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08-16-2017, 01:18 PM
Kassam: They’re Coming for Mount Rushmore, But They SHOULD Be Tearing Down the DemoKKKrat Party

I agree with Laura Ingraham and Pete Hegseth. It is only a matter of time before the left comes for Monticello, or Mount Vernon, or indeed Mount Rushmore.

Never content with their destructiveness, wait until they learn the history of Mount Rushmore. Not even 1,000 Confederate statues would draw the same outrage.

The 60-foot high sculpture in South Dakota — depicting Presidents Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, and Lincoln — was sculpted by a Ku Klux Klan member. Prepare for the onslaught.

Gutzon Borglum originally worked on the Stone Mountain project, which one Democrat candidate has already demanded be permanently vandalised in an attempt to erase American history. As AJC News reports:

Removing the faces of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson would take a monster of a sandblaster and require a change in state law. The Georgia code has a clear mandate for the memorial, saying it should be “preserved and protected for all time as a tribute to the bravery and heroism of the citizens of this state who suffered and died in their cause.”

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/08/16/kassam-mark-my-words-theyre-coming-for-mount-rushmore-next/

08-16-2017, 01:20 PM
oh the hysteria. I'm ready to get off the grid too.

08-16-2017, 01:26 PM
oh the hysteria. I'm ready to get off the grid too.

Why not actually participate, exchange thoughts, instead of making post #2 childish and not addressing the topic posted? Too much for you?

Just because having portions of history destroyed doesn't bother you, doesn't mean we are somehow wrong for not wanting to see history destroyed. I have ZERO interest in any of these folks or the monuments, but that doesn't make it right.

08-16-2017, 01:40 PM
Why not actually participate, exchange thoughts, instead of making post #2 childish and not addressing the topic posted? Too much for you?

Just because having portions of history destroyed doesn't bother you, doesn't mean we are somehow wrong for not wanting to see history destroyed. I have ZERO interest in any of these folks or the monuments, but that doesn't make it right.

Because I'm tired of you posting stories where they claim this bullshit. Maybe a dozen or so people are calling for this, then breitbart claims it's a huge story and gets their base all riled up. It's not going to happen. If you don't see the difference in this and the confederate statues then you are just drinking the kool aid.

08-16-2017, 01:47 PM
Because I'm tired of you posting stories where they claim this bullshit. Maybe a dozen or so people are calling for this, then breitbart claims it's a huge story and gets their base all riled up. It's not going to happen. If you don't see the difference in this and the confederate statues then you are just drinking the kool aid.

And yet all the monuments that I have pointed out HAVE come down, and there IS talk all over about many more that folks want brought down.

It's not kool aid when the shit is happening around you. I've been watching the violence from the left with my own eyes, the monuments coming down and the demand of others. Some are being brought down in the middle of the night. If you want to sit in denial, or wonder why people don't want to see pieces of history being destroyed, that's certainly your choice. I don't care for it, whether it be monuments from the south or north, or whether they represent white or black folks. It's American history, like it or not.

08-16-2017, 01:48 PM
Because I'm tired of you posting...

Btw, I VERY rarely see you posting stories to discuss, you do have that option. You also have the option of moving along to another thread if my threads bother you so much.

08-16-2017, 01:51 PM
And yet all the monuments that I have pointed out HAVE come down, and there IS talk all over about many more that folks want brought down.

It's not kool aid when the shit is happening around you. I've been watching the violence from the left with my own eyes, the monuments coming down and the demand of others. Some are being brought down in the middle of the night. If you want to sit in denial, or wonder why people don't want to see pieces of history being destroyed, that's certainly your choice. I don't care for it, whether it be monuments from the south or north, or whether they represent white or black folks. It's American history, like it or not.

Monuments are not for recording history

08-16-2017, 01:56 PM
Monuments are not for recording history

MORE than close enough. Commemorating an event or person IS an example of preserving history.

And all of the busts in Canton - nothing to do with football history? All of the busts in the WH and around there, nothing to do with the history of our presidents and the WH?

This from Wiki:

A monument is a type of structure that was explicitly created to commemorate a person or event, or which has become important to a social group as a part of their remembrance of historic times or cultural heritage, or as an example of historic architecture. The term 'monument' is often applied to buildings or structures that are considered examples of important architectural and/or cultural heritage.


obsolete : a burial vault : sepulchre
: a written legal document or record : treatise
a (1) : a lasting evidence, reminder, or example of someone or something notable or great (2) : a distinguished person
b : a memorial stone or a building erected in remembrance of a person or event

08-16-2017, 02:00 PM
Because I'm tired of you posting stories where they claim this bullshit. Maybe a dozen or so people are calling for this, then breitbart claims it's a huge story and gets their base all riled up. It's not going to happen. If you don't see the difference in this and the confederate statues then you are just drinking the kool aid.

Are the Democrats in Georgia "bullshit"?


Abrams calls for removal of Confederate faces off Stone Mountain

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams called for the removal of the giant carving that depicts three Confederate war leaders on the face of state-owned Stone Mountain, saying it “remains a blight on our state and should be removed.”

“We must never celebrate those who defended slavery and tried to destroy the union,” Abrams said in a series of tweets posted early Tuesday, a response to the deadly violence sparked by white supremacist groups in Charlottesville, Va.

Removing the faces of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson would take a monster of a sandblaster and require a change in state law. The Georgia code has a clear mandate for the memorial, saying it should be “preserved and protected for all time as a tribute to the bravery and heroism of the citizens of this state who suffered and died in their cause.”

Lawmakers and civil rights groups have called for the removal of Confederate symbols at the memorial for years. After the 2015 shooting deaths of nine black worshipers by a white supremacist in Charleston, several legislators pushed for a boycott until Rebel flags at the site come down.

Georgia leaders have embraced recent changes to distance the state from its Rebel history.


08-16-2017, 02:03 PM
Jim look up the definition for commemorate. Confederate heroes fighting to keep slavery should not be commemorated. Keep them in the books, take down the monuments.

08-16-2017, 02:06 PM
Jim look up the definition for commemorate. Confederate heroes fighting to keep slavery should not be commemorated. Keep them in the books, take down the monuments.


And what is next that someone may disagree with then, that should be removed? You do know that a TON are out there already starting with large slave owners - and that's why the talk of Jefferson and Washington got brought up. If you think it's only a few people, you aren't paying attention.

08-16-2017, 02:18 PM

And what is next that someone may disagree with then, that should be removed? You do know that a TON are out there already starting with large slave owners - and that's why the talk of Jefferson and Washington got brought up. If you think it's only a few people, you aren't paying attention.

In the end it's the cities right. Deal with it. Washington and Jefferson were important founders of the country. They should be commemorated for it. Confederate heroes only claim to fame was their take to arms over slavery. That is a massive difference.

08-16-2017, 02:21 PM
In the end it's the cities right. Deal with it. Washington and Jefferson were important founders of the country. They should be commemorated for it. Confederate heroes only claim to fame was their take to arms over slavery. That is a massive difference.

And in the end it's the Countries right as to what Trump does. It's the will of the people. So deal with it.

And yet many see them as AMERICANS, and more than many of them fought for the south, and not slavery, including a lot of black folks. They should not be publicly purged.

And I agree about the difference - but that's not stopping many from going forward with their demands or wants.

08-16-2017, 02:24 PM
Monuments are not for recording history
the Washington Monument is not there to remind us of Washington........its there to keep very tall people from sitting on the
Washingtom Mall......

Black Diamond
08-17-2017, 10:38 AM
In the end it's the cities right. Deal with it. Washington and Jefferson were important founders of the country. They should be commemorated for it. Confederate heroes only claim to fame was their take to arms over slavery. That is a massive difference.
They are dealing with it. Someone got killed.

08-17-2017, 10:43 AM
They are dealing with it. Someone got killed.

By a snowflake terrorist nazi.

08-17-2017, 11:00 AM
Because I'm tired of you posting stories where they claim this bullshit. Maybe a dozen or so people are calling for this, then breitbart claims it's a huge story and gets their base all riled up. It's not going to happen. If you don't see the difference in this and the confederate statues then you are just drinking the kool aid.

