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View Full Version : Half of America Wants the Other Half to Die in a Hurricane

09-08-2017, 11:53 AM
And more like - some liberals would like to see "deplorables" and of course the president, to die in the hurricane. The hatred and tolerance from the left is in full swing and has been for quite awhile now.


Half of America Wants the Other Half to Die in a Hurricane

Hurricane Irma has left death and destruction in her wake and Hurricane Jose is right behind her promising more. Entire islands have been destroyed, families torn apart, and property wiped out. This crippling devastation so close to the last hurricane in Texas, from which people are still reeling, is tough to take. These people require our unceasing prayers and help, not scorn and snark.

So who would be cold-blooded enough to savage hurricane victims? Rabid sufferers of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). These are people who were so blindsided by a Clinton loss that they can't see past their election night rage and are wishing destruction on all the Trump voters in Florida along with Trump properties. I don't want to be neighbors with these kinds of people anymore.

Who raised them?


They're rooting...for the hurricane.



Is this how civil wars start? Because it sure feels like it could be. I can't imagine the kind of hate that is harbored in a heart that wishes for half of their countrymen to die violently. I'm disgusted thinking that I may be shopping next to some of these people in the grocery store. I used to care about the other side. I used to think they were good people with wrong ideas. But these days they keep proving they are evil people with evil ideas.

This solidifies to those of us over here, praying and calling friends and watching the hurricane path with horror, that we don't have anything in common with them anymore. We don't share culture or common heroes with them anymore. Twenty years ago there wasn't a person on either side who wouldn't praise Thomas Jefferson or George Washington. Today we find ourselves begging them not to vandalize Mt. Rushmore. We used to value law and order; today they are in the streets demanding anarchy. We can't even watch football with them anymore without a protest against our flag, which they hate.

They're sitting on Twitter as the hurricane tears toward Florida hoping people will die.

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/09/07/half-america-wants-half-die-hurricane/

Not Even Two Hurricanes Can Stop Trump Derangement Syndrome

Would it be too optimistic to expect two giant hurricanes -- one flooding a good swatch of Texas and Louisiana and the other about to lay waste to the Eastern seaboard -- to shut up the Trump bashers for ten minutes?

Apparently so, because no sooner does the president make an agreement with Schumer and Pelosi to raise the debt ceiling as well as set up a large fund for Harvey recovery and out they come from the left and right -- from the left to crow about some sort of "victory" and from the right to complain that the deal didn't lower the deficit.

Deficit? It's as if Trump should have been playing hardball and calling for a government shutdown while Irma was tearing through Florida, sending the Pirates of the Caribbean into Tennessee with people fishing in their living rooms, if they're lucky enough to have a living room anymore.

The shrinks talk about having "the right conversation at the right moment." Making a fuss about the deficit in the midst of twin national catastrophes the likes of which we haven't seen in decades and will cost who knows how many billions to repair is the exact opposite. It's having the most counter-productive conversation at the worst possible moment.

And it's even stupider because the new debt ceiling agreement is only for three months. In a short while they can fight that deficit all they want. As they say in Queens, "shaddup awreddy!"

As for the Democrats, left or otherwise, they should forget about that victory and save the high fives for the touch football game (if they still play that). That party's so far out to lunch now they can't tell the kitchen from the laundry room. Trump can afford to be generous because they barely exist and no one can recall when they last won an election. Nobody remembered Schumer's new, new deal -- or whatever it was -- the day after he announced it. And it's only going to get worse and everyone knows it. Liberalism isn't just dead, it's decomposed. Hillary Clinton's forthcoming book evidently blows up what's left of the house. No wonder Trump-bashing is all the Democrats do. It's all they've got.

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/rogerlsimon/2017/09/07/not-even-two-hurricanes-can-stop-trump-derangement-syndrome/

09-08-2017, 01:40 PM
I could be off, but doubt they speak for half of America.

09-08-2017, 01:48 PM
I could be off, but doubt they speak for half of America.

Of course not! I think the media enjoys taking the tiny amount who do shit like this, and then get it out there like this and build animosity even further.

With that said, we sure did see an awful lot of condemning the various white hate groups, for all to see no one supports them. But with so so much hate coming from the left, whether far left cuckoos, mainstream news and celebrities and the like & groups like antifa - there's not as much distancing and condemning coming from those on the left. Look at the article I just posted about Tim Kaine even, where he acts like he doesn't barely know who they are. I don't believe him for a second. I'm not saying he supports them, or that any of them necessarily do - but sometimes the lack of condemning such groups can indirectly look as support. And then even in addition to that, there were truly some out there actually supporting this group, comparing events to Normandy, and comparing them to war hero's. :(

09-08-2017, 02:07 PM
Of course not! I think the media enjoys taking the tiny amount who do shit like this, and then get it out there like this and build animosity even further.

With that said, we sure did see an awful lot of condemning the various white hate groups, for all to see no one supports them. But with so so much hate coming from the left, whether far left cuckoos, mainstream news and celebrities and the like & groups like antifa - there's not as much distancing and condemning coming from those on the left. Look at the article I just posted about Tim Kaine even, where he acts like he doesn't barely know who they are. I don't believe him for a second. I'm not saying he supports them, or that any of them necessarily do - but sometimes the lack of condemning such groups can indirectly look as support. And then even in addition to that, there were truly some out there actually supporting this group, comparing events to Normandy, and comparing them to war hero's. :(

As for Tim Kaine, pretty sure he supports the antifa, if not all their violence. Just as many on the right support questionable groups that itch for a fight for many different reasons.

There's probably 'not so violent' in each groups of whacks, but 'show me who your friends are...'

09-08-2017, 03:03 PM
Seeing Liberal, Democrat, Never Trumper, Whiners, Snowflakes, and Lefties PROVE..."Ignorance Really Is Bliss!
<img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wYvQP8yvTBg/UCxn8LBPFlI/AAAAAAAADRs/yx8Se11wpjI/s640/YOU+CAN%27T+FIX+STUPID.png">

<img src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTyZaslaJpr1rIcDS9HJPL9-dUL7qVGDYgyWOlMtQwh9frVmEpUBw">

09-08-2017, 07:17 PM
Anyone hoping for destruction based on politics should be ashamed of themselves. My father is in the Dominican and I have many friends in Florida. I pray for everyone in the path of this hellish storm.