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View Full Version : REPORT: NK Can Nuke The US Now; Trump Reacts

08-08-2017, 03:51 PM

Very not good:

<header class="row_article article-header article_max" style="box-sizing: inherit; position: relative; max-width: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-top: none; padding-top: 1.125em; margin-bottom: 1.125em;">Trump Vows North Korea Threat Will Be Met With ‘Fire and Fury’by ALI VITALI


WASHINGTON — Amid sharply escalating tensions with North Korea, President Donald Trump on Tuesday promised "fire and fury like the world has never seen" if the country continues to threaten the United States.

"North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States," the president warned, responding to a reporter's question during at his Bedminster Golf Club, where Trump has spent the last several days. "They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before."

Trump's came just hours after reports that North Korea had developed a nuclear weapon small enough to fit on a missile.

The president also said North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un, has been "very threatening" recently.

U.S. officials believe North Korea now has the capability to put a nuclear weapon on a missile, (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/north-korea/north-korea-can-put-nuclear-weapon-missile-officials-believe-n790871) NBC News learned Tuesday. According to a U.S. official briefed on the assessment, the advance does not mean North Korea has a nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that can survive reentry accurately.

Last month, North Korea proved its missile capabilities (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/north-korean-ballistic-missile-launch-detected-pentagon-n787451) have reached a point where U.S. cities are within "target range."


08-08-2017, 03:55 PM
Some military pundits, are not liking at least this part of his remark, "...the likes of which the world has never seen..."

If he means a nuclear response, what's his plan for South Korea, China, etc.? There are real questions about the 'red line' approach, as Obama found with Syria. Basically he appears to be threatening the US use of nukes if NK crazy man makes anymore threats?

08-08-2017, 04:36 PM
I am of the opinion that Trump would have been better served by keeping his big mouth shut. Threats like the one he issued today are, for the most part empty and meaningless. Unless the one issuing them is an absolute nut case and would launch an attack on another nation simply because its leader said some mean things about you and your country. And if Trump is capable doing such a thing, he needs to go. Now.

All he has done by shooting off his mouth is paint himself into a corner from which he will look nothing but foolish. "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States"? Really? Kim Jong Un is going to threaten the U.S. again, then what? More empty rhetoric. Anything else would be criminal.

Better to keep his mouth shut and ignore Kim's rhetoric...

08-08-2017, 04:48 PM
I am of the opinion that Trump would have been better served by keeping his big mouth shut. Threats like the one he issued today are, for the most part empty and meaningless. Unless the one issuing them is an absolute nut case and would launch an attack on another nation simply because its leader said some mean things about you and your country. And if Trump is capable doing such a thing, he needs to go. Now.

All he has done by shooting off his mouth is paint himself into a corner from which he will look nothing but foolish. "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States"? Really? Kim Jong Un is going to threaten the U.S. again, then what? More empty rhetoric. Anything else would be criminal.

Better to keep his mouth shut and ignore Kim's rhetoric...

You just ably articulated what I only implied. ;)

08-08-2017, 05:28 PM
Wonderful, :(


North Korea seriously considering strike on Guam: Reports, citing state media<time class="datestamp" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2017-08-08T18:22:48-0400" style="user-select: text; padding: 5px 0px 0px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: &quot;Gotham Narrow SSm 4r&quot;, Arial; font-size: 11px;">3 Mins Ago

</time>North Korea said on Wednesday it is "carefully examining" a plan to strike the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam with missiles, just hours after U.S. President Donald Trump told the North that any threat to the United States would be met with "fire and fury".

A spokesman for the Korean People's Army, in a statement carried by the North's state-run KCNA news agency, said the strike plan will be "put into practice in a multi-current and consecutive way any moment" once leader Kim Jong Un makes a decision.

In another statement citing a different military spokesman, North Korea also said it could carry out a pre-emptive operation if the United States showed signs of provocation.


08-08-2017, 05:54 PM
Too many leaders have let North Korea go on for too long and now there is little to do but wait and watch. Saber rattling is one thing, but I see no way China lets Kim get away with any unprovoked attack on anyone. I define provocation as being some sort of military action, not globally agreed upon economic sanctions or an easily insulted politician spewing ridiculous suggestions of "fire and fury."

08-08-2017, 06:16 PM
The President of the United States has one responsibility. KEEP AMERICA SAFE.

Trump is not going to play NICE like Obama did. We have been Threatened by the Little FAT Dummy in N.K. and he is no longer just rattling a sabre.

Would anyone prefer we just sit back, and ignore such threats?
If you lived in Guam, or Hawaii right now. Would you rather hear OBAMA apologize again for the USA, or would you prefer to have a President who will OBEY HIS OATH?

Black Diamond
08-08-2017, 06:21 PM
In this case I have to say....

if trump hadn't said Obama had wiretapped trump without being able to back it up (I thought to some extent we were all wiretapped), maybe the fat little fucker would believe him.

At the same time, trump threats or not, at some point, the guy is going to need a rocket up his ass. He won't respond to anything else.

Black Diamond
08-08-2017, 06:23 PM
The President of the United States has one responsibility. KEEP AMERICA SAFE.

Trump is not going to play NICE like Obama did. We have been Threatened by the Little FAT Dummy in N.K. and he is no longer just rattling a sabre.

Would anyone prefer we just sit back, and ignore such threats?
If you lived in Guam, or Hawaii right now. Would you rather hear OBAMA apologize again for the USA, or would you prefer to have a President who will OBEY HIS OATH?
No I don't want the president apologizing. I just wish some of trumps statements had had more credence. Obama is an anti American piece of shit.

Black Diamond
08-08-2017, 08:23 PM
I fear Obama or even trump should have acted before it got this far. I say even because was it too late on January 20? I don't know the answer to that.

08-08-2017, 09:26 PM
I fear Obama or even trump should have acted before it got this far. I say even because was it too late on January 20? I don't know the answer to that.

Agreed. But the truth is. We are here TODAY. Can't go through the Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda. It's too late for that. Trump and the Pentagon (I feel), already have the plans, and the End Game on the table for N.K. They have so many obstacles to overcome to do any kind of strike of any kind.
Too many human beings are under the LITTLE FAT BOY'S range, and he is just so damned Crazy...not caring about his own people. So why would he care about a few million people who might get in his way?
Personally. I would find a way, somehow, to have a Marksman, with a perfect record, get the little fat idiot in his Scope, and yell ALLAH SNACKBAR to let ISIS know, they are next.

Abbey Marie
08-09-2017, 08:15 AM
We are seeing the fallout (pun-aware) of 8 years of one of the weakest and most ineffectual presidents we've had. A little talk of fire and brimstone might be in order for a bit.

08-09-2017, 08:56 AM
NK is so full of shit. They know it.

08-09-2017, 12:45 PM
You just ably articulated what I only implied. ;)
Trump is a spoiled man child, devoid of self-control and common sense.
His Twitter behavior alone shows that he is unable to be an articulate and rational leader.
He has absolutely no business being SCROTUS.
He can always be expected to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Always.

Abbey Marie
08-09-2017, 01:01 PM
Trump is a spoiled man child, devoid of self-control and common sense.
His Twitter behavior alone shows that he is unable to be an articulate and rational leader.
He has absolutely no business being SCROTUS.
He can always be expected to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Always.

Wrong thing = Whatever SMTA doesn't agree with.

08-09-2017, 01:15 PM
Trump is a spoiled man child, devoid of self-control and common sense.
His Twitter behavior alone shows that he is unable to be an articulate and rational leader.
He has absolutely no business being SCROTUS.
He can always be expected to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Always.
I think he says what the vast majority of Americans are thinking, and I think he speaks the way the vast majority of Americans speak. That's why his rallies are jam packed clear out the doors and have the intensity of a rock concert. He's a people's man, not some hoity toity, canned speech, garden variety, run of the mill, say what he thinks you want to hear, focus group tested, rotten politician.

He has every right to be president. He was duly and legally elected, and I believe will go down in history as one of the best presidents we've ever had, even though he's got formidable opposition not only from the radical RESIST leftist filth, but the deep state, bought and paid for by lobbyist cash, good ole boys club, establishment trash. President Trump obviously loves America, he's putting America first, make America great again, I can't see why anyone would have a problem with that, unless they themselves also hate America like obama does.

