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View Full Version : Antifa Says Fighting Alt-Right is “Defensive”

08-13-2017, 04:15 PM
This has nothing to do with the driver. But at events like this, anyone with a brain could have saw the violence ahead of time. These guys basically called for it and stated as much. This entire thing was a powder keg waiting to happen. And this is happening at many events, and why many events in the past were cancelled ahead of time, for fear of the violence.

Again, this has nothing to do with the car attack, nor an excuse or any relation at all. I wanted to point out that it's not just a solo group out there. Bad eggs on all sides. :(

And I think a lot of the so called alt-right is just that, so called. When negative things happen the term will often pop up. Maybe correct at times, but overused at others. And there's certainly no mainstream affiliation between millions of Trump supporters, and whichever dipshits out there that may fancy themselves in some racial or superiority manner.

But back to Antifa again.... responding to speech you dislike - with physical violence - is only self defense. Huh?


Antifa Says Fighting Alt-Right is “Defensive”

An antifascist (antifa) activist based in Washington DC speaks out ahead of this Saturday’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. He says that hate speech jeopardizes the safety of certain minority groups, so responding to dangerous speech with physical violence is an act of self-defense. Antifa and other left-wing groups plan to attend and oppose the Unite the Right event.


08-13-2017, 04:41 PM
They all have the right to protest and to speak in general. None of them have the right to turn violent or to paralyze parts of cities. Antifa is basically an anarchist group, of course violence goes hand in hand with their goals. Police should be arresting as soon as they start.

If anyone had watched what happened Friday night and Saturday prior to the car terrorism, only with blinders can either side claim they were there for peaceful purposes.

08-13-2017, 05:15 PM
This has nothing to do with the driver. But at events like this, anyone with a brain could have saw the violence ahead of time. These guys basically called for it and stated as much. This entire thing was a powder keg waiting to happen. And this is happening at many events, and why many events in the past were cancelled ahead of time, for fear of the violence.

Again, this has nothing to do with the car attack, nor an excuse or any relation at all. I wanted to point out that it's not just a solo group out there. Bad eggs on all sides. :(

And I think a lot of the so called alt-right is just that, so called. When negative things happen the term will often pop up. Maybe correct at times, but overused at others. And there's certainly no mainstream affiliation between millions of Trump supporters, and whichever dipshits out there that may fancy themselves in some racial or superiority manner.

But back to Antifa again.... responding to speech you dislike - with physical violence - is only self defense. Huh?


Antifa Says Fighting Alt-Right is “Defensive”

An antifascist (antifa) activist based in Washington DC speaks out ahead of this Saturday’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. He says that hate speech jeopardizes the safety of certain minority groups, so responding to dangerous speech with physical violence is an act of self-defense. Antifa and other left-wing groups plan to attend and oppose the Unite the Right event.

Why the mask?

If what they stood for was honorable and on the up and up, they wouldn't need to hide their face. Looks like ISIS to me.

He doesn't sound to sure of what he's saying either. He speaks with no conviction.

08-13-2017, 06:22 PM
Hate speech jeopardizes people's safety? Yes America, we really are there now.

I agree about the masks, take them off, what do they have to hide?

08-13-2017, 06:37 PM
Could it be, being a TOLERANT Liberal, Democrat like OBAMA, makes him ignore the laws of the state? http://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter9/section18.2-422/