View Full Version : Why It's Called FAKE NEWS...

08-19-2017, 07:28 AM
Notice how this AP article starts right out, IMMEDIATELY, with their SPIN...

"ATLANTA (AP) — President Donald Trump’s widely criticized response to white supremacist violence in Virginia"

So apparently the "WHITE" supremacists were FIGHTING WITH THEMSELVES, because NO ONE else there was violent, because there's no MENTION of VIOLENCE by anyone else... like BLM, or ANTIFA. Those groups must either not have been there, or were perfect little angels standing off to the side watching everything. This is just one of the many examples that can be given why the left is called FAKE NEWS.

And about the article, this has been my point all along. The left will ONLY blame WHITE PEOPLE. It matters not how radical and violent the leftist groups are, the FAKE NEWS DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING will NOT call these people out, and I personally find it abhorring an disgusting, and when I see articles like this, I QUIT reading as soon as I hit their lying... I'm done. And that is why they had a holy screaming epic major melt down fit about president Trump, he had the AUDACITY to call out the LEFTIST groups. I'll tell ya, the left is NOT winning any hearts and minds of the American people. They're only playing to their RADICAL base, and that is NOT ANY sort of majority.