Odd, I've been on this board for quite a few years, and been on the earth for 57. What I'm tired of hearing is the denial of the slippery slope I've watched this Nation slide into because of leftists, revisionist BULLSHIT. We call it out, some lefty parrots what you just said. Then when it happens you deflect to something new to fuck up.

Try again.

Black Diamond
08-17-2017, 11:07 AM
By a snowflake terrorist nazi.
Sounds good. Keep unnecessarily removing monuments that mean something to people just to serve some idealist PC bullshit narrative. Don't complain when people show up to protest and not everyone does so peacefully.

08-17-2017, 11:11 AM
Sounds good. Keep unnecessarily removing monuments that mean something to people just to serve some idealist PC bullshit narrative. Don't complain when people show up to protest and not everyone does so peacefully.

What is deemed necessary is up to the voters in the city where the monuments reside. Why are you trying to restrict their rights? I see, so it's ok for white supremacists to get violent, but not blacks. I see what side you're on. Get your hood out of the closet.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-17-2017, 11:14 AM
In the end it's the cities right. Deal with it. Washington and Jefferson were important founders of the country. They should be commemorated for it. Confederate heroes only claim to fame was their take to arms over slavery. That is a massive difference.

You are a real liberal minded piece of shit.
Bring your Nazi/liberal type loving ass to my area and try to tell me I am wrong about wanting to preserve my Southern heritage and just wait to see how I respond!
Stand in front of me, saying how I am wrong, and how you and your ffing liberal-pukes know best and see what kind of attitude adjustment I will be happy to deliver!
I've never meet a damn liberal man that was not a damn punk-ass, graven coward--which damn sure includes you sorry , worthless ass!

Where is that poll, dipshit???? -Tyr

Black Diamond
08-17-2017, 11:16 AM
What is deemed necessary is up to the voters in the city where the monuments reside. Why are you trying to restrict their rights? I see, so it's ok for white supremacists to get violent, but not blacks. I see what side you're on. Get your hood out of the closet.
When did I say that? And when did you condemn Obama for NEVER EVER condemning black lives matter and other groups for their violent rhetoric that led to dead cops? Trump was late. Obama was never.

08-17-2017, 11:20 AM
You are a real liberal minded piece of shit.
Bring your Nazi/liberal type loving ass to my area and try to tell me I am wrong about wanting to preserve my Southern heritage and just wait to see how I respond!
Stand in front of me, saying how I am wrong, and how you and your ffing liberal-pukes know best and see what kind of attitude adjustment I will be happy to deliver!
I've never meet a damn liberal man that was not a damn punk-ass, graven coward--which damn sure includes you sorry , worthless ass!

Where is that poll, dipshit???? -Tyr


08-17-2017, 11:21 AM
What is deemed necessary is up to the voters in the city where the monuments reside. Why are you trying to restrict their rights? I see, so it's ok for white supremacists to get violent, but not blacks. I see what side you're on. Get your hood out of the closet.REALLY? Let's use YOUR words (and I don't forget one thread to another):

"Up to the voters"; "Why are you trying to restrict their Rights?"

Good point Pete. So why is it homosexual marriage is allowed in states the voters clearly voted against it? It's only "up to the voters" when it suits your agenda. Otherwise, legislation by judicial decree works just fine for you.

08-17-2017, 11:25 AM
What is deemed necessary is up to the voters in the city where the monuments reside. Why are you trying to restrict their rights? I see, so it's ok for white supremacists to get violent, but not blacks. I see what side you're on. Get your hood out of the closet.

Have the voters really decided to remove these monuments? From what I've read it appears that what's really happening here is a small group of activists both elected and un-elected have decided to govern through virtue signaling.

08-17-2017, 11:25 AM
When did I say that? And when did you condemn Obama for NEVER EVER condemning black lives matter and other groups for their violent rhetoric that led to dead cops? Trump was late. Obama was never.

False equivalence. One group seeks to fight racial oppression and the other seeks to enforce it. The violent radicals on each side should be condemned, but the two organizations are nowhere on the same level. Don't even.

08-17-2017, 11:26 AM
REALLY? Let's use YOUR words (and I don't forget one thread to another):

"Up to the voters"; "Why are you trying to restrict their Rights?"

Good point Pete. So why is it homosexual marriage is allowed in states the voters clearly voted against it? It's only "up to the voters" when it suits your agenda. Otherwise, legislation by judicial decree works just fine for you.

You don't see a difference in city property vs a federal human right?

08-17-2017, 11:27 AM
Have the voters really decided to remove these monuments? From what I've read it appears that what's really happening here is a small group of activists both elected and un-elected have decided to govern through virtue signaling.

You decide through your vote for the politician. These politicians aren't doing this over a pressure of a few. They want their jobs come next election.

Black Diamond
08-17-2017, 11:29 AM
False equivalence. One group seeks to fight racial oppression and the other seeks to enforce it. The violent radicals on each side should be condemned, but the two organizations are nowhere on the same level. Don't even.
So when they scream "Pigs in a blanket. Fry em like bacon". You're good with that kind of rhetoric. Got it.

And and they are both racist terrorist organizations.

08-17-2017, 11:31 AM
You decide through your vote for the politician. These politicians aren't doing this over a pressure of a few. They want their jobs come next election.

Unless it's an issue most don't feel strongly about either way, then they sure do react to pressure from a few.

08-17-2017, 11:31 AM
So when they scream "Pigs in a blanket. Fry em like bacon". You're good with that kind of rhetoric. Got it.

And and they are both racist terrorist organizations.

No and no

08-17-2017, 11:32 AM
Unless it's an issue most don't feel strongly about either way, then they sure do react to pressure from a few.

Right, not feeling strongly, is the vote

08-17-2017, 11:35 AM
Right, not feeling strongly, is the vote

No it's not. A vote is a vote. People not feeling strongly one way or the other allows some to virtue signal but what you said was the people had voted, implying they specifically voted for removal of these monuments. They did not and you just admitted it.

08-17-2017, 11:37 AM
You don't see a difference in city property vs a federal human right?I don't see the difference in the splinters in your ass riding that fence.

But we can play law if you want. The People of the State of Texas, among others, voted by overwhelming majority and had signed into law that marriage was between a man and a woman.

I don't see where that is a Federal concern. It allows everyone the same Rights, and is equal under Constitutional law. The Constitution doesn't say anything about "you get a special law for being aberrant whether or not the people want it". Legislating from the bench that fags can marry is discriminatory in that it excludes are normal people, and/or the ones that want to marry their barn animals.

So no, I DON'T see the difference between that and a bunch of morons running around destroying history because they think they have the moral authority to do so. I'm offended by THEM. Maybe I should just destroy them, right?

Your bullshit is discriminatory. The very thing you claim to be arguing against.

Black Diamond
08-17-2017, 11:37 AM
You don't see a difference in city property vs a federal human right?
If marriage is a right, why do you need a license ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-17-2017, 11:38 AM
For Petyboy..... be sure to read the comments at the end.. --Tyr


Should Confederate era statues be removed?
[The Telegraph]
Our Foreign Staff
,The Telegraph•August 16, 2017
Light shines through the trees near a Confederate statue Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2017, in Baltimore - ap
Light shines through the trees near a Confederate statue Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2017, in Baltimore - ap

Confederate monuments are being removed around the country under pressure from those who say they honour a regime that enslaved African-Americans. The pace has increased, however, in the wake of last weekend's deadly confrontation at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

These are some of the monuments that have been removed, covered up or vandalised in recent days:

Plaques honoring Gen. Robert E. Lee were removed from the property of a now-closed Episcopal church in Brooklyn on Wednesday. Gov. Andrew Cuomo also called on the Army to rename two streets at nearby Fort Hamilton that honored Lee and Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.

