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View Full Version : I Would Oppose Mother’s Day If Trump Endorsed It

09-02-2017, 12:24 PM
Laugh if you will, but this and these types of folks is why there are more problems than need be, and why congress sucks much more. DO YOUR JOB nitwit and vote accordingly as to what's good for America, what's good for your constituents - not solely the opposite of what the man you hate does. And the LEADERS of the Dem party basically stated the same thing, before Trump even took the oath. Certainly not the source of all of America's problems, but as far as to what congress is supposed to accomplish to help Americans, it's a pretty dang big source! He is far from alone. He's got cuckoos like Waters on board, and then folks like Pelosi and Schumer. Currently a party of hate and do nothing.


Dem Rep Admits Trump Derangement Syndrome — I Would Oppose Mother’s Day If Trump Endorsed It

This week in an interview with the Los Angeles Times editorial board, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), who filed articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, said “Trump derangement syndrome” was so strong with his Californian constituents, he would be forced to oppose Mother’s Day if Trump endorsed it.

Sherman said, “Then we have a Trump derangement syndrome where — thank God he didn’t put out a message on Mother’s Day because there would have been pressure on me to come out against Mother’s Day.”

He added, “If Trump takes a position, then you must take an equally extreme and opposite position. He’s for Mother’s Day — you must be against Mother’s Day. He’s for a wall — you have to be for unlimited immigration from all places.”


09-02-2017, 01:19 PM
<img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_65wVG6Fngi0/SkZOWPYg-WI/AAAAAAAABuw/UoYgB_d7Dw8/s400/Brad+Sherman+Empty.JPG">
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQjm82YTDhuY-eNjZD4JTWGD22TBA-ltmsnwe-EDnMBwAhFg2Fq">