurt because the buffoon won, they're suddenly tired of asserting they've had these long, involved debates with moonbat libs and, of course, they won.

07-31-2017, 02:41 PM
Rdean and Kirky don't impress?RDone is one of those people I'd like to meet in real life and see how loud he talks in THAT venue.

As far as the rest, I agree with Jim. Some came here looking for a fight for whatever reason. frankly find insulting people in every decade old, just as wrong now as then, boring-ass sentence ... well ... boring. Let's see ... someone who voted for that colossal f*ckup Obama questions MY intelligence? Probably voted for Hillary too.

Seems to me it says WAY more about his lack of intelligence than mine:laugh:.

07-31-2017, 02:41 PM
Scaramucci out!

Good joke. Or so I thought.

Whenever this smoothly running White House will have to handle their first real crisis, one that isn't just a monumentally stupid, superfluous internal skirmish, it's going to be a blast. Oh, and, woe to the blast site.

07-31-2017, 02:44 PM
Seems to be common rightard theme lately. After months of having nothing to say except liberals are snowflakes and butthurt because the buffoon won, they're suddenly tired of asserting they've had these long, involved debates with moonbat libs and, of course, they won.

Mostly I've been laughing about the series of insane moonbat efforts to remove Trump from office, starting with the hilarious backfire of trying to corrupt GOP Electors.

It's been vastly entertaining. :thumb:

07-31-2017, 02:44 PM
Rdean and Kirky don't impress?

WTF? That loser Rdean joined up here? Sonofabitch...

07-31-2017, 02:46 PM
Good joke. Or so I thought.

Whenever this smoothly running White House will have to handle their first real crisis, one that isn't just a monumentally stupid, superfluous internal skirmish, it's going to be a blast. Oh, and, woe to the blast site.Dude needs to change his name. Every time I see it "Queen" pops into my head.:laugh:

Black Diamond
07-31-2017, 03:31 PM
WTF? That loser Rdean joined up here? Sonofabitch...
Might as well have.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 06:17 PM
When you get one, let me know. You need to get a clue. You came on here talking all this crap how you "checked out the board". Guess that so-called "higher education" doesn't include intelligence, common sense, logic, an ability to read people and/or a sense of humor.

You're "just another" joke to me. Been watching your act for over a decade. Change the name, but the kindergarten-level game is the same. You want to sling insults you'll just have to get in line. I have a life therefore no the time to sit here and what for your every enlightening word. I will of course me more than happy to slap your silly ass around at my convenience. :)

OR ... you could just get some fukkin manners. Goes a long way.

That was quite a whimper, even by Deplorable standards of victim-wannabe. I "checked out the board"? However did you survive? Then, you follow your crybabying with still more feeble insults. If I remember right, the first insult I got here came from you. Then, you follow all your caterwauling with a rambling and illiterate statement you have a life and so you don't have time to engage in the whimpering display of self-pity you just engaged in. The only excuse for your oblivious hypocrisy is that a lack of self-awareness is a matter of survival for Deplorables.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 06:24 PM
Scaramucci did not last as long as every contestant on the Apprentice (seen on facebook).

In the latest test for gullibility among his herd of zombie groupies the pussy-grabber-in-chief says the Mooch had to go because his comments were inappropriate. Linda Lovelace rolls in grave, as rightards open jaws and swallow.

If only trump had someone with the kind of executive skills one gets in the private sector that would allow him to hire people who could last more than five minutes on the job.

07-31-2017, 06:26 PM
I embrace the terms like deplorable. That's childish games by folks on the left, reminding both of us, of who used the term, and who won the election. I also embrace islamophobia, racist & homophobe. While all 4 are incorrect, it's a smiling reminder of those who live off the terminology.

07-31-2017, 06:40 PM
That was quite a whimper, even by Deplorable standards of victim-wannabe. I "checked out the board"? However did you survive? Then, you follow your crybabying with still more feeble insults. If I remember right, the first insult I got here came from you. Then, you follow all your caterwauling with a rambling and illiterate statement you have a life and so you don't have time to engage in the whimpering display of self-pity you just engaged in. The only excuse for your oblivious hypocrisy is that a lack of self-awareness is a matter of survival for Deplorables.I don't whimper, fuckwit. Nor do I mince words.

Don't kid yourself, bubba. The only pity I have is for you. Just another leftwingnut with no original thought. I'l LMAO at your alligator mouth and bumblebee ass making stupid assumptions. Nice prose. I'll give you that. Let's see if you can now advance to the part where you aren't just a little bitty dickhead with a keyboard trying to stir up shit?

Trust me when I say there are people overlooking your lack of manners because they've been asked to. I'm not one of them. Now be a good boy and go sit in the corner and play with yourself and see if you can count the number of things in your tweezers.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 06:45 PM
I embrace the terms like deplorable. That's childish games by folks on the left, reminding both of us, of who used the term, and who won the election. I also embrace islamophobia, racist & homophobe. While all 4 are incorrect, it's a smiling reminder of those who live off the terminology.

While I see those who cling to the vicarious accomplishment of someone else winning an election as a matter of all-redeeming validation to be sad. And, while I'm sure you meant to say you embrace the terms "islamophobia, racist, and homophobe," I see what you did say as more of a Freudian slip.

Oh, I have a few terms for describing your herd. I use "Regressives" for those with some contact with sanity. I use "TBaggers" for the Taliban right. Those are people who clutch at a Beaver Cleaver fantasy of some good old days when "others" knew their place. It was a time when being a white male was enough to ensure a good job without having to put up with having a black or female boss just because they are more qualified. They are burdened with resentment at having to compete beyond using wealth, position, and/or connections and privileges they inherited. They are proud of the ignorance that has them believing that having grasped, kinda, the concept of supply and demand, they are economic sophisticates. Next are rightards. You won't believe me, but I think I invented the term some years ago. These are right-wing airheads who graze far-right media and then regurgitate what they are told they think. They are attracted by the way rightard memes make them feel like manly men. Lowest of all are the Deplorables. Their resentments fuel their bigotry which fools their gullibility demonstrated by their continuing faith in a ham-fisted con man. Even after six months of nearly non-stop ineptitude, they still believe that a septuagenarian, pampered brat is just the strong ruler to protect them from their hordes of boogey men. Of course, many of the herd qualify in more than one or even every category.

I hope that helps to clear things up for you.

07-31-2017, 06:47 PM
That was quite a whimper, even by Deplorable standards of victim-wannabe. I "checked out the board"? However did you survive? Then, you follow your crybabying with still more feeble insults. If I remember right, the first insult I got here came from you. Then, you follow all your caterwauling with a rambling and illiterate statement you have a life and so you don't have time to engage in the whimpering display of self-pity you just engaged in. The only excuse for your oblivious hypocrisy is that a lack of self-awareness is a matter of survival for Deplorables.

It's so funny, and entertaining to see how you describe LIBERALS so well, using all of the terms they repeat, again, and again until YOU actually learned to believe the Lies, and insist...only YOU, and all the other Snowflake, Whiners from the left are right all the time.
Keep it up Ricky Tavy....you are a breath of STALE air here in giving the membership a Troll's View into the under-medicated, lower than whale-shit liberal, misery from you.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 06:48 PM
I don't whimper, fuckwit. Nor do I mince words.

Don't kid yourself, bubba. The only pity I have is for you. Just another leftwingnut with no original thought. I'l LMAO at your alligator mouth and bumblebee ass making stupid assumptions. Nice prose. I'll give you that. Let's see if you can now advance to the part where you aren't just a little bitty dickhead with a keyboard trying to stir up shit?

Trust me when I say there are people overlooking your lack of manners because they've been asked to. I'm not one of them. Now be a good boy and go sit in the corner and play with yourself and see if you can count the number of things in your tweezers.

The tough guy crap would be more impressive if you didn't lapse into Valley Girl talk, princess. Oh, I would also suggest you wear a helmet if you are going to laugh your ass off. Doesn't look to me like you can handle any more brain damage.

Now, please give me a minute to tremble and then recover from the terrible fright inflicted on me by the thought of your gasbaggery being unrestrained.

07-31-2017, 06:49 PM
While I see those who cling to the vicarious accomplishment of someone else winning an election as a matter of all-redeeming validation to be sad. And, while I'm sure you meant to say you embrace the terms "islamophobia, racist, and homophobe," I see what you did say as more of a Freudian slip.

Oh, I have a few terms for describing your herd. I use "Regressives" for those with some contact with sanity. I use "TBaggers" for the Taliban right. Those are people who clutch at a Beaver Cleaver fantasy of some good old days when "others" knew their place. It was a time when being a white male was enough to ensure a good job without having to put up with having a black or female boss just because they are more qualified. They are burdened with resentment at having to compete beyond using wealth, position, and/or connections and privileges they inherited. They are proud of the ignorance that has them believing that having grasped, kinda, the concept of supply and demand, they are economic sophisticates. Next are rightards. You won't believe me, but I think I invented the term some years ago. These are right-wing airheads who graze far-right media and then regurgitate what they are told they think. They are attracted by the way rightard memes make them feel like manly men. Lowest of all are the Deplorables. Their resentments fuel their bigotry which fools their gullibility demonstrated by their continuing faith in a ham-fisted con man. Even after six months of nearly non-stop ineptitude, they still believe that a septuagenarian, pampered brat is just the strong ruler to protect them from their hordes of boogey men. Of course, many of the herd qualify in more than one or even every category.

I hope that helps to clear things up for you.Your category is whining loser:laugh:. Try reading the US Constitution. Your party has nothing in common with it.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 06:50 PM
It's so funny, and entertaining to see how you describe LIBERALS so well, using all of the terms they repeat, again, and again until YOU actually learned to believe the Lies, and insist...only YOU, and all the other Snowflake, Whiners from the left are right all the time.
Keep it up Ricky Tavy....you are a breath of STALE air here in giving the membership a Troll's View into the under-medicated, lower than whale-shit liberal, misery from you.

And now, on top of everything else, I have to deal with the grievous wounds sustained from yet another Deplorable simp wielding deadly I-know-you-are's to introduce his string of rightard clichés.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 06:51 PM
Your category is whining loser:laugh:. Try reading the US Constitution. Your party has nothing in common with it.

I taught Civics for many years. You risk a trip to the emergency room every time you get near a word with more than two syllables.

07-31-2017, 06:52 PM
While I see those who cling to the vicarious accomplishment of someone else winning an election as a matter of all-redeeming validation to be sad. And, while I'm sure you meant to say you embrace the terms "islamophobia, racist, and homophobe," I see what you did say as more of a Freudian slip.

Oh, I have a few terms for describing your herd. I use "Regressives" for those with some contact with sanity. I use "TBaggers" for the Taliban right. Those are people who clutch at a Beaver Cleaver fantasy of some good old days when "others" knew their place. It was a time when being a white male was enough to ensure a good job without having to put up with having a black or female boss just because they are more qualified. They are burdened with resentment at having to compete beyond using wealth, position, and/or connections and privileges they inherited. They are proud of the ignorance that has them believing that having grasped, kinda, the concept of supply and demand, they are economic sophisticates. Next are rightards. You won't believe me, but I think I invented the term some years ago. These are right-wing airheads who graze far-right media and then regurgitate what they are told they think. They are attracted by the way rightard memes make them feel like manly men. Lowest of all are the Deplorables. Their resentments fuel their bigotry which fools their gullibility demonstrated by their continuing faith in a ham-fisted con man. Even after six months of nearly non-stop ineptitude, they still believe that a septuagenarian, pampered brat is just the strong ruler to protect them from their hordes of boogey men. Of course, many of the herd qualify in more than one or even every category.

I hope that helps to clear things up for you.

You can use all the terms you care to use.

I only use one term to describe those on the left, which also describes their supporters. It works in more ways than one. Losers.

And now you can whine all you like, but you deal with the consequences, it's that simple. We deplorable folk, us rightards - we and are kind are in charge, whether you like it or not. You're just along for the ride.

So go ahead and make up all the names that make you feel better. That's all your side has left. Emotion and outing themselves of their true colors. But losers nonetheless.

07-31-2017, 06:53 PM
I taught Civics for many years. You risk a trip to the emergency room every time you get near a word with more than two syllables.

Sure you did.

I was a community organizer once too.

07-31-2017, 06:55 PM
The tough guy crap would be more impressive if you didn't lapse into Valley Girl talk, princess. Oh, I would also suggest you wear a helmet if you are going to laugh your ass. Doesn't look to me like you can handle any more brain damage.

Now, please give me a minute to tremble and then recover from the terrible fright inflicted on me by the thought of your gasbaggery being unrestrained.

Ricky. What you don't understand, or fail to fathom here is. To all of us. You must instantly find some excuse to create a Defense for your trolling here. We have all seen your kind of BS many, many times. And you should know. Previous ankle-biters like you also failed, and disappeared into the DNC cesspool filled with Grape Kool-aid where all of you DRINK, and SWIM.
P.S. I am convinced that Ricky Tavy must be your REAL name. A valiant young mongoose. <img src="http://www.100percentjs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Screen-Shot-2013-08-30-at-6.34.46-PM-300x212.png">

And YOU are an Insult to such things.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 06:56 PM
You can use all the terms you care to use.

I only use one term to describe those on the left, which also describes their supporters. It works in more ways than one. Losers.

And now you can whine all you like, but you deal with the consequences, it's that simple. We deplorable folk, us rightards - we and are kind are in charge, whether you like it or not. You're just along for the ride.

That must be why trump has blamed his repeated health care failure on the Democrats. We're not along for the ride, we're here for the show:


07-31-2017, 06:57 PM
I taught Civics for many years. You risk a trip to the emergency room every time you get near a word with more than two syllables.Figures. More the loss for anyone subjected to your pointless bullshit. Now I know where all the whiny shits in the college crying rooms came from.

07-31-2017, 06:59 PM
That must be why trump has blamed his repeated health care failure on the Democrats. We're not along for the ride, we're here for the show:

Call it whatever you will - but along for the ride is all you are, bad or good, win or lose. Us 'tards are in charge. Deal with it.

07-31-2017, 06:59 PM
That must be why trump has blamed his repeated health care failure on the Democrats. We're not along for the ride, we're here for the show:


Thanks Ricky. Before you posted that Sinatra video. We wondered WHICH LIBERALS he was singing about. So tell us. Where did you have that video hiding? Was it before you were born, or after you started Pre-school? And, will you invite us to your graduation?

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:00 PM
Ricky. What you don't understand, or fail to fathom here is. To all of us.

It would help, if you would select a representative who can construct a complete sentence.

Oh, and as for trolling? Any of you want to go back and try to do the math on what percentage of your posts here contain any substance, any kind of defense for the buffoon you worship, vs. the percentage of posts that are just limp-wristed insults against me or liberals generally? No? Then suck it up, bitches, and stop your whining.

07-31-2017, 07:02 PM
It would help, if you would select a representative who can construct a complete sentence.

Oh, and as for trolling? Any of you want to go back and try to do the math on what percentage of your posts here contain any substance, any kind of defense for the buffoon you worship, vs. the percentage of posts that are just limp-wristed insults against me or liberals generally? No? Then suck it up, bitches, and stop your whining.

My apologies to you Ricky. Just trying to be just like you in every way. So, we fail at being you. That should be a compliment. By the way. You are doing exactly what other Smart-ass liberals often do here. Trying to impress us with your criticism of written English..only Impresses..YOU.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:03 PM
Thanks Ricky. Before you posted that Sinatra video. We wondered WHICH LIBERALS he was singing about.

Seriously? Even after being mocked repeatedly for simp-witted I-know-you-are's, you keep doing them? Did you ever have any pride? If you got a quarter for selling it, you made out like a bandit.

07-31-2017, 07:05 PM
It would help, if you would select a representative who can construct a complete sentence.

Oh, and as for trolling? Any of you want to go back and try to do the math on what percentage of your posts here contain any substance, any kind of defense for the buffoon you worship, vs. the percentage of posts that are just limp-wristed insults against me or liberals generally? No? Then suck it up, bitches, and stop your whining.Let's try this ... I don't know where you came here from nor why, but nobody's "sending a representative" to handle the little 13 gal bag of trash. Jeez, you are dumber'n a hitch post.

What do you represent Mr Ricky? Everything that could be wrong in a society? I must admit you are definitely the perfect representative.

07-31-2017, 07:07 PM
Seriously? Even after being mocked repeatedly for simp-witted I-know-you-are's, you keep doing them? Did you ever have any pride? If you got a quarter for selling it, you made out like a bandit.

Thanks again. Wanna go for more? Every post you make is defensive. You should try being a human for a change. You catch more flies with honey, than LIBERAL, HATE vinegar.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:09 PM
Okay, how about a little humor to alleviate the tension? Every time I have a gaggle of Deplorables gumming my ankles I always think of a joke from the Arab/Israeli war in which the Egyptians got thumped. Seems the commander of an Egyptian battalion saw an Israeli soldier on a rise. He sent out a squad of his men to check it out. None of them came back. So, he sent out a platoon. None returned. Finally, he sent out a company of soldiers to find out what was going on. After some time, one lone soldier came crawling back over the rise. The commander rushed to his side. With his dying breath the soldier gasped, "Go back. GO BACK! It's a trap. There are TWO of them."

Go back, Deplorables. There's one of me.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:10 PM
Let's try this ... I don't know where you came here from nor why, but nobody's "sending a representative" to handle the little 13 gal bag of trash. Jeez, you are dumber'n a hitch post.

What do you represent Mr Ricky? Everything that could be wrong in a society? I must admit you are definitely the perfect representative.

Good thing you have that over-compensating macho avatar, because you hit like a sissy.

07-31-2017, 07:12 PM
Okay, how about a little humor to alleviate the tension? Every time I have a gaggle of Deplorables gumming my ankles I always think of a joke from the Arab/Israeli war in which the Egyptians got thumped. Seems the commander of an Egyptian battalion saw an Israeli soldier on a rise. He sent out a squad of his men to check it out. None of them came back. So, he sent out a platoon. None returned. Finally, he sent out a company of soldiers to find out what was going on. After some time, one lone soldier came crawling back over the rise. The commander rushed to his side. With his dying breath the soldier gasped, "Go back. GO BACK! It's a trap. There are TWO of them."

Go back, Deplorables. There's one of me.

That supposed joke wouldn't work in the HUMOR section. So, as the LONE DEPLORABLE you claimed to be. There is nothing there.

07-31-2017, 07:12 PM
This is a bit lengthy, but it serves as an introduction and
Never mind. The thread title already told us its function was simply to whine and call names. No point in reading further.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:12 PM
Thanks again. Wanna go for more? Every post you make is defensive. You should try being a human for a change. You catch more flies with honey, than LIBERAL, HATE vinegar.

I'm sure you find fly catching to be a fulfilling and even challenging hobby, but it doesn't sound like my cup of tea.

07-31-2017, 07:13 PM
I'm sure you find fly catching to be a fulfilling and even challenging hobby, but it doesn't sound like my cup of tea.

I wasn't aware Liberals put flies in their tea.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:16 PM
Never mind. The thread title already told us its function was simply to whine and call names. No point in reading further.

Certainly not for someone who believes a popular sovereignty government is trying to take his spear, his meat, and his(?) woman.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us!" - Pogo.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:17 PM
I wasn't aware Liberals put flies in their tea.

One I-know-you-are too far, Pee Wee. You probably oughta take a nap now.

