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View Full Version : CA Parents Sue School for Treating 7-Year-Old Transgender ‘Girl’ Like a Boy

08-04-2017, 03:46 PM
I can't take it anymore!! You ARE a boy, and then these parents are going to sue?? It really will be only a matter of time, before we start getting citations or whatever if we address one of these cuckoos with the wrong pronouns. I sure as hell hope not, but we're living through a time where all of these people are making demands about sexuality and who they are - and seemingly their demands are being granted.


CA Parents Sue School for Treating 7-Year-Old Transgender ‘Girl’ Like a Boy

Southern California parents Priya Shah and Jaspret Brar are suing a private school for allegedly discriminating against their seven-year-old transgender child, Nicole (Nikki), who is biologically male but identifies as female.

The complaint alleges that the Heritage Oak Private Education school in Yorba Linda “unlawfully discriminated against Nikki,” and elaborates: “Heritage Oak repudiated Nikki’s core identity. It refused to use the name, pronoun, and gender corresponding to Nikki’s gender identity, required Nikki to wear the boy’s uniform and use the boy’s restroom, and failed to address the bullying that Nikki was subjected to because of her gender identity and gender expression.”

The complaint also describes the harm that Nikki allegedly suffered:

Seven-year-old Nikki became depressed and talked about self-harm; she isolated herself socially and would not play with other children at recess because she could not be herself with them; she would not participate in school-related events after hours when she had to wear boy’s clothes; and she felt that the school was blocking her “inner light.” On the day when she tore a photograph of herself in half and cried out, “I hate myself,” Nikki’s parents had no choice but to remove her from the school and homeschool her for the rest of the year.

In its “statement of facts” elaborating on the details of the case, the complaint asserts: “It is a scientific truth that, for certain children, their inner sense of themselves—their gender identity—does not correspond to the sex assigned to them at birth.”

The suit refers to California civil rights law, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender, which means biological sex as well as “gender identity and gender expression.”


08-08-2017, 01:19 AM
...if we let kids choose their gender, why do we have other age-of-consent laws? A kid can choose to be a different sex but not HAVE sex? We say kids aren't mature enough at age 17 to buy cigs, but at age 12 we let them decide to be a different gender? I think I think parents who allow their kids to choose a different gender should have their kids removed on the basis of child neglect, endangerment and/or abuse. I think our age-based consent laws should be tossed out, otherwise. We can't have it both ways.

Abbey Marie
08-09-2017, 11:27 AM
I want this case to go all the way to a Trump-laden USSC. Let's settle this craziness while the getting is good.

08-09-2017, 12:39 PM
Leftists are just some messed up people. In the same breath they'll purport love and support for a sexually confused person or just flat out pervert, and then right after that, if asked, they'll purport love and support also for muslims who believe homosexuals should be killed, which is only one example of many of how convoluted the leftist thought pattern is. Are they taught to think that way, or are they born that way?

I'll never understand their train of thought as long as I live. I think their train is derailed.

08-11-2017, 08:04 AM
Every time I read a story like this I wonder how much of this is about the welfare of the child and how much is about progressive parents wanting a trophy trans child. The kid is only 7 years old and might already be screwed up beyond repair. The parents should be imprisoned for child abuse and maybe some state officials should join the parents in the slammer.

08-11-2017, 08:06 AM
Every time I read a story like this I wonder how much of this is about the welfare of the child and how much is about progressive parents wanting a trophy trans child. The kid is only 7 years old and might already be screwed up beyond repair. The parents should be imprisoned for child abuse and maybe some state officials should join the parents in the slammer.

BOOM. Perfect and best reply this week.