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View Full Version : Is THIS racism from a lefty group?

08-30-2017, 02:12 PM
Will THIS be recognized and soundly condemned across the main stream media, or will this get a glancing pass and then back to status quo as it's been in the past year with many things like this?

I don't know how big for sure this group is, but this is disgusting. Any and ALL groups should be AMERICANS right now and helping one another. The wife and I donated a small amount, but it all helps I hope. EVERYONE should be wanting to see as many as possible pull through this, and get as much help and support as possible.

They apparently thanked 500,000 protesters for the 'a day without women march', so they obviously have some reach on their website and twitter account.

At least some sanity was found by other twitter users!

Women’s March Recommends Harvey Donations Go To Non-Whites

The Women’s March is encouraging people to donate to organizations that specifically help non-white groups after Hurricane Harvey.

In a tweet Tuesday, Women’s March said, “here’s a list of organizations working to keep immigrant, Black, Latinx, & other communities safe after Hurricane Harvey.”


Twitter users immediately chided the organization for not focusing their crisis donation efforts on all Americans rather than just select groups.










Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/08/30/womens-march-recommends-harvey-donations-go-to-non-whites/

08-30-2017, 03:24 PM
"Identity politics" is one of the democrats favorite tools. I highly doubt a word will be said about this by the democrat propaganda wing.

08-30-2017, 05:52 PM
Between this and the 'grifter' thread, all I can think is the left is losing it over how folks in TX helped each other, no noise about Trump one way or another. No BLM, no leaving folks behind because of race. They can't stand that people are just helping each other survive.