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View Full Version : How Much Longer Can America Survive an Ignorant Electorate?

08-09-2007, 10:48 PM
A long read....but interesting...

Can any representative republic survive a progressively ignorant electorate? Can freedom be sustained in any society hell-bent upon taxing its productive members out of existence, for benefit of its non-productive? Can people unable to successfully govern their own lives be entrusted with the power to govern others?

Not to be unkind, but we need to face facts here. So long as a republic represents the will of the brave, it will remain the home of the free. When it’s run by the productive members of society, it will remain prosperous. When it’s governed by the independent minded, it will not be dependent upon anyone. When run by those with a healthy respect for individual rights, special interests will no longer need special consideration.

But when cowards, thieves and thugs run things, those who believe that some progressive form of socialism is better than individual freedom and personal achievement, freedom is diminished. When those seeking to rob the rich in the name of the poor while stuffing their own pockets and growing their own political power run things, then the republic represents cowardly thieves, not the people.

When capitalism is attacked, socialism is automatically advanced. We can not afford to allow socialists to criminalize capitalism in the free enterprise capital of the world, unless free enterprise and economic freedom are things of the past.

While democracy is by far the most successful form of government on earth in the short run, it is once again proving to be unsustainable in the long run. In short, people who make a mess of their own lives and then seek government solutions to the mess they created, are about to make a mess of their entire nation. America has been on this course for some sixty years now and the self-destruction of the greatest nation on earth is accelerating.

In the best of circumstances, government is still the most evil of necessities. Societies inherently know this in the early stages of development. But generations later, few seem to remember.

Even when very limited by design, restricted by law, of, by and for the people, government is a deadly virus constantly eating away at personal liberty and individual freedom, first slowly, then at an accelerating pace as the progressive virus consumes that which it was originally supposed to protect.

The Double Edged Sword of Democracy

The very same democratic principles used to protect personal liberty and individual freedom can, and as history has proven, will eventually be used to attack personal liberty and individual freedom.

"The measures of the fair majority... ought always to be respected." --Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1792. ME 8:397

If a fair majority decides that individual freedom and liberty are to be protected, then that should be respected. However, if that same fair majority decides that a greater common good trumps individual freedom and liberty, then that must also be respected, yes? The absolute rule of a fair majority is by definition, a democracy, even when that majority chooses tyranny over freedom, collective socialism over individual capitalism.

I wrote about the dismantling of America in a recent column titled When 51-49 becomes 49-51.

In it, I talk about how freedom and liberty are protected only so long as at least 51% (the fair majority) desire personal freedom and liberty more than government solutions to personal challenges. I also describe what happens once those who only respect a greater communal good outnumber those who still desire personal freedom and individual liberty, when 51-49 becomes 49-51, swinging majority interests away from individual rights and towards the collective rights of the community at large.

2006 Election Result - The Greater Good of the Commune defeats Individual Freedom

Because one can not be allowed to fail, one can no longer be allowed the freedom to succeed either. Individual success must be penalized by progressive taxation, because it is the only way to eliminate, pay for or offset individual failure, once failure is deemed inhumane and unacceptable by the commune at large.

This is the basis upon which the new American majority now casts its vote.

Today, capitalism, free enterprise, profit, independence, individuality and personal achievement are scorned as dirty words in America. The successful are now referred to only as “the greedy”. They are targeted for revenge, taxed against their will, driven from the community like common criminals, through excessive governmental intrusion, taxation and regulation. Not even the very real threat of world wide terrorism or national bankruptcy can spawn as much fear and anguish in average American voters as evil “corporate America” does today. Not because corporate America is an equal threat, but because ignorant voters have been fully indoctrinated.

There are indeed criminal individuals working inside of corporate America today. But far fewer than you can find working in the halls of congress or your local union office. Criminals should be prosecuted no matter where they are found, at the head of a US company, in the union office or in Washington DC. However, an inanimate object, a corporation, a union, a governing body, is only a structure, in and of itself, neither good nor evil. It’s the individuals involved who are good or evil, their acts from positions of power which are right or wrong. But progressive thinking aims to take one criminal individual, criminalize the company he runs, and indict all of capitalism on this basis. Ignorant voters buy it…

The re-education process and development of an American proletariat voting bloc is complete, at least as a fair majority. Today’s Democrat Party exists on the basis of this voting bloc alone. It also operates on the governing principle, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need”. This is the greater common good that drives the voters that drive today’s Democrat Party. It’s a very socially conscious sounding idea, isn’t it? It was written by Karl Marx, as the foundational principle for his governing system, Socialism.

Read the rest at.....http://www.newsbull.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=50295&pollresults=1

Hagbard Celine
08-09-2007, 10:52 PM
Ever seen the Mike Judge masterpiece "Idiocracy?"

08-09-2007, 10:55 PM
Ever seen the Mike Judge masterpiece "Idiocracy?"

Evidently you have...

08-09-2007, 11:07 PM
What's your take on that article Stephanie?

08-09-2007, 11:11 PM
What's your take on that article Stephanie?

I already said.....Interesting..

08-10-2007, 07:26 AM
progressively ignorant electorate

ignorantly progressive electorate.....same-same, never mind.....

08-10-2007, 07:30 AM
I already said.....Interesting..

But what's interesting about it? I mean, I reckon you would know there's more than a wee bit of the later Plato in this and also Leo Strauss. You know, the whole rule by elites thing. Do you think that universal suffrage should be wound back? Should the elite be given untrammelled power? I mean in so many so-called "democracies" they already do and "democracy" is actually a sham but it's one thing to be underhanded about it and another to come right out and say it.

That's why I asked.

red states rule
08-10-2007, 07:54 AM
ignorantly progressive electorate.....same-same, never mind.....

Well, Hillary is the front runner for the libs

08-10-2007, 01:29 PM
it is an interesting article. I dont think the Republic can handle this for long term

Pale Rider
08-10-2007, 01:59 PM
One thing you have to realize though, when people are randomly polled as to how they will vote, the factor that can't be averaged in is how many of those people polled will truly show up to vote. Sure people can answer a quick question sitting at home online, or a quick question on the phone, but get off their ass go downtown to vote. Oh now, that's a major undertaking when you're nineteen years old and you've partying the whole night before. Fuck that. And that's your usual liberal, and that's good for us conservatives.

08-10-2007, 03:19 PM
A long read....but interesting...

Can any representative republic survive a progressively ignorant electorate? Can freedom be sustained in any society hell-bent upon taxing its productive members out of existence, for benefit of its non-productive? Can people unable to successfully govern their own lives be entrusted with the power to govern others?

Not to be unkind, but we need to face facts here. So long as a republic represents the will of the brave, it will remain the home of the free. When it’s run by the productive members of society, it will remain prosperous. When it’s governed by the independent minded, it will not be dependent upon anyone. When run by those with a healthy respect for individual rights, special interests will no longer need special consideration.

But when cowards, thieves and thugs run things, those who believe that some progressive form of socialism is better than individual freedom and personal achievement, freedom is diminished. When those seeking to rob the rich in the name of the poor while stuffing their own pockets and growing their own political power run things, then the republic represents cowardly thieves, not the people.

When capitalism is attacked, socialism is automatically advanced. We can not afford to allow socialists to criminalize capitalism in the free enterprise capital of the world, unless free enterprise and economic freedom are things of the past.

While democracy is by far the most successful form of government on earth in the short run, it is once again proving to be unsustainable in the long run. In short, people who make a mess of their own lives and then seek government solutions to the mess they created, are about to make a mess of their entire nation. America has been on this course for some sixty years now and the self-destruction of the greatest nation on earth is accelerating.

In the best of circumstances, government is still the most evil of necessities. Societies inherently know this in the early stages of development. But generations later, few seem to remember.

Even when very limited by design, restricted by law, of, by and for the people, government is a deadly virus constantly eating away at personal liberty and individual freedom, first slowly, then at an accelerating pace as the progressive virus consumes that which it was originally supposed to protect.

The Double Edged Sword of Democracy

The very same democratic principles used to protect personal liberty and individual freedom can, and as history has proven, will eventually be used to attack personal liberty and individual freedom.

"The measures of the fair majority... ought always to be respected." --Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 1792. ME 8:397

If a fair majority decides that individual freedom and liberty are to be protected, then that should be respected. However, if that same fair majority decides that a greater common good trumps individual freedom and liberty, then that must also be respected, yes? The absolute rule of a fair majority is by definition, a democracy, even when that majority chooses tyranny over freedom, collective socialism over individual capitalism.

I wrote about the dismantling of America in a recent column titled When 51-49 becomes 49-51.

In it, I talk about how freedom and liberty are protected only so long as at least 51% (the fair majority) desire personal freedom and liberty more than government solutions to personal challenges. I also describe what happens once those who only respect a greater communal good outnumber those who still desire personal freedom and individual liberty, when 51-49 becomes 49-51, swinging majority interests away from individual rights and towards the collective rights of the community at large.

2006 Election Result - The Greater Good of the Commune defeats Individual Freedom

Because one can not be allowed to fail, one can no longer be allowed the freedom to succeed either. Individual success must be penalized by progressive taxation, because it is the only way to eliminate, pay for or offset individual failure, once failure is deemed inhumane and unacceptable by the commune at large.

This is the basis upon which the new American majority now casts its vote.

Today, capitalism, free enterprise, profit, independence, individuality and personal achievement are scorned as dirty words in America. The successful are now referred to only as “the greedy”. They are targeted for revenge, taxed against their will, driven from the community like common criminals, through excessive governmental intrusion, taxation and regulation. Not even the very real threat of world wide terrorism or national bankruptcy can spawn as much fear and anguish in average American voters as evil “corporate America” does today. Not because corporate America is an equal threat, but because ignorant voters have been fully indoctrinated.

