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09-03-2017, 10:52 AM
But this time it wasn't aimed at Hillary. Well, I'm sure some in the crowd aimed it at Hillary, or even both. And both are deserving, IMO.


Florida Crowd Chants: “Lock Her Up” at Mention of Wasserman Schultz’s Name

Republican Carlos Reyes kicked off his campaign last week against Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the District 23 Congressional race.

The Republican crowd chanted “Lock her up!” after Wasserman Schultz was mentioned by name.


Federal agents are investigating whether Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s aide Imran Awan was selling secrets to the Pakistanis while serving as IT specialist for Wasserman Schultz and dozens of liberal lawmakers.

The Sun-Sentinel reported:

Reyes was cheered Tuesday night by a crowd at an elaborately staged formal kickoff of a campaign he officially launched early in August.

The candidate promised a campaign focused on issues, but he and his team offered plenty of criticism of Wasserman Schultz. The mention of the incumbent’s name frequently drew boos — and chants of “lock her up.” The campaign also distributed signs to attendees with the phrase “lock her up.”

Reyes said the case of Imran Awan, the former information technology staffer for Wasserman Schultz and many other Democrats is an example of her unsuitability for office. He was fired by the other members of Congress shortly after they learned he was under investigation in connection with his government IT job; Wasserman Schultz didn’t fire him until he was arrested on an unrelated bank fraud charge in July.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/09/florida-crowd-chants-lock-mention-wasserman-schultzs-name/