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View Full Version : I Think He's Onto Something Here

08-05-2017, 10:53 AM
For both parties. The Democrats being 'Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump!' need to talk about some policies and find some responses to the significant number of their ranks that voted with Trump. There were reasons, those need to be discussed.

President Trump and his core need to understand that those outside of the core, do have questions regarding his approach to Russia and some of his more bizarre comments that involved the Russians and Putin.

The thing is, most don't want to hear about the 'investigations' and 'threats regarding the investigations,' they want to know what's happening with health care, how the government is going to be more efficient and less of a money drain, approaches to secure the border and get rid of 'money is not an object,' etc.

Shut up about 'Russia' and let the investigations go where they go, there's enough committees from both parties to keep an eye on them.

The election cycle will be starting again in less than 6 months, what isn't finished by Christmas, likely will not be addressed until after.
