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08-22-2017, 11:03 PM
Without mentioning their names Trump was able to annihilate Senators McCain and Flake. Well done Mr. President!

08-23-2017, 12:03 AM
I know that many of his supporters like the 'shake it up' of Trump. I just don't get it. This was supposed to be a 'unifying rally.' Instead it was an attack on the media, that came very close to telling people to ignore what you hear, just listen to me. He repeatedly said the tv cameras were going off, when I turned to CNN, they were showing exactly the same as FOX. Speaking of FOX, he basically said it was the official news for Trump-except for a few 'bad stories.' He especially called on the greatness of FOX & Friends and Hannity. No danger there.

He ranted for over 1/2 hour on the media, giving bits of what he said immediately after the car attack and his 'more detailed' 'too late' remarks on Monday, ignoring that they were actually well received. He entirely skipped the phrase he stated on Tuesday, basically rescinding what he said on Monday-'very good people on both sides.' He blamed the media for the controversy, totally ignoring how his own remarks caused the criticisms from his own party and his business and other boards/groups he'd put together.

Then he started on the Republicans that don't agree with his every utterance. Ok, if 52 senators isn't cutting it, how are less going to do? For crying out loud, Flake has supported just about every issue Trump has brought forth. How dare Flake take a stand on issues that his constituents want?

Just like the media triggers Trump, so does Trump trigger the 'protesters.' He brought up 'Sheriff Joe' whom some in AZ like a lot, others believe he finally got the justice in finding of contempt. This is just one reason I think the governor did not want the rally here right now.

Local coverage was good on downtown Phoenix, got to say the police there seemed ready to handle what happened, though I didn't turn it on until after Bret. At 10pm it's still ongoing.

It really seems like he doesn't like 'good media' like on Afghanistan speech, to stay on topic too long. It's going to be about how he basically skipped the Tuesday backtracking of what he'd said on Saturday and Monday. Why he does this? Maybe someone who thinks he's really 'Making America Great Again,' can explain to me? It's not often that I can't get a glimpse of what is going on. Why would he want to take the focus off Afghanistan policy and turn it back to Charlottesville and the media?

08-23-2017, 05:47 AM
Why he does this? Maybe someone who thinks he's really 'Making America Great Again,' can explain to me? It's not often that I can't get a glimpse of what is going on. Why would he want to take the focus off Afghanistan policy and turn it back to Charlottesville and the media?

Do you really not understand or do you not think others understand? When Trump is in Washington he is surrounded by people who don't like him so when he thinks he's been treated unfairly he holds these rallies so he can be surrounded by people who do like him. It's an ego thing, he's insecure.

08-23-2017, 08:21 AM
Do you really not understand or do you not think others understand? When Trump is in Washington he is surrounded by people who don't like him so when he thinks he's been treated unfairly he holds these rallies so he can be surrounded by people who do like him. It's an ego thing, he's insecure.

That I can get, what I don't understand is why keep coming back to what's already biting him in the ass and restoking it? He causes the problems. The media always overreacts, then something else comes, then he returns to it.

It's exhausting everyone. Maybe that is it? He gets energized, everyone else is to tired to think?

08-23-2017, 08:29 AM
That I can get, what I don't understand is why keep coming back to what's already biting him in the ass and restoking it? He causes the problems. The media always overreacts, then something else comes, then he returns to it.

It's exhausting everyone. Maybe that is it? He gets energized, everyone else is to tired to think?

Because he's insecure. He needs a large crowd to tell him he did or said the right thing. He's not a complicated man.

08-23-2017, 08:30 AM
It's exhausting everyone.
OBVIOUSLY not "everyone," otherwise his rallies wouldn't be packed.

It's his chance to fire back, and tell people with his own voice in his own words what he thinks of this and that, and what people in the BUBBLE don't understand is, how he can be so popular when he does that. Well, he speaks and thinks the same as most down to earth Americans. He's saying what they're already thinking, he's validating what they believe of the media and the establishment, that's why they voted for him, that's why they still support him.

I don't think there's a filthier puddle of swamp scum than a politician. The fact that president Trump is NOT a politician is what I like about him the MOST.

08-23-2017, 08:38 AM
OBVIOUSLY not "everyone," otherwise his rallies wouldn't be packed.

It's his chance to fire back, and tell people with his own voice in his own words what he thinks of this and that, and what people in the BUBBLE don't understand is, how he can be so popular when he does that. Well, he speaks and thinks the same as most down to earth Americans. He's saying what they're already thinking, he's validating what they believe of the media and the establishment, that's why they voted for him, that's why they still support him.

I don't think there's a filthier puddle of swamp scum than a politician. The fact that president Trump is NOT a politician is what I like about him the MOST.

Other than I know I'm not in a bubble, that is what everyone keeps saying. Not sure how that really is an answer. Why does he keep bringing things off his 'wins' and back to the problems he creates?

08-23-2017, 10:10 AM
Other than I know I'm not in a bubble, that is what everyone keeps saying. Not sure how that really is an answer. Why does he keep bringing things off his 'wins' and back to the problems he creates?

To be fair Obama did the same thing. The difference between Obama and Trump is in how the media covers them.

08-23-2017, 10:22 AM
Other than I know I'm not in a bubble, that is what everyone keeps saying. Not sure how that really is an answer. Why does he keep bringing things off his 'wins' and back to the problems he creates?

I believe it is because his election, at this place in time, feels like his biggest success so he has to keep reminding himself, and his base, that he isn't toeing the political line and becoming a politician ... a part of the swamp. I guess the only way to drain the swamp is through chaos theory leadership.

It's about breaking the norms of institutionalized "presidential demeanor" and the gridlock of business as usual in Washington. He can beat up the media all day long and I will cheer. I'm tired of feeling like I'm out of touch with conservative values because of what the media shoves down my throat.

His biggest motivator is to tell him he can't, or shouldn't, do something. If the media shuts up he will probably calm down. Unfortunately, he creates ratings and revenue and they love "being" the news and pontificating, rather than just sticking to reporting facts.

08-23-2017, 11:20 AM
To be fair Obama did the same thing. The difference between Obama and Trump is in how the media covers them.

Exactly !

And we all know that the media will continue to make vicious innuendos and in some cases outright lie about what he said.

So what better way to get out the word than a rally, where there are REAL HONEST CITIZENS watching. If the media then attempts to spin or twist his words, they lose even more credibility.

08-23-2017, 04:05 PM
I believe it is because his election, at this place in time, feels like his biggest success so he has to keep reminding himself, and his base, that he isn't toeing the political line and becoming a politician ... a part of the swamp. I guess the only way to drain the swamp is through chaos theory leadership.

It's about breaking the norms of institutionalized "presidential demeanor" and the gridlock of business as usual in Washington. He can beat up the media all day long and I will cheer. I'm tired of feeling like I'm out of touch with conservative values because of what the media shoves down my throat.

His biggest motivator is to tell him he can't, or shouldn't, do something. If the media shuts up he will probably calm down. Unfortunately, he creates ratings and revenue and they love "being" the news and pontificating, rather than just sticking to reporting facts.

I get what you're saying, the only observation I'd make is that when the media 'quiets down' are the times when things are going well-which makes sense since they don't want to give him credit they can avoid-yet, time and again, he starts it all up again.

Take the rally last evening; perfect venue to highlight the border, since he did go to Yuma. He spent about 2 minutes on that. Then there was Afghanistan, almost 0, at least that I heard and I was watching. I'm as much disgusted with MSM as anyone, FOX too, since they were the voice of some balance previously, but 45 minutes? Strongly leading those who 'listen' rather than think and listen, down the road towards just hearing HIS voice and THAT is scary no matter who's President, like them or not.

08-23-2017, 04:21 PM
I get what you're saying, the only observation I'd make is that when the media 'quiets down' are the times when things are going well-which makes sense since they don't want to give him credit they can avoid-yet, time and again, he starts it all up again.

Take the rally last evening; perfect venue to highlight the border, since he did go to Yuma. He spent about 2 minutes on that. Then there was Afghanistan, almost 0, at least that I heard and I was watching. I'm as much disgusted with MSM as anyone, FOX too, since they were the voice of some balance previously, but 45 minutes? Strongly leading those who 'listen' rather than think and listen, down the road towards just hearing HIS voice and THAT is scary no matter who's President, like them or not.

He keeps having these campaign rallies where he spews his catch phrases, talks about the things he'll do, ignores the things that really matter to most of us, and calls people names and the flocks of sheep that gather to hear him think he is doing something, something for them, something more than vomiting catch phrases and empty rhetoric. WTF?

It's as if they believe words equal actions and accomplishments.

08-23-2017, 04:24 PM
I really don't care what anybody thinks about how Trump has his rally's.

What I really LOVE is....HE'S THE PRESIDENT...not the Wicked Witch of Excuses.

08-23-2017, 04:48 PM
He keeps having these campaign rallies where he spews his catch phrases, talks about the things he'll do, ignores the things that really matter to most of us, and calls people names and the flocks of sheep that gather to hear him think he is doing something, something for them, something more than vomiting catch phrases and empty rhetoric. WTF?

It's as if they believe words equal actions and accomplishments.

I have two good friends, that really like Trump. They don't like my take on him, anymore than I do theirs. Pretty much we've dropped politics as a topic, which is weird cause we've only disagreed on how to get something done, rather than on issues, until now. One, who really does know better, falls into the trap of saying, "Have you gone liberal?" WTF? I don't expect that from smart people, but she has the grace to apologize over and over again. LOL! When we get into that, she admits that Trump isn't a conservative, indeed he's not consistent on his own positions.

So, why do they like him? He's going to 'shake things up in Washington, he's the only one who can.' When something like Charlottesville happens, 'They won't give him a break. They constantly are denigrating, they didn't do this to any other president.' When I respond, 'He is the outsider you voted for, he's continually attacking members of his own party, Democrats, the media, why in the hell would they 'give him a break?' Oh yeah.

I'm not saying there aren't a few things I agree with him on positions, though I never can be sure he still feels the same way from day-to-day. I don't think that whatever he is going to get done is worth the problems he's causing. Yes, I'm glad for the Gorsuch appointment, still don't know if it's worth it.

More and more I think he was elected mostly as the anti-Obama, the problem for me is he is every bit as divisive as Obama was, just a different group he appeals to.

08-23-2017, 06:38 PM
Other than I know I'm not in a bubble, that is what everyone keeps saying. Not sure how that really is an answer. Why does he keep bringing things off his 'wins' and back to the problems he creates?
Well, you seem very adept at repeating the leftist talking points, Kath.

I still don't get this "everyone" stuff. Who is "everyone?" Do you mean the morons on tv, like CNN, or MSNBC?

And I don't see "the problems he creates" either. I see the lies and hysteria of the left calling him every name in the book wishing him DEAD and holding up BLOODY HEADS of him. You'll have to forgive me for not seeing HIM as "creating those problems."

08-23-2017, 06:44 PM
Well, you seem very adept at repeating the leftist talking points, Kath.

I still don't get this "everyone" stuff. Who is "everyone?" Do you mean the morons on tv, like CNN, or MSNBC?

And I don't see "the problems he creates" either. I see the lies and hysteria of the left calling him every name in the book wishing him DEAD and holding up BLOODY HEADS of him. You'll have to forgive me for not seeing HIM as "creating those problems."

You're right, 'the bubble stuff' someone here said, mostly it's just 'you hate Trump.' My dislike, not hate, of the man has zip to do with his actions-I'm quite certain he doesn't care what I think. ;)

It wasn't the media that started up again with Charlottesville last night, it was Trump. He was the one who chose to use quotes of himself the first and second time, without the third. Setting up more talk on that today.

He did the same during the election, when things went smooth for a few hours, he'd bring up Megyn Kelly or something else like it.

Not sure why he feels compelled to change the narrative back to the controversies, other than as I believe SassyLady said, he finds chaos the best way to go.

08-24-2017, 05:10 PM
You're right, 'the bubble stuff' someone here said, mostly it's just 'you hate Trump.' My dislike, not hate, of the man has zip to do with his actions-I'm quite certain he doesn't care what I think. ;)

It wasn't the media that started up again with Charlottesville last night, it was Trump. He was the one who chose to use quotes of himself the first and second time, without the third. Setting up more talk on that today.

He did the same during the election, when things went smooth for a few hours, he'd bring up Megyn Kelly or something else like it.

Not sure why he feels compelled to change the narrative back to the controversies, other than as I believe SassyLady said, he finds chaos the best way to go.

Kathianne. He does it because...he can. He's the president. Not the kind of guy who bows down to all of his naysayers, or haters. When Trump is thinking, or saying something. He doesn't care what other people think. WHICH IS WHY SO MANY AMERICANS VOTED FOR HIM. Trump sounds just like US. He holds nothing back, and his haters, enemies, and the ignorant who despise being confronted with the TRUTH: not something many Americans have heard from politicians, or presidents in the past.

Trump is playing everyone. Here's how it works. When you act like you are crazy. People hate that because it reminds them...THEY ARE TOO!

See how easy it was for me to say all of that...and not care what anybody thinks?

08-24-2017, 07:03 PM
You're right, 'the bubble stuff' someone here said, mostly it's just 'you hate Trump.' My dislike, not hate, of the man has zip to do with his actions-I'm quite certain he doesn't care what I think. ;)

It wasn't the media that started up again with Charlottesville last night, it was Trump. He was the one who chose to use quotes of himself the first and second time, without the third. Setting up more talk on that today.

He did the same during the election, when things went smooth for a few hours, he'd bring up Megyn Kelly or something else like it.

Not sure why he feels compelled to change the narrative back to the controversies, other than as I believe SassyLady said, he finds chaos the best way to go.:smoke:

08-25-2017, 09:14 AM
You're right, 'the bubble stuff' someone here said, mostly it's just 'you hate Trump.' My dislike, not hate, of the man has zip to do with his actions-I'm quite certain he doesn't care what I think. ;)

It wasn't the media that started up again with Charlottesville last night, it was Trump. He was the one who chose to use quotes of himself the first and second time, without the third. Setting up more talk on that today.

He did the same during the election, when things went smooth for a few hours, he'd bring up Megyn Kelly or something else like it.

Not sure why he feels compelled to change the narrative back to the controversies, other than as I believe SassyLady said, he finds chaos the best way to go.
I think with president Trump, he's of the mindset that if you want to start it, he'll finish it. I don't see anything wrong with that.

The fact that he doesn't let the democrat propaganda wing push him around, to me, that's about his best quality, because I have complete disdain for all the hysterical, heads exploding, blood shooting out their eyes, epic melt down leftists and their non stop, 24/7 bashing, smearing and lying about president Trump. I've never seen such a display in my entire life, and I really, really find it disgusting and abhorrent. So what little president Trump does to retaliate, he's got every right to in my book.

08-25-2017, 10:48 AM
You're right, 'the bubble stuff' someone here said, mostly it's just 'you hate Trump.' My dislike, not hate, of the man has zip to do with his actions-I'm quite certain he doesn't care what I think. ;)

It wasn't the media that started up again with Charlottesville last night, it was Trump. He was the one who chose to use quotes of himself the first and second time, without the third. Setting up more talk on that today.

He did the same during the election, when things went smooth for a few hours, he'd bring up Megyn Kelly or something else like it.

Not sure why he feels compelled to change the narrative back to the controversies, other than as I believe SassyLady said, he finds chaos the best way to go.

How many people in your life have you decided to stay away from because they always needed to be involved in some stupid little dramatic conflict and if none were there for them they'd start it themselves because those people aren't satisfied unless they're miserable? That's Trump. Some people seem to want to see a larger master plan driving his actions but I don't, I think he can be an immature asshole and that's really all there is to him.

I voted for him any way because I didn't want Hillary to be President and I didn't like the establishment GOP candidates. I don't like everything Trump says or does but I don't think he's always wrong either. I thought that if Trump managed to win, the GOP Congress would not work with him and we'd have four years of gridlock, which is fine by me, MAGA never factored into it for me. Remember, Cruz finished second in the primaries and I think had Cruz won, I don't think that would have happened, he would be facing the same problems Trump is facing and I mean the exact same problems including the media smears and Russian collusion accusations.

To be fair to Trump, he's not the only petty, immature president we've had but he is the only one being called to task on it.

Abbey Marie
08-25-2017, 11:18 AM
How many people in your life have you decided to stay away from because they always needed to be involved in some stupid little dramatic conflict and if none were there for them they'd start it themselves because those people aren't satisfied unless they're miserable? That's Trump. Some people seem to want to see a larger master plan driving his actions but I don't, I think he can be an immature asshole and that's really all there is to him.

I voted for him any way because I didn't want Hillary to be President and I didn't like the establishment GOP candidates. I don't like everything Trump says or does but I don't think he's always wrong either. I thought that if Trump managed to win, the GOP Congress would not work with him and we'd have four years of gridlock, which is fine by me, MAGA never factored into it for me. Remember, Cruz finished second in the primaries and I think had Cruz won, I don't think that would have happened, he would be facing the same problems Trump is facing and I mean the exact same problems including the media smears and Russian collusion accusations.

To be fair to Trump, he's not the only petty, immature president we've had but he is the only one being called to task on it.

I agree with a lot of your points.

As for psychoanalyzing Trump, not so sure. I see him rather as a guy who never really had to question himself, and isn't about to start now. Becoming a famous and powerful billionaire businessman didn't exactly help him to be introspective or circumspect. I don't think of all that as immaturity, but it's in the same ballpark, I guess.

