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08-13-2017, 03:08 PM
Perhaps he didn't say things nicely, but NK obviously is the one in the wrong here. And as the article rightly points out, we are where we are right now due to past presidents being weak and more or less ignoring the problem.


DC hasn’t come to grips with Trump’s presidency

From warnings of “fire and fury” to declarations of “locked and loaded,” President Trump is dealing with the North Korean crisis his way. Naturally, heads are exploding all over Washington.

You can’t change the way things are done, the chin-strokers and gatekeepers shout hysterically! You have to follow the road most traveled!

Nearly seven months into Trump’s term, it’s not just the irredeemable haters who can’t accept the outcome of the election. Even otherwise-sensible people refuse to come to grips with the meaning of Trump’s victory.

Voters wanted change, but Washington doesn’t. And that clash of wants defines the endless war over the Trump presidency.

Now that clash revolves around the potential for an actual war, a nuclear one at that. Because the results would be catastrophic, it is worth recalling how we got to this moment of brinksmanship.

If you listen only to Trump’s critics, Kim Jong-un wasn’t bothering anybody until the president started making trouble. Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota actually charged that Kim is “acting more responsible” than Trump, a claim reinforced by the left-wing media echo chamber.

Perhaps Ellison, who is No. 2 at the Democratic National Committee, missed some of Kim’s threats and their significance now that he has nukes and intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the US mainland.

“If the American imperialists provoke us a bit, we will not hesitate to slap them with a pre-emptive nuclear strike,” Kim has said.

After successfully testing an ICBM last July 4th, Kim said it was a “gift” to the “American bastards” and promised many more gifts.


Given Kim’s warnings and his arsenal, the really odd thing isn’t that Trump is asserting American military supremacy and the willingness to use it if necessary. It’s that his predecessors didn’t.

The three previous presidents over a combined 24 years — Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — all followed near-identical paths, and all failed to stop the North Korean nuclear program.

All three used diplomacy as a euphemism for kicking the can down the road. And they kicked it all the way to Trump’s desk, with Obama, on his way out the door, reportedly telling Trump that Kim had nukes.


Thanks for nothing, pal.

Yet instead of recognizing those decades of failure for what they are and conceding that the situation has changed because the current Kim has weapons of mass destruction and the ability to strike American cities, the establishment is horrified that Trump would dare take a different approach.

Lost in the manufactured outrage over his comments is that Trump offered to meet Kim, and pushed China to rein in its client state. And that aides continue to conduct back-channel negotiations and talk of wanting to avoid war.

To concede those facts would muddy their jihad against the president.

Rest - http://nypost.com/2017/08/12/dc-hasnt-come-to-grips-with-trumps-presidency/

08-13-2017, 03:54 PM
The wimps inside the PC DC bubble aren't used to seeing a man that actually HAS a pair, and is used to getting things done.