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 02:54 PM
I think he says what the vast majority of Americans are thinking, and I think he speaks the way the vast majority of Americans speak. That's why his rallies are jam packed clear out the doors and have the intensity of a rock concert. He's a people's man, not some hoity toity, canned speech, garden variety, run of the mill, say what he thinks you want to hear, focus group tested, rotten politician.

He has every right to be president. He was duly and legally elected, and I believe will go down in history as one of the best presidents we've ever had, even though he's got formidable opposition not only from the radical RESIST leftist filth, but the deep state, bought and paid for by lobbyist cash, good ole boys club, establishment trash. President Trump obviously loves America, he's putting America first, make America great again, I can't see why anyone would have a problem with that, unless they themselves also hate America like obama does.
well said. trump isn't going anywhere (he won't be removed from office). it's going to take time to get everything done. We need to have patience. There are spirits on the Left and Right that are against him. Eventually, Trump's agenda will prevail.

08-09-2017, 03:09 PM
Mad Dog speaks :

The United States and our allies have the demonstrated capabilities and unquestionable commitment to defend ourselves from an attack. Kim Jong Un should take heed of the United Nations Security Council’s unified voice, and statements from governments the world over, who agree the DPRK poses a threat to global security and stability. The DPRK must choose to stop isolating itself and stand down its pursuit of nuclear weapons. The DPRK should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people.

President Trump was informed of the growing threat last December and on taking office his first orders to me emphasized the readiness of our ballistic missile defense and nuclear deterrent forces. While our State Department is making every effort to resolve this global threat through diplomatic means, it must be noted that the combined allied militaries now possess the most precise, rehearsed and robust defensive and offensive capabilities on Earth. The DPRK regime’s actions will continue to be grossly overmatched by ours and would lose any arms race or conflict it initiates.


The time for pussy footing is past. Previous spineless engagements have led to this situation and there's only one language the Tubby Tyrant understands.

08-09-2017, 05:33 PM
Trump is a spoiled man child, devoid of self-control and common sense.
His Twitter behavior alone shows that he is unable to be an articulate and rational leader.
He has absolutely no business being SCROTUS.
He can always be expected to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Always.

SMTA. You have a right to say, and think whatever you want. Thanks for showing all of us that being undereducated as a member here has nothing to do with your participation.

SAD THING IS....FOR YOU. No matter what you say, or think.


<img src="http://a.abcnews.com/images/Politics/GTY-president-trump-jef-170123_16x9_992.jpg">

08-09-2017, 05:37 PM
I fear Obama or even trump should have acted before it got this far. I say even because was it too late on January 20? I don't know the answer to that.

Acted how?

08-09-2017, 05:50 PM
Acted how?

For You petey...The Standard, Obama, Democrat, Snowflake way...
<img src="http://www.historyinorbit.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/white-flag-surrender_233204.jpg">

How you see life in LA LA LAND.[/CENTER]

08-09-2017, 06:33 PM
SMTA. You have a right to say, and think whatever you want. Thanks for showing all of us that being undereducated as a member here has nothing to do with your participation.

SAD THING IS....FOR YOU. No matter what you say, or think.



Don't blame me for the man being a moron.
The emperor has no clothes.

08-09-2017, 06:36 PM
I think he says what the vast majority of Americans are thinking, and I think he speaks the way the vast majority of Americans speak. That's why his rallies are jam packed clear out the doors and have the intensity of a rock concert. He's a people's man, not some hoity toity, canned speech, garden variety, run of the mill, say what he thinks you want to hear, focus group tested, rotten politician.

He has every right to be president. He was duly and legally elected, and I believe will go down in history as one of the best presidents we've ever had, even though he's got formidable opposition not only from the radical RESIST leftist filth, but the deep state, bought and paid for by lobbyist cash, good ole boys club, establishment trash. President Trump obviously loves America, he's putting America first, make America great again, I can't see why anyone would have a problem with that, unless they themselves also hate America like obama does.
The only thing that Trump cares about is Trump.

08-09-2017, 06:38 PM
Wrong thing = Whatever SMTA doesn't agree with.
It is not about me but the fact that Trump is a childish moron.

08-09-2017, 06:41 PM
Regardless who is on whose side or whatever, it was a STUPID thing for Trump to say. Now he has to back it up, and he can't without risking global nuclear war. The fat little gook has nothing to lose and everything to gain calling Trump's bluff.

Just another Democratic policy coming back to bite us in the ass. We should have finished this shit in 1952 instead of some dumbass 60+ years old "cease fire". We let the little f*ck go and go and go and now he's a threat. Look for Iran to follow suit playing the same game.

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 06:42 PM
It is not about me but the fact that Trump is a childish moron.
And he crushed Hillary. Which is still hilarious.

Abbey Marie
08-09-2017, 06:43 PM
It is not about me but the fact that Trump is a childish moron.

At which Ivy did you get your MBA?

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 06:45 PM
Regardless who is on whose side or whatever, it was a STUPID thing for Trump to say. Now he has to back it up, and he can't without risking global nuclear war. The fat little gook has nothing to lose and everything to gain calling Trump's bluff.

Just another Democratic policy coming back to my bite us in the ass. We should have finished this shit in 1952 instead of some dumbass 60+ years old "cease fire". We let the little f*ck go and go and go and now he's a threat. Look for Iran to follow suit playing the same game.
I think trump will eventually back it up. He has no choice.

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 06:45 PM
At which Ivy did you get your MBA?
Bush got his at Yale.

Abbey Marie
08-09-2017, 06:49 PM
Bush got his at Yale.

Yes, another Republican the left liked to frame as dumb. They never learn.

08-09-2017, 06:50 PM
Regardless who is on whose side or whatever, it was a STUPID thing for Trump to say. Now he has to back it up, and he can't without risking global nuclear war. The fat little gook has nothing to lose and everything to gain calling Trump's bluff.

Just another Democratic policy coming back to bite us in the ass. We should have finished this shit in 1952 instead of some dumbass 60+ years old "cease fire". We let the little f*ck go and go and go and now he's a threat. Look for Iran to follow suit playing the same game.

Not just Democrat policies, every President since '53 has been pawning North Korea off on the next guy...

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 06:52 PM
Not just Democrat policies, every President since '53 has been pawning North Korea off on the next guy...
And now he can't pass the buck anymore.


08-09-2017, 06:54 PM
I think trump will eventually back it up. He has no choice.Okay. How does he back it up? Not sure how you feel about nuclear missile trade-offs with Russia and China, but IMO N Korea isn't worth it.

Invade? We tried that one. Truman pussied out when we had the overwhelming technological advantage.

If China and/or Russia refuse to play along, we have no leverage. They comprise 90% OF NK's imports and can deliver via land. We certainly have no embargo leverage.

Not to mention if he gets his usual "support" from the Senate. Add the Dems and Congress CAN cut his nads off.

08-09-2017, 06:57 PM
Not just Democrat policies, every President since '53 has been pawning North Korea off on the next guy...They've all let it go, that's for sure. It didn't get bad though until Clinton caved Kim's demands. Now they want more and expect it.

Abbey Marie
08-09-2017, 06:57 PM
Okay. How does he back it up? Not sure how you feel about nuclear missile trade-offs with Russia and China, but IMO N Korea isn't worth it.

Invade? We tried that one. Truman pussied out when we had the overwhelming technological advantage.

If China and/or Russia refuse to play along, we have no leverage. They comprise 90% OF NK's imports and can deliver via land. We certainly have no embargo leverage.

Not to mention if he gets his usual "support" from the Senate. Add the Dems and Congress CAN cut his nads off.

Send NK every Kardashian show we have. And the Kardashians themselves, too.

They'll cry Uncle pretty fast.

08-09-2017, 07:00 PM
Send NK every Kardashian show we have. And the Kardashians themselves, too.

They'll cry Uncle pretty fast.Hell, toss in anything NBC airs and calls "news" ....

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 07:02 PM
Okay. How does he back it up? Not sure how you feel about nuclear missile trade-offs with Russia and China, but IMO N Korea isn't worth it.

Invade? We tried that one. Truman pussied out when we had the overwhelming technological advantage.

If China and/or Russia refuse to play along, we have no leverage. They comprise 90% OF NK's imports and can deliver via land. We certainly have no embargo leverage.

Not to mention if he gets his usual "support" from the Senate. Add the Dems and Congress CAN cut his nads off.
That's what I don't know. He and his generals have to come up with something. Trump would have to act whether he ran his mouth or not.
Truman is overrated. He dropped the bombs which I agree with. But that was FDRs baby.