07-31-2017, 07:19 PM
In Defense Of President Trump
I've had enough of the constant needling from the Left. I'm sick of the insults and the disrespect, the wagging fingers and the I-told-you-sos. Donald Trump won the election. He's our leader, and he's doing a fantastic job. So strap in, America, as I list every single one of his accomplishments as President.
And liberals, don't try to turn this into a discussion about all the things you don't like about him. His political inexperience. His caustic style. His lack of judgment. Save that crap for your own whiny rants. This is my time, and I'm here to show Trump some respect.
So forget about Russia for a minute. Forget about the clandestine meetings involving Trump's inner circle and a conniving, Dirty Dozen squadron of shady Kremlin operatives. Forget about the Putin-sponsored hacking and the pee tape. You know, the one with the Russian call girls, the one cited in that intelligence dossier? That's exactly the kind of junk that has no business in a post about Trump's accomplishments, so if that's what you're looking for, brother, you've come to the wrong place.
Oh and let me guess, you're sitting there, arms folded, shaking your head, dwelling on the "pussy grabbing" incident, right? The time we all clearly heard Trump casually admitting to and boasting about sexual assault? The tape his apologists downplayed as "locker room talk"? That has no business here, Jack. If all you can do is dwell on that, go read yourself some Mother Jones. Because I'm here to talk about the positives.
Not the empty promises. We aren't here to revisit his campaign speeches. I'm not bringing up "Day one, Obamacare is dead! DEAD!" Or "You're going to get so tired of all the winning!" Or "Lock her up!" Or "The wall just got ten feet higher!" Oh, I'm sure you would just love to put those under the hot klieg lights and watch me squirm as I try to defend them. Ain't gonna happen.
No, I'm not here to argue about whether or not Donald Trump has time and time again revealed himself to be ignorant of history, uninterested in filling the tremendous gaps in his knowledge and likely wholly incapable of doing so because he lacks the capacity to think about anything that doesn't serve to stroke the throbbing, orange shaft of his own ego. So go mull that over in a pot-smoke-filled basement with your butthurt liberal friends, because it's not worthy of my time.
And I won't talk about his impulsive and unhinged Twitter rants. You won't lure me into a debate about the stupidity of Trump's digital pyromania - his compulsion to set distracting little fires at 5:30 a.m. in 140 characters or less while he sits alone in bed in his underwear, bathed in the flickering light of a FOX News broadcast. I'm not interested in discussing his viciousness, his vindictiveness, and the fact that he can't resist the urge to strike back at every perceived slight, no matter how small. So I'm not mentioning it.
Other topics I'm not here to discuss:
His Cabinet full of goons.
The infighting that has paralyzed his White House staff.
His tone-deaf speeches and his never-ending election campaign.
His complete disregard for the balance of power in our government.
His attempts to stymie the investigation into his misdeeds, and his threats against anyone who won't bend the knee.
His incessant attacks on minority groups.
The way he has turned America into a laughingstock.
His love for dictators and despots.
His endless attacks on the media.
His singleminded focus on undoing Obama's legacy.
His winking support of violence and hate.
His comical attempts to suck up to Christians by portraying himself as a religious man.
His obsession with Hillary.
His constant lies.
And finally, you can just forget about any discussion that pokes fun at Trump's persona. His "poor man's idea of a rich man" vibe. The orange hair and the long ties and the private jets and the branded buildings and the TV shows and the models and the champagne and the golden everything and the "bigly" and the dripping wet sleaze. Get this through your thick skulls - I am here to show respect for Donald J. Trump. If you want mocking, click on over to the Huffington Post.
So let's knock off the foreplay, and let's get to all the beautiful things he has done since taking office. I'm going to list every single one of his accomplishments right here, right now, in black and white. Every last one.
You know, on second thought, what purpose would that serve? Donald Trump won the election. He is our President. He's good enough for less than half of America, and that's good enough for me. -Red State Rustler

I know you're trying to tell me something. If only I could figure out what it was .... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Onasis, I know it wasn't your intention, but I took cheer from your piece. If there's a Conservative out there who SO worries the Left, that they have to work THIS hard to demonise him .. then he must be doing a fantastic job.

You won't like this, but it's simple truth .. Trump made clear what he intended to do as President, long before he became one. The electorate duly liked what they heard, and they voted in sufficient numbers to elect him to a position of power where he could hope to achieve what he spoke of.

And .. my, my. HOW the Left hate him for having had the success he's had ! Have I ever seen more concerted efforts to rubbish, demonise, discredit any one Conservative figure ? Answer: I HAVE NOT.

You have an electoral college system in force. Under it, Trump has been duly and legitimately elected. Were the Left minded to dismiss that system as illegitimate, before Trump won, under it ? Would they have rejected Clinton's election success, had she managed such a thing, instead ?


With a Trump victory, though, they just can't stop carping. How ... 'amazing' ...... :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I understand that liberals are supposed to 'pride' themselves on 'tolerance' ? They preach tolerance for those they're inclined to favour !! Why, they'll even be intolerant of anyone not showing their preferred tolerance !! :rolleyes: So, what happened to it, concerning Trump ? I've never seen such INtolerance !!

Yes. Trump has you people worried. Deathly worried. You worry that he's been successful in winning the Presidency. You worry that he'll endure. Most of all, you worry that the products of his Presidential direction will leave America a much better place !!

America first ! Jobs for Americans ! Shock, horror, he might actually make things BETTER !!

You're determined to see to it that he's stopped before that can happen. And, to hell with the electorate's choice, eh ....

You are sad people.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:23 PM
Okay, we interrupt this squabble for a trump campaign commercial listing all the cars accomplished in constructing the trump ride the rest of us are on.

1. With a 52-48 majority, trump had to rely on a Pence vote to confirm a SCOTUS appointment they stole.

2. First president ever to force the Boy Scouts of America to issue an apology over his behavior.


07-31-2017, 07:24 PM
I wasn't aware Liberals put flies in their tea.

... Really ... ??

See, there y'go. These Lefties are proving to be an education for us !! :laugh::rolleyes:

Perhaps they add needed protein (helps in brain-cell production ? ... I suspect they need such assistance). I don't know ...

07-31-2017, 07:26 PM
Okay, we interrupt this squabble for a trump campaign commercial listing all the cars accomplished in constructing the trump ride the rest of us are on.

1. With a 52-48 majority, trump had to rely on a Pence vote to confirm a SCOTUS appointment they stole.

2. First president ever to force the Boy Scouts of America to issue an apology over his behavior.


... 3. 'Memo to self' ... Lefties preach tolerance. High time some was, er'm, actually shown .... :rolleyes:

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:31 PM
... 3. 'Memo to self' ... Lefties preach tolerance. High time some was, er'm, actually shown .... :rolleyes:

Yeah, I am familiar with the "tolerance" meme squawked by Deplorable parrots ... on behalf of a vulgar, insult slinging, scapegoat herding, Obama bashing, bigotry pandering, incessantly sniveling, intellectually undisciplined TWITter-in-chief, crybaby buffoon.

Sorry, got none. Deal with it.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:34 PM
Okay, I've worked up a hunger swatting Deplorable ankle gummers. I'm gonna fix some pork chops. Later, maybe.

07-31-2017, 07:37 PM
Yeah, I am familiar with the "tolerance" meme squawked by Deplorable parrots ... on behalf of a vulgar, insult slinging, scapegoat herding, Obama bashing, bigotry pandering, incessantly sniveling, intellectually undisciplined TWITter-in-chief, crybaby buffoon.

Sorry, got none. Deal with it.Need some cheese with that whine? What a crybaby. Geez.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:41 PM
Oh, a little something for you all to chew on.

https://meanliberal.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/looney-trump.png Okay, I’ve had as much fun laughing at trump’s looney antics as the next guy. I mean, who hasn’t laughed at the semi-literate tweets from the thin-skinned boob? I’ve even found his various conspiracy theories more amusing than really frightening, although the incredible gullibility of someone in his position is discomforting. If you think the orange twit swallowing Breitbart lies is bizarre, you oughta check out InfoWars and the Alex Jones that trump believes is a good source of information. I think my favorite Jones-ism is his claim that Michelle Obama killed Joan Rivers.
I’m starting to think now, though, that electing an egomaniacal psycho to be President of the United States might not have been a good idea, after all. Maybe having a TWITter-in-Chief isn’t worth the laughs. Okay, I’m white so it was easy to giggle at trump’s racist birther conspiracy or the old fool’s Archie Bunker views on Mexican rapists. His self-pitying whimpers about voter fraud were so sad they were farcical. The only thing that made me nervous was the surprising number of other white people who weren’t laughing. Instead, they had a spooky look of rapture in their eyes. I kept thinking that there’s no reason for some of the wealthiest and most secure people on the planet to be so easily frightened and so willing to see a flabby, septuagenarian brat as their savior. I kept thinking after each absurd tweet that they would get the joke. Joke was on me.
Now, watching trump go from Orange Buffoon to Scary-ass Clown has changed the show from a comedy to a horror pic. And, not one of those kind where the fear is mostly a matter of building suspense. The trump show is a splatter flick with creepy Putin creatures popping out the bellies of trump’s mob. If he starts talking about the liberal media taking away his precious bodily fluids, his Purity of Essence, this desert dweller is buying a parka and heading north. I hear they speak English in some parts of western Canada. The sad thing is that trump’s Deplorable groupies will be content if he simply promises to make their new Make America Great Again foil hats here in the U.S.A.

07-31-2017, 07:42 PM
The main reason Liberals need to keep Planned Parenthood, and Abortion as Federally funded programs.

LIBERAL MATING PRACTICES demonstrated for Liberal members here.
<img src="http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/misc/flies/red_tailed_flesh_fly04.JPG">

Wonder if RICKY minds showing photo's of his creative parents???? Liberally speaking, of course!:dance:

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 07:42 PM
Need some cheese with that whine? What a crybaby. Geez.

Got any whine as aged as that clichéd bit, Pee Wee?

07-31-2017, 07:45 PM
<img src="https://rlv.zcache.com/pork_chop_panties_in_a_lions_den_than_vote_liberal _mouse_pad-rc0d9a947e1514c4c88b24518000fdbef_x74vi_8byvr_324. jpg">

<img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTB8mhWEI-GtUFXMSuzPOVNNJG1YZ1Cf61du6ZCKJcit6BhP1tHeQ">

07-31-2017, 07:47 PM
While I see those who cling to the vicarious accomplishment of someone else winning an election as a matter of all-redeeming validation to be sad. And, while I'm sure you meant to say you embrace the terms "islamophobia, racist, and homophobe," I see what you did say as more of a Freudian slip.

Oh, I have a few terms for describing your herd. I use "Regressives" for those with some contact with sanity. I use "TBaggers" for the Taliban right. Those are people who clutch at a Beaver Cleaver fantasy of some good old days when "others" knew their place. It was a time when being a white male was enough to ensure a good job without having to put up with having a black or female boss just because they are more qualified. They are burdened with resentment at having to compete beyond using wealth, position, and/or connections and privileges they inherited. They are proud of the ignorance that has them believing that having grasped, kinda, the concept of supply and demand, they are economic sophisticates. Next are rightards. You won't believe me, but I think I invented the term some years ago. These are right-wing airheads who graze far-right media and then regurgitate what they are told they think. They are attracted by the way rightard memes make them feel like manly men. Lowest of all are the Deplorables. Their resentments fuel their bigotry which fools their gullibility demonstrated by their continuing faith in a ham-fisted con man. Even after six months of nearly non-stop ineptitude, they still believe that a septuagenarian, pampered brat is just the strong ruler to protect them from their hordes of boogey men. Of course, many of the herd qualify in more than one or even every category.

I hope that helps to clear things up for you.

Wow. Such bile .... 'tolerance' a dim & distant memory, eh ?

I used to be a Leftie ... many, many years ago, when I was still in my teens, and didn't know any better. Of course, I grew out of it, started seeing the world in REAL terms, and so, today, I understand that the Left represent political perniciousness. I even understood it, and understood it well, LONG before having been treated to all the bile currently appearing here, on this board.

