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View Full Version : Left Wing Google mgmt. blackballs staffers

08-08-2017, 11:56 AM
There were more poitical rumblings of abuse of rankings and what not during the election but I mostly ignored that stuff.


Google’s Social Justice Warriors Create Wrongthink Blacklists

Numerous individuals alleged to be members of Google’s management team have been caught bragging about forming blacklists to impact the careers of colleagues with different political beliefs.

In a series of screenshots from 2015 onwards provided to Breitbart News by a verified Google employee, individuals described as left-wing Google management employees can be seen discussing the ways they punish their colleagues both inside and out of the company.

“While Google appears to be doing very little to quell the hostile voices that exists inside the company, I want those hostile voices to know: I will never, ever hire hire/transfer you onto my team. Ever. I don’t care if you are perfect fit of technically excellent or whatever,” declared former employee Adam Fletcher in a post on Google’s internal, staff-only Google+ network: “Internal Plus.” “I will actively not work with you, even to the point where your team or product is impacted by this decision. I’ll communicate why to your manager if it comes up.”

“You’re being blacklisted by people at companies outside of Google,” he continued. “You might not have been aware of this, but people know, people talk. There are always social consequences.”


“One of the great things about Google’s internal communication mechanisms (G+, mailing lists, etc), is that, as a manager, I can easily go find out if I really want to work with you,” wrote another individual described on social media as a Google manager, Collin Winter. “I keep a written blacklist of people whom I will never allow on or near my team, based on how they view and treat their coworkers. That blacklist got a little longer today.”

In the comments, one Google employee can be seen asking, “Are such blacklists allowed at Google?” before another added, “I would talk to legal before assembling a list of people who are possibly creating a hostile workplace.”

“And now I know that if I ever sue Google for harassment I should demand to see all manager’s shit-lists to see if this was something management already knew and thus let happen (my tormentor could be on there and not dealt with). It would probably increase the settlement aware considerably,” he continued. “I would encourage anyone else getting mistreated at Google to do the same.”

This week, a Google employee’s ten-page document went viral (http://gizmodo.com/exclusive-heres-the-full-10-page-anti-diversity-screed-1797564320), after he called for more ideological diversity at the company.

As reported by Breitbart Tech’s Allum Bokhari, “The Googler’s 10-page manifesto criticized the company for maintaining an atmosphere of political groupthink, in which employees with viewpoints that challenge leftist narratives are forced to keep their mouths shut for fear of losing their jobs. He also criticized Google for ignoring the latest research on gender differences and their interplay with the lack of women in STEM jobs.”

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/08/07/revealed-inside-googles-sjw-cabal-blacklists/

08-08-2017, 11:58 AM
As to the guy that posted the "manifesto"


Google Fires Viewpoint Diversity Manifesto Author James Damore

The Google employee behind a ten-page viewpoint diversity manifesto that went viral online has been fired.

James Damore, whose manifesto criticizing the politically correct corporate culture at Google prompted outrage from left-wing employees and social justice warriors online, revealed that he had been fired in an email to Breitbart Tech on Monday evening.

In his email to Breitbart Tech, Damore claimed, “They just fired me for ‘perpetuating gender stereotypes.'”

Damore’s writing has revealed a divided Google, in which some employees agree with his outlook, but are afraid to speak out for fear of repercussions from social justice warriors in the company, such as being added to blacklists.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/08/07/google-fires-viewpoint-diversity-manifesto-author-james-damore/

08-08-2017, 02:32 PM
GOOGLE is run, owned, and managed by SNOWFLAKES.

If Americans worry about the government, NSA, FBI, CIA having access to their personal information....THINK AGAIN. GOOGLE has more information on every American than our government.
It's a fact. If you have any portion of GOOGLE on your PC, Laptop, or Cell phone. They have the capability to know everything about you, 24/7...365.

08-08-2017, 03:07 PM
He really should move away from California. James Damore might have trouble finding work again in San Francisco, but not in much of the rest of the country. I have said FAR, FAR worse and have no problem finding work.

08-10-2017, 02:57 AM
Irony of Ironies - calling for more diversity got him fired because of 'diversity'. Google took the guys comments out of context on purpose.

it'd be like a pastor being defrocked by doing this:

Psalm 14:1 - The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.

and the church board saying "Pastor just said - HE JUST WROTE "...there is no god" - We MUST Fire him immediately! Look - it's RIGHT THERE! He used the words "There is no God"

I hate people.