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08-08-2007, 06:06 PM
On this group:


The Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) is a federated gay and lesbian political organization in the United States with state chapters and a national office in Washington, DC. The group consists of gays and lesbians who are supporters of the Republican Party. The organization has long been formally committed to supporting gay and lesbian civil rights.[1]

On December 18, 2006, the National Board of Directors named Patrick Sammon as the organization's new President.[2] Sammon also serves as President of the Liberty Education Forum, a non-partisan educational foundation that is associated with Log Cabin. Sammon has been leading these organizations on an interim basis since September 1st and succeeds Patrick Guerriero, who on January 1, 2003, succeeded Rich Tafel as the leader of the Log Cabin Republicans. Guerriero stepped down as leader of the Log Cabin Republicans on September 1, 2006 to lead the Gill Action Fund.

08-08-2007, 06:10 PM
My thoughts:


08-08-2007, 06:47 PM
Anybody can call themself a Republican or a conservative, don't automatically make ya one though.

08-08-2007, 06:48 PM
What are your thoughts on this junior?

Pale Rider
08-08-2007, 06:55 PM
Faggots and lickety splits. They may think they're republicans, but they surely aren't Christian.

08-08-2007, 08:07 PM
What are your thoughts on this junior?
Nothing too bad.
Except the fact that they vote for people who exploit them and say awful things about them for political gain.

But besides that, its their right to vote for whoever they want.

08-08-2007, 08:09 PM
Anybody can call themself a Republican or a conservative, don't automatically make ya one though.
Why is that?

Heres what they believe in:

The Log Cabin stresses its loyalty to the Republican Party: "We are loyal Republicans," its website says. "We believe in low taxes, limited government, strong defense, free markets, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. Log Cabin represents an important part of the American family—taxpaying, hard working people who proudly believe in this nation's greatness.
Is that not the same as what you believe in??
It's very normal for people of the same party to diasgree with each other on an issue...and in this case its on the issue about homosexuality.

08-08-2007, 08:14 PM
Faggots and lickety splits. They may think they're republicans, but they surely aren't Christian.
What do you mean by "think"???

What about Hindu Republicans? And Jewish Republicans?

You don't have to be a Christian in order to be a Republican...and if you think you do you're fucking retarded.
LOL of course knowing you Pale that wouldn't surprise me the least.

08-08-2007, 08:15 PM
My thoughts:



08-08-2007, 08:30 PM
Why is that?

Heres what they believe in:

Is that not the same as what you believe in??
It's very normal for people of the same party to diasgree with each other on an issue...and in this case its on the issue about homosexuality.

But they choose to live what is factually a vile, disgusting and dangerous lifestyle. Makes them mentally suspect in most people's eyes.

Shit Charlie Manson was a lib, want him representing libs?

08-08-2007, 08:56 PM
Hey if they want to vote for my candidate, then go right ahead.

08-08-2007, 09:11 PM
But they choose to live what is factually a vile, disgusting and dangerous lifestyle. Makes them mentally suspect in most people's eyes.

Shit Charlie Manson was a lib, want him representing libs? charlie manson was not a Voter so how is it you really know he was a Liberal, (Democrat)?

And Charlie Manson did not have an organization that supported the Democratic Party....

soooooooooo, lol, what was the point of that Oca?

I agree with obama that it is common, at least with the Dems, to have differing, contradicting factions all supporting the same party...diversified, to say the very least.

I think the Log Cabin Republicans have ALOT more support from the Republican Party than you would honestly think.....

Especially with all of the sex scandals involving Repubs in office and homosexual behavior within the last couple of years that have been exposed...

I think there are many, many, many Republicans in office that are closet gays....and it is to be expected. If a gay person is fiscally conservative/small gvt believer he had no party to support other than Republicans. (until recent years where repubs became big gvt, nation building, big spenders even moreso, than democrats previously imo)

ANYWAY, having diversity within a Party, is a good thing in my opinion.

08-08-2007, 09:21 PM
charlie manson was not a Voter so how is it you really know he was a Liberal, (Democrat)?

And Charlie Manson did not have an organization that supported the Democratic Party....

soooooooooo, lol, what was the point of that Oca?

I agree with obama that it is common, at least with the Dems, to have differing, contradicting factions all supporting the same party...diversified, to say the very least.

I think the Log Cabin Republicans have ALOT more support from the Republican Party than you would honestly think.....

