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View Full Version : Gingrich: Gorsuch Appointment 'May Have Justified the Whole Presidential Campaign'

08-03-2017, 01:47 PM
Not so sure I agree with Gingrich, to the extent that one appointment justified the entire campaign. But it sure as EFF made a HUGE point of justification. If Hillary had won, appointed a liberal to the SC, and then sucked the rest of the way. That would still have been HUGE. And if she somehow within 4-8 years were able to appoint another, or even 3 SC justices in total? Well, then that would be monstrous.

Onto the tax cuts next. Hopefully they will approach this better than they did the health crap.


Gingrich: Gorsuch Appointment 'May Have Justified the Whole Presidential Campaign'

WASHINGTON – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) warned that tax reform could face the same fate as Obamacare repeal if the White House and Congress do not focus on communicating effectively with the American people before crafting the legislation.

Gingrich said President Reagan learned that “you have to move the American people” to pass legislation but many Republicans today have not adopted the same approach.

“Look at this whole mess with Obamacare. For seven months the focus has been on the Congress, but in the end the Congress isn’t the key. The key is the American people. If we had spent as much time educating the American people and communicating with the American people and then writing a bill, which reflected what the American people told us, we would have passed Obamacare’s repeal with a bipartisan majority because people back home would have said, ‘we want this new, better bill.’ We’re going to face the same challenge with the upcoming tax cuts,” Gingrich said at the Young America’s Foundation national conservative student conference Tuesday.

“The tax cuts have to be designed so they are understandable by the American people and they have to be designed so the American people, upon understanding them, go, ‘I want that.’ Now, if you write the right tax cut bill then millions of people are going to go to their congressman or their senator and they’re going to say, ‘I want you to vote for this bill,’” he added.

Gingrich said conservatives have paid too much attention to the three Republican senators who voted against “skinny” repeal and have ignored the 48 Democratic senators who opposed the bill.

“Trying to intimidate McCain is just a dead loser,” Gingrich said after pointing out that Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) has voted against the repeal of Obamacare in the past. “In Murkowski’s case, she lost a primary. She won as an independent on a write-in vote and in a sense that’s what you want. You want senators who are independent.”

Gingrich encouraged the public to read Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign by Amie Parnes and Jonathan Allen.

“It’s a brilliant book. It says that by the day after the election she had come up with a reason she had lost. It was Comey’s press conferences and the Russians, and of course all of her senior staff who were the people who lost the election are all going, ‘That’s right, that’s right, it was them. They did it. You should be really mad at them because they did it. It wasn’t us who you paid a lot of money even though we’re idiots. They did it.’ But it’s a fascinating book, which I recommend,” he said.

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/2017/08/02/gingrich-gorsuch-appointment-may-have-justified-the-whole-presidential-campaign/

08-03-2017, 05:50 PM
by the time you add the next two appointments, it will certainly have justified it......

08-03-2017, 06:23 PM
by the time you add the next two appointments, it will certainly have justified it......

3 appointments? Oh hell yeah!