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View Full Version : Gas - Shortage - Prices/Gouging

09-05-2017, 12:03 PM
According to the Mayor (of San Antonio) and the MSM there is plenty of gas. The explanation is that someone managed to cause a panic (that allegedly isn't real). Here's "real": People roving from station to station and wiping them out as fast as a delivery is made. The "No Gas" sign goes right back up.

As far as "there is no gouging" goes. As of this morning it's up 60 cents a gallon. When I got gas they had only the high octane so add 50 cents on top of the other. You can bet prices won't go back down until the corporate heads feel they have made up what they lost during this time.

!/4 of the Northeast's gas comes from here. If you haven't felt the price impact, wait for it. One of the distributors just got his system back on line yesterday.

In the mean time, the shortage we aren't having is making it a pain in the ass around here and a harbinger of a real disaster and how people act running around like idiots. Filling their vehicles and every gas can they can find completely heedless of others. So all that "goodwill" in the "there's no divide" thread? Bullshit. Right up until the self-serving, self-absorbed types get their panties in a wad.

Edit: Oh yeah ... using the Michigan Fats model, I'm here so none of the rest of 'all know shit :D