View Full Version : Matt Drudge Rarely 'Speaks' Bannon Out

08-18-2017, 11:44 AM
He tweeted today:


MATT DRUDGE‏ (https://twitter.com/DRUDGE)
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Bannon had one hell of a run...

08-18-2017, 11:47 AM
That was quick. NYT is saying Bannon is out now.

Won't fix what Trump has done regarding Charlottesville, but not bad news.

08-18-2017, 11:52 AM


Axios: Bannon Firing Decision “Imminent”; Drudge: “Hell Of A Run”; Update: NYT Says Trump’s Decided

ED MORRISSEYPosted at 12:41 pm on August 18, 2017

Color me skeptical about an “imminent” end (https://www.axios.com/white-house-review-nears-end-officials-expect-bannon-firing-2474443198.html) to Steve Bannon’s White House career, even with Jonathan Swan’s normally good antennae. Swan reports at Axios that an internal review of leaks and of Bannon’s activities has concluded, and that John Kelly will make the go/no-go decision on firing Donald Trump’s political strategist. Whether or not Bannon survives the review process, Swan hears from a source close to him that people need to get ready for “Bannon the barbarian”:


Update: The New York Times has two sources that say Bannon’s definitely on his way out (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/18/us/politics/steve-bannon-trump-white-house.html) — but time and manner are still up in the air:

President Trump has told senior aides that he has decided to remove Stephen K. Bannon, the embattled White House chief strategist who helped Mr. Trump win the 2016 election, according to two administration officials briefed on the discussion.

The president and senior White House officials were debating when and how to dismiss Mr. Bannon. The two administration officials cautioned that Mr. Trump is known to be averse to confrontation within his inner circle, and could decide to keep on Mr. Bannon for some time.

In other words, it may not happen at all. But if it does, Bannon may be willing to provide Trump political cover:

As of Friday morning, the two men were still discussing Mr. Bannon’s future, the officials said. A person close to Mr. Bannon insisted the parting of ways was his idea, and that he had submitted his resignation to the president on Aug. 7, to be announced at the start of this week, but it was delayed in the wake of the racial unrest in Charlottesville, Va.

Drudge and Swan both have pretty good antennae, so I’m less skeptical … but still not convinced.

08-18-2017, 11:57 AM
If true, this will only embolden the leftists.

Interesting that it mentions leaks, and I don't think it's related to that impromptu interview the other day.

08-18-2017, 11:59 AM
If true, this will only embolden the leftists.

Interesting that it mentions leaks, and I don't think it's related to that impromptu interview the other day.

For days I've been reading that Bannon was responsible for many of the leaks, which always seemed likely. I hope that if it comes to pass, it begins to end the chaos that has plagued the administration. I doubt it, but I do hope.

08-18-2017, 12:14 PM
If true, weird:


Sara A. Carter (https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC)
✔@SaraCarterDC (https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC)

Steve Bannon just told me he resigned from the White House two weeks ago @POTUS (https://twitter.com/POTUS) #Bannon (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Bannon?src=hash)

9:51 AM - Aug 18, 2017 (https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/898588141686104070)

08-18-2017, 12:18 PM
Looks like the 2 week resignation was true:


Stephen Bannon resigned as White House chief strategist two weeks ago, ABC News confirmed on Friday morning.

The resignation was effective Aug. 14 -- exactly one year after Bannon joined President Donald Trump's presidential campaign -- and comes in the wake of departures by chief of staff Reince Priebus, press secretary Sean Spicer and communications director Anthony Scaramucci.

08-18-2017, 01:40 PM
Steve Bannon Out As Chief White House Strategist

08-18-2017, 01:44 PM
Hmmm, the knives are out:


Report: Bannon Ready For War With “Democrat” White House

ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 2:01 pm on August 18, 2017

First, can we dispense with the nonsense that Bannon resigned two weeks ago (http://hotair.com/archives/2017/08/18/axios-bannon-firing-decision-imminent/)? If that were true he would have leaked it to Breitbart and had them break the news, to emphasize that he determined his own fate. With Drudge, who’s been hostile to Bannon lately, and the NYT breaking it instead, it’s easier to believe that Bannon was fired, as CNN claims (https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/898594885254619136). The story about resignation feels like something thrown together after the axe fell so that Bannon could save face. Or, at worst, he gave Trump a resignation letter two weeks ago and told him something like, “If you really want me out, you can accept this. But I’d like to stay.” That would have been characteristically crafty, as it would allow Bannon to say afterward that he quit when, for all intents and purposes, he was fired.

... (Lots of interesting tweets)

I’ve been doubling down lately on the theory that Bannon sort of wanted to get fired, or at least wasn’t strongly opposed to the idea. News reports claimed that he had been sidelined in the White House. With his ally, Reince Priebus, replaced by a chief of staff who demanded greater control over access to the president and Trump’s agenda adrift and perpetually derailed by needless controversies, Bannon may have seen this as a fine time to parachute out and resume his role as populist ringleader. It’s no fun getting muscled by Jared Kushner and Gary Cohn. It’ll be a lot of fun flaming the hell out of them, and Trump, for selling out to “globalism.”

Now he’s back in the game. CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/18/politics/steve-bannon-white-house/index.html?sr=fbCNNp081817steve-bannon-white-house1257PMStory) reports that Bannon’s seemingly bizarre interview (http://hotair.com/archives/2017/08/17/no-really-steve-bannon-interview-yesterday/) a few days ago in which he undermined Trump’s North Korea policy was one of the last straws for the president, but in hindsight there was method to the madness. As Ben Shapiro (http://www.dailywire.com/news/19922/bannon-out-prepare-war-ben-shapiro#) says, Bannon knew he was on thin ice and would likely be rejoining the world of populist media sooner rather than later as a Trump antagonist, so he decided to separate himself from the president in a showy way. He and Trump are going to arm-wrestle now for control of the populist-nationalist base and dovishness on foreign policy is part of that. For the same reason, though, Bannon was careful in the same interview to align with Trump on his Charlottesville comments. He won’t bash him just to bash him. The attacks will come along lines of insufficient ideological purity, as they always do in partisan media. The difference is, whereas Republican leaders used to suffer those attacks from conservatives, now Trump will be dealing with it from nationalists.

Congratulations to Anthony Scaramucci, by the way, who in the span of three weeks has seen his three nemeses, Sean Spicer, Reince Priebus, and now Bannon, follow him out of the White House. One early question for the coming Trump/Bannon war: How will Bannon handle Trump’s deteriorating relationship with congressional Republicans? The White House versus Ryan and McConnell will be a major storyline in politics over the next 15 months but Bannon is now pitted against both sides, for different reasons. It’s unthinkable that he’d back the establishment over Trump — he’d ruin his populist credibility doing so — but Bannon doesn’t want to have to delay his revenge on Trump indefinitely to take the president’s side in an endless battle with Congress.


Really some of the tweets are just so long knives. What a place to work.

08-18-2017, 01:46 PM
Steve Bannon Out As Chief White House Strategist

merging to keep this to one thread.

08-18-2017, 01:58 PM
merging to keep this to one thread.

How will this work out? If Bannon plots revenge:



Bannon “proudly” told a reporter at the 2016 Republican National Convention “we’re the platform for the alt right.” (http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/08/stephen-bannon-donald-trump-alt-right-breitbart-news) In the same interview in Mother Jones magazine, he denied that the alt right is inherently racist or anti-Semitic, although a vast majority of people affiliated with that movement hold racist and anti-Semitic views.

One of the folks who embraced and named the 'alt-right.'

08-18-2017, 02:51 PM
Boy this could actually get ugly

Breitbart to wage 'war' with Trump over Bannon firing: 'It's now a Democrat White House'

Amazingly I would be on Trump's side if the other side is Breitbart and Bannon.

08-18-2017, 02:54 PM
So, once again. People like petey come to show their misery by exercising their WISHFUL THINKING that Bannon would become....just like them, and stab the President in the back.

That's what is wrong with the LEFT. They have no honor, or respect for anyone who isn't THEM!

08-18-2017, 03:00 PM
So, once again. People like petey come to show their misery by exercising their WISHFUL THINKING that Bannon would become....just like them, and stab the President in the back.

That's what is wrong with the LEFT. They have no honor, or respect for anyone who isn't THEM!

Do you even keep up with this shit or do you just like attacking me? Joel Pollak, a senior editor-at-large at Breitbart, tweeted "#WAR,". Bannon is expected to return to Breitbart. I'm not saying it's going to happen that he attacks Trump, but there are signs. So now go fuck yourself and actually read something.

"Ben Shapiro, a former editor at Breitbart who has been critical of Bannon and the website since he left, wrote in a column, "Bannon is deeply vengeful, and supremely ambitious. He has already held the most powerful job he will ever have -- unless, of course, his new job is to destroy Trump from the outside.""

08-18-2017, 04:13 PM
Do you even keep up with this shit or do you just like attacking me? Joel Pollak, a senior editor-at-large at Breitbart, tweeted "#WAR,". Bannon is expected to return to Breitbart. I'm not saying it's going to happen that he attacks Trump, but there are signs. So now go fuck yourself and actually read something.

"Ben Shapiro, a former editor at Breitbart who has been critical of Bannon and the website since he left, wrote in a column, "Bannon is deeply vengeful, and supremely ambitious. He has already held the most powerful job he will ever have -- unless, of course, his new job is to destroy Trump from the outside.""

More than you will ever know. No need to dignify anything to you since, Like Trump, everything I dare to say here to you, will be turned around into your hateful, failings.