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View Full Version : ‘Transgender Propagandists’ Committing ‘Child Abuse’

09-07-2017, 02:18 PM
For a minute there I had thought that darin had made a post here! And he would be right, as is this writer, IMO. If someone wants to go off their rocker and go salami slicing & meatball tendering - then I believe they should be "adults". And not the "adults" helping them make decisions as children.


Camille Paglia: ‘Transgender Propagandists’ Committing ‘Child Abuse’

Iconic social and political critic Camille Paglia says “transgender propagandists” are committing “child abuse” when they spread “a lot of lies” to gender-confused children and their parents that encourage transgender treatments and surgeries in young people.

“I think that the transgender propagandists make wildly inflated claims about the multiplicity of gender,” said Paglia during an interview on Roda Viva Internacional.

CNSNews.com reports on the interview in which Paglia, a professor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, states: (https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/liberal-camille-paglia-transgender-surgery-cannot-change-anyones-sex-dna-set)

In sex-reassignment surgery, even today, with all of its advances, cannot, in fact, change anyone’s sex. You can define yourself as a trans man or a trans woman or one of these new gradations along the scale, but ultimately every single cell in the human body, the DNA in that cell remains coded for your biological birth.

So there are a lot of lies being propagated at the present moment, which I think is not in anyone’s best interests.

Paglia, 70, a lesbian who also described herself in a recent interview with the Weekly Standard as “transgender” because “I was donning flamboyant male costumes from early childhood on,” says those who encourage transgenderism in children are committing “child abuse.”

“What I’m concerned about is the popularity and the availability of sex-reassignment surgery to someone who doesn’t feel that he or she belongs to the biological birth gender, and people are being encouraged to intervene in the process,” she says.

Rest - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/09/07/camille-paglia-transgender-propagandists-committing-child-abuse/

09-07-2017, 03:30 PM
Reevaluating Sex Reassignment
Graphic: Cathleen Heard Results of two studies from the Johns Hopkins Children's Center challenge accepted medical practice of "sex reassignment"

Results of two studies from the Johns Hopkins Children's Center challenge accepted medical practice of "sex reassignment"--surgically converting XY males with absent or minuscule penises into anatomical females, then raising them as girls. The investigations, which are the first to go beyond individual case reports, reveal outcomes that are remarkably consistent with rare instances of infants who lost their penises in accidents and who were reassigned as females. Both clinical trials and case reports powerfully argue for nature over nurture in establishing gender identity.
William Reiner, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and urologist at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center, reported the studies at the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society meeting in Boston on May 12, 2000. "These children demonstrate that normal male gender identity can develop not only in the absence of the penis, but even after the removal of the testicles and unequivocal rearing as female. The studies suggest that male gender identity is directly related to normal male patterns of hormone exposure in utero," he says. The investigations began in 1995....

...The medical community also learned the true outcome of David's case about three years ago and faced the inescapable conclusion that perhaps thousands of individuals may have been sex-reassigned into misery.3 In a paper that went against three decades of dogma, University of Hawaii, Manoa, professor of anatomy and reproductive biology Milton Diamond and psychiatrist Keith Sigmundson revealed David's disastrous past. The pair had interesting ties to the case: Diamond was part of the research team at the University of Kansas that had identified the masculinizing effects of testosterone on fetal guinea pigs in 1959; Sigmundson was Reimer's psychiatrist in his hometown of Winnipeg....


It's mass delusion

09-07-2017, 03:57 PM
...The medical community also learned the true outcome of David's case about three years ago and faced the inescapable conclusion that perhaps thousands of individuals may have been sex-reassigned into misery.3 In a paper that went against three decades of dogma, University of Hawaii, Manoa, professor of anatomy and reproductive biology Milton Diamond and psychiatrist Keith Sigmundson revealed David's disastrous past. The pair had interesting ties to the case: Diamond was part of the research team at the University of Kansas that had identified the masculinizing effects of testosterone on fetal guinea pigs in 1959; Sigmundson was Reimer's psychiatrist in his hometown of Winnipeg....

It's mass delusion

That's another thing that is rarely if ever mentioned or discussed anymore, is the various types of regret that often comes to those who go through with the surgeries. Perhaps why many stay "in between"? I don't claim to know. This is just a small sample, a few ideas of the negative things that continue or get worse.


Transgender Regret Is Real Even If The Media Tell You Otherwise

They don’t want you to know: regret 20 percent, attempted suicides 41 percent, mental illness 60-90 percent among transgendered population.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the White House has appointed its first openly transgender staff member. Raffi Freedman-Gurspan has been hired as an outreach and recruitment director for presidential personnel in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel.