08-09-2017, 07:04 PM
At which Ivy did you get your MBA?
Higher education and advanced degrees are not required to recognize stupidity.
Only common sense is required.
Seems that a majority of the US does not approve of his actions, either.

08-09-2017, 07:05 PM
Send NK every Kardashian show we have. And the Kardashians themselves, too.

They'll cry Uncle pretty fast.
Plus Justin Bieber.

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 07:07 PM
Higher education and advanced degrees are not required to recognize stupidity.
Only common sense is required.
Seems that a majority of the US does not approve of his actions, either.
Majority of US felt toppling Saddam was the correct decision. I guess you agree it was.

And Ivy League MBAs are not morons. Anyone with trumps accomplishments is not a moron. You're just still butthurt from November 8.

08-09-2017, 07:10 PM
I think trump will eventually back it up. He has no choice.
And I agree.

But the only way President Trump would send a nuke to NOKO is if they sent one against us, and if they did that, there isn't another nation on the planet that would give a damn if we nuked them back, and wiped them out. The only thing China gives a damn about is a unified Korea and an increased American presence there, especially if that presence moved to their border. We should reassure China that that is not our intention and won't happen. China also knows that if they lose America as a place to dump all their garbage and stolen patent goods, their own economy would collapse. They know that Kim is a detriment to their own prosperity right now. So if the pie faced retard is actually stupid enough to launch a nuclear attack on America, we will be able to respond with impunity.

08-09-2017, 07:13 PM
Higher education and advanced degrees are not required to recognize stupidity.
Only common sense is required.
Seems that a majority of the US does not approve of his actions, either.
Is putting your TDS on display about all you ever do around here?

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 07:13 PM
And I agree.

But the only President Trump would send a nuke to NOKO is if they sent one against us, and if they did that, there isn't another nation on the planet that would give a damn if we nuked them back, and wiped them out. The only China gives a damn about is a unified Korea and an increased America presence there, especially if that presence moved to their border. We should reassure China that that is not our intention and won't happen. China also knows that if they lose America as a place to dump all their garbage and stolen patent goods, their own economy would collapse. So if the pie faced retard is actually stupid enough to launch a nuclear attack on America, we will be able to respond with impunity.
Correct re China. They own trillions in American treasury bills. We could just say we aren't paying.
I don't know. I think the guy needs to go.

08-09-2017, 07:21 PM
Okay. How does he back it up? Not sure how you feel about nuclear missile trade-offs with Russia and China, but IMO N Korea isn't worth it.

Invade? We tried that one. Truman pussied out when we had the overwhelming technological advantage.

If China and/or Russia refuse to play along, we have no leverage. They comprise 90% OF NK's imports and can deliver via land. We certainly have no embargo leverage.

Not to mention if he gets his usual "support" from the Senate. Add the Dems and Congress CAN cut his nads off.

Gunny, and all. Everyone seems convinced ONLY NUKES are the answer to the problem. Truth is. We, THE USA, have more capabilities than most people could ever dream about when it comes to Warfighting in any way.
Think about this, if you don't mind My OLD MAN, who knows nothing opinion here. I understand many IGNORE what I have to say here. At your own waste of time because you MUST disagree with a 70 year old who knows nothing.
We have the capabilities to do WHATEVER is needed, and all without dropping any Nukes. Right now. There are TWO CARRIER STRIKE GROUPS positioned in the Northern Pacific.

Each is composed of roughly 7,500 personnel, an aircraft carrier, at least one cruiser, a destroyer squadron of at least two destroyers or frigates, and a carrier air wing of 65 to 70 aircraft. A carrier strike group also, on occasion, includes submarines, attached logistics ships and a supply ship.
Carrier strike group - Wikipedia

Nobody should believe WE ARE NOT PREPARED TO DEFEND THE U.S.A.
President Trump has one, major mission as President...Which is why he is the CIC.

08-09-2017, 07:34 PM
That's what I don't know. He and his generals have to come up with something. Trump would have to act whether he ran his mouth or not.
Truman is overrated. He dropped the bombs which I agree with. But that was FDRs baby.He should have consulted JCS BEFORE running his mouth, and he shouldn't have used the verbiage he used. The implication in the threat is pretty clear.

He has troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. To engage yet another front would be spreading the assets pretty thin. And if the Obama administration military ended the way we did under Clinton, the military is probably not 100% up to snuff. Not even close.

Even if it was 100%, showing your hand before you play it is just stupid. Let them figure out what happened while they're cleaning up.

08-09-2017, 07:37 PM
And I agree.

But the only way President Trump would send a nuke to NOKO is if they sent one against us, and if they did that, there isn't another nation on the planet that would give a damn if we nuked them back, and wiped them out. The only thing China gives a damn about is a unified Korea and an increased American presence there, especially if that presence moved to their border. We should reassure China that that is not our intention and won't happen. China also knows that if they lose America as a place to dump all their garbage and stolen patent goods, their own economy would collapse. They know that Kim is a detriment to their own prosperity right now. So if the pie faced retard is actually stupid enough to launch a nuclear attack on America, we will be able to respond with impunity.I wouldn't be surprised if behind closed doors, China wants NK to go away as bad as anyone else. Problem is they have face to keep. Depend a lot on which they decide is more important.

If China's economy collapses, ours goes with it.

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 07:39 PM
He should have consulted JCS BEFORE running his mouth, and he shouldn't have used the verbiage he used. The implication in the threat is pretty clear.

He has troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. To engage yet another front would be spreading the assets pretty thin. And if the Obama administration military ended the way we did under Clinton, the military is probably not 100% up to snuff. Not even close.

Even if it was 100%, showing your hand before you play it is just stupid. Let them figure out what happened while they're cleaning up.
I can go along with that. But I think eventually, even if he hadn't said anything, the time will come where he has two shitty choices and has to pick one.

08-09-2017, 07:42 PM
Gunny, and all. Everyone seems convinced ONLY NUKES are the answer to the problem. Truth is. We, THE USA, have more capabilities than most people could ever dream about when it comes to Warfighting in any way.
Think about this, if you don't mind My OLD MAN, who knows nothing opinion here. I understand many IGNORE what I have to say here. At your own waste of time because you MUST disagree with a 70 year old who knows nothing.
We have the capabilities to do WHATEVER is needed, and all without dropping any Nukes. Right now. There are TWO CARRIER STRIKE GROUPS positioned in the Northern Pacific.

Each is composed of roughly 7,500 personnel, an aircraft carrier, at least one cruiser, a destroyer squadron of at least two destroyers or frigates, and a carrier air wing of 65 to 70 aircraft. A carrier strike group also, on occasion, includes submarines, attached logistics ships and a supply ship.
Carrier strike group - Wikipedia

Nobody should believe WE ARE NOT PREPARED TO DEFEND THE U.S.A.
President Trump has one, major mission as President...Which is why he is the CIC.I understand the power we have there. We can light them up for sure. What we DON'T have there is the manpower to occupy; especially if that entails occupying a line as a border.

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 07:43 PM
I understand the power we have there. We can light them up for sure. What we DON'T have there is the manpower to occupy; especially if that entails occupying a line as a border.
Another Iraq ?

08-09-2017, 07:59 PM
He should have consulted JCS BEFORE running his mouth, and he shouldn't have used the verbiage he used. The implication in the threat is pretty clear.

He has troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. To engage yet another front would be spreading the assets pretty thin. And if the Obama administration military ended the way we did under Clinton, the military is probably not 100% up to snuff. Not even close.

Even if it was 100%, showing your hand before you play it is just stupid. Let them figure out what happened while they're cleaning up.
Ya know... I like Trump... but I do have to agree, when I saw the clip of him saying that, I thought, well, that wasn't the brightest thing to say. It sounded like he was trying to one up the hyperbole with Kimmy. But who knows, maybe that's what will work with that the little inbred pie face? Maybe that will drive him to respond emotionally and screw up and that'll give us the opportunity to take the twit out... I guess we'll see.

08-09-2017, 08:05 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if behind closed doors, China wants NK to go away as bad as anyone else. Problem is they have face to keep. Depend a lot on which they decide is more important.

If China's economy collapses, ours goes with it.
I'm betting China does want Kimmy gone, but they're really concerned with a unified Korea and the US moving troops up on their border. That would piss China off. It would piss us off if China took out Mexico and put troops on our south border, same thing. So somehow, that's the thing I think we need to convince China the most that's not going to happen. Other than that, like you say, our economies are far too reliant on each other for stability. China isn't going to attack the US unless we attacked them, and vice versa, and China isn't going to intervene on behalf of that little moron either, IF he lets fly missiles that actually are headed for land. He's fucked at that point. He's all on his own.

08-09-2017, 08:11 PM
Another Iraq ?We had Iraq sewn up. Obama hosed THAT up. Iraq was another nation-building exercise like Nam. That crap doesn't work. We go in thinking they give a damn what we think and they're willing to fight for it. And they're not.

The Marshall Plan worked. We kick their asses, tell them what the rules are, enforce them, and WE don't give a damn what they think. Those N Koreans have no real concept of personal liberty, democracy, freedom ... But we expect them to want it. To be successful we would have to occupy N Korea and keep it long enough for a society to evolve from the ashes. Our unwillingness to stay the course regardless who is President has cost us.

Agree with going in or not, we had Iraq under control with Bush. All it took was a nutcase Dem with a pen to screw it all up. Now look at the place. Chaos.

08-09-2017, 08:26 PM
Ya know... I like Trump... but I do have to agree, when I saw the clip of him saying that, I thought, well, that wasn't the brightest thing to say. It sounded like he was trying to one up the hyperbole with Kimmy. But who knows, maybe that's what will work with that the little inbred pie face? Maybe that will drive him to respond emotionally and screw up and that'll give us the opportunity to take the twit out... I guess we'll see.

IMO. Trump was just talking in a language the little Idiot would understand, without all the fancy words, frills, and promises of another phony Obama Red Line.

We all know. No matter what Trump says, does, or thinks....somebody will be right there to Blast him. Here's how I see it. If Trump announced the CURE for CANCER. Everyone who hates him would disagree, and make up more BS to cover their IDIOT, IGNORANT, HATE-FILLED minds.

RIGHT NOW. What ALL Americans have to accept is. HE IS OUR PRESIDENT.

08-09-2017, 08:31 PM
The minions of the Clown Prince of North Korea responded with this statement.

...the DPRK will make the U.S. pay dearly for all the heinous crime it commits against the state and people of this country.The U.S. once waged a tragic war that plunged this land into a sea of blood and fire, and has been leaving no stone unturned to obliterate the DPRK's ideology and system century after century. The U.S. is sadly mistaken if it considers its mainland a safe haven for being on the other side of the ocean.
Those countries which were offered "thanks" from the U.S. as a reward for taking part in the conspiracy to invent the heinous "sanctions resolution" against the DPRK through their backdoor arrangement this time, too, would never be able to evade the responsibility for increasing the tensions on the Korean peninsula and jeopardizing peace and security of the region.
If the U.S. fails to act with discretion, persisting in its reckless attempts to stifle the DPRK, we will not waver or hesitate to use any form of ultimate means.
The DPRK will hold fast to the line of simultaneously developing the two fronts, the lasting banner of defending peace, and continue to march straight forward to the end of the road chosen by itself without the slightest deviation.


08-09-2017, 08:45 PM
The minions of the Clown Prince of North Korea responded with this statement.

http://www.rodong.rep.kp/en/index.php?strPageID=SF01_02_01&newsID=2017-08-08-0001Sure is long-winded to say nothing. Somebody ought to tell jackass the US didn't wage a war against Korea. THE UN defended South Korea from unprovoked communist aggression.
Dumbass slopes.

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 08:55 PM
Trump will find a way to crush this monster and we will see how the left reacts.

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 09:12 PM
Sure is long-winded to say nothing. Somebody ought to tell jackass the US didn't wage a war against Korea. THE UN defended South Korea from unprovoked communist aggression.
Dumbass slopes.
I just watched Clintons 1994 North Korea speech. What a joke he was.

08-09-2017, 09:46 PM
Trump will find a way to crush this monster and we will see how the left reacts.

Have you seriously gone through the possible scenarios? None end up well. NK has had the capability to destroy millions of SKs and haven't. They will do the same with a nuke. We're going to have to live with NK being a nuclear power. It's the only way.

08-09-2017, 09:51 PM
Have you seriously gone through the possible scenarios? None end up well. NK has had the capability to destroy millions of SKs and haven't. They will do the same with a nuke. We're going to have to live with NK being a nuclear power. It's the only way.

pete. OBAMA is no longer there to bow down, and kiss ass. President Trump, and those around him are smarter than you could ever wish to be.

Like the MSM. You are constantly assuming that a NUKE will be used to destroy millions. So, like the other Wussies in Democrat, Liberal clothing....you have no idea what you are talking about, nor what WE the U.S. has...other than nukes to take care of anything the little FAT Liberal Champion of the Democrats might THINK.
Of course. I believe you show you have no confidence in the President, nor anything that might make you GROW A PAIR, and learn something for a change.

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 10:27 PM
Have you seriously gone through the possible scenarios? None end up well. NK has had the capability to destroy millions of SKs and haven't. They will do the same with a nuke. We're going to have to live with NK being a nuclear power. It's the only way.
When they hit California, she will lose half her electoral votes when they are reapportioned in 2020. Sounds good.

Black Diamond
08-09-2017, 10:28 PM
George strait will come out of retirement and do an oceanfront show.

In Yuma.

08-09-2017, 10:46 PM
North Korea has not proven it can launch a missile that can hit Guam, much less the U.S. mainland.
Kim is obviously trying to goad Trump into doing something stupid and rash. NK knows who they are dealing with. They want to make Trump look bad in the eyes of rest of the world.
There is one big reason why the U.S. is unable to pick a fight with North Korea: China. The Chinese do not want a western nation on their border. And have stated that having two million NK refugees flood across their southern border is "unacceptable."
So all you John Wayne cowboy hawks need to hold your horses. I don't think even Trump is stupid enough to pick a fight with China.

As for George Strait, he is far from retired. I think he is playing in Las Vegas next month.

08-10-2017, 12:05 PM
North Korea has not proven it can launch a missile that can hit Guam, much less the U.S. mainland.


Their most recent test went 2300 miles straight up, and then total of only 621 miles away as a result.


A combination of US, South Korean and Japanese analyses of the launch from Mupyong-ni, near North Korea's border with China, shows the missile flew about 45 minutes, going 3,700 kilometers (2,300 miles) high and for a distance of 1,000 kilometers (621 miles).


08-10-2017, 12:11 PM
And if CNN is to be believed on this report:


08-10-2017, 12:14 PM
I voted for Trump and I'm really happy Hillary isn't President but no one is perfect and this is a good example. I've read Art Of The Deal and what Trump just did is a little concerning. I think he just put himself in a position where all he can do is react and that's not "winning". There are basically two reasons to make the threat he made: 1) He lost his cool and is now committed, unless he backs down and 2) He deliberately escalated the situation and he's still committed, unless he backs down...from North Korea. Or maybe he's trying to pressure China to do something, even if they do Trump still looks like a tool and who knows what that does to future relations with China. This has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard a President say. And for the love of God stop flying bombers over Korea every time Kim does something dumb, it makes us look impotent in my opinion.

08-10-2017, 01:30 PM
North Korea has not proven it can launch a missile that can hit Guam, much less the U.S. mainland.
Kim is obviously trying to goad Trump into doing something stupid and rash. NK knows who they are dealing with. They want to make Trump look bad in the eyes of rest of the world.
There is one big reason why the U.S. is unable to pick a fight with North Korea: China. The Chinese do not want a western nation on their border. And have stated that having two million NK refugees flood across their southern border is "unacceptable."
So all you John Wayne cowboy hawks need to hold your horses. I don't think even Trump is stupid enough to pick a fight with China.

As for George Strait, he is far from retired. I think he is playing in Las Vegas next month.

Okay gabby. So it sounds like you will only be convinced after N.K.'s little fat idiot destroys Guam, or part of Alaska, or maybe...even YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD in Californication???
As for your John Wayne remark. Even dead...Ole John has more intelligence than you.

08-10-2017, 01:45 PM
I think China actually wants Korea to be unified. North Korea is wasted economic potential right now. A unified Korea would be close to China and much more powerful economically.

Black Diamond
08-10-2017, 02:08 PM
Okay gabby. So it sounds like you will only be convinced after N.K.'s little fat idiot destroys Guam, or part of Alaska, or maybe...even YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD in Californication???
As for your John Wayne remark. Even dead...Ole John has more intelligence than you.
Houston is far enough away from California that she won't be affected.

08-10-2017, 04:58 PM
Not one president of the United States has ever responded to Kim Flung Dung, or whatever his name is, the way president Trump did, and he's not used to it. Past presidents have all CODDLED the ass clown and knuckled under to his Baghdad Bod threats. So now it's HIS turn to sit and wonder, is this guy really going to attack us? Because even a pie faced moron like Kimmy has to know, he doesn't stand a chance in hell at winning any kind of a war against America, or anybody for that matter. He's a loud mouthed little tin horn dictator that's getting the ball thrown back in his court. So now we wait and see what HE'LL do. It's up to him whether or not he wants his country blown off the map or not.

08-10-2017, 05:12 PM
NK actually attacking Guam is idiotic. What do they gain? Nothing. Mark my words. We aren't going to do anything. Our generals aren't stupid even if Trump is.

08-10-2017, 05:16 PM
NK actually attacking Guam is idiotic. What do they gain? Nothing. Mark my words. We aren't going to do anything. Our generals aren't stupid even if Trump is.
Mark my words, if kim flung dung attacks Guam, we're going to light him up. President Trump is not stupid, and he's listening to his generals even though the anti American muslim turd didn't.

08-10-2017, 05:19 PM
Mark my words, if kim flung dung attacks Guam, we're going to light him up. President Trump is not stupid, and he's listening to his generals even though the anti American muslim turd didn't.

Of course we would retaliate, but NK won't attack Guam. Think it through for a second. NK is not suicidal. Learn what they want.

08-10-2017, 05:22 PM
Of course we would retaliate, but NK won't attack Guam. Think it through for a second. NK is not suicidal. Learn what they want.
You just got through saying "we wouldn't do anything."

Make up your mind.

08-10-2017, 05:47 PM
Of course we would retaliate, but NK won't attack Guam. Think it through for a second. NK is not suicidal. Learn what they want.

And YOU know that is true ..... because?

Petey. Are you the spokesperson for the Little Fat Idiot? Do you know what's in his distorted tiny mind?
I'm tempted to describe you as another "Neville Chamberlain" kind of thinker.
But that would be an Insult to Chamberlain fans.

<img src="http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/09/04/article-2033502-0DB39B0000000578-883_468x465.jpg">

We all know how effective his predictions were...almost like yours.

08-10-2017, 06:25 PM
You just got through saying "we wouldn't do anything."

Make up your mind.

We won't make a pre-emptive strike.

And YOU know that is true ..... because?

Petey. Are you the spokesperson for the Little Fat Idiot? Do you know what's in his distorted tiny mind?
I'm tempted to describe you as another "Neville Chamberlain" kind of thinker.
But that would be an Insult to Chamberlain fans.


We all know how effective his predictions were...almost like yours.

Keep talking, because this is the only realm you have. How nice for you. Study North Korea and you'll know the're intentions. It's really not a mystery. Ya'll call for war because it's the lowest common denominator. Requires no thinking.

08-10-2017, 06:32 PM
We won't make a pre-emptive strike.

Keep talking, because this is the only realm you have. How nice for you. Study North Korea and you'll know the're intentions. It's really not a mystery. Ya'll call for war because it's the lowest common denominator. Requires no thinking.
Who said anything about a pre-emptive strike?

I know all I need to know about NOKO, and I'm learning about you too.

08-10-2017, 06:38 PM
Who said anything about a pre-emptive strike?

I know all I need to know about NOKO, and I'm learning about you too.

Luckily our Generals are smarter than you.

08-10-2017, 07:10 PM
We won't make a pre-emptive strike.

Keep talking, because this is the only realm you have. How nice for you. Study North Korea and you'll know the're intentions. It's really not a mystery. Ya'll call for war because it's the lowest common denominator. Requires no thinking.

Thank YOU Hillary. Or should I call you OBAMA? Tell us about all of your military training, State Department training as a Foreign Service member in any Embassy that makes you believe...reading about N.K. makes you such an authority on the Little Fat Boy's intentions?

08-10-2017, 08:11 PM
Luckily our Generals are smarter than you.
I was a TSgt in the USAF, 8 years of honorable service.

Are you a veteran, or do you just sit there on your keyboard pretending you know jack shit?

08-10-2017, 08:41 PM
NK actually attacking Guam is idiotic. What do they gain? Nothing. Mark my words. We aren't going to do anything. Our generals aren't stupid even if Trump is.Guam is a US Territory. An attack on Guam is an attack on the US.

To be effective, he would have to hit both Guam AND Okinawa or he only gets the part of the Air Force's Far East forces and he just pissed off the other half.

08-10-2017, 09:01 PM
I was a TSgt in the USAF, 8 years of honorable service.

Are you a veteran, or do you just sit there on your keyboard pretending you know jack shit?

Military service doesn't make you smarter. Nor does it cause you to be more perceptive about world affairs.
No one knows much about North Korea. You know what they allow you to know. Or what information defectors manage to smuggle out of the country.
Kim and his flunkies can say and do whatever they wish, because they know China is not going to allow them to collapse. NK is the smirking, misbehaving little kid hiding behind the big kid.

08-10-2017, 09:04 PM
I was a TSgt in the USAF, 8 years of honorable service.

Are you a veteran, or do you just sit there on your keyboard pretending you know jack shit?

High _Plains_Drifter. Petey is all wind, and will tell you The Master of Everything Military. Of course, he knows far more than You, and your 8 Years...THANK YOU, by the way. And, of course...he knows more than a tired, old, 70 year old 30 Year, Navy Veteran of Two wars who had more time sitting on a John, than he is in age.:laugh:
Seriously. Petey is a mind reader too! He knows what N.K.'s little fat doughboy is thinking, and what he plans to do...probably because they SHARE the same Vacant space between their FOUR ears.
Listen to petey. If you are wondering about anything. Just ask him l:saluting2:

08-10-2017, 09:14 PM
Military service doesn't make you smarter. Nor does it cause you to be more perceptive about world affairs.
No one knows much about North Korea. You know what they allow you to know. Or what information defectors manage to smuggle out of the country.
Kim and his flunkies can say and do whatever they wish, because they know China is not going to allow them to collapse. NK is the smirking, misbehaving little kid hiding behind the big kid.You would be incorrect insofar as being more perceptive about world affairs goes. Time and again I've heard or read people who think they have a lock on everything talk right out their butts simply because they haven not been there.

Too many people who consider themselves smart based on school are just plain dumbasses because all the books in the world won't teach you experience. Before Saddam started screwing around our main military focus was the Far East and Europe. Now you can tell me all you want that MFer dropping rounds on my ass can't be because your report says he doesn't have any all you want. Each impact says you're wrong.

08-10-2017, 09:32 PM
You would be incorrect insofar as being more perceptive about world affairs goes. Time and again I've heard or read people who think they have a lock on everything talk right out their butts simply because they haven not been there.

Too many people who consider themselves smart based on school are just plain dumbasses because all the books in the world won't teach you experience. Before Saddam started screwing around our main military focus was the Far East and Europe. Now you can tell me all you want that MFer dropping rounds on my ass can't be because your report says he doesn't have any all you want. Each impact says you're wrong.

Gunny. Let her go on. Since my first day here, when gabby exposed her snobbish ways to all of us. She managed to convince me, and she even proved it; that having letters after their name, or plaques on their LOVE ME wall with beautiful lettering, does not make them as intelligent, or smart as they would like us all to believe.
gabby is the antithesis of PETEY in many ways. But you and I, with every other Veteran here knows...(Since we have all dealt with 90 Day wonders called officers), that they may be book smart, but have trouble tying their shoes.
All of the AUTHORITIES will come here to berate us terrible, home grown terrorists who are proud of our military service, but, until they learn WHO made it possible for them to be so ARROGANT, and IGNORANT...we'll just need to laugh at them, and move on.

08-10-2017, 11:27 PM
All you guys who served, I commend you, but listen up, all the hundreds of Generals since the Korean War haven't done jack shit and there is a reason. Learn it. You infantry need to learn your place and figure out what the hundreds of Generals knew and know today. It's not about military victory, it's what comes after. Just like Iraq.

08-11-2017, 03:39 AM
All you guys who served, I commend you, but listen up, all the hundreds of Generals since the Korean War haven't done jack shit and there is a reason. Learn it. You infantry need to learn your place and figure out what the hundreds of Generals knew and know today. It's not about military victory, it's what comes after. Just like Iraq.

Generals can be infantry too :)

Here's the thing with NK.

Imagine Iraq x 1000. The NK people are like ISIS - would be guerilla warfare we haven't seen. Would take hundreds of billions of dollars to bring that country back to even modest levels of modernization. I am in no hurry to take on that kind of tax debt. I know the south korean people are not either.

Btw - Me in Korea:

Training on Hill 303 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_303_massacre)


At SAW gunnery - Su-San Ri


08-11-2017, 04:01 AM
Military service doesn't make you smarter. Nor does it cause you to be more perceptive about world affairs.
No one knows much about North Korea. You know what they allow you to know. Or what information defectors manage to smuggle out of the country.
Kim and his flunkies can say and do whatever they wish, because they know China is not going to allow them to collapse. NK is the smirking, misbehaving little kid hiding behind the big kid.

There are some very fine upstanding men in the service who do pay close attention to world affairs because they may directly impact their lives but there are also plenty of armchair quarterbacks. The former probably do know more about North Korea than the vast majority of Americans but they also wouldn't need to lean on their status as a veteran in order to back up their opinion. The latter are the main reason I don't spend much time at the American Legion hall anymore.

08-11-2017, 07:15 AM
Unsure if it's mentioned here - but i think strategic leaders are MUCH more worried about conventional artillery of NK than Missiles. There's no good defense against a battery of howitzer-type cannons raining steel and explosives down upon the city of Seoul and other areas. We couldn't stop that.

Off the top of my head - we'd need coordinate attacks against known NK Arty locations with bunker-buster type bombs. We could cruise-missile the locations however hardened bunkers likely would protect at least some of the cannons.

Maybe a scenario like this:

Cruise missiles remove NK Air Defenses - which cannot be super-hidden or they will be unable to shoot. Shortly after waves of B2s drop big-boy-bombs on the known arty points - then high-tail it back. Further, we'd have to destroy rail heads and other logistics capabilities to prevent NK from simply re-stocking the locations with more cannons.

But the unkown arty points. And the sleeper agents within south korea. Those could cause a lot of civilian terror. SK would have to gird its loins.

08-11-2017, 07:45 AM
Unsure if it's mentioned here - but i think strategic leaders are MUCH more worried about conventional artillery of NK than Missiles. There's no good defense against a battery of howitzer-type cannons raining steel and explosives down upon the city of Seoul and other areas. We couldn't stop that.

Off the top of my head - we'd need coordinate attacks against known NK Arty locations with bunker-buster type bombs. We could cruise-missile the locations however hardened bunkers likely would protect at least some of the cannons.

Maybe a scenario like this:

Cruise missiles remove NK Air Defenses - which cannot be super-hidden or they will be unable to shoot. Shortly after waves of B2s drop big-boy-bombs on the known arty points - then high-tail it back. Further, we'd have to destroy rail heads and other logistics capabilities to prevent NK from simply re-stocking the locations with more cannons.

But the unkown arty points. And the sleeper agents within south korea. Those could cause a lot of civilian terror. SK would have to gird its loins.

I think you're right, artillery really is all they have right now and they have used it against S. Korea recently but I would be surprised if they had any emplacements of notable size we don't know about. I think the problem here is more political than military. S. Korea doesn't want conflict with the North, if they did want that they could by themselves steamroller N. Korea. My nightmare scenario is that we do the heavy lifting here and N. Korea falls, then we spend Billions and Billions of dollars rebuilding and upgrading the North and then Korea sides with China. I think it's a mistake to assume a unified Korea would be an American ally.

08-11-2017, 08:05 AM
I think you're right, artillery really is all they have right now and they have used it against S. Korea recently but I would be surprised if they had any emplacements of notable size we don't know about. I think the problem here is more political than military. S. Korea doesn't want conflict with the North, if they did want that they could by themselves steamroller N. Korea. My nightmare scenario is that we do the heavy lifting here and N. Korea falls, then we spend Billions and Billions of dollars rebuilding and upgrading the North and then Korea sides with China. I think it's a mistake to assume a unified Korea would be an American ally.

They are sneaky fucks. Just sayin'. A Unified Korea would have to be Korea First. They'd need their own Donald to 한국 그레이트 다시 확인 (Make Korea Great Again).

08-11-2017, 08:16 AM
They are sneaky fucks. Just sayin'. A Unified Korea would have to be Korea First. They'd need their own Donald to 한국 그레이트 다시 확인 (Make Korea Great Again).

That anglicized Korean always makes me laugh.

08-11-2017, 08:40 AM
Military service doesn't make you smarter. Nor does it cause you to be more perceptive about world affairs.
No one knows much about North Korea. You know what they allow you to know. Or what information defectors manage to smuggle out of the country.
Kim and his flunkies can say and do whatever they wish, because they know China is not going to allow them to collapse. NK is the smirking, misbehaving little kid hiding behind the big kid.
I didn't say military service made you smarter. You can't change your IQ, but some military training is highly technical in nature and some of the best there is, so it can make you more educated, and no, military service won't make you more perceptive about world affairs, but when the military gives troops weekly briefings on world affairs, and some of that information being classified, yes you will know more than the vast majority of civilians. But whatever your IQ is and ability to perceive things are things you're born with and you can't change it. It's an inane point, unless of course you felt it would be a sideways insult to veterans to claim military service was basically worthless, which in your case, I believe that was your intent.

If Kimmy lets missiles fly, and they do in fact impact land, China will do NOTHING to stop a retaliation.

08-11-2017, 09:17 AM
Watching the news just now, "breaking news," China says that if NOKO strikes first, they will remain neutral.

If that doesn't send a chill down the pie faced idiots spine, nothing will. His protector just threw him under the bus.

08-11-2017, 09:30 AM
Watching the news just now, "breaking news," China says that if NOKO strikes first, they will remain neutral.

If that doesn't send a chill down the pie faced idiots spine, nothing will. His protector just threw him under the bus.

This is not surprising or interesting. China wants to keep NK around, but it's not going to go to war with the states of them. And realize there are no announcements that will surprise either side. Both are very close to each other. They have things planned out and understood well in advance.

08-11-2017, 09:33 AM
Watching the news just now, "breaking news," China says that if NOKO strikes first, they will remain neutral.

If that doesn't send a chill down the pie faced idiots spine, nothing will. His protector just threw him under the bus.

China doesn't usually make announcements for no reason. If they chose to make this announcement then Kim may be crazier than I thought.

08-11-2017, 09:38 AM
China doesn't usually make announcements for no reason. If they chose to make this announcement then Kim may be crazier than I thought.

Kim isn't crazy or suicidal. He knows what's he's doing and it's working.

08-11-2017, 09:39 AM
Kim isn't crazy or suicidal. He knows what's he's doing and it's working.

How is it working?

08-11-2017, 09:42 AM
How is it working?

They now have nuclear capabilities. We won't pre-emptively attack them like other dictators and they very very soon will have the grand bargaining chip to negotiate the withdrawal of American troops from SK so they can begin their unification campaign. The regime is not suicidal. They have a plan and it's not to attack the US.

08-11-2017, 09:43 AM
They now have nuclear capabilities. We won't pre-emptively attack them like other dictators and they very very soon will have the grand bargaining chip to negotiate the withdrawal of American troops from SK so they can begin their unification campaign. The regime is not suicidal. They have a plan and it's not to attack the US.

I don't believe they have any nuclear capability.

08-11-2017, 09:43 AM
Kim isn't crazy or suicidal. He knows what's he's doing and it's working.
You know him personally, do you?

You sound like the unofficial spokesperson for NOKO.

Perhaps we should call you Pyongyang Bob.

08-11-2017, 09:44 AM
Kim isn't crazy or suicidal. He knows what's he's doing and it's working.

Getting sanctioned into oblivion? Starving his own people to death?

He may not be suicidal, but if he knows what he's doing, it's for HIMSELF and not for the good of his country, that's for sure.

08-11-2017, 09:46 AM
I don't believe they have any nuclear capability.
Especially "miniaturized" so it will fit in an intercontinental ballistic missile. That is another fake news story out of the WashPo from "anonymous sources."

08-11-2017, 09:50 AM
I don't believe they have any nuclear capability.

We have evidence of tests...

08-11-2017, 09:50 AM
You know him personally, do you?

You sound like the unofficial spokesperson for NOKO.