Trump is 'the Devil incarnate'. Yeahh ... SURE ... :rolleyes: ... he did that 'naughty' thing of winning out over Hillary Clinton. He Must Never Be Forgiven For It.

Well ... I don't readily forgive, either. I know with absolute certainty where Leftism leads. I've seen it in my own society. Union leaders dictating to Society ... deciding whether people may be permitted light, and warmth. Whether they may be permitted to travel to work. Deciding if they may be permitted to enter work premises, if they manage it. Deciding the freedom (or NOT) to bury the dead !!

Deciding whether or not our economy will be bankrupted. Stuff like that ...

Seeing only a fraction of all this come about, proved to me that only Conservatism does any society any real good. Leftism is pure poison .. that's not a matter of debate for me, but an amply proven fact of life. The less inclined to Leftism a political leader is, the greater his (or her) scope MUST be, to do good !!

Check out the Left-wing excesses of UK politics, in times past. Check, on a site like Google: The Three Day Working Week. The Winter of Discontent. The Morticians' Strike. The Firefighters' Strike. The Miners Strike (early '70's, or, if you prefer, 1984). Grunwick (a disgusting example of mob rule, supported by a broad spectrum of Left-wing figures).

In Trump, you have a leader who won't tolerate Lefties trying to make America WORSE. Rather, he wants businesses to thrive, to bring an ever-greater number of jobs INTO America, to see to it that people, and the economy, thrives.

He is the polar opposite of all the Left-created evils I've seen in my lifetime, and all those which America's Left would foist upon your society today. He therefore doesn't deserve condemnation, very far from it. He deserves the best chance possible to make good on what he genuinely wants for America.


07-31-2017, 07:47 PM
https://rlv.zcache.com/pork_chop_panties_in_a_lions_den_than_vote_liberal _mouse_pad-rc0d9a947e1514c4c88b24518000fdbef_x74vi_8byvr_324. jpg

07-31-2017, 08:29 PM
Yeah, I am familiar with the "tolerance" meme squawked by Deplorable parrots ... on behalf of a vulgar, insult slinging, scapegoat herding, Obama bashing, bigotry pandering, incessantly sniveling, intellectually undisciplined TWITter-in-chief, crybaby buffoon.

Sorry, got none. Deal with it.

Is the spewing of literary bile all you have going for you ?

See my previous post. There's nothing 'deplorable' about hating Left-created evils in a society, nor of wanting figures who'd stand against such destructiveness given every possible latitude to win through.

Try founding a society on hatred ... even a small fraction of the hatred which is very obviously fueling your every thought process.

Better yet, don't even wait to try to do so. See instead practical examples of how a society tears itself apart, if / when you get around to checking UK political history spanning most of the latter half of the last century. Fact: give Left wingers enough power, and they'll lead you to a dysfunctional, angst-riven oblivion.

We elected Margaret Thatcher to power in May 1979. Her election marked a turning-point. Until that moment, we were going down the tubes, big-time. She took on Leftist militants, though. She stopped the rot. Laws she instituted have never since been revoked. If they ever are, I strongly suspect a revival of Left-militancy will begin to ruin us once more.

So, enjoy your hatred of a politician who wants only GOOD things for America. Jobs. Prosperity. Strong security, and with tough decisions readily made in the service of the wellbeing of the American Citizen. Enjoy your ceaseless bile against someone who would even enhance YOUR ability to thrive within a regenerated America.

Enjoy your incapacity to perceive just how incredibly WRONG you are ....

07-31-2017, 08:36 PM
Haven't noticed the whining you are talking about. Of course, it is kinda hard to hear over all the Deplorable caterwauling over how they and trump are victims of a corporate media with a leftist agenda, some "deep state" conspiracy, scientists, Mexicans, environmentalists, unions, women, teachers, black people, Muslims, all furriners but Putin, and liberal snowflake bullies.

Ricky (https://meanliberal.blog/) fancies himself a "mean liberal (https://www.facebook.com/pg/RickyTavyMeanLiberal/posts/)." This will be interesting.

07-31-2017, 08:46 PM
Ricky (https://meanliberal.blog/) fancies himself a "mean liberal (https://www.facebook.com/pg/RickyTavyMeanLiberal/posts/)." This will be interesting.

What I'm seeing is jaundiced fanaticism ... no evidence whatever of balanced or moderate thinking. He has his agenda. He is utterly enslaved to it.

Seems to me that he's blind to anything else. Worse, even if he does perceive anything of the extent of his political myopia, he doesn't care to correct it.

Ricky does a good job of educating us as to the true nature of the Left. May he continue to do so, I say ...

07-31-2017, 09:08 PM
Got any whine as aged as that clichéd bit, Pee Wee?Here's another one for you: tissue?:laugh:

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 09:14 PM
Is the spewing of literary bile all you have going for you ?

See my previous post. There's nothing 'deplorable' about hating Left-created evils in a society, nor of wanting figures who'd stand against such destructiveness given every possible latitude to win through.

I tried to read your previous whimper, but I quickly became bored with pretentious drivel from a victim-wannabe. The only time you take a break from being a victim of "hate" and "bile" is when you are slinging obliviously hateful bile in the form of flaccid, hysterical generalities about how evil and destructive the left is. The next time you even try to defend the orange object of your groupie adoration with a bit of substance will be your first.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 09:23 PM
However, I only showed up because I like you simple Deplorables, and I wanted to give you a heads-up. I know those who tell you what you think won't let you know yet, but the Washington Post is citing multiple sources in claiming it was trump himself who dictated the original misleading statement about Jared's meeting with the Russians. An independent counsel might find that clumsy effort at a cover-up to be evidence of consciousness of guilt.

I'd stick around for the ignorant parrotry about journalists using anonymous sources, but then I'd just be mocking the stupidity of those repeating that silly meme, as if using anonymous sources were something sleazy or that good journalism could exist without it. Then, I'd mock the groupies for saying all the silliness, despite the fact that nobody uses anonymous or imaginary or fake sources more than the trump who used to pretend to be somebody else, when he called the media to give them stories about what a tremendous playboy trump was. Ask his imaginary friend Jim.

07-31-2017, 09:31 PM
However, I only showed up because I like you simple Deplorables, and I wanted to give you a heads-up. I know those who tell you what you think won't let you know yet, but the Washington Post is citing multiple sources in claiming it was trump himself who dictated the original misleading statement about Jared's meeting with the Russians. An independent counsel might find that clumsy effort at a cover-up to be evidence of consciousness of guilt.

I'd stick around for the ignorant parrotry about journalists using anonymous sources, but then I'd just be mocking the stupidity of those repeating that silly meme, as if using anonymous sources were something sleazy or that good journalism could exist without it. Then, I'd mock the groupies for saying all the silliness, despite the fact that nobody uses anonymous or imaginary or fake sources more than the trump who used to pretend to be somebody else, when he called the media to give them stories about what a tremendous playboy trump was. Ask his imaginary friend Jim.

Stick around as long as you like. The only parrotry taking place is coming from you.
As the self-admitted troll you show yourself to be here. We await further entertainment from your Left Leaning, Slanted, Perpetual hatred being shown to disguise your anguish, and miserable snowflakedness here.

07-31-2017, 09:35 PM
I tried to read your previous whimper, but I quickly became bored with pretentious drivel from a victim-wannabe. The only time you take a break from being a victim of "hate" and "bile" is when you are slinging obliviously hateful bile in the form of flaccid, hysterical generalities about how evil and destructive the left is. The next time you even try to defend the orange object of your groupie adoration with a bit of substance will be your first.

I am no victim, be it from your incessant bile, or anything else. If anyone's a 'victim' around here, I'd say it was you ... a victim of your own myopic fanaticism, since it's filled your mind full of the great need to spew bile in all directions.

I don't 'whimper' .. I tell the truth. That you reject that truth because your enslavement to a dogmatic agenda won't permit any alternative, is a clear sign of the great weakness of your position.

An example: you refer to 'my' - I quote --

... flaccid, hysterical generalities about how evil and destructive the left is.


I was more specific. I told you of examples of just how destructive the Left has been, when given enough freedom to be that, in my own society. I listed them. Perhaps you found it too inconvenient to take any notice ? That selective myopia creeping in, maybe ?

Check, in Google or any equivalent of it:

The Winter of Discontent.

The Three Day Working Week.

The Morticians' strike.

The Miners Strike (choose either or both: 1973 or 1984).

The Firefighters' strike.


I can give you a few more examples if you'd like ... though, between them, research on all those listed will amply show just how destructive the Left CAN be, if only it's allowed to be.

From what I've seen, it appears that Trump has zero tolerance for those in America who mean America harm. He wants businesses to go there, if they're not already there. He wants, seeks, creates, deals which he's sure will prove lucrative for America's future. He wants more jobs for his people -- YOUR people. He wants to do all it will take to make America as secure as it can be.

How much of any of this do people like you want to recognise ? Anything at all ? Are you way too enslaved to your agenda to face any truths which counter it ?

Never mind. I am asking silly questions. I know it. You'll only see what you want to see.

Your enslavement to your bile will permit nothing else for you.

Truth be told: if anyone's a victim here, YOU are, 'Ricky' ... as I said. You're ultimately a victim of willful blindness. And, of course, crippling hatred towards someone who wishes America a bright future, and will work towards achieving it.

Ricky Tavy
07-31-2017, 10:38 PM
I am no victim, be it from your incessant bile, or anything else. If anyone's a 'victim' around here, I'd say it was you ... a victim of your own myopic fanaticism, since it's filled your mind full of the great need to spew bile in all directions.

I don't 'whimper' .. I tell the truth. That you reject that truth because your enslavement to a dogmatic agenda won't permit any alternative, is a clear sign of the great weakness of your position.

An example: you refer to 'my' - I quote --


I was more specific. I told you of examples of just how destructive the Left has been, when given enough freedom to be that, in my own society. I listed them. Perhaps you found it too inconvenient to take any notice ? That selective myopia creeping in, maybe ?

Check, in Google or any equivalent of it:

The Winter of Discontent.

The Three Day Working Week.

The Morticians' strike.

The Miners Strike (choose either or both: 1973 or 1984).

The Firefighters' strike.


I can give you a few more examples if you'd like ... though, between them, research on all those listed will amply show just how destructive the Left CAN be, if only it's allowed to be.

From what I've seen, it appears that Trump has zero tolerance for those in America who mean America harm. He wants businesses to go there, if they're not already there. He wants, seeks, creates, deals which he's sure will prove lucrative for America's future. He wants more jobs for his people -- YOUR people. He wants to do all it will take to make America as secure as it can be.

