View Full Version : What happened to Monday

08-21-2017, 02:31 AM
Beautiful film - Noomi Rapace does a great job of playing all 7 sisters in this dystopian United States.

From Wikipedia: In the year 2073, overpopulation causes international governments to figure out ways to feed starving people. European scientists made a breakthrough when they developed new crops that grow more bountiful yields. However, this causes a side effect with humans having larger litters. In order to combat this, a new organization is formed known as the Child Allocation Bureau, which enforces the Child Allocation Act, a strict one-child policy. The Bureau installs several checkpoints throughout the cities of the world to prevent siblings posing as one person. When multiple children are born to one mother, all but the eldest are put into cryosleep, to be awakened when the crisis is over.

Think of it like this: Democrats and Liberals and Fascists like them keep getting elected and now it's year 2073. They convince the population we are 'over-populated'. To Stem the rise of a voting base of conservative minded folk (who probably tend to have more kids) they enact the Child Allocation Act - a strict one-child policy. Because of new breakthroughs in genetically-modified crops humans either through the food they are eating or through "evolution" start having litters vs births. So - because they seemingly cant yet selectively abort kids in the womb, parents are allowed to keep only one child. The remaining siblings are placed in cryo to be unfrozen 'years later' when the "crisis" is over. The city goes so far as to establish city-wide check points to keep siblings from posing as one person.

Okay - so a mom dies in childbirth after giving birth to SEVEN sisters. The grandfather - Willem Dafoe - names them for each day of the week. And then he hides them. Think Jews hiding from nazis. He trains the girls to think as a team. As they age, each kid gets to leave the house on the day of the week named after them. To keep things as congruent as possible each child wears a tiny camera capturing their interactions; and each kid tells the others about things so they can pretend it was THEM going to school/work the day before. In one troubling scene, one of the girls sneaks out to ride her skateboard. She returns after crashing and severing the tip of her finger. As the grandfather states "What happens to one of you, happens to all of you" - as he uses a butcher knife to remove the finger tips of the remaining six.

Well- back to the Liberal/Fascists....This 'Cryo' thing for the kids....Spoiler below - highlight the text to see it:

The machine the kids go in doesn't freeze them, it actually incinerates them. It's a post-birth abortion scam "For the good of the people". The parallels to the National Socialist Party is unmistakable

So - the seven girls eventually plot and scheme to peel back the onion on the National Socialist Party policies and fight for true freedom...

The film has some issues, blah blah blah, but it's really pretty good. Some nudity - sex scene. I have to say Noomi has a perfect body. She must work out...a lot.


08-21-2017, 10:59 AM
Like they would really bother with cryo-sleep.

Love Noomi, good actress, cute too.