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View Full Version : NKorea Warns of 'Tragic Doom' if Trump Doesn't 'Talk and Act Properly'

08-12-2017, 08:25 AM
Regardless of how anyone at all feels about what Trump and others have stated this past week - NK has been making all kinds of threats for many years now. That's why this is kinda funny and ironic coming from them.


NKorea Warns of 'Tragic Doom' if Trump Doesn't 'Talk and Act Properly'

North Korea's government fired another salvo of words Saturday, taking aim at President Donald Trump's remarks and warning that the "American empire will meet its tragic doom" if the Trump administration does not "talk and act properly."

The statement was issued through North Korea's state-run media, reports ABC News, and complained about strategic nuclear assets being introduced into the Korean peninsula area.

"Of late, the president and other riffraff of the U.S. are trumpeting about 'military option' against the DPRK, claiming that they 'will not rule out a war,'" the North Korean statement read. "Meanwhile, they introduce huge strategic nuclear assets into the Korean peninsula, staging reckless nuclear war games and rendering the regional situation extremely tense."

The statement was released on the heels of a telephone call between China's President Xi Jinping and Trump, in which the Chinese leader urged a peaceful resolution to the tensions, and for both sides to avoid strong statements or actions.

Rest - http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/nkorea-tragic-doom-trump/2017/08/12/id/807279/

08-12-2017, 08:56 AM
I think whoever the spokesperson is for Pyongyang, we should nick name them "Pyongyang BOB."

08-12-2017, 10:04 PM
I think we should drop a little gift package for Kim just because of what they did to Otto Warmbier. Then if they keep screwing around we can drop a bigger gift package for them.

08-12-2017, 11:21 PM
I think we should drop a little gift package for Kim just because of what they did to Otto Warmbier. Then if they keep screwing around we can drop a bigger gift package for them.Turn the tables and take the ball out of Un's clammy little hands. Laugh at him. Loudly, publicly, and every time he or Baghdad Bob opens their little mouths.

He won't be able to take it. He can attack or crawl back in his hole.

08-12-2017, 11:58 PM
Turn the tables and take the ball out of Un's clammy little hands. Laugh at him. Loudly, publicly, and every time he or Baghdad Bob opens their little mouths.

He won't be able to take it. He can attack or crawl back in his hole.

That's what Trump should have done in the first place.

08-15-2017, 05:21 AM
A few little words for Kim Fan Gool

"Ohio class submarine"

Google it and see what one of those puppies is capable of

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-15-2017, 06:23 AM
NK is a joke show. Look at their 'elite' commandos...can't afford protective eyewear. can't camo themselves. Wear 1980s weight lifting gloves.


They have fake rifle-grenade things....check out the bolt - looks like maybe .22 but they glue on plastic rockets/mortars or whatever. This thing would work only if they shot a bullet at the back of that orange thing which then launched the orange thing. Lame.


Fake missiles


25% of the population of males is too mentally retarded due to malnutrition to even understand basic combat orders.

Check out these TERRIBLE helical ammo magazines. They jam. And hold bullets. Lame


Oh! And doesn't DearLeader look like Sloth from goonies?

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/04/22/01/3F75801E00000578-4434336-North_Korea_s_leader_Kim_Jong_Un_pictured_right_ap plauds_during_-a-15_1492820481029.jpg


08-15-2017, 07:09 AM

What am I looking at here? I see the band is different with the latch showing in #2, along with some kind of stabilization (?) port missing for #3.

What am I missing in #1? Fins?

08-15-2017, 07:39 AM
you're seeing what looks like two missile bodies haphazardly pushed together with essentially a metal 'belt' strip. The gap. For #1? No idea.

08-15-2017, 08:05 AM
you're seeing what looks like two missile bodies haphazardly pushed together with essentially a metal 'belt' strip. The gap. For #1? No idea.

I found it. Pic #1 is showing there's no retro rockets necessary to separate the stages for a true ICBM... so this was a fake.

NBC News asked U.S. government experts and independent military analysts, in the U.S. and overseas, to examine high-resolution images of the Musudan medium-range missile and the ICBM, known as the Hwasong-13, taken at the July 27 military parade.

The consensus: The displayed missiles were built for show, not for flight.

Schiller, who wrote a detailed report questioning advances in North Korea’s missile program last year, said that images were just as unrealistic as those he saw when the Hwasong-13 made its debut in at an earlier parade in April 2012.

For example, he noted, there was no evidence on the rear of the Hwasong-13 of retro rockets necessary to separate the stages – critical if an ICBM is to reach sub-orbital space and strike distant targets.

Schiller also said varied features on the rockets – such differing placement of small guidance nozzles and hatches – are telling. They make him believe that these are not even training "simulators" but "crude fakes."

Schiller said the North also seems to be trying to inflate the number of Hwasong-13s it claims to possess.

"I can tell that on the mock-ups, they simply changed the markings and serial numbers from last year's parade to make it look like they have more missiles," he said.

James Oberg, an NBC News space and missile expert who traveled to North Korea in April 2012 to observe the satellite launch that ended in failure, pointed to another discrepancy that would make the missiles less airworthy -- "undulating skin" near the warhead on one.

"Upper-stage missile skin has got to be really smooth, or else it sets off high-speed turbulent air flow that can both heat the region – and the hardware inside it – and also create localized drag effects that can pull the missile far off attitude (direction), or even pull it sideways and thus lead to loss of control and disintegration," he said.



This was from 2013, and a lot can happen in 4 years. Still, our Rotund Roadie did manage to get one of them to fly recently but whether or not it was controlled when it hit re-entry is another question. Also, there's a big question as to the actual altitude it would have achieved with one of his primitive nuclear warheads sitting atop it weighing it down.

Obviously he is making progress and didn't fake the ICBM launch... something needs to be done.

I vote for using NK as a testing ground for our new energy weapons. Invisible and instantaneous and we can deny everything.

08-16-2017, 10:06 PM
Bannon: No military solution to North Korea

08-17-2017, 03:38 PM
Per Karl Marx suggestion


08-17-2017, 07:55 PM
I've been wondering how Un is taking his global wonderfullness being supplanted by white extremists and their whining opposites.