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View Full Version : Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

08-01-2017, 12:38 PM
I'm not a law expert or even close, so I'm only posting this because it's in the news. How good of friends were they? I have no clue. I have more of an issue with all of the Dems he brought on board than I do with this. And more so, is any irrefutable proof of any evidence they should find from either side of the aisle, in any investigation.


House Judiciary Member: Mueller Legally Required To Resign Over ‘Conflict Of Interest’

Republican Arizona Rep. Trent Franks says that Robert Mueller is in “clear violation” of federal law prohibiting a special counsel from having a conflict of interest and therefore must immediately resign as special counsel overseeing the Russia investigation.

Mueller’s reported friendship with former FBI director James Comey presents a clear conflict of interest, according to Franks, who is a senior member on the House Judiciary Committee. Federal law defines a conflict of interest as: “a personal relationship with any person substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution.”

“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties. Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another,” said Franks.

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice. Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

Rest here - http://dailycaller.com/2017/08/01/house-judiciary-member-mueller-legally-required-to-resign-over-conflict-of-interest/