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View Full Version : Trump to police - "I want to say Thank You"

07-28-2017, 02:25 PM
Call it politics, call it whatever you will. But the police and much of the military have been blasted far too often. While the police have definitely had some shootings that were horrid and those men deserve to be punished... Some bad eggs, and then rhetoric, and then a president that divided the people when such issues arose.


POLICE OFFICERS CHEER After Trump Tells Officers: We Have Your Backs 100% – Not Like the Old Days

President Trump traveled to Long Island, New York on Friday to discuss MS-13 violence and open borders. President Trump promised to liberate American towns from the MS-13 menace.

President Trump ripped Obama during the start of his speech.

"President Trump: The reason I came, this is the most important reason to me, on behalf of the American people I want to say thank you. Thank you, very much. Thank you. And I don’t think you know how much the public respects and admires you. You’re saving American lives every day and we have your backs. Believe me, we have your backs 100%. Not like the old days."



Ricky Tavy
07-29-2017, 03:18 AM
Call it politics, call it whatever you will. But the police and much of the military have been blasted far too often. While the police have definitely had some shootings that were horrid and those men deserve to be punished... Some bad eggs, and then rhetoric, and then a president that divided the people when such issues arose.


POLICE OFFICERS CHEER After Trump Tells Officers: We Have Your Backs 100% – Not Like the Old Days

President Trump traveled to Long Island, New York on Friday to discuss MS-13 violence and open borders. President Trump promised to liberate American towns from the MS-13 menace.

President Trump ripped Obama during the start of his speech.

"President Trump: The reason I came, this is the most important reason to me, on behalf of the American people I want to say thank you. Thank you, very much. Thank you. And I don’t think you know how much the public respects and admires you. You’re saving American lives every day and we have your backs. Believe me, we have your backs 100%. Not like the old days."



Moving beyond the way trump once again made everything about him and his "Glory Days," I was most taken by his pandering to Gestapo lusts with words indicating he supports police brutality, and how the police cheered that. So much for a few "Bad Apples" among the police. I was less surprised by Deplorable approval of his fascist appeals.

07-29-2017, 08:28 AM
You may like the message, but I don't think Trump even really cares. It's all tactics to him. Campaign mode. Do and say what is needed to win.

07-29-2017, 11:47 AM
You may like the message, but I don't think Trump even really cares. It's all tactics to him. Campaign mode. Do and say what is needed to win.

Think as you will, that's cool. But his support of folks in the service and with badges, has long been solid. And those folks like him in return for that support. GWB was similar, even if not well liked. He still has that support and love with such folks today. Trump is doing similarly thus far. Obama - just not the same.

07-29-2017, 12:06 PM
I think Trump is sincere and will continue this tone ...unless the Police turn on him and tweet bad things about him, at that point he'll say All police all crap... but there might be a few good ones.
And I have no problem with anyone "thanking the police".
the Last time i was in court for speeding ticket I thanked the officer for her professionalism. I’ve worked and attended police officer’s memorial services.

My problem is that it seems to me that the police and some of their staunch supporters don’t want ANY criticism or questions. they seem think that 100% support means we NEVER point out any problems... Never ask for any improvement... Never seriously consider if the problems might b MORE than just “bad apples”. (for instance, unconstitutional asset forfeiture policies, stop and frisk policies to name just 2 SYSTEM WIDE issues)
If you do mention any potential problem then you “HATE the police” and are “causing division”.

I think Obama didn’t handle the police issues as well as he could have (among other things) but I think the OVERSENSITIVITY of Police and some on the right took his comments/actions far worse than they actually were.


the above is just one example of Obama's thanks for and acknowledging appreciation for police.
So sorry but i’ve never sense any horrific disrespect of police from Obama.
Not always ASUMMING the best of police. OK, yes there was some of that. “HATE” “disrespect”…. lack of “support”. Nope.
not in any objective sense.
However if you think “support” and “thanks” really means UNCONDITIONAL, UNCRITICAL, UNQUALIFIED and full throated PRAISE 100% of the time, well then,
maybe we have a debate about definitions.

07-29-2017, 12:08 PM
My problem is it seem to me that the police and some of their staunch supporters don’t want ANY criticism or questions.

You know I'm a huge supporter of the police. But I hope you see/acknowledge, that when I see a bad shooting or similar, I am often the first to get in line and demand justice and call it for what it is - murder or manslaughter - as I've even most recently stated in the Minnesota shooting.

07-30-2017, 03:11 PM
ANother point made about Trumps Speech,

he seems to encourage Cops "not to be so nice" to criminal suspects BTW.
SO are cops being TOO NICE? the trail of blood proves it i guess.
And the Cops Smile and cheer... most are good cops I'm sure.

the following video is not completely inline with my POV, but... they make some points.

One of the points they make is that in some schools they are teaching children how to Address/Approach police.

Ok isn't this BASS AKWARD?
Shouldn't COPS be the ones getting the training (RETRAINING) on how to approach Children? as well as other citizens?
why should children be AFRAID/CAUTIOUS to approach police?

Is it because too many cops "fear for their lives" and are ready to shoot or choke people to death at the drop a hat?
So that Citizens young and old have to try to be the ones to learn how to NOT OFFEND or FRIGHTEN an officer.
Have to try and Deescalate the cops rather than the cops trying to work things out peacefully.
