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View Full Version : Paul Ryan Releases Video Promoting POTUS’s Border Wall

08-01-2017, 01:44 PM

Hell Freezes Over: RINO Paul Ryan Releases Video Promoting POTUS’s Border Wall

From the moment Donald Trump stormed the political scene, the real estate billionaire had the GOP establishment shaking in its boots. Since Trump announced he was running for president, Speaker Paul Ryan has been one of the conductors steering the Never Trump train. Everything Ryan does in support of President Trump should be taken with a grain – very large grain – of salt. On Tuesday, Ryan released a video advocating for President Trump’s border wall. Has hell frozen over or is Ryan paying lip service to the wall he is secretly trying to kill?

The video begins with Ryan entering a helicopter overseeing the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. “1,954 miles along America’s Souther border. It’s time for the wall”, reads the intro text.

Ryan narrates the ad, saying the following:

“I had the opportunity to travel down to Texas to the Rio Grande Valley to spend time with our border patrol. When you see what they’re up against, it really gives you an even greater respect for what they do. They clearly need more tools, more support to do their job, effectively. That’s why we’re going to get this done, this week.”