Especially with all of the sex scandals involving Repubs in office and homosexual behavior within the last couple of years that have been exposed...

I think there are many, many, many Republicans in office that are closet gays....and it is to be expected. If a gay person is fiscally conservative/small gvt believer he had no party to support other than Republicans. (until recent years where repubs became big gvt, nation building, big spenders even moreso, than democrats previously imo)

ANYWAY, having diversity within a Party, is a good thing in my opinion.

Yeah i'm sure ol'Charlie's political leanings were towards the right LMFAO!

08-08-2007, 09:23 PM
Nothing too bad.
Except the fact that they vote for people who exploit them and say awful things about them for political gain.

But besides that, its their right to vote for whoever they want.

I do not believe all republicans are against civil unions. So your statement is incorrect.

Now when we talk about marriage, you are talking about something very, very different. And, they do NOT say things solely for political gain, ever considered they might actually believe in those ideas? The same quip could be said about the dems when they make a talking point, so be careful the slippery slope and stick to actual points.

08-08-2007, 09:28 PM
Yeah i'm sure ol'Charlie's political leanings were towards the right LMFAO!

I believe, he was very well known for being ANTI- governmrnt, anti establisment, anti policemen...

Libs have their share of loonies that DO identify with them, they don't need YOU to add to the list, arbitrarily, FOR goodness sake!!!! hahaha!:slap:


red states rule
08-08-2007, 10:12 PM
First gay marriage, then...........

08-09-2007, 12:30 AM
Faggots and lickety splits. They may think they're republicans, but they surely aren't Christian.

damn rep system! I'll get you later for that lickety splits term.....outstanding!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

red states rule
08-09-2007, 05:21 AM
Dems are pandering to the gays, as usual

Democratic '08 hopefuls set for forum on gay issues

NEW YORK (AP) — The homosexual rights movement reaches a milestone today when its agenda is the subject of a televised Democratic presidential candidate forum. Yet many activists — craving bolder support for same-sex couples — view the unprecedented event with mixed emotions.

Though pleased that all the candidates of a major party are courting their votes and endorsing the bulk of their political wish list, they are frustrated that none of the front-runners is calling for legalization of same-sex "marriage."

The forum, to be held in Los Angeles, is co-sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual rights group that has become increasingly influential in Democratic politics, and by Logo, the homosexual-oriented cable channel that will provide a live telecast and Internet simulcast. Every Democratic candidate except Delaware Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Connecticut Sen. Christopher J. Dodd plans to participate.

Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese will serve as a panelist, along with singer Melissa Etheridge and Washington Post editorial writer Jonathan Capehart.

"I hope we can get genuinely heartfelt answers," said Mr. Solmonese, who wants the leading candidates to explain why they remain wary of same-sex "marriage."

Organizers say the forum marks the first time that major presidential candidates will appear on TV specifically to address homosexual issues.

"Simply seeing the candidates step on a stage to speak to a national gay television audience may be as moving as anything they say," said Logo's president, Brian Graden.

Logo, available in about 27 million homes, offered to hold a second forum for Republican candidates, but the Republican front-runners showed no interest, said Logo's general manager, Lisa Sherman

for the complete article


08-09-2007, 02:59 PM
The Wikipedia definition of a Log Cabin Republican would be far more accurate if it said; "The group consists of members and friends of the gay community who are working for a more inclusive Republican Party. The organization has long been formally committed to supporting gay rights and gay friendly Republican candidates."

If it was not for Log Cabin there might be something in the Republican party platform about the quarantine and extermination of all homosexuals before they spread their filth, disease, and death to your children. If you are gay you can thank Log Cabin for not being in a prison or some kind of detention camp awaiting God's mighty wrath as defined by religious crazies.

08-09-2007, 07:26 PM
The Wikipedia definition of a Log Cabin Republican would be far more accurate if it said; "The group consists of members and friends of the gay community who are working for a more inclusive Republican Party. The organization has long been formally committed to supporting gay rights and gay friendly Republican candidates."

If it was not for Log Cabin there might be something in the Republican party platform about the quarantine and extermination of all homosexuals before they spread their filth, disease, and death to your children. If you are gay you can thank Log Cabin for not being in a prison or some kind of detention camp awaiting God's mighty wrath as defined by religious crazies.

right.... and we are supposedly the crazy ones...