The plaques, including one more than a century old, were taken down at St. John's Episcopal Church because they were "offensive to the community," said Bishop Lawrence Provenzano of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island.
The Roger B. Taney monument base in Mount Vernon Place is viewed in Baltimore, Maryland, after it was removed by the city on August 16, 2017 - Credit: AFP
The Roger B. Taney monument base in Mount Vernon Place is viewed in Baltimore, Maryland, after it was removed by the city on August 16, 2017 Credit: AFP

Four Confederacy-related monuments were hauled away on trucks under cover of darkness late on Tuesday night and early on Wednesday.

Mayor Catherine Pugh said she was concerned that such statues might spark violence.

One monument honored Maryland resident Roger B. Taney, the U.S. Supreme Court justice who wrote the Dred Scott decision denying citizenship to African-Americans.
A damaged nearly century-old Confederate statue lies on a pallet in a warehouse in Durham, N.C. on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017 - Credit: AP
A damaged nearly century-old Confederate statue lies on a pallet in a warehouse in Durham, N.C. on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017 Credit: AP

A bronze statue of a Confederate soldier was pulled from its pedestal by protesters on Monday night.

The 1924 monument stood in front of a government office building until demonstrators used a rope to pull it down. Four people have been arrested, and authorities plan more arrests.

Gov Roy Cooper has called for the removal of all Confederate monuments on public property around the state.
The Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson monument base is viewed in Wyman Park Dell in Baltimore, Maryland, after being removed by the city on August 16, 2017 - Credit: AFP
The Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson monument base is viewed in Wyman Park Dell in Baltimore, Maryland, after being removed by the city on August 16, 2017 Credit: AFP

In another North Carolina town, two Confederate statues were vandalised with spray paint.

Someone also tied a rope around one of the statues in what may have been an attempt to topple it, police said Wednesday. No arrests were immediately made.
A monument to Confederate General John Hunt Morgan stands encased in a protective scaffolding because of local construction, outside the Historic Lexington Courthouse in Lexington - Credit: Reuters
A monument to Confederate General John Hunt Morgan stands encased in a protective scaffolding because of local construction, outside the Historic Lexington Courthouse in Lexington Credit: Reuters

A 1914 monument honoring fallen Confederate soldiers was splattered with paint. Opponents are signing a petition to have it removed from a neighbourhood near the University of Tennessee campus.

A 52-foot-tall obelisk honoring Confederate soldiers and sailors was covered by wooden panels at the mayor's order. The 1905 monument is in a downtown park.

The cover-up on Tuesday prompted a lawsuit by Alabama's attorney general, who argues that it violates a new law prohibiting the removal of historical structures, including rebel memorials.
A statue of Robert E. Lee stands in the background as Gary Stuard demonstrates with the Democratic Socialists of America, North Texas group, to remember Heather Heyer, at Lee Park in Dallas on Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017 - Credit: Brandon Wade/The Dallas Morning News via AP
A statue of Robert E. Lee stands in the background as Gary Stuard demonstrates with the Democratic Socialists of America, North Texas group, to remember Heather Heyer, at Lee Park in Dallas on Sunday, Aug. 13, 2017 Credit: Brandon Wade/The Dallas Morning News via AP

Hollywood Forever Cemetery, where many movie legends are interred, removed a 6-foot Confederate monument that was erected in 1925.

The stone and attached plaque were trucked away to storage Wednesday after the cemetery received hundreds of calls and emails requesting its removal.

More than 30 Confederate veterans and their families are buried in the cemetery. Their grave markers will remain.
A sign calling for Emancipation Park to be renamed after Heather Heyer is placed at the base of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, blocks from where she was killed and 19 others injured when a car slammed into a crowd of people protesting against a white supremacist rally, August 16, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia - Credit: Getty
A sign calling for Emancipation Park to be renamed after Heather Heyer is placed at the base of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, blocks from where she was killed and 19 others injured when a car slammed into a crowd of people protesting against a white supremacist rally, August 16, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia Credit: Getty

The city removed a plaque naming Confederate President Jefferson Davis from a downtown plaza on Wednesday.

The plaque honored San Diego as the Western terminus of the Jefferson Davis Highway between Virginia and California. It was presented to the city in 1926 by a state chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy.
A Confederate statue in Piedmont Park is splattered with red paint after being vandalized in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 15 August 2017 - Credit: EPA
A Confederate statue in Piedmont Park is splattered with red paint after being vandalized in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 15 August 2017 Credit: EPA

A 106-year-old statue of Confederate soldiers will remain on public property unless opponents raise enough money to move it to a private cemetery, officials decided.

The Hillsborough County Commission voted last month to remove the monument but voted Wednesday to do so only if private funds can be raised in 30 days.

Charlottesville far-right protest

62 reactions
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6 viewing

3 hours ago
Statues banned, speech limited by political correctness, the left banning and protesting free speech with mobs and destruction if they don't agree with it, so the only thing left is to ban and burn books. Exactly who are the fascists?

Rebel To The Core
Rebel To The Core
15 hours ago
I am trying two figure out that all these Historical statues have been here for years and all the sudden the last seven years it becomes a problem??????
3 hours ago
Southern citizens are bearing these indefensible insults to their heritage and history with an astonishing amount of patience and forbearance, more so than I think I could muster in their place. I hope the leftist snowflake politicians are ready for what may happen when they decide en masse that they've had all they're going to take.

21 hours ago
And, as I said it starts: a complete tear down of America and it's history. Can't wait to see what's next! Removal of slave owning Presidents from our money? Changing our flag since it supported slavery for many years? You stupid leftist started it. Wonder when you'll start to cry as a small percentage of Americans take over your country.
Debbie s
Debbie s
23 hours ago
So now because of political correctness we will ignore history. We will bow down to the minority because if we don't they'll act like savages and riot and loot ! SO what's next? Jefferson and Washington were slave owners..do we take them off our money? If that's the case then Martin Luther King was a womanizing adulterer...she he lose his holiday? Oh no that's right I forgot. The only people to be held accountable in this country for anything is the White Person... I'm all for a go fund me web sight that will send every black person back to Africa ! If you put the word African before the word American then go ! ! ! ! If you put any country before American you can go too... Throughout time atrocities have happened to us all and we move on. The Irish were slaves, the jews were gassed, the christians were persecuted and the list goes on and on and on... guess all artifacts now should be destroyed if they are not representative of peace! The irony there is that the same people that want these artifacts removed are not peaceful people !
21 hours ago

This and That 4 Crafts
21 hours ago
This has all become crazy. Decisions made over 100 years ago do not fit with today's view of society. However, decisions made today will also not fit with view's about society 100s of years from now. 100s of years from now it maybe decided that heterosexual behavior is wrong, or that abortion is once gain illegal, or so many other things that can change with the times. Does this make the people of their time any less worthy of their deeds for that time? Yes, they got it wrong. But society was also not as enlightened or educated as it is today. Even Lincoln, probably our greatest president, was willing to leave the black man enslaved if it would have saved the unity of this great nation. He stated as such in his letter to Horace Greeley. Should we now remove all of Lincoln's tributes because he wasn't quite the saint we all think he was? Even to this day it could be said that Lincoln's emancipation proclamation was more of a propaganda stunt than a heart felt action. You can look the letter up anywhere on the internet if you don't believe he stated it or if the schools have just stopped teaching history and you have never heard of the letters between Lincoln and Greeley.
19 hours ago
First statues of Confederate soldiers and generals, and now a statue of a Supreme Court justice, huh. Next will be anything associated with the 12 US presidents who owned slaves, or the 41 signers of the Declaration of Independence who were slave owners, and so forth. This isn't going to end well, folks.
Tom S
Tom S
23 hours ago
Taney is known as "The Obama of the Supreme Court."
1 hour ago
Interesting facts about slavery: Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1962. Yemen abolished slavery the same year. Oman officially abolished slavery in 1972. Mauritania, a West African Muslim country abolished slavery in 1981, 37 years ago. Where is the liberal outrage?
Zoot Cat
Zoot Cat
17 hours ago
I see now, why Trump loves Jackson. At any rate, Taney's sculpture was removed today in Baltimore. It wasn't built by the owner as a memorial to Taney's wisdom or courage - it was created as "a protest in living bronze” against Congress, which in 1865 had withheld funds to create a bust of Taney, for his “terrible decision where a most unrighteous judgment was sustained by a falsification of history.” The monument was erected to promote white supremacy in Baltimore during the "Lost Cause" campaign.
The Truth
The Truth
5 hours ago
What's next museums? Churches? The army? Limits and access to All other religious place of worship? Putting a stop to ALL religious worshiping with the exception of One?
Just Me
Just Me
3 hours ago
Stupid left liberals. History is history...good or bad. How about the fact that it might remind us of what not to do in the future. America and it's history should not fall to socialism/communism. The left are communists. I despise you all because you are stupid little sheep.
Jeff Frischkorn
Jeff Frischkorn
16 hours ago
Honestly, before this brouhaha all began the only ones interested in these statues were the pigeons.. I guess they're going to become increasingly disappointed... Oh, well, humanity is forever craving to build monuments and statutes to itself.. The pigeons will do just fine..
Typical dipshit remark from a has been actor starving for a job!
17 hours ago
I will fight Communism until my last breath and there are 10's of millions more just like me and we all realize that racist hate groups make up .0000000000000000000000000000001 % of the population , meanwhile you'll hear the Communist snakes calling racists the Trump core base ..lolol Be smart , stay strong my anti Communist Sisters and brothers in arms !!!!!

08-17-2017, 11:39 AM
No it's not. A vote is a vote. People not feeling strongly one way or the other allows some to virtue signal but what you said was the people had voted, implying they specifically voted for removal of these monuments. They did not and you just admitted it.

huh then I guess cities should take 100s of votes every day for everything they do. Got it!

08-17-2017, 11:40 AM
I don't see the difference in the splinters in your ass riding that fence.

awesome phrase, I gotta remember this one!

08-17-2017, 11:42 AM
If marriage is a right, why do you need a license ?

If water is a right, why do I have to pay for it?

08-17-2017, 11:44 AM
huh then I guess cities should take 100s of votes every day for everything they do. Got it!

No but you not claiming that activists are responding to a vote of the people on a specific issue when they aren't might be a good idea.

08-17-2017, 11:46 AM
If water is a right, why do I have to pay for it?Simple point: Your stance on one argument contradicts your stance in another. Your argument is based on partisan politics, not fact and truth.

The left isn't about doing what's right. It's about forcing whatever latest notion suits them on others regardless the hypocrisy from one stance to another.

Black Diamond
08-17-2017, 11:46 AM
If water is a right, why do I have to pay for it?
Water isn't a right either.

08-17-2017, 11:46 AM
No but you not claiming that activists are responding to a vote of the people on a specific issue when they aren't might be a good idea.

Reasonable, now vote in politicians that agree with your stance.

08-17-2017, 11:47 AM
Water isn't a right either.

edit: I concede this point, as I read more, as there is a section on affordability as a clause, however it is a right

08-17-2017, 11:47 AM
If water is a right, why do I have to pay for it?

You're not paying for the water, you're paying for treatment and delivery.

08-17-2017, 11:49 AM
Reasonable, now vote in politicians that agree with your stance.

Four posts, four goalpost shifts. That's talent.

08-17-2017, 11:50 AM
You're not paying for the water, you're paying for treatment and delivery.

the right is access to affordable clean water, so....

Black Diamond
08-17-2017, 11:53 AM
the right is access to affordable clean water, so....
According to the UN?

08-17-2017, 11:57 AM
According to the UN?

I'm going to concede this point, let's move on.

08-17-2017, 11:58 AM
the right is access to affordable clean water, so....The fact that you think you have Rights at all is in and of itself a joke. Move out here, or somewhere where water is a serious business. You don't have a Right to it. You have the privilege of accessing the government's water so long as you pay their extortion rate. Even then, because ours comes from a natural aquifer they've been stupid enough to over-populate, they restrict the hell out of your usage of it. We're under water restrictions right now.

They WILL turn your water off if you don't pay. That is NOT a Right.

08-17-2017, 12:02 PM
the right is access to affordable clean water, so....

If you think water is a right then why does affordability enter into this at all? You're just pulling anything at all out of your ass now aren't you?

08-17-2017, 03:26 PM
the right is access to affordable clean water, so....

OKAY Petey. Please lead us to the sentence in the U.S. Constitution where you have a right to affordable, clean water?

Where exactly does that appear?

08-17-2017, 03:27 PM
oh the hysteria. I'm ready to get off the grid too.

petey. You've never been on the grid. Your hatred won't allow you to associate with other humans.

08-17-2017, 03:29 PM
Because I'm tired of you posting stories where they claim this bullshit. Maybe a dozen or so people are calling for this, then breitbart claims it's a huge story and gets their base all riled up. It's not going to happen. If you don't see the difference in this and the confederate statues then you are just drinking the kool aid.

petey. We don't drink Kool-aid. That would rob the DNC cesspool of the Liberal Lifeblood.

08-17-2017, 03:32 PM
Monuments are not for recording history

Okay petey. So, if you have any family members from the past who have died, and been buried somewhere. HOW would you know where they are buried if there is no monument (headstone) to identify their final resting place? OR, are you an agnostic, and not believe in putting dead family members in anything..other than a trash can?

08-17-2017, 04:08 PM
Okay petey. So, if you have any family members from the past who have died, and been buried somewhere. HOW would you know where they are buried if there is no monument (headstone) to identify their final resting place? OR, are you an agnostic, and not believe in putting dead family members in anything..other than a trash can?


08-17-2017, 04:48 PM
Yup... I'm already there... I hate BLM, ANTIFA, the NAACP, the NEW BLACK PANTHERS, the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, the RADICAL SOROS PAID ANARCHISTS, and the list goes on. Their 24/7 hysteria and anti American trash has pushed me to the point of HATE... yes... I HATE THEM... as I'm SURE they HATE ME as a "PROUD," WHITE, CHRISTIAN, HETEROSEXUAL, CONSTITUTIONALIST PATRIOTIC VETERAN... hell I'm a TERRORIST in the eyes of the LEFT.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-17-2017, 04:48 PM
False equivalence. One group seeks to fight racial oppression and the other seeks to enforce it. The violent radicals on each side should be condemned, but the two organizations are nowhere on the same level. Don't even.

Seeks to fight racial oppression????

No hoss, they(BLM movement) seeks to institute their own(against whitey) but a blind chump like you can not see such easy to see truth..-Tyr

08-17-2017, 04:58 PM
False equivalence. One group seeks to fight racial oppression and the other seeks to enforce it. The violent radicals on each side should be condemned, but the two organizations are nowhere on the same level. Don't even.


08-17-2017, 05:03 PM
False equivalence. One group seeks to fight racial oppression and the other seeks to enforce it. The violent radicals on each side should be condemned, but the two organizations are nowhere on the same level. Don't even.

You're out of your ever loving, lying, WARPED mind...


08-17-2017, 05:38 PM

08-17-2017, 05:40 PM

08-17-2017, 06:36 PM

Ya know, aboutime... we all see it... we see the blatant hypocrisy and double standard from the democrats, so I really don't understand 2 things, 1, who in the hell do they think they're fooling when they try and spew their crap ignoring it, and 2, how stupid can they actually be to believe the shit they spew?

Don't bother answering #2... I think I already know.

08-17-2017, 06:47 PM
Ya know, aboutime... we all see it... we see the blatant hypocrisy and double standard from the democrats, so I really don't understand 2 things, 1, who in the hell do they think they're fooling when they try and spew their crap ignoring it, and 2, how stupid can they actually be to believe the shit they spew?

Don't bother answering #2... I think I already know.

I couldn't resist answering. Lack of actual education, prohibited by Democrats who have been promising them they would get MORE MONEY for schools. But the Dems never tell the poor that MORE MONEY is just for the administration, and the Union teachers.
Since the LBJ days of the Great Society promises that never came about. The Poor, Blacks, and White have been patiently waiting...and keep voting for the lies, and liars.

08-17-2017, 06:52 PM
I couldn't resist answering. Lack of actual education, prohibited by Democrats who have been promising them they would get MORE MONEY for schools. But the Dems never tell the poor that MORE MONEY is just for the administration, and the Union teachers.
Since the LBJ days of the Great Society promises that never came about. The Poor, Blacks, and White have been patiently waiting...and keep voting for the lies, and liars.
When you've been alive as long as you and I, it gets discouraging... then it pisses you off.

I'll tell ya, us old farts are the last people this nation wants to piss off, because we've lived the majority of our lives, we've had our fun, we don't have a whole hellova lot to lose at this point. But one thing is certain, us old veterans haven't forgotten our military oath to protect this nation against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC. That oath didn't have an EXPIRATION DATE. If the lot of us ever decided we'd had enough, this country would be in for a true shit storm.

08-17-2017, 07:08 PM
When you've been alive as long as you and I, it gets discouraging... then it pisses you off.

I'll tell ya, us old farts are the last people this nation wants to piss off, because we've lived the majority of our lives, we've had our fun, we don't have a whole hellova lot to lose at this point. But one thing is certain, us old veterans haven't forgotten our military oath to protect this nation against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC. That oath didn't have an EXPIRATION DATE. If the lot of us ever decided we'd had enough, this country would be in for a true shit storm.

Thank you sir. I salute you...even as an Old Fart. We know, and have experienced what 99% of the people walking around today...will never experience, and will insult us because WE GET IN THEIR WAY.
I agree about our Oath. It NEVER ENDED after we took off our uniforms. It didn't retire when we did.
Now, today. A certain portion of society would rather put us away, out of sight because we know what THEIR LIVES can, and will become since we've lived it.
They don't want to listen to us, like they don't want Trump, because we live according to our HONORABLE INTENTIONS for them. Telling them everything they don't want to hear because IT EXPOSES THEIR STUPIDITY.
All of us VETERANS here are lied to by many fellow Americans when they tell us THANK YOU FOR OUR SERVICE. Truth is...much of those 99% only say such things..not because they mean it, but because it is the Politically Correct thing to do.
Also explaining why so many Laugh at, and Ignore our National Anthem, and use the Constitution as a tool to disgrace, and even BURN our FLAG.
I feel so lucky I won't be around for all of the Socialist days ahead. Even as I do wish I could be here to help our grandchildren...survive all of the STUPIDITY.

08-17-2017, 07:40 PM
All of us VETERANS here are lied to by many fellow Americans when they tell us THANK YOU FOR OUR SERVICE. Truth is...much of those 99% only say such things..not because they mean it, but because it is the Politically Correct thing to do.
Ya know, it's kinda funny but, something in your gut just tells you when someone doesn't mean what they're saying to you, and I know... EXACTLY... what you mean. I get this when I call 'Veterans Choice' for an appointment at my local clinic because I'm 65 miles away from the nearest VA clinic, and when I hear that I think, you are TOLD to say that, not because you MEAN it, but because you HAVE to, and all these calls are RECORDED.

But when someone shakes my hand and looks me in the eye and tells me that, and it's spontaneous, I know they mean it, and I say "thank you, I appreciate that."

08-17-2017, 08:11 PM
Ya know, it's kinda funny but, something in your gut just tells you when someone doesn't mean what they're saying to you, and I know... EXACTLY... what you mean. I get this when I call 'Veterans Choice' for an appointment at my local clinic because I'm 65 miles away from the nearest VA clinic, and when I hear that I think, you are TOLD to say that, not because you MEAN it, but because you HAVE to, and all these calls are RECORDED.

But when someone shakes my hand and looks me in the eye and tells me that, and it's spontaneous, I know they mean it, and I say "thank you, I appreciate that."

I live in the area known as the Largest U.S. Naval Complex in the U.S.A. We are surrounded by active duty, reservists, and retiree's, but most of the time. The civilians seem so bothered, and intimidated because we are veterans...they smile, and always come up with "Oh, you were in the navy?" as they instantly tell us...my father, brother, sister, etc; used to be in the...
Sad thing is. Right after Donald Trump won in November. Our few neighbors up and down the block...all civilians, STOPPED talking to us. No more hello's, how you doin?
They don't even have the courtesy to just look our way. When we are outside at the driveway on the way to the Doctors...the intentionally go back in their house...until we leave.

Those are the same people who pretended to be sincere as well.
I am more pissed at losing 20 year friends/neighbors, simply because they HATE SEEING, OR HEARING THE TRUTH....for a change.

08-17-2017, 08:16 PM
I am more pissed at losing 20 year friends/neighbors, simply because they HATE SEEING, OR HEARING THE TRUTH....for a change.

Sounds like they weren't your friends to begin with.

08-17-2017, 08:21 PM
Sounds like they weren't your friends to begin with.

As my wife reminded me that day.
"Remember what your dad told you? You really Can't trust anyone anymore".

Both of us were really surprised, and disappointed. It's really sad that anyone would become so angry. Angry enough to become strangers again?

Remembering what my father told me. He also told me something I like to tell others all the time.

He said:" The only people you should pay attention to, and trust, are those who offer to pay all of your bills!"

08-17-2017, 08:24 PM
I live in the area known as the Largest U.S. Naval Complex in the U.S.A. We are surrounded by active duty, reservists, and retiree's, but most of the time. The civilians seem so bothered, and intimidated because we are veterans...they smile, and always come up with "Oh, you were in the navy?" as they instantly tell us...my father, brother, sister, etc; used to be in the...
Sad thing is. Right after Donald Trump won in November. Our few neighbors up and down the block...all civilians, STOPPED talking to us. No more hello's, how you doin?
They don't even have the courtesy to just look our way. When we are outside at the driveway on the way to the Doctors...the intentionally go back in their house...until we leave.

Those are the same people who pretended to be sincere as well.
I am more pissed at losing 20 year friends/neighbors, simply because they HATE SEEING, OR HEARING THE TRUTH....for a change.
That's why I live way outside any cess pool city. I live in a tiny little town where my family has been for generations. People know me and they know my name and they know I'm a veteran. There are those military hating leftists here that talk shit behind my back but are too gutless to say it this 6'2", 210 lb veterans face that's never had a sit down job in my life. They're afraid I'll cave in their skull. Even though, I have many good conservative veteran friends right here.

I couldn't live somewhere like you describe, bro. I'd hurt somebody. Living out here in the middle of nowhere is peaceful and I love it. My life has nothing really that happens that gets to me. I have a bunch of good veteran buddies here and we're all of like mind.

08-17-2017, 08:25 PM
That's why I live way outside any cess pool city. I live in a tiny little town where my family has been for generations. People know me and they know my name and they know I'm a veteran. There are those military hating leftists here that talk shit behind my back but are too gutless to say it this 6'2", 210 lb veterans face that's never had a sit down job in my life. They're afraid I'll cave in their skull. Even though, I have many good conservative veteran friends right here.

I couldn't live somewhere like you describe, bro. I'd hurt somebody.

I have him beat by a mile. I live in Detroit. City of.

08-17-2017, 08:26 PM
As my wife reminded me that day.
"Remember what your dad told you? You really Can't trust anyone anymore".

Both of us were really surprised, and disappointed. It's really sad that anyone would become so angry. Angry enough to become strangers again?

Remembering what my father told me. He also told me something I like to tell others all the time.

He said:" The only people you should pay attention to, and trust, are those who offer to pay all of your bills!"

Just remember, a friend will help you bury the body. Everyone else is just an acquaintance.

08-17-2017, 08:28 PM
That's why I live way outside any cess pool city. I live in a tiny little town where my family has been for generations. People know me and they know my name and they know I'm a veteran. There are those military hating leftists here that talk shit behind my back but are too gutless to say it this 6'2", 210 lb veterans face that's never had a sit down job in my life. They're afraid I'll cave in their skull. Even though, I have many good conservative veteran friends right here.

I couldn't live somewhere like you describe, bro. I'd hurt somebody. Living out here in the middle of nowhere is peaceful and I love it. My life has nothing really that happens that gets to me. I have a bunch of good veteran buddies here and we're all of like mind.

I know what you mean. But we had our son's down here in Va. both in schools. We didn't want to go back North, to Pennsylvania...outside Philly...SHITTY OF BROTHERLY CRIME.

08-17-2017, 08:28 PM
Sounds like they weren't your friends to begin with.

I have to agree. I have friends, family that voted for Trump. Also Hillary, also Bernie supporters (I really don't understand, but there we are.) I was the only one that I know of that went with a write in. None of the friendships are based upon whom we choose to vote for or support. The things we do find most important we do have in common. Family, friends, community, principles, etc.

08-17-2017, 08:29 PM
I have him beat by a mile. I live in Detroit. City of.
I hope you're locked and loaded, brother.

08-17-2017, 08:32 PM
I hope you're locked and loaded, brother.

My current neighborhood is actually very nice but 15-20 years ago? Yes, had to carry just to go out to the garage.

08-17-2017, 08:41 PM
I know what you mean. But we had our son's down here in Va. both in schools. We didn't want to go back North, to Pennsylvania...outside Philly...SHITTY OF BROTHERLY CRIME.
We'd welcome you here in Podunk, WI with open arms, bro.

Property prices are rock bottom where I'm at. I bought an acre and a quarter, house, two story shop for $79,500. I've put a lot into it so far and couldn't be happier. Just had the shop renovated with all new OSB sheathing and vinyl siding... dirt cheap living in God's country...


08-17-2017, 08:44 PM
My current neighborhood is actually very nice but 15-20 years ago? Yes, had to carry just to go out to the garage.
Wow... the only reason I'd have to carry to go to my shop would be an occasional skunk, and then it would be my pump pellet gun with the nasty red tipped slugs.

I'd move if I lived in a place like you describe.

08-17-2017, 08:49 PM
We'd welcome you here in Podunk, WI with open arms, bro.

Property prices are rock bottom where I'm at. I bought an acre and a quarter, house, two story shop for $79,500. I've put a lot into it so far and couldn't be happier. Just had the shop renovated with all new OSB sheathing and vinyl siding... dirt cheap living in God's country...


Wow. Looks wonderful. Believe it or not. We bought our home (where we are now) for $75,900 in 1980. Our problem is...we don't like the COLD, and STEPS work against both of us since we need ramps. LOVE GOD'S COUNTRY. Would love country living, quiet, no traffic, but reality, and grandchildren are more important right now.
By the way. Our home is up for $210,000, and around here...that's just median. We are too close to D.C. and the Beach, where everybody has to IMPRESS everybody else.

P.S. One of my biggest, childish dreams is to get a Riding Mower...John Deere. No work.

08-17-2017, 08:53 PM
Wow... the only reason I'd have to carry to go to my shop would be an occasional skunk, and then it would be my pump pellet gun with the nasty red tipped slugs.

I'd move if I lived in a place like you describe.

You're not me...:laugh:

When the city was really, really bad, and I was much, much younger, sometimes I hoped someone would screw with me in my yard.

08-17-2017, 09:30 PM
Wow. Looks wonderful. Believe it or not. We bought our home (where we are now) for $75,900 in 1980. Our problem is...we don't like the COLD, and STEPS work against both of us since we need ramps. LOVE GOD'S COUNTRY. Would love country living, quiet, no traffic, but reality, and grandchildren are more important right now.
By the way. Our home is up for $210,000, and around here...that's just median. We are too close to D.C. and the Beach, where everybody has to IMPRESS everybody else.

P.S. One of my biggest, childish dreams is to get a Riding Mower...John Deere. No work.
My 2012 John Deere X720 Ultimate, my second JD lawn tractor. Sure they're pricey, but they're built like a Sherman tank. You get what you pay for. I have a 54" snowblower for it too, and a plow...


08-17-2017, 09:31 PM
and back to jimnyc point:


No civil war, but a cultural one.

08-17-2017, 09:35 PM
You're not me...:laugh:

When the city was really, really bad, and I was much, much younger, sometimes I hoped someone would screw with me in my yard.
Yeah I know what you mean. When I was younger and just got out of military, I was full of spit and vinegar. You couldn't go to a bar around here at night without either seeing or being in a fight. They were every weekend, every bar. Some drunk ass clown would just say... "YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?" That's all it took. The cops wouldn't even bother unless someone called them. There's only one cop anyway and he'd rather sit in his car and eat donuts. They'd just let people knock the shit otta each other and go home. I was never one to shy away from any of it. You'd be targeted and called a pussy if you did, and around here we're talkin' some large boys that work all day, every day, on the farm with muscles in their shit. I worked on the railroad, construction, anything but a sit down job and I hit the iron lifting in the military so, I wasn't one that they usually picked on... either fight or run like a punk... ;)

08-17-2017, 09:47 PM
and back to @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) point:


No civil war, but a cultural one.The US Civil War began as a clash of cultures. A rose by any other name is still a rose. The signs are there. Just have to look. I don't consider it genius on my part to see history being repeated.

Wishing it isn't there and obvious is what the progressive left keeps telling us we should think.

08-17-2017, 11:04 PM
Color me not surprised:


Woman Who Destroyed Durham Confederate Statue Is A Pro-North Korea Marxist

Posted By Will Racke On 2:12 PM 08/16/2017

One of the activists who toppled a Confederate statue in Durham, N.C., on Monday night is a member of an extreme leftist group that supports the totalitarian regime in North Korea and wants to abolish capitalism.

Taqiyah Thompson, a student at North Carolina Central University, was arrested (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/durham-arrests/537015/) Tuesday following a press conference in which she defended the actions of the demonstrators and equated police officers to Confederate soldiers and Ku Klux Klan members.

“I did the right thing,” she said. “Everyone who was there — the people did the right thing. The people will continue to keep making the right choices until every Confederate statue is gone, until white supremacy is gone. That statue is where it belongs. It needs to be in the garbage.”

Thompson is a member of the Worker’s World Party (WWP), a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist group originally formed in 1959 as a hard-line offshoot of the more moderate Socialist Workers Party. In addition to supporting a wide range of far-left causes, the group also defends (http://www.workers.org/2017/08/14/self-defense-and-the-dprk/) the North Korean regime of dictator Kim Jong-un against alleged U.S. imperialism.

The Durham Branch of the WWP called for Monday’s demonstration in “solidarity” with local anti-racist and anti-fascist forces, according to the group’s website. The group says it organized the protest in response to events in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday where three people were killed when a white supremacist rally descended into street battles with counter-protesters.


Blowing things up and tearing things down.

08-17-2017, 11:40 PM
Color me not surprised:


Blowing things up and tearing things down.
And this is what the democrat propaganda wing / democrat party, same thing, is supporting.

08-17-2017, 11:49 PM
And this is what the democrat propaganda wing / democrat party, same thing, is supporting.

Yep, both extremes are for destroying, which has been a theme for me this evening. I hope tomorrow will be a better day.

08-18-2017, 12:07 AM
Yep, both extremes are for destroying, which has been a theme for me this evening. I hope tomorrow will be a better day.
Well... again... we disagree. I only see one side trying to destroy and erase America and it's history.

08-18-2017, 12:11 AM
Well... again... we disagree. I only see one side trying to destroy and erase America and it's history.

Nah, revising history isn't the province of one side alone. Nearly all of the monuments now considered 'history' were erected by Democrats during the Jim Crow Era. Now there are conservatives claiming them as their heritage. Weird.

Then again, we have crazy leftists destroying statues in their ever lasting quest to rid the world of whatever. It seems they never have an idea of constructing something that would inspire, just destroy.

08-18-2017, 12:13 AM
Nearly all of the monuments now considered 'history' were erected by Democrats during the Jim Crow Era.

08-18-2017, 12:17 AM

Sorry, for that you need to look up each statue or memorial, location, and history. Nearly all are going to be found in their city's historical records. I'm going on those I've seen and what I've read.

08-18-2017, 12:23 AM
Sorry, for that you need to look up each statue or memorial, location, and history. Nearly all are going to be found in their city's historical records. I'm going on those I've seen and what I've read.
Point is, we shouldn't be tearing down statues and monuments just because some radical nut bag that idolizes NK thinks we should. It's sickening. When I see videos of that it makes me mad, and sad that that kind of thing is actually happening in my America.

