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08-04-2017, 06:45 PM
Last week after a bit of trail walking, stopped at Red Rooster Cafe, (thanks SassyLady), had a Cuban Sandwich. It was soooo good, but with an iced tea and tip was over $16! A bit pricey for day-to-day.

So, today I was thinking of it and thought, why not make something similar. No, didn't have any shredded pork around and the delis here don't either. So, I bought some Ciabatta rolls, smoked ham, sandwich pickles.

Brushed the cut sides with olive oil and grilled them with cast iron pot on top. Grabbed them, on the bottom put mustard, the ham, pepper jack cheese, pickles. Wrapped that up in foil and baked for 10 minutes.

I love Fridays! It's my 'treat yourself right day!'

Speaking of good day, saw pants I used to love, Sz 6, tried them on, they fit! Woot! Even better? $50 was in the pocket!

08-04-2017, 07:50 PM
sorry, but I seem to have misplaced my invitation.......

08-08-2017, 01:23 AM
Kath - you and i could really be friends :) There have been times i've wanted to "choke" ya - times where I really couldn't stand our conflicts...but over the years i've come to greatly appreciate what you have to offer - not just the board, but what you offer those in your real-life. You are a terrific person. I'm so sorry for my bullish or offensive tones I've taken with you in the past, both publicly on the board and via messages.

08-08-2017, 08:30 AM
Kath - you and i could really be friends :) There have been times i've wanted to "choke" ya - times where I really couldn't stand our conflicts...but over the years i've come to greatly appreciate what you have to offer - not just the board, but what you offer those in your real-life. You are a terrific person. I'm so sorry for my bullish or offensive tones I've taken with you in the past, both publicly on the board and via messages.

What we had, was a failure to communicate, (that doesn't sound like me, :cool: ). I'm not going to say that I've changed much; you though have grown, Farm Boy! If we'd called you, John Boy, I'd call you, John now. Alas, calling you, Farm, would sound weird. Since your name is dmp or something. :laugh:
Somewhere along the line, you've grown more thoughtful and less judgmental, that is growth. It's not comfortable moving beyond certainties. I like the improved version much more, we are both better people because of it.

08-08-2017, 08:40 AM
I haven't changed....YOU have :)

08-08-2017, 08:43 AM
I haven't changed....YOU have :)

Nah, I'm still the Jesuit influenced child from my youth. Certainties only apply to how I behave, (or sin, :laugh:). Others, I pray for.

Abbey Marie
08-08-2017, 09:25 AM
You've BOTH changed. :cool:

08-08-2017, 11:01 AM
You've BOTH changed. :cool:

and STOP IT!......

08-11-2017, 05:57 PM
You've BOTH changed. :cool:

We've all changed and yet not changed.

I think a lot of us started out on the boards angry because of the political times we were living in, and through our posts, we've come to know each other better over the years. Now we look for things that we have in common instead of things that we have in conflict, thus thinking it's the other person that has changed.

It's our willingness to listen and discuss that allows us to "see" people differently.

08-11-2017, 10:49 PM
I've changed.

Abbey Marie
08-12-2017, 03:06 PM
We've all changed and yet not changed.

I think a lot of us started out on the boards angry because of the political times we were living in, and through our posts, we've come to know each other better over the years. Now we look for things that we have in common instead of things that we have in conflict, thus thinking it's the other person that has changed.

It's our willingness to listen and discuss that allows us to "see" people differently.

I've just always had a crush on you :cool:

08-12-2017, 03:17 PM
I've just always had a crush on you :cool:

TMI! :laugh2:

08-12-2017, 04:29 PM
TMI! :laugh2:

I was only kidding, both Abbey and Sassy are two people I've always liked, whether we agree on something or not. Classy ladies!

08-12-2017, 11:03 PM
Last week after a bit of trail walking, stopped at Red Rooster Cafe, (thanks @SassyLady (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=83)), had a Cuban Sandwich. It was soooo good, but with an iced tea and tip was over $16! A bit pricey for day-to-day.

So, today I was thinking of it and thought, why not make something similar. No, didn't have any shredded pork around and the delis here don't either. So, I bought some Ciabatta rolls, smoked ham, sandwich pickles.

Brushed the cut sides with olive oil and grilled them with cast iron pot on top. Grabbed them, on the bottom put mustard, the ham, pepper jack cheese, pickles. Wrapped that up in foil and baked for 10 minutes.

I love Fridays! It's my 'treat yourself right day!'

Speaking of good day, saw pants I used to love, Sz 6, tried them on, they fit! Woot! Even better? $50 was in the pocket!

The best food I've ever had was in Miami. I was on my way back home after a deployment so I was looking forward to some good food. I spent 3 days in every Cuban place in Miami and the rice and beans and the sandwiches were incredible. I've tried for years to learn how to make the sauce they use, I haven't been able to duplicate it yet.

08-13-2017, 09:53 AM
Yes I live alone, have now for 30 years. So, when it comes to eating, it can get pretty boring and stagnant if you eat the same things over and over. Well, one of my favorite shows on tv is 'Diners, Drive Ins and Dives' with Guy Fiere. I sit and watch all these mega delicious things being concocted and my mouth just waters. So lately I've figured, well, I need to start cooking, get outside my comfort zone, and whip together some of these things to shake things up a bit. So recently I have been, and one of the things I made was Gyros. It was a huge success IMO. I made the meat which was 1lb of ground lamb and 1lb of ground beef mixed in the food processor with seasonings and other ingredients, and the Tzatziki sauce which turned out awesome, which has to sit overnight in the fridge, same with the meat, and then some fresh pita bread and some diced red onions and tomatoes and wha-la, you've got yourself a mega Gyro. One of the best ones I ever had in my life. Glad I like my own cookin'... :laugh: