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View Full Version : Is James Damore justified in suing Google?

08-10-2017, 09:24 AM
After reading his discourse, and reading about this, I see several mistakes that he made. The first mistake: There was an attitude that he was dealing with friendly people that want to find common ground. WRONG! He was dealing with an enemy that wants to crush him. He should have focused on the women only training programs and filed a complaint with the EEOC, NOT the NLRB. For added effect, he could have attempted the attend some of the women only training programs claiming to identify as female that day. That would be a win-win. If they let him attend as someone who identifies as female for a day, he could later assert that he identified as female under duress as not to be discriminated against. That could be described as "gender identity rape". The key is to use the enemy's rules against them.

08-10-2017, 10:20 AM
I hope he sues and gets MILLIONS.

08-10-2017, 11:17 AM
I hope he sues and gets MILLIONS.

He won't get that. As someone who has walked in his shoes, I can tell you once he gets six months pay, plus attorney fees, plus NO non-disparagement agreement, he shouldn't press for any more. He needs to not let himself be silenced as part of the deal. The publicity is actually to his benefit. It will weed out employers who might treat him the same.

08-10-2017, 06:05 PM
He won't get that. As someone who has walked in his shoes, I can tell you once he gets six months pay, plus attorney fees, plus NO non-disparagement agreement, he shouldn't press for any more. He needs to not let himself be silenced as part of the deal. The publicity is actually to his benefit. It will weed out employers who might treat him the same.

If you already knew the answer to your own question here. Why did you bother to ask it, other than to brag about how you claim to have walked in his shoes?
If that was anywhere near true. Why would you have any need to come here?