Perhaps we should call you Pyongyang Bob.

How about you actually read up on North Korea sometime and yes I've actually been there.

08-11-2017, 09:52 AM
Getting sanctioned into oblivion? Starving his own people to death?

He may not be suicidal, but if he knows what he's doing, it's for HIMSELF and not for the good of his country, that's for sure.

Yes it is for the regime. That doesn't make him crazy. It's how he was brought up and follows in line with their philosophy and history.

08-11-2017, 09:53 AM
How about you actually read up on North Korea sometime and yes I've actually been there.
Do you always make statements as if you actually had knowledge of when it's obvious you have no way of knowing?

08-11-2017, 09:54 AM
Especially "miniaturized" so it will fit in an intercontinental ballistic missile. That is another fake news story out of the WashPo from "anonymous sources."

Even their last missile launch wasn't impressive and I see the word "anomalous" a lot when reading about radiation readings after their nuke tests. I really think China is hoping Trump is dumb enough to get rid of their problem.

08-11-2017, 09:54 AM
Do you always make statements as if you actually had knowledge of when it's obvious you have no way of knowing?

I get my knowledge from my time there and read/listening to NK experts who spend their lives studying them.

08-11-2017, 09:55 AM
Even their last missile launch wasn't impressive and I see the word "anomalous" a lot when reading about radiation readings after their nuke tests. I really think China is hoping Trump is dumb enough to get rid of their problem.

NK is not a problem to China. They are a buffer from South Korea. China doesn't like US allies at their border.

08-11-2017, 09:56 AM
We have evidence of tests...

I don't think we do. We have evidence of large explosions and we have evidence of elevated radiation readings. There is some disagreement among the experts as to whether or not we have evidence of a nuclear detonation.

08-11-2017, 09:59 AM
NK is not a problem to China. They are a buffer from South Korea. China doesn't like US allies at their border.

Would you care to guess who South Korea's largest trading partner is?

08-11-2017, 10:01 AM
I don't think we do. We have evidence of large explosions and we have evidence of elevated radiation readings. There is some disagreement among the experts as to whether or not we have evidence of a nuclear detonation.

I'm not interested i what you think. There is no debate. US Intel estimates they have 60 nuclear weapons.

08-11-2017, 10:02 AM
Would you care to guess who South Korea's largest trading partner is?

Business is not friendship. We do business with our adversaries all the time.

08-11-2017, 10:06 AM
There is no debate. US Intel estimates they have 60 nuclear weapons.

That's not actually what they believe. They may have some small devices...may. No one has gone on record stating that N. Korea has anything large enough to cause the explosion the last few tests have generated or even to say they definitely have nuclear devices. The word 'may' always features in those reports. What we do have is satellite imagery of truckloads of what appears to be TNT being transported to a test site right before a test took place.

08-11-2017, 10:10 AM
That's not actually what they believe. They may have some small devices...may. No one has gone on record stating that N. Korea has anything large enough to cause the explosion the last few tests have generated or even to say they definitely have nuclear devices. The word 'may' always features in those reports. What we do have is satellite imagery of truckloads of what appears to be TNT being transported to a test site right before a test took place.

Please provide a reputable source.

08-11-2017, 10:21 AM
Please provide a reputable source.

A source? Would you like me to provide every source that uses the word 'may'? Or every source that disagrees with you especially after I already said that not all of them do?

Here's the problem: If I only provide one source then you will say I only provided one. And you'll also probably attack the source. If I provide many I waste a lot of time supplying sources to a guy who claims to have already read what there is out there to read. And then you'll go find other sources which happen to back your opinion, sources I've already said are available. Where is the upside for me on this deal?

08-11-2017, 10:25 AM
A source? Would you like me to provide every source that uses the word 'may'? Or every source that disagrees with you especially after I already said that not all of them do?

Here's the problem: If I only provide one source then you will say I only provided one. And you'll also probably attack the source. If I provide many I waste a lot of time supplying sources to a guy who claims to have already read what there is out there to read. And then you'll go find other sources which happen to back your opinion, sources I've already said are available. Where is the upside for me on this deal?

Great, then I guess we're done here. Everything I've read states US intel considers NK to have nuclear weapons.

08-11-2017, 10:27 AM
Great, then I guess we're done here. Everything I've read states US intel considers NK to have nuclear weapons.

We may be done but you're not. You need to go register for an English as a Second Language class. Either that or you need to significantly increase your reading list.

08-11-2017, 12:27 PM
I get my knowledge from my time there and read/listening to NK experts who spend their lives studying them.
I was referring to you suggesting I "read up on North Korea," as if you had any way what so ever of actually knowing if I have or haven't. You make very generic blanket statements that have little to do with fact, and that's called hyperbole. So that is what I've learned about you.

I've stayed abreast of the NOKO situation as well as one can by listening, watching AND reading.

NK is not a problem to China. They are a buffer from South Korea. China doesn't like US allies at their border.
That is not the main issue to China. A war won't be fought by lining up men and marching forward nowadays anyway, and even if they were China could line men up on that border two miles deep and they'd never run out of men, so that border isn't what they're worried about.

What they're really worried about is TRADING with America. If they lost America as a dumping ground for all their slave labor goods, their economy would implode, not to mention all the American securities they have bought. China is worried about MONEY, and that is why they've come out with this new stance in that if NOKO launches a first strike, they will stand back and let happen what happens. They won't interfere. That's the first time we've ever heard that, and it's because President Trump has told them, if you don't help with this moron Kim Flung Dung, we're going to impose sanctions on trade with you, and they know he means it.

We finally have someone in the White House with a pair of BALLS.

I'm not interested i what you think. There is no debate. US Intel estimates they have 60 nuclear weapons.
No they don't.... link?

That was a story from the democrat propaganda wing trash outlet known as the washpo, by more of their ANONYMOUS SOURCES. Find me a link to this study, and who the intelligence agency was...

08-11-2017, 03:00 PM
Please provide a reputable source.

YOU FIRST...petey boy! Tell us all of your verifiable, proven, documented sources.

08-11-2017, 05:13 PM
No they don't.... link?

That was a story from the democrat propaganda wing trash outlet known as the washpo, by more of their ANONYMOUS SOURCES. Find me a link to this study, and who the intelligence agency was...

This doesn't look anonymous to me


08-11-2017, 05:41 PM
China will defend them if we shoot first, but they're on their own if they try to draw first blood. Should they choose to even shoot an ICBM, considering no one knows for sure if they have the capability to have a small nuke on it yet, then we and others should go in and take out their facilities, and fat boy if at all possible. This is assuming we can have confidence in shooting down anything they may be able to get off the ground themselves.

08-11-2017, 05:51 PM
China will defend them if we shoot first, but they're on their own if they try to draw first blood.

I believe this to be exactly the case. Which is why Kim continues to goad Trump. Kim knows Trump often acts on impulse. North Korea might come out and announce "We will destroy Guam next week!" and see if Trump throws over a few missiles.

In case you don't realize, it would take less than 100 detonations of modern nukes to make the entire planet uninhabitable.

08-11-2017, 06:00 PM
I believe this to be exactly the case. Which is why Kim continues to goad Trump. Kim knows Trump often acts on impulse. North Korea might come out and announce "We will destroy Guam next week!" and see if Trump throws over a few missiles.

In case you don't realize, it would take less than 100 detonations of modern nukes to make the entire planet uninhabitable.

There is absolutely no incentive for NK to attack Guam. It achieves nothing.

08-11-2017, 06:08 PM
There is absolutely no incentive for NK to attack Guam. It achieves nothing.

Petey boy. You may be right about the TARGETS, but based on past experience with the little fat boy in N.K. Think about this. WHY else would he have any need to have NUKES, or ICBM's if it wasn't for more than Blackmailing the rest of the World?
You sound like Obama again, and Susan Rice; both of whom want US to accept that N.K., and the little fat idiot deserve to have Nukes. What if he doesn't stop there with the threats? What if he sells a few warheads to ISIS, or Somalia for starters?
Would you be happy then...Liberally believing in FAIR PLAY FOR DESTRUCTION of whoever he doesn't like?
My apologies for believing you are even capable of Logicial Thinking.