How much of any of this do people like you want to recognise ? Anything at all ? Are you way too enslaved to your agenda to face any truths which counter it ?

Never mind. I am asking silly questions. I know it. You'll only see what you want to see.

Your enslavement to your bile will permit nothing else for you.

Truth be told: if anyone's a victim here, YOU are, 'Ricky' ... as I said. You're ultimately a victim of willful blindness. And, of course, crippling hatred towards someone who wishes America a bright future, and will work towards achieving it.

Damn, you're a pretentious gasbag, aincha? Lotta words to build a simple I-know-you-are, PeeWee. Was listing some strikes as close as you could come to defending that incompetent bag of trumpy flab? And, making a list of strikes now is only slight less flaccid than your previous generalities. I'm guessing that your empty fascist-wannabe squealings about security, striking workers, and the left having freedom mean you are another of those who chose inheritance as a career and now see working people as a threat to your job security.

08-01-2017, 08:12 AM
Damn, you're a pretentious gasbag, aincha? Lotta words to build a simple I-know-you-are, PeeWee. Was listing some strikes as close as you could come to defending that incompetent bag of trumpy flab? And, making a list of strikes now is only slight less flaccid than your previous generalities. I'm guessing that your empty fascist-wannabe squealings about security, striking workers, and the left having freedom mean you are another of those who chose inheritance as a career and now see working people as a threat to your job security.

Well, you gotta admit those liberal-caused strikes are far worse than the depression, recessions, and wars of choice orchestrated by rightards. If they could just get rid of the middle class, education, healthcare and social programs entirely, imagine how great the world would be again, eh?

Ricky Tavy
08-01-2017, 10:24 AM
Well, you gotta admit those liberal-caused strikes are far worse than the depression, recessions, and wars of choice orchestrated by rightards. If they could just get rid of the middle class, education, healthcare and social programs entirely, imagine how great the world would be again, eh?

Sorry, XO, but it looks like this place isn't going to work, either. Others have stopped posting. JM registered and posted nothing. OE says that he is done with the combination of a lack of substance combined with wit that rarely rises even to the level of being insipid. I agree. The only time the sissy rightards here take a break from flinging weak insults is to whine about insults. I like the mods here and the owner is great, but the Deplorables here are ... deplorable.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-01-2017, 11:15 AM
Damn, you're a pretentious gasbag, aincha? Lotta words to build a simple I-know-you-are, PeeWee. Was listing some strikes as close as you could come to defending that incompetent bag of trumpy flab? And, making a list of strikes now is only slight less flaccid than your previous generalities. I'm guessing that your empty fascist-wannabe squealings about security, striking workers, and the left having freedom mean you are another of those who chose inheritance as a career and now see working people as a threat to your job security.

Or you could try to refute the facts he gives and actually debate against his views instead of the overall condescending and diversionary tactics that you are using now.
The list, backed up his views and if you think it to be in error , then refute it with facts and your own explanations --not the tripe that you just used to avoid doing so.
Being so quick to dismiss with insults too oft reveals a lesser mind..
Could this be the case with you?
How you choose to reply may tell (at least for me it may do so), IMHO,- Tyr

08-01-2017, 12:15 PM
Ricky (https://meanliberal.blog/) fancies himself a "mean liberal (https://www.facebook.com/pg/RickyTavyMeanLiberal/posts/)." This will be interesting.

I also found this exact thread posted at a few other forums. Testing the waters I suppose. I read a monster thread at JPP. Looked like respect and niceties were to be found right from the get go there too.

Oh well, I can deal with that. I just thought for ONCE we would have some that wouldn't come in with the liberal chip on their shoulders looking to fight from day one.

Mean liberal? I don't know about all that. Ricky has been mostly polite with me when it's direct discussion. He does of course bash the entire place, or so it appeared to me. I'll do my best to judge each person individually, and reply in kind... but seems folks came as a group, and are of the identical mindset and even share identical insults over and over.

08-01-2017, 12:22 PM
Sorry, XO, but it looks like this place isn't going to work, either. Others have stopped posting. JM registered and posted nothing. OE says that he is done with the combination of a lack of substance combined with wit that rarely rises even to the level of being insipid. I agree. The only time the sissy rightards here take a break from flinging weak insults is to whine about insults. I like the mods here and the owner is great, but the Deplorables here are ... deplorable.

Perhaps this is what happens when "adults" act like children and form some sort of little gangs, float around the internet "testing the waters" to see which forum they can insult the most - and then be unhappy when they don't get the fighting in return that they desired?

Look, not as much directed at you, because again, my direct interaction with you has been pleasant. But I stand by what I wrote above. Not a single one of you came in here to be friendly, to look to join a community, to try and get along with others, to try and be respectful when posting... There are quite a lot of members, for whatever reason, who have not even posted in the past week or so. When you have an influx of new members, sometimes others will watch to see what is going on, and maybe even hesitate when they see the explosion of fights and name calling.

If this isn't what you expected, or you prefer a shitload of chaos like the 327 page thread at JPP on this identical thread, I don't know what to say. But if the "gang" runs as one, and all think as one and will come as one and leave as one - so be it.

08-01-2017, 12:41 PM
but the Washington Post is citing multiple sources

The Washington Post AND CNN are 2 agencies that are going to need some SEVERE image fixing and time before their shit will be watched or read again, at least from my side. I try not to go to sources as such, that have been outright busted for lying, or helping a politician cheat, and also get busted lying themselves.

08-01-2017, 01:00 PM
Perhaps this is what happens when "adults" act like children and form some sort of little gangs, float around the internet "testing the waters" to see which forum they can insult the most - and then be unhappy when they don't get the fighting in return that they desired?

Look, not as much directed at you, because again, my direct interaction with you has been pleasant. But I stand by what I wrote above. Not a single one of you came in here to be friendly, to look to join a community, to try and get along with others, to try and be respectful when posting... There are quite a lot of members, for whatever reason, who have not even posted in the past week or so. When you have an influx of new members, sometimes others will watch to see what is going on, and maybe even hesitate when they see the explosion of fights and name calling.

If this isn't what you expected, or you prefer a shitload of chaos like the 327 page thread at JPP on this identical thread, I don't know what to say. But if the "gang" runs as one, and all think as one and will come as one and leave as one - so be it.

I'll second that. I was welcoming towards Ricky, but his friends? At least so far not folks I wish to interact with. I've been busy, but have to choose where to spend my time. I even agree with some of what they write, but how they choose to present? Nah, not worth it.

08-01-2017, 01:06 PM
I'll second that. I was welcoming towards Ricky, but his friends? At least so far not folks I wish to interact with. I've been busy, but have to choose where to spend my time. I even agree with some of what they write, but how they choose to present? Nah, not worth it.

As I always state, I will reply in kind. But for now I'll try to even avoid that, because I don't want to go out of my way to name call people I don't know. I'll try for now. :)

08-01-2017, 01:08 PM
As I always state, I will reply in kind. But for now I'll try to even avoid that, because I don't want to go out of my way to name call people I don't know. I'll try for now. :)

I'm too mellow, I'm just skipping those I do not want to interact with. I feel no need to go personal, as that's the entire reason I choose to ignore them.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-01-2017, 01:09 PM
Or you could try to refute the facts he gives and actually debate against his views instead of the overall condescending and diversionary tactics that you are using now.
The list, backed up his views and if you think it to be in error , then refute it with facts and your own explanations --not the tripe that you just used to avoid doing so.
Being so quick to dismiss with insults too oft reveals a lesser mind..
Could this be the case with you?
How you choose to reply may tell (at least for me it may do so), IMHO,- Tyr

crickets*** , so telling methinks..-Tyr

08-01-2017, 01:12 PM
I'm too mellow, I'm just skipping those I do not want to interact with. I feel no need to go personal, as that's the entire reason I choose to ignore them.

I see some can be funny, and the intelligence is there, so I'll wait for the initial fireworks to subside. But seems like Ricky may take his ball and go home already. :dunno:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-01-2017, 01:25 PM
Sorry, XO, but it looks like this place isn't going to work, either. Others have stopped posting. JM registered and posted nothing. OE says that he is done with the combination of a lack of substance combined with wit that rarely rises even to the level of being insipid. I agree. The only time the sissy rightards here take a break from flinging weak insults is to whine about insults. I like the mods here and the owner is great, but the Deplorables here are ... deplorable.

Stated as you whine like a child. I have addressed you several times and with a decent amount of respect but you ignored me each time.
I guess truth is a very hard and most frightening enemy to face , eh??
Will I only hear crickets , yet again?? -Tyr

08-01-2017, 02:34 PM
1. With a 52-48 majority, trump had to rely on a Pence vote to confirm a SCOTUS appointment they stole.
and you still don't understand why we love him......

08-01-2017, 02:38 PM
Ricky (https://meanliberal.blog/) fancies himself a "mean liberal (https://www.facebook.com/pg/RickyTavyMeanLiberal/posts/)." This will be interesting.
unfortunately it doesn't.....the rest of his posts are just as boring.....got booted off USMB, came to JPP and managed to be about the only person banned in about four years......

all his posts, where ever he goes are just repeats of lib'ruls since November.......

08-01-2017, 02:40 PM
Sorry, XO, but it looks like this place isn't going to work, either. Others have stopped posting. JM registered and posted nothing. OE says that he is done with the combination of a lack of substance combined with wit that rarely rises even to the level of being insipid. I agree. The only time the sissy rightards here take a break from flinging weak insults is to whine about insults. I like the mods here and the owner is great, but the Deplorables here are ... deplorable.
don't run, weasel.....stick around and actually defend some of your claims for a change......

Ricky Tavy
08-01-2017, 02:43 PM
Stated as you whine like a child. I have addressed you several times and with a decent amount of respect but you ignored me each time.
I guess truth is a very hard and most frightening enemy to face , eh??
Will I only hear crickets , yet again?? -Tyr

I replied to your insipid squeaking. This clichéd nag is one of the reasons we won't be here anymore.

Ricky Tavy
08-01-2017, 02:45 PM
don't run, weasel.....stick around and actually defend some of your claims for a change......

And the illiterate whine from someone who does nothing but bitchy snottiness while ducking me on two forums is another.

Ricky Tavy
08-01-2017, 02:50 PM
unfortunately it doesn't.....the rest of his posts are just as boring.....got booted off USMB, came to JPP and managed to be about the only person banned in about four years......

