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View Full Version : On slavery in America and Oppression/Racism today

08-16-2017, 01:45 AM
How did white slave traders acquire their slaves?

Up to 80% (http://www.crf-usa.org/black-history-month/the-slave-trade) of slaves from Africa came from other africans by way of prisoners of warring tribes and other prisoners. The other "about 20%" were rounded up through white and black slave trader raids against tribes.

How did the USA lead the world in ending slavery?

20 years before most of Europe, in 1807, President Jefferson outlawed importing slaves for the purpose of selling them. Now lets remember, the nation wasn't founded until 30 years before. So it's realistic to say ending slavery was the policy, ideal or position of the United States from its origin. Illegal slave trading went on another half-century.

Was the USA leading the way in Slavery?

Of the estimated 11 Million slaves from the west-africa slave trade, approximately 500,000 were sent (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_among_the_indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americ as) to the USA, with the rest landing in the Caribbean and the West Indies. Said another way, 95.5% of slaves were not sent to the USA. Now, before the nation was formed slavery First Nations in modern-day canada captured slaves from neighboring tribes. Slave-owning tribes included Muscogee Creek of Georgia, the Pawnee and Klamath, the Caribs of Dominica, the Tupinambá of Brazil, and some fishing societies, such as the Yurok, living in a massive area from California to Alaska. The Haida, Nuu-chah-nulth, Tlingit, and Coast Tsimshian from the Pacific Northwest Coast were known slave-traders - approximately 1/4th of Pacific Northwest tribes held slaves. Further, the wealthier of the 5 Tribes of the US held African slaves as well, in efforts to hold on to resources.

Did blacks own slaves?
Absolutely - and some (http://www.theroot.com/did-black-people-own-slaves-1790895436) blacks could own even white indentured servants! Black farmer Nat Butler regularly sold Negroes for the southern trade. Beyond that some free blacks joined the confederacy to defend states rights to slavery! In 1830, almost 4000 free blacks - about 10% of the total free black population - owned almost 13,000 slaves. About half of those owned just 1 or 2 slaves - some believe most of those owners actually purchased relatives to protect them.

Are Blacks in the USA still oppressed?
One viewpoint (http://capitalismmagazine.com/2003/07/blacks-remain-oppressed-but-not-by-white-americans/) on this:
Too many blacks do remain oppressed, but not by white Americans. Rather, it is by blacks who relish a perverse sub-culture of low standards and perpetual victimization. No longer do white racists tell black children books are for white people. Today, black people do this. Every day, black children suffer ridicule and disgrace for doing their homework, behaving in class, striving for excellence — in short, “acting white.” And within the perimeters of this black sub-culture, success is exalted only when it is earned in sports, music, dance, and in the Democratic Party. Should a black person succeed in other arenas, for example becoming secretary of state, Supreme Court justice or national security advisor, he or she is exiled from the race, his or her racial identity revoked.

Within this sub-culture, blacks have narrowly defined the path to success and equate “black” with “victim.” Condoleezza Rice? Not a victim, ergo not black. President Bill Clinton played the victim and was declared “the first black president.”

Another - David Horowitz says (http://edition.cnn.com/2016/03/30/us/black-privilege/index.html)

David Horowitz, author of the book, "Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream," says blacks are still more privileged, though they lag behind other racial groups in varying categories. It's not white privilege that's preventing them from doing better, he says; it's their behavior, such as their inability to build more intact families.
"The fact that white people are better off is not a privilege; it's earned," says Horowitz, founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a think tank in Los Angeles created to combat "the efforts of the radical left and its Islamist allies to destroy American values.

And Larry Elders changes the mind of a Gay white man about Racism in America