08-11-2017, 06:41 PM
Petey boy. You may be right about the TARGETS, but based on past experience with the little fat boy in N.K. Think about this. WHY else would he have any need to have NUKES, or ICBM's if it wasn't for more than Blackmailing the rest of the World?
You sound like Obama again, and Susan Rice; both of whom want US to accept that N.K., and the little fat idiot deserve to have Nukes. What if he doesn't stop there with the threats? What if he sells a few warheads to ISIS, or Somalia for starters?
Would you be happy then...Liberally believing in FAIR PLAY FOR DESTRUCTION of whoever he doesn't like?
My apologies for believing you are even capable of Logicial Thinking.

It's been realized that we don't attack nuclear powers. But moreso than protectionism, it's a bargaining chip to negotiate for US troops to withdraw from south korea so they can't start unification. They don't want war. They want to own all of korea. We're still in the korean war.

08-11-2017, 07:20 PM
It's been realized that we don't attack nuclear powers. But moreso than protectionism, it's a bargaining chip to negotiate for US troops to withdraw from south korea so they can't start unification. They don't want war. They want to own all of korea. We're still in the korean war.

Thank you Mr. Obama. That is exactly what has been taking place since Clinton was in office. There is NO MORE TIME for bargaining. N.K. Presents a REAL THREAT, not just more sabre rattling as all previous admins. HOPED it would be. Which is why Obama, Bush, Clinton did nothing but SELL THEIR SOUL TO APPEASEMENT

08-11-2017, 10:33 PM
This doesn't look anonymous to me

Funny... I can't find where ANY of the mentioned so called sources say anything about NOKO having 30 to 60 nukes. In fact the Atomic Scientists Nuclear Notevbook says NOKO has LESS THAN 10.

The washpo is pure HORSE CRAP. It's part of the democrat propaganda wing of BS.

08-12-2017, 07:53 AM
There is absolutely no incentive for NK to attack Guam. It achieves nothing.

To BlubberBobbleBoy it may not.

Some of the drills over there, especially using the high altitude bombers, are stationed at Guam, as are some other resources. Perhaps they are dumb enough to think trying to take out such things would be a wise idea? Who knows.

Cuckoos don't necessarily need incentive, and sometimes not even a true end goal to achieve. Sometimes they're just cuckoo and want to see what damage they can do. Is chubby that bad? I don't think so, but he's pushing, and you never know. And IF he shoots anything at all onto any property, he's in for a world of hurting.

08-12-2017, 09:18 AM
To BlubberBobbleBoy it may not.

Some of the drills over there, especially using the high altitude bombers, are stationed at Guam, as are some other resources. Perhaps they are dumb enough to think trying to take out such things would be a wise idea? Who knows.

Cuckoos don't necessarily need incentive, and sometimes not even a true end goal to achieve. Sometimes they're just cuckoo and want to see what damage they can do. Is chubby that bad? I don't think so, but he's pushing, and you never know. And IF he shoots anything at all onto any property, he's in for a world of hurting.

What makes you think he's crazy? Some of you guys need to actually start using your head and start thinking about why NK does what it does. If you think it's just crazy, you don't understand the situation or history of NK. There are clear reasons for the things he does, just like crazy Trump. He lives like a king. He's not suicidal.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-12-2017, 09:39 AM
There is absolutely no incentive for NK to attack Guam. It achieves nothing.


Bill Clinton gave fatboy's daddy 5 billion dollars.. Now fatboy wants another 5/10 billion from us..
Problem is, Trump is no democrat dumbass piece of appeasing shit..
So fatboy gets told to


08-12-2017, 09:43 AM

Says the person least attached to reality. Your analysis and reaction based problem solving is child like. Again, I am comforted that we have experts and generals who study this stuff. Hope Trump listens.

08-12-2017, 09:52 AM
What makes you think he's crazy? Some of you guys need to actually start using your head and start thinking about why NK does what it does. If you think it's just crazy, you don't understand the situation or history of NK. There are clear reasons for the things he does, just like crazy Trump. He lives like a king. He's not suicidal.

His own behavior, perhaps? Having family members killed!! Knowing his own citizens, some of them, eat grass to survive. Making threats to world powers, putting his entire country and lives on the line.

Perhaps one can make an argument for various things that they are tactics to attain things, whether from the UN or other countries. But at some point you have to see that this line of thinking IS cuckoo. It's simply not normal to live in the lap of luxury and watching others suffer, and not having a problem with that.

And STOP telling every single person that they don't understand NK or their history. Why ASSume that others are clueless about the country? You don't see me assuming that you are ignorant of NK or their history.

08-12-2017, 09:54 AM
Says the person least attached to reality. Your analysis and reaction based problem solving is child like. Again, I am comforted that we have experts and generals who study this stuff. Hope Trump listens.

Mattis had a few takes on the situation. Bottom line, while the generals prefer negotiations right now, they also know we would completely destroy NK - admittedly while adding that the loss of life would be catastrophic.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-12-2017, 12:44 PM
Says the person least attached to reality. Your analysis and reaction based problem solving is child like. Again, I am comforted that we have experts and generals who study this stuff. Hope Trump listens.

So says the guy that can not see an ATTEMPTED shake down in play..
What do you think the little fat bastard wants more than another 5 billion dollars and maybe world recognition as a tough guy?
When his dad extorted that much from dumbass Clinton with no nukes to threaten with ..
Perception oft is stronger than reality in running a bluff.. Man, would I ever love to play in a high stakes poker game with you...:laugh:
Fear is a very powerful persuader.. Especially to people that always seek appeasement first!
Worked the first time--got 5 billion, why not again?
Just that simple-- fatboy's problem is that Trump is not a piece of leftist /dictator loving shit like Clinton.
I play high level chess, one oft learns that the threat is greater than the execution..
I am comforted that Trump did not race to beg to give him something.. And then proclaim his great brilliance for paying a damn massive bribe!!-Tyr

08-12-2017, 04:45 PM
Member pete...is now the self-proclaimed spokesperson for the Little Fat Boy in North Korea. BOTH MINDLESS....FLOCK TOGETHER.

08-12-2017, 05:17 PM
Member pete...is now the self-proclaimed spokesperson for the Little Fat Boy in North Korea. BOTH MINDLESS....FLOCK TOGETHER.

In all my years, I've yet to hear you say anything of substance. I mean really, every single reply is a personal attack. Amazing how vapid and unimportant your participation in here. Sad. Wasted life.

08-12-2017, 06:05 PM
No they don't.... link?

That was a story from the democrat propaganda wing trash outlet known as the washpo, by more of their ANONYMOUS SOURCES. Find me a link to this study, and who the intelligence agency was...

Yeah, when I checked Google yesterday to verify his claim that's the same story I came up with. The story did mention the DIA but I checked the DIA website and they have released nothing about North Korea having nukes which means they have no official public position on that topic. The only thing the CIA has released about Korea was a story about them setting up a mission center in South Korea, that story was from May of this year so as of yet CIA also has no official public position on the topic. This is why I didn't even bother engaging in link wars because the best anyone can do on this topic right now is secondhand information from anonymous sources.

08-12-2017, 07:00 PM
In all my years, I've yet to hear you say anything of substance. I mean really, every single reply is a personal attack. Amazing how vapid and unimportant your participation in here. Sad. Wasted life.

You're right petey. It's sad that I am even bothering to waste my life trying to talk with you here. If you think all I do is make personal attacks. Maybe if you grew up, and stopped pretending to be smarter than everyone else might help. Otherwise. If you call them personal attacks, when I call it Truth. It's you who are so butt hurt. Not me.
I rather enjoy seeing how much of a fool you are not afraid to be here.

08-12-2017, 10:11 PM
There is absolutely no incentive for NK to attack Guam. It achieves nothing.Incorrect. Guam is the closest US territory to NK. Anderson AFB is where we keep most of our Far East B-52's. There is both political and strategic incentive to attack Guam. Especially if you're a dumbass.

however, Trump's let his mouth get his ass wrestling in the mud with a pig. Both get muddy but the pig likes it.

08-12-2017, 10:55 PM
What makes you think he's crazy? Some of you guys need to actually start using your head and start thinking about why NK does what it does. If you think it's just crazy, you don't understand the situation or history of NK. There are clear reasons for the things he does, just like crazy Trump. He lives like a king. He's not suicidal.

Maybe you're right but maybe Kim just isn't very smart. Attacking Guam wouldn't be a bad idea if your country had the ability to enact an end game but he doesn't have that ability and his comments and actions are not helping his relationship with China right now, or with us. He's been burning bridges for a couple of years now, he may just be plain dumb.