We need a reset. But what would REALLY help is if this HYSTERICAL, BLOOD THIRSTY LEFTIST MEDIA would at LEAST give president Trump a FAIR SHAKE.

08-18-2017, 12:40 AM
Point is, we shouldn't be tearing down statues and monuments just because some radical nut bag that idolizes NK thinks we should. It's sickening. When I see videos of that it makes me mad, and sad that that kind of thing is actually happening in my America.

We need a reset. But what would REALLY help is if this HYSTERICAL, BLOOD THIRSTY LEFTIST MEDIA would at LEAST give president Trump a FAIR SHAKE.

Being the sort of person that reads every plaque I see in any park, I agree. With that said, I think that every community that has an issue regarding these needs to look at what would work in their community.

Seems like: 1. No property should be destroyed. 2. If on public property, the community needs to think of the best way, would it be to put up and additional plaque, explaining what some see as a problem? Would it be a good idea to erect another statue or memorial to another inspirational person to give some balance? Should the structure be moved to a museum rather than be on public land?

In other words, the community should be respectful to all in as great as way as possible. Compromise should be the rule.

I know, foolish. Both sides want all of what they want, anything less is a loss.

08-18-2017, 12:58 AM
Being the sort of person that reads every plaque I see in any park, I agree. With that said, I think that every community that has an issue regarding these needs to look at what would work in their community.

Seems like: 1. No property should be destroyed. 2. If on public property, the community needs to think of the best way, would it be to put up and additional plaque, explaining what some see as a problem? Would it be a good idea to erect another statue or memorial to another inspirational person to give some balance? Should the structure be moved to a museum rather than be on public land?

In other words, the community should be respectful to all in as great as way as possible. Compromise should be the rule.

I know, foolish. Both sides want all of what they want, anything less is a loss.
So you think capitulating to radicals that want to destroy American heritage and history is a good thing? Do you actually think they're a majority? What about put all this up to a public referendum vote?

08-18-2017, 01:12 AM
So you think capitulating to radicals that want to destroy American heritage and history is a good thing? Do you actually think they're a majority? What about put all this up to a public referendum vote?

Communities-those that are homogeneous are not facing these types of problems. Likely if there are statuary in any of your parks, most of your neighbors are of a like mind? In Milwaukee, likely different. Compromise is preferable in my opinion, which is not capitulation. It might be erecting another symbol or moving the existing somewhere else. Moving is not destroying. History is fine in a museum. In any case, most people regardless of their political persuasions are only paying any attention because of the controversy. Most don't pay any of these symbols mind, until they become an issue.

No, I don't think people should be dying for these. Compromise seems preferable.

08-18-2017, 01:31 AM
I just came across this on FB, it's pretty reflective of my thinking:


Several of you have asked me to post something about the removal of statues lately. It’s a hard topic for me to tackle, given how hard I try to avoid politics on this page. https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/fb0/1.5/16/1f609.png;) But for those who have asked, here is at least some food for thought. For those of you who don’t like it when I tread this close to political issues, maybe just stop reading now?! https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/fb0/1.5/16/1f609.png;)

(1) It strikes me that, like so many other issues in this country, we should quit trying so hard to find a single, one-size-fits-all national solution. Some communities really do need to remove their statues; they are causing too much disruption in the community. On the other hand, some cities have different experiences. Perhaps their statues really are more about history and remembering where you come from (both good and bad). Perhaps national groups should quit trying to force solutions upon communities. Cities, counties, and states can make these decisions.

(2) In that vein, I am reminded of something that George Washington once wrote. In situations such as this, he often viewed the decision as a simple balancing act. If there were benefits and detriments to a measure, he would look to see which one outweighs the other. For example, he was once asked for his views on a compulsory tax to support Christian ministers. He was fine with the tax from a policy standpoint (as long as Jews and Muslims were given relief from the measure), but he didn’t think that was the end of the discussion, either. The tax was causing an uproar in the state. Thus, he thought there was more harm from the public turmoil than benefit from the tax. In the end, Washington wished the “Bill could die an easy death; because I think it will be productive of more quiet to the State, than by enacting it into a Law.”

(3) Consider that statues don’t have to be destroyed just because they are removed from a particular location. In some instances, perhaps a statue can be taken to a museum or a historical garden where it actually does serve its historic/teaching purpose better.

(4) As with so many other issues, we are suffering because Americans keep forgetting how to engage in calm, civilized discourse. We dive into things with a purely emotional response. We scream on social media. We forget to listen. Perhaps everyone should stop tearing things down until we first stop and listen to each other.

(5) There is a huge slippery slope here, and we should be extremely wary of it.

(6) If the slippery slope takes us too far, we will have eliminated any evidence of our own past. A society that doesn’t know its past doesn’t know itself, either. Future generations will suffer.

(7) It goes without saying that hate-filled, violent protests have no place in *any* of this. We are AMERICANS. We celebrate diversity and freedom. We don’t trample it, and we don’t wish for the extinction of those who are not like us. (The fact that I even have to write these words is really very sad.)

Comments are more than welcome, but (as always) I so much appreciate it when you keep it civil. Thank you for helping to keep this page a pleasant place to visit in the midst of all the social media craziness latel

08-18-2017, 01:35 AM
I just came across this on FB, it's pretty reflective of my thinking:

"REASON"... imagine that... someone had the guts to post that.

I will expect them to be TARRED AND FEATHERED the way president Trump was though.

08-18-2017, 01:40 AM
"REASON"... imagine that... someone had the guts to post that.

I will expect them to be TARRED AND FEATHERED the way president Trump was though.

What she wrote, pretty close to what I was saying earlier. Communities differ, those with a lot of diversity, which doesn't always mean by race, might come to different conclusions than more homogeneous communities. There may not be any way for all to be 'happy,' but all should be heard and some compromise attempted. That is my opinion, not necessarily reflective of what will happen.

08-18-2017, 01:45 AM
What she wrote, pretty close to what I was saying earlier. Communities differ, those with a lot of diversity, which doesn't always mean by race, might come to different conclusions than more homogeneous communities. There may not be any way for all to be 'happy,' but all should be heard and some compromise attempted. That is my opinion, not necessarily reflective of what will happen.
That's what public discussion is for, but we know what's been happening there lately too. Anarchist leftist show up to shout down and disrupt any speaker that they disagree with. That IS what the left has been up to, Kathy.

The best way to decide what to do with these statues is a referendum vote, and whatever is decided by that, then however it turns out, the losers need to please, PLEASE, STFU. It's OVER, it's DECIDED, now go home and FORGET IT, even if Soros is paying you to show up.

08-18-2017, 01:51 AM
That's what public discussion is for, but we know what's been happening there lately too. Anarchist leftist show up to shout down and disrupt any speaker that they disagree with. That IS what the left has been up to, Kathy.

The best way to decide what to do with these statues is a referendum vote, and whatever is decided by that, then however it turns out, the losers need to please, PLEASE, STFU. It's OVER, it's DECIDED, now go home and FORGET IT, even if Soros is paying you to show up.

We may disagree on small point here, I don't think everything has to be a referendum. Let those that feel compelled to show up for city hall meeting do so and be heard. Have security in place to maintain the peace and arrest anyone who doesn't want that outcome.

IMO we vote often enough. I'm not offended by any statue or memorial in a park. I don't want to be reminded of the easily offended, let them spend their own time making themselves heard, don't waste mine. Really, really don't waste my money or hurt my community by trashing the parks and going all postal.

Bottom line, I wish both sides would just pick their issues worth getting all worked up about. But they won't, so inconvenience them.

08-18-2017, 01:55 AM
We may disagree on small point here, I don't think everything has to be a referendum. Let those that feel compelled to show up for city hall meeting do so and be heard. Have security in place to maintain the peace and arrest anyone who doesn't want that outcome.

IMO we vote often enough. I'm not offended by any statue or memorial in a park. I don't want to be reminded of the easily offended, let them spend their own time making themselves heard, don't waste mine. Really, really don't waste my money or hurt my community by trashing the parks and going all postal.