And, your casual dishonesty is another turnoff. Still posting on USMB from time to time, and I will be posting my good bye message to your JPP sanctuary for sissies sniveling incessantly to the mods in a day or two. I will note that the only time you came on this thread was when you believed I was gone.

Ricky Tavy
08-01-2017, 02:52 PM
Stated as you whine like a child. I have addressed you several times and with a decent amount of respect but you ignored me each time.
I guess truth is a very hard and most frightening enemy to face , eh??
Will I only hear crickets , yet again?? -Tyr

Oh yeah. Your writing, like your "poetry" is stilted and contrived.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-01-2017, 03:08 PM
I replied to your insipid squeaking. This clichéd nag is one of the reasons we won't be here anymore.

Yes, I see you responded three days after my post in the thread titled- Did the Dems do the collusion with Russia..
Yet YOU were here and posting during those three days. So my guess is that you waited so that I would be very likely to miss your reply(which is exactly what happened).
Which is a tactic I have encountered numerous times from leftist/liberal types over the years.
We had several here that that did that often in the past..
Of course they too fled after their ignorant rants/ideology was completely trounced, and not just be me..
You race into a tiger den and start scratching with your pussycat claws --you will end mauled all to hell and back, IMHO..- -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-01-2017, 03:22 PM
Oh yeah. Your writing, like your "poetry" is stilted and contrived.

Your childish like retort has now been duly noted.
Now what does my poetry have to do with this subject? Answer = nothing.
It is in a separate and entirely non-political sub-forum here.
Look, if this is going to cause you to cry in your cereal, perhaps I had better cut a little child like you a break..
And just read and watch you implode due to some other member here smashing up your little egg cart..
I'd feel too much guilt smashing YOU down since you are obviously not up to grade to play with adults, IMHO.-Tyr

08-01-2017, 06:47 PM
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/aoMGnmgr.jpg">

<img src="https://cdn.meme.am/cache/instances/folder619/38287619.jpg">

<img src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0LVfG58RXHo/hqdefault.jpg" width="500" height="500">

08-01-2017, 08:13 PM
And the illiterate whine from someone who does nothing but bitchy snottiness while ducking me on two forums is another.
ducking you?......aren't I here slapping your silly face with your own false facts?.....

08-01-2017, 08:16 PM
And, your casual dishonesty is another turnoff. Still posting on USMB from time to time, and I will be posting my good bye message to your JPP sanctuary for sissies sniveling incessantly to the mods in a day or two. I will note that the only time you came on this thread was when you believed I was gone.

you mean other than page 1?.....you got a temporary ban from USMB and you ran.......you got a temporary ban from JPP and you ran......seems to me you're the one looking for a sissy sanctuary.......

08-01-2017, 09:29 PM

08-02-2017, 08:33 AM
Damn, you're a pretentious gasbag, aincha? Lotta words to build a simple I-know-you-are, PeeWee. Was listing some strikes as close as you could come to defending that incompetent bag of trumpy flab? And, making a list of strikes now is only slight less flaccid than your previous generalities. I'm guessing that your empty fascist-wannabe squealings about security, striking workers, and the left having freedom mean you are another of those who chose inheritance as a career and now see working people as a threat to your job security.

I provided you with proof (which you initially ignored, naturally !) of the utter destructiveness of Leftieism, when it's given the power to do what it wants.

A society in near-meltdown from Leftie perniciousness more than 'Trumps' a deeply patriotic Conservative figure, one who wants the BEST for American society, and will fight for it.

Supporting society, v sabotaging it. What's better ???

You hate my wordiness, by the way ? Aahhhh ... my heart bleeds for you. Strains your eyeballs to read it ?

Here's a thought. Instead of all this crass stupidity ... will you try for CONSTRUCTIVE debate ? H'mm ?

08-02-2017, 09:10 AM
Perhaps this is what happens when "adults" act like children and form some sort of little gangs, float around the internet "testing the waters" to see which forum they can insult the most - and then be unhappy when they don't get the fighting in return that they desired?

Look, not as much directed at you, because again, my direct interaction with you has been pleasant. But I stand by what I wrote above. Not a single one of you came in here to be friendly, to look to join a community, to try and get along with others, to try and be respectful when posting... There are quite a lot of members, for whatever reason, who have not even posted in the past week or so. When you have an influx of new members, sometimes others will watch to see what is going on, and maybe even hesitate when they see the explosion of fights and name calling.

If this isn't what you expected, or you prefer a shitload of chaos like the 327 page thread at JPP on this identical thread, I don't know what to say. But if the "gang" runs as one, and all think as one and will come as one and leave as one - so be it.

Nothing of what I've seen from these people surprises me in the slightest. I expected all of what we've seen.

That said, it was no less than proper that they be given the chance to make this debating community something they could be a constructive part of. Perhaps it can still happen ? I strongly doubt it ... BUT ... the opportunity should nevertheless exist and be fully offered.

Here's hoping, even now, for a better outcome (??) ...

08-02-2017, 06:31 PM
Sorry, XO, but it looks like this place isn't going to work, either. Others have stopped posting. JM registered and posted nothing. OE says that he is done with the combination of a lack of substance combined with wit that rarely rises even to the level of being insipid. I agree. The only time the sissy rightards here take a break from flinging weak insults is to whine about insults. I like the mods here and the owner is great, but the Deplorables here are ... deplorable.

Says the guy who has flung more insults than substance since he started posting...

You posted the above as if you expected someone to beg you to stay. Many of us want to see more diversity on this board, but all you and yours have brought, thus far, is the leftwing version of everything you've been complaining about. You have been just as tolerant as the rightwingers you whine about. You want to take your ball and go home? Knock yourself the fuck out. We didn't know you existed before your first post, and we'll forget your name in a day or two. This board has been around for ten years without you, it'll continue to do fine.

Stay, go, whatever. Not a single one of us, and I'm fairly certain I can speak for everyone, gives a flying rhinoceros shit. You will not be missed.

On the other hand, should you decide to stay, allow me to offer some advice...

Grow the fuck up. Drop your insults, ignore their insults, take the high road and post your shit.

Christ almighty, I though I was done with this kind of crap when my children moved out...

08-02-2017, 06:33 PM
Oh, and jimnyc & NightTrain?

That post was NOT awesome...

08-02-2017, 07:04 PM
Says the guy who has flung more insults than substance since he started posting...

You posted the above as if you expected someone to beg you to stay. Many of us want to see more diversity on this board, but all you and yours have brought, thus far, is the leftwing version of everything you've been complaining about. You have been just as tolerant as the rightwingers you whine about. You want to take your ball and go home? Knock yourself the fuck out. We didn't know you existed before your first post, and we'll forget your name in a day or two. This board has been around for ten years without you, it'll continue to do fine.

Stay, go, whatever. Not a single one of us, and I'm fairly certain I can speak for everyone, gives a flying rhinoceros shit. You will not be missed.

On the other hand, should you decide to stay, allow me to offer some advice...

Grow the fuck up. Drop your insults, ignore their insults, take the high road and post your shit.

Christ almighty, I though I was done with this kind of crap when my children moved out...

I can say one thing positive about 'Ricky' ... we have, at least, known where we stand with him. To whatever extent I can, I find that refreshing.

What needs to change is that, if he's here to debate, he should DEBATE. No gratuitous insult-flinging .. no 'attitude' ... just a willingness to offer ideas and perspectives, then have them tested through reasoned debate. All this can be done in a spirit of reasonable conduct.

I don't think it'll happen. But I'll be delighted to be proved wrong.

08-02-2017, 07:07 PM
Oh, and @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) & @NightTrain (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=89)?

That post was NOT awesome...

I'll be the judge of that!


08-02-2017, 07:13 PM
They weren't here to debate. They were here to rat-pack using ad hominems.

One poster at one of the other boards that banned them described them as "a clown car roaming around full of Leftist Animals." :laugh:

08-02-2017, 07:14 PM
I can say one thing positive about 'Ricky' ... we have, at least, known where we stand with him. To whatever extent I can, I find that refreshing.

What needs to change is that, if he's here to debate, he should DEBATE. No gratuitous insult-flinging .. no 'attitude' ... just a willingness to offer ideas and perspectives, then have them tested through reasoned debate. All this can be done in a spirit of reasonable conduct.

I don't think it'll happen. But I'll be delighted to be proved wrong.

He kind of reminds of that one guy... what was his name... toolfool... no... twitfits... no... wait, let me search the membership roster...


He reminds of that guy. Talking about how smart he is, how much "game" he has, gets his feelings hurt then shits all over the board...

08-02-2017, 07:16 PM
He kind of reminds of that one guy... what was his name... toolfool... no... twitfits... no... wait, let me search the membership roster...


He reminds of that guy. Talking about how smart he is, how much "game" he has, gets his feelings hurt then shits all over the board...

Twitfits?? LMAO! :2up:

08-02-2017, 07:17 PM
I also found this exact thread posted at a few other forums. Testing the waters I suppose. I read a monster thread at JPP. Looked like respect and niceties were to be found right from the get go there too.

Oh well, I can deal with that. I just thought for ONCE we would have some that wouldn't come in with the liberal chip on their shoulders looking to fight from day one.

Mean liberal? I don't know about all that. Ricky has been mostly polite with me when it's direct discussion. He does of course bash the entire place, or so it appeared to me. I'll do my best to judge each person individually, and reply in kind... but seems folks came as a group, and are of the identical mindset and even share identical insults over and over.

A point of interest: 'mean liberal' is the description 'Ricky' gives of himself, on Facebook. He goes by that title, apparently. I found an essay of his there, going back a couple of months, where the title was posted.

[Added .. I've just checked out a link the article provided. It offers the reader a link to a 'meanliberal.blog' site, which 'Ricky' authors.

I'm not here to propagate his literary inventions, but all I need say is that it contains a series of character-assassination pieces designed to attack Trump & those who'd support him. Room for / interest in, actual 'debate' ? I see none in anything I've seen.]

Abbey Marie
08-03-2017, 05:33 AM
Perhaps this is what happens when "adults" act like children and form some sort of little gangs, float around the internet "testing the waters" to see which forum they can insult the most - and then be unhappy when they don't get the fighting in return that they desired?

Look, not as much directed at you, because again, my direct interaction with you has been pleasant. But I stand by what I wrote above. Not a single one of you came in here to be friendly, to look to join a community, to try and get along with others, to try and be respectful when posting... There are quite a lot of members, for whatever reason, who have not even posted in the past week or so. When you have an influx of new members, sometimes others will watch to see what is going on, and maybe even hesitate when they see the explosion of fights and name calling.

