View Full Version : Another for Shrillary to blame - Matt Lauer

09-08-2017, 12:26 PM
Is there ANYONE that she crossed paths with who is not to blame? The simple answer truly is - "I have a horrible track record. I have lied one too many times, even for a politician. The illegality and lies about my personal email server. And the Americans who died in Benghazi. Those things were too much for Americans to overlook. I am solely to blame"

But instead - how DARE you ask me questions that all of America wants to know about!


Clinton Slams Matt Lauer For Asking Her Questions About Email Scandal: 'I Was Ticked Off'

In her soon-to-be-released book “What Happened” about the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton revealed she was “ticked off” at NBC’s Matt Lauer for pressing her about the email scandal during the network’s “Commander-in-Chief Forum” last September.

“You’re communicating on highly sensitive topics. Why wasn’t it more than a mistake? Why wasn’t it disqualifying?” Lauer asked Clinton.

“Now I was ticked off,” the former secretary of state wrote. “NBC knew exactly what it was doing here. The network was treating this like an episode of 'The Apprentice,' in which Trump stars and ratings soar. Lauer had turned what should have been a serious discussion into a pointless ambush. What a waste of time," Clinton wrote.

“I can’t say I didn’t fantasize about shaking some sense into Lauer while I was out there,” she added.

Rest here - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2017/09/08/clinton-ticked-off-at-matt-lauer-n2378746

09-08-2017, 12:49 PM
Wait until she blames Debate Policy ...:laugh2: