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View Full Version : CNN caves in to Antifa

08-20-2017, 12:44 PM
So they change it just because they complained? LOL It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that they were there and that they WERE violent. Nor does it take on to see how often they show up at other places, and how they are violent at ALL of the places they show up.

No one pointing this out should be saying it excuses or diminishes the opinions/actions of the white supremacy groups, but other violence shouldn't be ignored/excused just because one group is frowned upon much more.


Seriously? CNN Changes Headline On Story About Antifa Because They Didn't Like Being Called Violent

CNN, you almost did a great thing. In fact, the article you published about the violent Antifa movement was not bad. You showed how they view police as the enemy; how the group’s far left views on pretty much everything is way outside the mainstream, and how they’re lawless. Even those who are studying extremist groups in the country note that the violent course Antifa takes will ultimately kill the movement. Yet, it seems the news network caved to Antifa’s complaining over their original headline: “Unmasking the leftist Antifa movement: Activists seek peace through violence” to “unmasking the leftist Antifa movement.” The editor’s note reads, “This story has been updated to clarify that counterprotesters say they are not to blame for violence at the Charlottesville protest. The story's headline has also been updated.”

What happened in Charlottesville was a disgrace. Both white nationalists and Antifa showed up, melees broke out, and one woman died when a white nationalist plowed through a group of counter demonstrators. I’m not saying Antifa isn’t violent. They are—and CNN did a good job noting this in their story. The problem is that it was a white nationalist who murdered someone. The narrative changes with this incident because, despite the clashes, one side decided to mow people down—and it wasn’t the far left. Then again, the CNN piece was not really focused on Charlottesville. It was about the movement in general [emphasis mine]:


Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2017/08/20/seriously-cnn-changes-headline-on-story-about-antifa-because-they-didnt-like-be-n2370907

08-21-2017, 02:44 PM
We all know by now. CNN is nothing but an extension of the DNC, paid for, and supported by the likes of Democrats, Obama, The Clinton's, and George Soros.

If anyone needs INSTANT FAKE NEWS....CNN is the place to go.
In fact. You can now make up your own news, email it to CNN, and they will REPORT IT.

08-21-2017, 02:57 PM
I quit watching CNN, PMSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR and the like DECADES ago.

I've even quit watching fox news. They live inside the pundit, analyst, commentator, talking head bubble as much as any other. As soon as they say, "let's bring on our panel," I used to either mute the tv or turn the channel. I can form my own opinion, thank you. I don't need to hear what some other jackass thinks. They're all cut from the same slab. Invariably they'll begin by saying, "LOOK," as though they ALL we programmed in the same institution, and when I hear anyone they bring on say, "I think," the tv goes on mute or I turn the channel. That pertains to the little of fox and friends I'm able to stomach in the morning. Even then the tv is on mute more often than not.

I've had my belly full of these ass hats... all of them.

08-21-2017, 06:33 PM
I quit watching CNN, PMSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR and the like DECADES ago.

I've even quit watching fox news. They live inside the pundit, analyst, commentator, talking head bubble as much as any other. As soon as they say, "let's bring on our panel," I used to either mute the tv or turn the channel. I can form my own opinion, thank you. I don't need to hear what some other jackass thinks. They're all cut from the same slab. Invariably they'll begin by saying, "LOOK," as though they ALL we programmed in the same institution, and when I hear anyone they bring on say, "I think," the tv goes on mute or I turn the channel. That pertains to the little of fox and friends I'm able to stomach in the morning. Even then the tv is on mute more often than not.

I've had my belly full of these ass hats... all of them.

It's also getting just as bad on the WEATHER CHANNEL these days. If you get to watch them. It's almost like they are WISHING for Hurricane storms to attack the East Coast, because they HAVE PROBLEMS, coming up with MORE NAMES.
Our problems are...with Cable, Dish, and all the other 24 hour sources...CONSTANTLY REPEATING THE SAME, TIRED, OFTEN FABRICATED STORIES.
Fake news isn't limited to News...Weather (pretend) forcasters are having a Beauty Contest by parading New, Young, Female faces in front of the Green Screens, and they never really seem to understand ANYTHING they are talking about.