If this isn't what you expected, or you prefer a shitload of chaos like the 327 page thread at JPP on this identical thread, I don't know what to say. But if the "gang" runs as one, and all think as one and will come as one and leave as one - so be it.

Borg Collective? Is resistance futile? Lol.

08-03-2017, 08:56 AM
They weren't here to debate. They were here to rat-pack using ad hominems.

One poster at one of the other boards that banned them described them as "a clown car roaming around full of Leftist Animals." :laugh:

Makes me wonder, since there was only one place that banned us, if that "one poster" was the one who banned me.
He personally greeted us with only insults. Then told us to ignore the insults as we were newbies and there was a tradition to insult and harass newbies as an initiation ritual.

THEN when asked why I was being banned, he insisted I didn't "post normally," stating that I was expected to only post questions and answers.
When I replied, quoting my initial questions to him and his arrogant and condescending answers that didn't say anything but insult me, that was it.
I was done.

Yes, we were told over and over that we were "snowflakes", libruls, and we could only bring arguments that had been defeated elsewhere, and they were too bored with the likes of us to bother debating, only to tell us to search for our previous devastating defeats.

Look, I can appreciate how you won't miss us. You have your own known group of friends and enemies. This is your own little cyber tavern where you can congregate in comfort, discuss the news as you see it, bitch and whine, console each other, and do your mutual ego-stroking, and not have your pecking order, priorities, and most of all, your consumed ideology questioned.

Tavy's initial post WAS meant as a challenge to debate, with a choice of areas you might question. It's easy to see it as a laundry list of whines and insults at Trump and his believers. (Or followers if you prefer) And I can see why such a long rant would cause the troops to rally and attack these "invading marauders," clearly the reaction is understandable, but only for a time. At some point conservatives need to actually address issues and confront reality with this same vigor they attack liberals. These stated opinions of defeating liberals with facts are belied by arguments no more substantive than "I know you are, but what am I?" But look back. That's all we saw here.

Tavy set the stage when he stated, [...] "Deplorables eat up as a virtue. trump is their knight against all those snooty people who know things."

But I'm afraid few bothered to read that far.

And if you didn't, then you wont see how the irony of his words have come full circle on this thread.

"Nothing defines trump and trumpies better. trump’s lies come largely from him being too much of a pussy to handle the truth. His incompetence is mostly a matter of his fear of hard work. Learning is so much more difficult than hiring somebody to do the thinky stuff. His cronyism is a result of being too afraid to have around him someone who might challenge him or see through his bluster. And fascism, of course, is all about cowardice. It works best on those who see boogey men everywhere and are such wimps they will happily trade independence for the security of goose stepping in a herd. trump himself is very bold when surrounded by the pitchforks-and-torches crowd. He has plenty of courage when inciting his mob to violence. Face to face? trump never brought up the Wall to the President of Mexico. He took it like a bitch when Carley Fiorina slapped him around in the debate, and then whined at Faux Gnus about it after. He had similar reactions in dealing with Megyn Kelly or a Black pastor, submitting meekly face to face, and then blustering bravely from a distance. Yup, cowardly. No label I can think of better defines trump. Certainly none better defines his fluffer bitches."

08-03-2017, 09:08 AM
Yes, we were told over and over that we were "snowflakes", libruls, and we could only bring arguments that had been defeated elsewhere, and they were too bored with the likes of us to bother debating, only to tell us to search for our previous devastating defeats.

interesting.....I've noticed the same thing.....

Tavy's initial post WAS meant as a challenge to debate, with a choice of areas you might question.
there's a whole board full of threads out there....all you boys had to do was choose one and start.......that's what we all do......

08-03-2017, 09:56 AM

Makes me wonder, since there was only one place that banned us, if that "one poster" was the one who banned me.
He personally greeted us with only insults. Then told us to ignore the insults as we were newbies and there was a tradition to insult and harass newbies as an initiation ritual.

THEN when asked why I was being banned, he insisted I didn't "post normally," stating that I was expected to only post questions and answers.
When I replied, quoting my initial questions to him and his arrogant and condescending answers that didn't say anything but insult me, that was it.
I was done.

Yes, we were told over and over that we were "snowflakes", libruls, and we could only bring arguments that had been defeated elsewhere, and they were too bored with the likes of us to bother debating, only to tell us to search for our previous devastating defeats.

Look, I can appreciate how you won't miss us. You have your own known group of friends and enemies. This is your own little cyber tavern where you can congregate in comfort, discuss the news as you see it, bitch and whine, console each other, and do your mutual ego-stroking, and not have your pecking order, priorities, and most of all, your consumed ideology questioned.

Tavy's initial post WAS meant as a challenge to debate, with a choice of areas you might question. It's easy to see it as a laundry list of whines and insults at Trump and his believers. (Or followers if you prefer) And I can see why such a long rant would cause the troops to rally and attack these "invading marauders," clearly the reaction is understandable, but only for a time. At some point conservatives need to actually address issues and confront reality with this same vigor they attack liberals. These stated opinions of defeating liberals with facts are belied by arguments no more substantive than "I know you are, but what am I?" But look back. That's all we saw here.

Tavy set the stage when he stated, [...] "Deplorables eat up as a virtue. trump is their knight against all those snooty people who know things."

But I'm afraid few bothered to read that far.

And if you didn't, then you wont see how the irony of his words have come full circle on this thread.

"Nothing defines trump and trumpies better. trump’s lies come largely from him being too much of a pussy to handle the truth. His incompetence is mostly a matter of his fear of hard work. Learning is so much more difficult than hiring somebody to do the thinky stuff. His cronyism is a result of being too afraid to have around him someone who might challenge him or see through his bluster. And fascism, of course, is all about cowardice. It works best on those who see boogey men everywhere and are such wimps they will happily trade independence for the security of goose stepping in a herd. trump himself is very bold when surrounded by the pitchforks-and-torches crowd. He has plenty of courage when inciting his mob to violence. Face to face? trump never brought up the Wall to the President of Mexico. He took it like a bitch when Carley Fiorina slapped him around in the debate, and then whined at Faux Gnus about it after. He had similar reactions in dealing with Megyn Kelly or a Black pastor, submitting meekly face to face, and then blustering bravely from a distance. Yup, cowardly. No label I can think of better defines trump. Certainly none better defines his fluffer bitches."

You all were welcomed here and given a chance to engage in civil debate.

There was nothing new with your myriad of insults and arrogance - everything you all posted I saw almost verbatim posted at multiple other sites. It's almost a cut-n-paste.

No substance, just insults and snark.

I engaged Ricky in the Military Tranny thread and after a couple of exchanges and being shown wrong, he disengaged to flee to his only active thread - this one - which is a copy of a few other threads he had at other boards.

There are many talented debaters here, but you guys weren't interested in that. You proved that all you were interested in doing was flinging shit and when you began reaping what you sowed, you bailed. Apparently the heat wasn't what you expected after your initial welcomes.

Something to keep in mind - all of us are aware of your style of posting, particularly Ricky Tavy's : the YouTube comments sections is loaded with it. Snark & insults can be funny, but after 5 minutes it wears off. The descriptive of a clown car roaming around full of leftist animals was quite apt.

I'm not sure why you others have a hero-worship complex with him, because from what I saw, he's not very good and is easily outmaneuvered... but to each their own. Sure, he can lay out the bile - but it's nothing that your average 15 year old doesn't do in the YouTube comments section daily.

Happy Trails.

08-03-2017, 12:32 PM
You all were welcomed here and given a chance to engage in civil debate.

There was nothing new with your myriad of insults and arrogance - everything you all posted I saw almost verbatim posted at multiple other sites. It's almost a cut-n-paste.

No substance, just insults and snark.

I engaged Ricky in the Military Tranny thread and after a couple of exchanges and being shown wrong, he disengaged to flee to his only active thread - this one - which is a copy of a few other threads he had at other boards.

There are many talented debaters here, but you guys weren't interested in that. You proved that all you were interested in doing was flinging shit and when you began reaping what you sowed, you bailed. Apparently the heat wasn't what you expected after your initial welcomes.

Something to keep in mind - all of us are aware of your style of posting, particularly Ricky Tavy's : the YouTube comments sections is loaded with it. Snark & insults can be funny, but after 5 minutes it wears off. The descriptive of a clown car roaming around full of leftist animals was quite apt.

I'm not sure why you others have a hero-worship complex with him, because from what I saw, he's not very good and is easily outmaneuvered... but to each their own. Sure, he can lay out the bile - but it's nothing that your average 15 year old doesn't do in the YouTube comments section daily.

Happy Trails.

Nailed it. Thank you.

I like your avatar. Is that real or is that photoshopped? I lived in Anchorage for a while.

08-03-2017, 12:41 PM
Nailed it. Thank you.

I like your avatar. Is that real or is that photoshopped? I lived in Anchorage for a while.

Thanks! It's a painting of a B-1... I've always liked it.

When did you live in Anch? I lived there for about 10 years or so back in the '90s.

08-03-2017, 12:48 PM
Thanks! It's a painting of a B-1... I've always liked it.

When did you live in Anch? I lived there for about 10 years or so back in the '90s.

I was there from 85 to 95. Worked offshore, remote. Would have been a hoot to see a B-1 coming down the Turnagain Arm like that.

08-03-2017, 12:53 PM
I was there from 85 to 95. Worked offshore, remote.

Oil Rig guy, huh? Early 2000s I was working downtown at Conoco Phillips (Arco Building when you were here) supporting the comm to the North Slope and the Rigs. That was a pretty easy gig, I enjoyed it except for the commute to Wasilla. There's a separated 4-lane highway all the way to Wasilla now.

You'd be impressed with the way Anchorage and especially Wasilla has changed since '95. Overpasses, cloverleafs, roundabouts and a LOT of growth.

08-03-2017, 12:57 PM
Oil Rig guy, huh? Early 2000s I was working downtown at Conoco Phillips (Arco Building when you were here) supporting the comm to the North Slope and the Rigs. That was a pretty easy gig, I enjoyed it except for the commute to Wasilla. There's a separated 4-lane highway all the way to Wasilla now.

You'd be impressed with the way Anchorage and especially Wasilla has changed since '95. Overpasses, cloverleafs, roundabouts and a LOT of growth.

Being the curmudgeon that am I would probably hate it now. But I loved it when I was there. Must be crazy in the summertime.

08-03-2017, 01:02 PM
Being the curmudgeon that am I would probably hate it now. But I loved it when I was there. Must be crazy in the summertime.

