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View Full Version : Lawyers Say Comey’s FBI Lied About Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting

08-04-2017, 11:06 AM
We'll never know the truth. I'm sure they didn't write on paper exactly what they discussed. But one would have to be VERY naive to not see the timing, the election and all that other jazz.

I wonder why the FBI originally lied and stated there were no records?


“The Results Are Shocking”: Lawyers Say Comey’s FBI Lied About Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting

The infamous Phoenix airport tarmac meeting between then Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton is currently being investigated by the American Center for Law and Justice. After pouring over documents connected to meeting, the legal team says they were shocked to learn how dishonest the FBI under James Comey was in relation to the incident.

WND reports:

A legal team investigating the “surreptitious” meeting between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on the Phoenix airport tarmac – just as Hillary Clinton was under investigation by the FBI over her improper email handling – says the FBI under James Comey lied about it.

“We have just obtained hundreds of pages in our ongoing investigation and federal lawsuit on former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton while the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI had an ongoing criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails,” says a new report from officials with the American Center for Law and Justice.

“The results are shocking.”

“First, the Comey FBI lied to us. Last July, we sent FOIA requests to both the Comey FBI and the Lynch DOJ asking for any documents related to the Clinton Lynch plane meeting. The FBI, under the then directorship of James Comey, quickly replied that ‘No records responsive to your request were located.’”

However, from records that now have become available, “It is clear that there were multiple records within the FBI responsive to our request and that discussions regarding the surreptitious meeting between then AG Lynch and the husband of the subject of an ongoing FBI criminal investigation reached the highest levels of the FBI,” the ACLJ reported.

The meeting stunned observers, since it was the chief prosecutor overseeing a federal investigation into a presidential candidate’s mishandling of classified emails while she was secretary of state meeting up with the spouse of the candidate under investigation

Recently, the Justice Department released a redacted version of the conversation between then-AG Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton from last summer’s tarmac meeting.

Perhaps their conversation about grandchildren and golf has them worried which is why they scrambled to withhold the information from the public citing ‘deliberative process’ privilege.

Via Washington Examiner:

The Justice Department released a redacted version of talking points it created about last year’s tarmac meeting between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton, and claimed that the information could be withheld because of the government’s “deliberative process” privilege.

The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain numerous documents related to the meeting, and eventually had to sue the Department of Justice to obtain the documents, which included the redacted talking points.


Black Diamond
08-04-2017, 11:10 AM
they talked about their grandchildren.

08-04-2017, 04:16 PM
they talked about their grandchildren.
"Loretta, it would be a shame if your grandchildren didn't make it home from school".......