I do not know how this will work out for the White House but everyone needs to know the truth about regret, suicides and untreated mental illness among the transgender population.

When Carol Costello, CNN reporter, interviewed me in June on the subject of Olympian, trans-Jenner, she couldn’t help beginning with a false narrative that only 2 percent regret of transgender have regrets. That is, the media’s propensity to fluff over the regret statistics.

Early in the interview, she made the statement, “We have researched… and we found a recent Swedish study that found only 2.2 percent of transgenders, male and female, suffered from sex change regret.”

Costello is a bright reporter. That it is why it was so puzzling she would use her interview of me to misinform her audience, unless the intent was to diminish and dismiss reports of sex change regret among the transgender population. Costello used only one study to reach a conclusion on the frequency of regret. She or her staff did not look at the wealth of other studies that suggest sex change regret is quite common. One such study commissioned by The Guardian of the UK in 2004 reviewed 100 studies and reported that a whopping 20 percent (one fifth) of transgenders regret changing genders, ten times more than CNN’s Costello reported.

The review of 100 studies also revealed that many transgenders remained severely distressed and even suicidal after the gender change operation. Suicide and regret remain the dark side of transgender life.

The Media—Unwilling to Show the Dark Side
The media cover-up of regret and suicides isn’t a new phenomenon; it was in play 36 years ago. In 1979 Dr. Charles Ihlenfeld, who worked alongside the famous Dr. Harry Benjamin for six years administering hormone therapy to some 500 transgenders, spoke to an audience in New York about his experience: “There is too much unhappiness among people who have had the surgery. Too many of them end as suicides.”

Rest - http://thefederalist.com/2015/08/19/transgender-regret-is-real-even-if-the-media-tell-you-otherwise/

The Transgender Con? Many “Transgender” People Regret Switch

“You fundamentally can't change sex…. Transsexualism was invented by psychiatrists.” These are not the words of a conservative organization or a fundamentalist preacher, but of former “transsexual” Alan Finch.

Having decided to “transition from male to female” at age 19, the Australian man later regretted the life-rending move and chose to once again live as his true sex approximately 15 years later. And he’s not alone. A growing number of “transgender” people, though once sure they wanted to live as the opposite sex, now wish they'd never had their bodies surgically altered.

Exploring this phenomenon just today, the Federalist’s Stella Morabito writes:

Everyone has regrets. Some of us have big regrets. Most everyone has some place to go to get help dealing with them.

Except for, say, a guy who had sex-change surgery and now would like to have his penis back. (The one God gave him.)

Morabito goes on to cite a poll showing that even 65 percent of people who’ve had cosmetic surgery — which is relatively minor body alteration — later regret the decision. As she writes, quoting Courtney Love on her lip enhancement procedure, “I just want the mouth God gave me back.”

Yet many regretful “transsexuals” are afraid to open their mouths. Writing about how the scope of “transgender” de-transition desires is hidden, Morabito writes, “The transgender lobby actively polices and suppresses discussion of sex-change regret, and claims it’s rare (no more than “5 percent.”) [sic]. However, if you do decide to ‘de-transition’ to once again identify with the sex in your DNA, talking about it will get you targeted by trans activists.” This is reminiscent of how the homosexual lobby has viciously attacked grown children of same-sex couples all because these people now oppose same-sex child-rearing, which The New American reported on earlier this month.

Rest - https://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/item/19507-the-transgender-con-many-transgender-people-regret-switch

For some, transgender ‘transitioning’ brings unimaginable regret: I would know


Living with Regret: How One Man's Sex Change 'Fixed Nothing'

Former Olympian Bruce Jenner has been hailed a hero by some in the LGBT community for his recent sex-change surgery and name change to Caitlyn.

But one man who has changed sexes twice says that the transgender movement has left a trail of misery in its wake.

Author and speaker Walt Heyer has experienced sex-change regret first hand.

"The surgery fixed nothing - it only masked and exacerbated deeper psychological problems," Heyer wrote in an article on Public Discourse.

"If more people were aware of the dark and troubled history of sex-reassignment surgery, perhaps we wouldn't be so quick to push people toward it," he said.

Is sex-change surgery the answer to gender dysphoria? How should the Church respond to transgenders?

"We need to be mindful that the Church is a hospital for broken people. And as such, we need to be the people who administer assistance and guidance to those people who are suffering," Heyer said.

Rest - http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2015/June/Transgendered-Regret-Sex-Change-Fixed-Nothing