Yeah, Anchorage is crazy these days in the summer with tens of thousands of tourists being bused in from the big cruise ships. I got tired of the city and bailed out here to Wasilla, but it's getting crowded here now, too. Still, I'm not interested in driving more than the 50 miles to Anchorage so I won't be moving further out.

08-03-2017, 01:04 PM
These stated opinions of defeating liberals with facts are belied by arguments no more substantive than "I know you are, but what am I?" But look back. That's all we saw here.

I saw more than one person, more than a handful, try to get some new folks to drop the name calling and insults and try to get to even know what the other person is about first. A few outright said no. And the rest continued with the insults, and much of it towards folks who never even addressed any new folks.

A similar story. It's not the first time liberals came storming in with some sort of agenda & no desire to be a part of any community, but rather with an agenda to fight, disrupt & looking to share the latest goofy name calling towards either side of the political aisle.

08-03-2017, 01:07 PM
You all were welcomed here and given a chance to engage in civil debate.

There was nothing new with your myriad of insults and arrogance - everything you all posted I saw almost verbatim posted at multiple other sites. It's almost a cut-n-paste.

It more or less WAS a cut and paste. 3 boards total have the identical thread started. Perhaps they are looking to see who suits their "needs" the most. But I saw similar fighting and name calling at all of them. There was ZERO desire to try and have a discussion or rational debate. Any attempt at "debate" that one may call it, was of course riddled with endless names. Of course we ALL drop some bombs here and there. But anyone worth a damn can easily drop facts and articles in their debate, and not need to go personal with folks right from the get go. We've seen the dance thousands of times before.

08-03-2017, 01:11 PM
Oh, and jimnyc & NightTrain?

That post was NOT awesome...

It was fucking killer though!! :2up:

But most importantly is that the folks that post riddled with insults, got riddled with facts. Of course they're superior though. :dunno:

08-03-2017, 06:33 PM

Makes me wonder, since there was only one place that banned us, if that "one poster" was the one who banned me.
He personally greeted us with only insults. Then told us to ignore the insults as we were newbies and there was a tradition to insult and harass newbies as an initiation ritual.

THEN when asked why I was being banned, he insisted I didn't "post normally," stating that I was expected to only post questions and answers.
When I replied, quoting my initial questions to him and his arrogant and condescending answers that didn't say anything but insult me, that was it.
I was done.

Yes, we were told over and over that we were "snowflakes", libruls, and we could only bring arguments that had been defeated elsewhere, and they were too bored with the likes of us to bother debating, only to tell us to search for our previous devastating defeats.

Look, I can appreciate how you won't miss us. You have your own known group of friends and enemies. This is your own little cyber tavern where you can congregate in comfort, discuss the news as you see it, bitch and whine, console each other, and do your mutual ego-stroking, and not have your pecking order, priorities, and most of all, your consumed ideology questioned.

Tavy's initial post WAS meant as a challenge to debate, with a choice of areas you might question. It's easy to see it as a laundry list of whines and insults at Trump and his believers. (Or followers if you prefer) And I can see why such a long rant would cause the troops to rally and attack these "invading marauders," clearly the reaction is understandable, but only for a time. At some point conservatives need to actually address issues and confront reality with this same vigor they attack liberals. These stated opinions of defeating liberals with facts are belied by arguments no more substantive than "I know you are, but what am I?" But look back. That's all we saw here.

Tavy set the stage when he stated, [...] "Deplorables eat up as a virtue. trump is their knight against all those snooty people who know things."

But I'm afraid few bothered to read that far.

And if you didn't, then you wont see how the irony of his words have come full circle on this thread.

"Nothing defines trump and trumpies better. trump’s lies come largely from him being too much of a pussy to handle the truth. His incompetence is mostly a matter of his fear of hard work. Learning is so much more difficult than hiring somebody to do the thinky stuff. His cronyism is a result of being too afraid to have around him someone who might challenge him or see through his bluster. And fascism, of course, is all about cowardice. It works best on those who see boogey men everywhere and are such wimps they will happily trade independence for the security of goose stepping in a herd. trump himself is very bold when surrounded by the pitchforks-and-torches crowd. He has plenty of courage when inciting his mob to violence. Face to face? trump never brought up the Wall to the President of Mexico. He took it like a bitch when Carley Fiorina slapped him around in the debate, and then whined at Faux Gnus about it after. He had similar reactions in dealing with Megyn Kelly or a Black pastor, submitting meekly face to face, and then blustering bravely from a distance. Yup, cowardly. No label I can think of better defines trump. Certainly none better defines his fluffer bitches."

I don't really have anything to say that hasn't already been said.

I would say this, though. It's more than a 'bit rich' for someone to come on here, obviously single-mindedly following an aggressive and hostile agenda, labelling OTHERS as so-called 'deplorables', when the message being put forward is itself considerably less than civil or respectful of others' sensibilities. it's like throwing a punch at someone, then calling the recipient 'deplorable' if he responds in kind !!

You don't go in for inciteful language, then consider you've good grounds to 'object' if your words have had the desired effect !!

For those with the mindset of setting out to achieve it, it's perfectly possible to submit a range of views, ask for responses, then mutually debate according to the respective merits of each side or viewpoint. But -- in truth, that was never the intention from your group .. was it ? Outright, less-than-civil confrontation was always the 'name of the game' for you people.

I've seen it before. No doubt I'll see it again. And, I have to say this - because it's no less than TRUE - those of a Conservative mindset are better predisposed to civil conduct in debates. We simply are. I can tell you why, I think ... it's because our philosophy is grounded in that of valuing the individual, which is the opposite of the Left's approach. To the Left, objectives matter, agendas matter, 'the masses' matter ... but the individual largely does not. So, why would Lefties care about insulting some individuals, who they can't care about, AS individuals ?

You see where it all gets you. Basically ... nowhere.

Your loss.

08-05-2017, 06:27 PM
great.....somebody here suggested they go to liberalforum......and they went......now that site is looking for revenge......

08-05-2017, 10:05 PM
great.....somebody here suggested they go to liberalforum......and they went......now that site is looking for revenge......Think about it though. Who cares? The clown car rolled in and didn't last 2 weeks. They gonna send in more clowns?

And for what? As Jim says ... seen that movie too. A mob of clowns looking for a board to invade and be hateful to others for no real reason. Typical lefties. If they can't drown you out, they run away. What I wake up for in the morning. See who I can insult and hate. If it's @imnyc, I get bonus points :).

So they've run off to another board that wants "revenge"? My words on a screen are S-O-O-O shaking :laugh:.

08-05-2017, 10:32 PM


08-06-2017, 08:44 AM
Think about it though. Who cares? The clown car rolled in and didn't last 2 weeks. They gonna send in more clowns?

And for what? As Jim says ... seen that movie too. A mob of clowns looking for a board to invade and be hateful to others for no real reason. Typical lefties. If they can't drown you out, they run away. What I wake up for in the morning. See who I can insult and hate. If it's @imnyc, I get bonus points :).

So they've run off to another board that wants "revenge"? My words on a screen are S-O-O-O shaking :laugh:.
no, you misunderstand......they don't want revenge because you were rough on them.....they want revenge because now they are stuck with them......

08-06-2017, 05:03 PM
no, you misunderstand......they don't want revenge because you were rough on them.....they want revenge because now they are stuck with them......No, I got it. That one's TOO easy to understand.

And believe me, I wasn't rough on them. Too much crap going on in the real world right now so I really wasn't much of a player. Dammit. Besides, Jim's board and he wanted to be all polite n crap. I generally don't walk all over his toes as far as that goes. Run over him with my truck, maybe ..:laugh2:

I'll just echo everyone else's sentiments. I don't mind a little rowdiness, nor even the way some people come off. I've no room to talk on that one. But when you start out from word one hating just to be hating, I don't see the "asset to the board community" part.

But that board doesn't need to hate US for their behavior. Nobody I noticed sent them anywhere. The Pied Piper got his little feelings hurt and took his gaggle of mice and ran. I certainly never suggest when he tucked tail and ran for him to go to any board. Few other places I might suggest :).

08-06-2017, 06:05 PM

08-06-2017, 07:03 PM
No, I got it. That one's TOO easy to understand.

And believe me, I wasn't rough on them. Too much crap going on in the real world right now so I really wasn't much of a player. Dammit. Besides, Jim's board and he wanted to be all polite n crap. I generally don't walk all over his toes as far as that goes. Run over him with my truck, maybe ..:laugh2:

I'll just echo everyone else's sentiments. I don't mind a little rowdiness, nor even the way some people come off. I've no room to talk on that one. But when you start out from word one hating just to be hating, I don't see the "asset to the board community" part.

But that board doesn't need to hate US for their behavior. Nobody I noticed sent them anywhere. The Pied Piper got his little feelings hurt and took his gaggle of mice and ran. I certainly never suggest when he tucked tail and ran for him to go to any board. Few other places I might suggest :).
dang you're clueless sometimes......they should have insisted you wear a helmet when you went through artillery training.....

08-06-2017, 09:34 PM
You've missed a LOT of whining then. It started with the outright tears and excuses from day one. And continues to this day with Hillary making excuses, along with the entire Dem party.

But she has no say in anything, thank God. I admit to hearing the things you write, but not my writing.

The MSM has an agenda, and several have been caught lying.

The illegals coming over our southern border is a problem, no matter the race. I still want a wall. But seeing the illegals down by 70% is fantastic!!

I couldn't care less about the environmentalists.

Women and teachers are doing just fine on the R side. As are black people. The very black people that were more than pissed off that there hero didn't really do jack shit for them in 8 years.

I don't fear the muslims. But they ARE a massive problem, and for the entire world. It's proven time and time and time again - hell, daily for that fact.

The liberal snowflakes are hardly bullies. Just funny little buggers who complain enough to get their weird little ways.

You obviously have never heard of Evergreen State College:


08-07-2017, 07:32 PM
dang you're clueless sometimes......they should have insisted you wear a helmet when you went through artillery training.....Hah. I was NOT Arty. I admit to "losing" my helmet as early and often as possible :). I HATED that stupid thing.

Hearing's fine though. Especially when I'm reading it ;).

08-08-2017, 08:41 AM
Is it imposed discipline or is it not? Only Trump knows for sure.

Yesterday morning was all 'personal' and 'reactive' from the President, today? Back on message via tweetster-in-charge.

08-08-2017, 02:27 PM
I am convinced. Anyone who would create a thread " trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?" Probably asked the question to disguise, or hide the OP's own feelings of insecurity, ignorance, and miserable life made of Hatred.