Bottom line, I wish both sides would just pick their issues worth getting all worked up about. But they won't, so inconvenience them.
Well ya know what? I think that if the issue were left up to you and I to work out, we could, but alas, wilder, crazier more radical influences abound.

08-18-2017, 07:09 AM
I have him beat by a mile. I live in Detroit. City of.

sweet....how many blocks do you farm.........do you grow corn or beans?.....

08-18-2017, 10:40 AM
sweet....how many blocks do you farm.........do you grow corn or beans?.....

No farming for me. There is a pretty big one a few blocks away though. It's about a half block, I think they grow soy beans.

08-18-2017, 03:18 PM
I remember when Detroit used to be a city......

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-18-2017, 05:38 PM

Charlie Daniels: Confederate Statue Removal Is Like 'What Isis Is Doing'
"There were pieces of history that they didn't like, they were taking them down," says the country and Southern rock veteran

In a new interview with the cable network Newsmax TV, Country Music Hall of Fame member Charlie Daniels compared the removal of Confederate statues in the United States to Isis' demolition of historical sites in Iraq and Syria.

"That's what Isis is doing over in places … there were pieces of history that they didn't like, they were taking them down," says the 80-year-old Daniels, who went on to echo President Trump's tweets on the controversial subject. "Where does it stop? Is it going to be Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson or are we headed into Jefferson, Washington, who were both slave owners? How deep into history are we going to go?"

Daniels, a Southern-rock pioneer, who sang about the genre in 1975's "The South's Gonna Do It," says one needn't agree with the Civil War and the reason it was waged. "We all know what it was fought for. You don't have to condone it. But they are statues of people that are a part of our history," he says, admitting that not all of them were figures to be revered. "There are people who were part of our history who were not very savory characters."

As Daniels sees it, the answer isn't in removing Civil War statues of Lee, Jackson and the like, but simply turning away.

"If you don't like it, don't look at it," he says. "I walk past movie posters I don't like … there's all kinds of symbolism in this country that I don't like, but I'm not going to go tear them down. I just don't look at them … These statues aren't preaching or shouting out some kind of crazy epithets or something. They're just sitting there. Just turn around and don't look at them."

Daniels remains one of country music's most politically vocal figures. "Wonder if any of the radicals fomenting chaos would consider marching 2 save the lives of the millions of unborn that are murdered each year," he tweeted today, along with his regular tweets about the terror attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. "Benghazi ain't going away!" he wrote.

Since the deadly clash between white-supremacist groups and counter-protesters on Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia – facing off over the contested removal of a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee – the appropriateness of Civil War statues has become a hot-button issue, with President Trump tweeting today, "Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments."

Violence and destruction are shared actions by these people that are now destroying monuments and ISIS that did that and still does that..
Yet muslims also go into Jewish/Christian graveyards and smash their headstones-- how long before that little tactic gets adopted by these American leftist/socialists types??
We should taking great note in how mainstream media, lib/socialist dem party and certain politicians bending over backwards in are excusing this irreprehensible crap.

Folks, mad raving blind hatred is the same thing regardless of which side is doing it..
This shows what 8 years of Obama, his slavish media and the entities and policies he championed have wrought...



08-18-2017, 10:45 PM

Maybe this guy should be President of something?
Radical LEFTIST!

Abbey Marie
08-18-2017, 10:51 PM
Because I'm tired of you posting stories where they claim this bullshit. Maybe a dozen or so people are calling for this, then breitbart claims it's a huge story and gets their base all riled up. It's not going to happen. If you don't see the difference in this and the confederate statues then you are just drinking the kool aid.

Did you hear about the defacing of the statue of Philadelphia mayor Frank Rizzo yesterday? Is he like Jefferson Davis and Robert E Lee?

08-18-2017, 10:53 PM
Did you hear about the defacing of the statue of Philadelphia mayor Frank Rizzo yesterday? Is he like Jefferson Davis and Robert E Lee?Was he from SOUTH Philly?

Abbey Marie
08-18-2017, 10:54 PM
Was he from SOUTH Philly?

:laugh2: I actually think he was, lol.

08-18-2017, 10:54 PM
Did you hear about the defacing of the statue of Philadelphia mayor Frank Rizzo yesterday? Is he like Jefferson Davis and Robert E Lee?
and in a similar vein, St. Joan of Arc in New Orleans? Which side was she on in the Civil War?

Abbey Marie
08-18-2017, 10:55 PM
and in a similar vein, St. Joan of Arc in New Orleans? Which side was she on in the Civil War?

Really!? Wow.

08-18-2017, 10:56 PM
Really!? Wow.

The world has gone mad.

Abbey Marie
08-18-2017, 11:02 PM

I heard the left attacked the statue of The Thinker in The Rodin Museum. They claim they know he was thinking racist thoughts.

J/k. For now.

08-18-2017, 11:04 PM
and in a similar vein, St. Joan of Arc in New Orleans? Which side was she on in the Civil War?

Lost in all this turning the argument into who wants to kill who and why some are determined it'll never happen is:

All the historical artifacts we can never get back for a moment's irrational, emotional outburst or simple act of vandalism. You say there won't be a war and you want to talk ,,, yet the violence is going on around you and you think people shouldn't react to it.

It needs to be stopped or it never will be. Allowing people to riot unchecked for decades is biting us in the ass.

08-18-2017, 11:05 PM
and in a similar vein, St. Joan of Arc in New Orleans? Which side was she on in the Civil War?

Probably the losing side.

Abbey Marie
08-18-2017, 11:06 PM
Lost in all this turning the argument into who wants to kill who and why some are determined it'll never happen is:

All the historical artifacts we can never get back for a moment's irrational, emotional outburst or simple act of vandalism. You say there won't be a war and you want to talk ,,, yet the violence is going on around you and you think people shouldn't react to it.

It needs to be stopped or it never will be. Allowing people to riot unchecked for decades is biting us in the ass.

That last sentence-yup.

08-18-2017, 11:06 PM
Probably the losing side.

08-18-2017, 11:06 PM
Lost in all this turning the argument into who wants to kill who and why some are determined it'll never happen is:

All the historical artifacts we can never get back for a moment's irrational, emotional outburst or simple act of vandalism. You say there won't be a war and you want to talk ,,, yet the violence is going on around you and you think people shouldn't react to it.

It needs to be stopped or it never will be. Allowing people to riot unchecked for decades is biting us in the ass.

I am not for unchecked rioting.

08-18-2017, 11:09 PM
What is deemed necessary is up to the voters in the city where the monuments reside. Why are you trying to restrict their rights? I see, so it's ok for white supremacists to get violent, but not blacks. I see what side you're on. Get your hood out of the closet.

The moral equivocation in your argument is sickening. You talk about leaving things up to voters knowing full well it is the few tail wagging the many in most of these scenarios. When we hide history away from our people, we will without fail repeat it. The abject buffoonery of the left in regard to silencing all opposition is mind boggling. When Orwell wrote 1984 it is as if he was dealing in prophecy, not distopian fiction.

08-19-2017, 12:38 PM

I heard the left attacked the statue of The Thinker in The Rodin Museum. They claim they know he was thinking racist thoughts.

J/k. For now.

obviously the Thinker would be a conservative......but it should be obvious to everyone that he's black......

08-19-2017, 12:40 PM
The moral equivocation in your argument is sickening. You talk about leaving things up to voters knowing full well it is the few tail wagging the many in most of these scenarios. When we hide history away from our people, we will without fail repeat it. The abject buffoonery of the left in regard to silencing all opposition is mind boggling. When Orwell wrote 1984 it is as if he was dealing in prophecy, not distopian fiction.

Monuments are for commemoration, not recording history. We have books and museums for that. Like Trump said, put that stuff in a museum where there can be explanations and context.

Abbey Marie
08-19-2017, 01:29 PM
obviously the Thinker would be a conservative......but it should be obvious to everyone that he's black......


08-19-2017, 07:18 PM
Let's just face it everyone. This country has become so screwed-up by the selfish, self-centered, crybabies, who are even Insulted their Parents didn't choose ABORTION.