In any event, however immature or narcissistic he may be, the rabid moonbat left's beliefs and actions have already eclipsed (timely cultural reference, no?) him by a mile.

I voted for Rubio, and I know he'd be getting crucified by the MSM too, but he would handle them with more finesse. I mean, who couldn't, lol?

On a side note, as for bad traits in Presidents, I believe Obama was the real racist, and Bill Clinton was the real woman-abuser.

08-25-2017, 11:27 AM
I agree with both comments. Wasn't a whole lot of choice for anyone wanting to keep Hillary away from SCOTUS.

And like him or not, if the right/GOP/RINO's and whoever don't quit whining and support him, the backlash in 20 is going to be a bitch.

08-25-2017, 12:28 PM
I agree with a lot of your points.

As for psychoanalyzing Trump, not so sure. I see him rather as a guy who never really had to question himself, and isn't about to start now. Becoming a famous and powerful billionaire businessman didn't exactly help him to be introspective or circumspect. I don't think of all that as immaturity, but it's in the same ballpark, I guess.

In any event, however immature or narcissistic he may be, the rabid moonbat left's beliefs and actions have already eclipsed (timely cultural reference, no?) him by a mile.

I voted for Rubio, and I know he'd be getting crucified by the MSM too, but he would handle them with more finesse. I mean, who couldn't, lol?

On a side note, as for bad traits in Presidents, I believe Obama was the real racist, and Bill Clinton was the real woman-abuser.

I think Trump is as racist as Obama was, not. Neither though has a whit of problem doing what they can to incite the folks that fit that description in each of their bases. Not all who supported either are, but both have those that are. They are the inverse of each other, with many similarities in character.

08-25-2017, 01:06 PM
I think Trump is as racist as Obama was, not. Neither though has a whit of problem doing what they can to incite the folks that fit that description in each of their bases. Not all who supported either are, but both have those that are. They are the inverse of each other, with many similarities in character.Simple math: Obama used race in each and every step to HIS benefit. The left is using it as a hammer against Trump and he's a racist no matter what he says, or the truth is.

08-25-2017, 01:11 PM
Simple math: Obama used race in each and every step to HIS benefit. The left is using it as a hammer against Trump and he's a racist no matter what he says, or the truth is.

Trump is doing the same, whether you admit it or not. Neither are racist themselves, but have 0 problems encouraging those that are.

08-25-2017, 01:21 PM
Trump is doing the same, whether you admit it or not. Neither are racist themselves, but have 0 problems encouraging those that are.Nah. All In see is more "I don't like Trump". Gets old.

Fact is, Obama used race to get ahead. Race is using Trump. Racist whites try to claim him, and racist blacks are calling him a white racist, Nazi, Klansman, didn't do enough, etc no matter what he says.

That's NOT two-sided. It's one-sided as Hell.

Abbey Marie
08-25-2017, 01:29 PM
I will guarantee that should 9 black cops get shot by a white racist fanatic, Trump will invite their families to the WH; he will not all but ignore the tragedy a la Obama. There is a difference between these men.

08-25-2017, 01:40 PM
I will guarantee that should 9 black cops get shot by a white racist fanatic, Trump will invite their families to the WH; will not all but ignore the tragedy a la Obama. There is a difference between these men.

I do agree with that, he's been strong on backing the police.

08-25-2017, 02:51 PM
In any event, however immature or narcissistic he may be, the rabid moonbat left's beliefs and actions have already eclipsed (timely cultural reference, no?) him by a mile.

I know, they are so much worse than what they're saying he is.

08-25-2017, 05:32 PM
One of the few things that I did do this week was watch the rally, even though I didn't watch the news or radio or anything since like Monday or so.

I thought it was damn outstanding and perfection!! Once again pointed out - and 100% on spot and proper - the scummy press which are a majority of liars. Outside of the MSM blabbing over and over and the haters - I know MUCH of the nation is tired of the news, and also rightfully so.

Then pointing out 'lone' senator, or 2 of course, that made the healthcare vote fail (Mccain, Flake...) and that was 100% spot on.

I just think he nailed it, and the folks I've seen not liking it thus far, are the very folks in the MSM and his haters that hated him to begin with. From all accounts, much of the millions of suporters behind Trump are beyond tired of the MSM and the other haters and such whos only interest is to condemn or impede and have ZERO interest in seeing his agenda succeed.

I wish he would once again do these all over the country. Guaranteed he fills stadiums if he wanted to and the "silent" folks out there would be seen and heard - just because they aren't like the liberals and feel the need to scream, fight & go berserk over everything and anything Trump...