There are indeed criminal individuals working inside of corporate America today. But far fewer than you can find working in the halls of congress or your local union office. Criminals should be prosecuted no matter where they are found, at the head of a US company, in the union office or in Washington DC. However, an inanimate object, a corporation, a union, a governing body, is only a structure, in and of itself, neither good nor evil. It’s the individuals involved who are good or evil, their acts from positions of power which are right or wrong. But progressive thinking aims to take one criminal individual, criminalize the company he runs, and indict all of capitalism on this basis. Ignorant voters buy it…

The re-education process and development of an American proletariat voting bloc is complete, at least as a fair majority. Today’s Democrat Party exists on the basis of this voting bloc alone. It also operates on the governing principle, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need”. This is the greater common good that drives the voters that drive today’s Democrat Party. It’s a very socially conscious sounding idea, isn’t it? It was written by Karl Marx, as the foundational principle for his governing system, Socialism.

Read the rest at.....http://www.newsbull.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=50295&pollresults=1

Well, this is the main problem of a democracy. A dempcracy (or a republic if you want to be technical about it) is by no means perfect, and is subject to being destroyed from within. It is however, the best way that mankind can govern itself.
There is no doubt that as liberalism grows our country becomes more and more in danger of falling apart. As more liberal laws are passed to regulate our companies and economy the closer we keep getting to a government controlled economy - socialism. We all know the consequences of high taxes and socialist policies, a stagnant economy. If that wasn't enough to do a country in, we also have to contend with the many liberal policies that have ruined our justice system. We now have a system that now favors criminal rights over that of victims. Liberals, for some reason, tend to fight tooth and nail against funding newer and bigger prisons, so we end up having to release convicted thugs out onto the streets. Holding people, criminals to be more precise, accountable for their own actions isn't high up on the list of priorities for liberals.
And since liberals aren't very willing to hold our own people accountable for their actions against our own people, it should come as little surprise that their foreign policies reflect the same train of thought. Foreign countries that are run by dictators are certainly never going to feel any real scrutiny from liberals.
These is all just a disaster waiting to happen.

08-10-2007, 03:54 PM
I think the only reason that Representative governments work most effectively is because they allow people to govern themselves.

Self governance is better than democracy but not everyone does that.

red states rule
08-10-2007, 08:33 PM
One thing you have to realize though, when people are randomly polled as to how they will vote, the factor that can't be averaged in is how many of those people polled will truly show up to vote. Sure people can answer a quick question sitting at home online, or a quick question on the phone, but get off their ass go downtown to vote. Oh now, that's a major undertaking when you're nineteen years old and you've partying the whole night before. Fuck that. And that's your usual liberal, and that's good for us conservatives.

Or the lib whines when they go to the wrong polling place and then scream how they were denied the right to vote.

People died to give them the freedom to vote and some are to lazy to drive to the polls, wait in line, and do their job as citizens

08-11-2007, 04:37 AM
I think the only reason that Representative governments work most effectively is because they allow people to govern themselves.

Self governance is better than democracy but not everyone does that.

Democracy and self-governance are different things. What the article is advocating is the removal of representative democracy and replacement with an elite. Fine, just as long as it's a liberal elite, I'm okay with that.

Oh? Not a liberal elite? :laugh2:

Oh, the article is wrong in a few places. Marx didn't found the idea of socialism, it's generally accredited to Saint-Simon.

red states rule
08-11-2007, 04:51 AM
Democracy and self-governance are different things. What the article is advocating is the removal of representative democracy and replacement with an elite. Fine, just as long as it's a liberal elite, I'm okay with that.

Oh? Not a liberal elite? :laugh2:

Oh, the article is wrong in a few places. Marx didn't found the idea of socialism, it's generally accredited to Saint-Simon.

and libs said they were fior the open exchange of ideas and supported the will of the people

does that mean they only support the will of the libs?


08-11-2007, 06:38 AM
and libs said they were fior the open exchange of ideas and supported the will of the people

does that mean they only support the will of the libs?


Did you deliberately miss the point or did you have to work on it? :laugh2:

red states rule
08-11-2007, 09:44 AM
Did you deliberately miss the point or did you have to work on it? :laugh2:

Not at all

Libs are always giddy when they win - when they lose they whine and find something or somebody to blame

08-11-2007, 09:53 AM
You do know how to kill an otherwise promising thread.

red states rule
08-11-2007, 10:02 AM
You do know how to kill an otherwise promising thread.

By injesting the facts about liberals and their reactions when they lose elections?

08-11-2007, 10:15 AM
By injesting the facts about liberals and their reactions when they lose elections?

Nope, by planting non sequiturs like weeds.

red states rule
08-11-2007, 10:16 AM
Nope, by planting non sequiturs like weeds.

Yea, the truth about libs is getting to you

08-11-2007, 10:23 AM
Yea, the truth about libs is getting to you

It is? :laugh2:

And how is that?

red states rule
08-11-2007, 10:32 AM
It is? :laugh2:

And how is that?

They make excuses when they lose - and rant about how unfair the Eledctoral College is