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View Full Version : 68% of GOP Voters Say Dump Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell- Get New Leadership

09-14-2017, 10:45 AM
I don't want to lay specific blame in congress, but what I do know, is that a lot sucks. I'd have made a change after the healthcare crap. I hope they can do better with tax reform.


68% of GOP Voters Say Dump Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell- Get New Leadership

A new poll by the Center for Security Policy and Eagle Forum found that 63% of voters say it is time to replace Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

49% say Republican leadership in Congress supports the swamp.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/09/bad-news-paul-ryan-mitch-mcconnell-68-gop-voters-want-leadership/

09-14-2017, 12:03 PM
It's all their fault! Everyone knows how they've voted in the past to make Obama's life easier. Roll them, fake liberal scum.

09-14-2017, 12:41 PM
It's all their fault! Everyone knows how they've voted in the past to make Obama's life easier. Roll them, fake liberal scum.

What did you say in another thread? Something about talking to yourself? I'm looking for discussions, but all I get is sarcasm, which I'm not going to go back and forth with you over.

But we've all changed.

09-14-2017, 12:43 PM
What did you say in another thread? Something about talking to yourself? I'm looking for discussions, but all I get is sarcasm, which I'm not going to go back and forth with you over.

But we've all changed.

Just agreeing where I can. Drain the swamp with GOP start. That's the going plan, you've posted at least 15 links to prove just how deplorable they are.

09-14-2017, 12:52 PM
Just agreeing where I can. Drain the swamp with GOP start. That's the going plan, you've posted at least 15 links to prove just how deplorable they are.

So you don't like the links/threads I post, so you go sarcastic and get them off to wonderful starts. Gotcha. You can do so, your choice. But don't act like I'm stupid when I bring it up, nor should you expect replies from me in your threads. Respect gets respect. I don't think I've ran into your threads and did any of the above. Replying as such to folks who have replied in kind and vice versa, that's one thing. But if you want to jump on me for being a Trump supporter, or turn threads from post #2 on, well I believe it shines on your more than it does I.

I will continue posting as I always have. Odd that when folks get angry with me for whatever reason, they point out how many threads/posts I have made. Didn't figure it to be a tactic from you.

09-14-2017, 01:05 PM
I don't want to lay specific blame in congress, but what I do know, is that a lot sucks. I'd have made a change after the healthcare crap. I hope they can do better with tax reform.


68% of GOP Voters Say Dump Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell- Get New Leadership

A new poll by the Center for Security Policy and Eagle Forum found that 63% of voters say it is time to replace Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

49% say Republican leadership in Congress supports the swamp.

Rest - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/09/bad-news-paul-ryan-mitch-mcconnell-68-gop-voters-want-leadership/I'm not sure there is an easy solution. I think Ryan is trying to ride the fence and save his own ass. He very neatly shoved the budget off on the Senate.

McConnell is a hold over from the "Contract with America" group that did nothing but ensure themselves retirement checks. It' will take more than getting rid of just those 2. The GOP itself needs a housecleaning, starting with the 2 aforementioned, and any other RINOs pretending to be conservative yet doing and saying anything they can to damage what there is left to work with.

09-14-2017, 01:08 PM
I'm not sure there is an easy solution. I think Ryan is trying to ride the fence and save his own ass. He very neatly shoved the budget off on the Senate.

McConnell is a hold over from the "Contract with America" group that did nothing but ensure themselves retirement checks. It' will take more than getting rid of just those 2. The GOP itself needs a housecleaning, starting with the 2 aforementioned, and any other RINOs pretending to be conservative yet doing and saying anything they can to damage what there is left to work with.

That's what I think. And if someone is riding the fence, they may not be the best person to lead.

Black Diamond
09-14-2017, 01:18 PM
So you don't like the links/threads I post, so you go sarcastic and get them off to wonderful starts. Gotcha. You can do so, your choice. But don't act like I'm stupid when I bring it up, nor should you expect replies from me in your threads. Respect gets respect. I don't think I've ran into your threads and did any of the above. Replying as such to folks who have replied in kind and vice versa, that's one thing. But if you want to jump on me for being a Trump supporter, or turn threads from post #2 on, well I believe it shines on your more than it does I.

I will continue posting as I always have. Odd that when folks get angry with me for whatever reason, they point out how many threads/posts I have made. Didn't figure it to be a tactic from you.
She's mad Kerry isn't president instead of trump. He's the real conservative America has been wanting.

Black Diamond
09-14-2017, 01:19 PM
If McCain doesn't vote against skinny repeal, what would the last two weeks have looked like ?

09-14-2017, 01:23 PM
She's mad Kerry isn't president instead of trump. He's the real conservative America has been wanting.

Well, I don't think she would want Kerry in there, that's for sure. But I do think anyone other than Trump would have made many happy, not just Kath.

I think any of the alternatives on the ballot would have been worse.

Plus, sometimes I think after an election, things need to be reassessed. Ok, so this is who we have in there representing our ideas and agendas, so how can we get the most done? I think from far too many on the right, this has not happened. And Trump has more than shown that he is capable of working with people, so just because he is hated or his stances some don't like, doesn't mean he can't be worked with for good, or for the agendas of other folks on the right.

Black Diamond
09-14-2017, 01:27 PM
Well, I don't think she would want Kerry in there, that's for sure. But I do think anyone other than Trump would have made many happy, not just Kath.

I think any of the alternatives on the ballot would have been worse.

Plus, sometimes I think after an election, things need to be reassessed. Ok, so this is who we have in there representing our ideas and agendas, so how can we get the most done? I think from far too many on the right, this has not happened. And Trump has more than shown that he is capable of working with people, so just because he is hated or his stances some don't like, doesn't mean he can't be worked with for good, or for the agendas of other folks on the right.
she said she would vote for him over trump. I'll be curious to know what "tighter border security" means. If we can curtail the heroin flow into the country by a big margin, that's a win. Truthfully that was my #1 concern re the wall and why I wanted it built.

09-14-2017, 01:34 PM
That's what I think. And if someone is riding the fence, they may not be the best person to lead.You can't lead and ride the fence. That lasts right up until 1st decision time. GOP leadership is nonexistent. They are so afraid of being accused of doing something un-PC they are frozen with fear. Now they have an NEW factor besides the people and the left to deal with ... Trump. Do I or do I not side with Trump? Those are the fence-riders. They're not sure who to agree with and not be called out on making a decision.

09-14-2017, 01:34 PM
she said she would vote for him over trump. I'll be curious to know what "tighter border security" means. If we can curtail the heroin flow into the country by a big margin, that's a win. Truthfully that was my #1 concern re the wall and why I wanted it built.

Oh, was unaware of that, honestly.

I wouldn't vote for Kerry if my life depended on it. No way no how!

Black Diamond
09-14-2017, 01:36 PM
Oh, was unaware of that, honestly.

I wouldn't vote for Kerry if my life depended on it. No way no how!
She said it a few days before election. You were pissed. I can help a brother out later.

09-14-2017, 02:20 PM
Well, I don't think she would want Kerry in there, that's for sure. But I do think anyone other than Trump would have made many happy, not just Kath.

I think any of the alternatives on the ballot would have been worse.

Plus, sometimes I think after an election, things need to be reassessed. Ok, so this is who we have in there representing our ideas and agendas, so how can we get the most done? I think from far too many on the right, this has not happened. And Trump has more than shown that he is capable of working with people, so just because he is hated or his stances some don't like, doesn't mean he can't be worked with for good, or for the agendas of other folks on the right.

As I said, he doesn't know me. You do.

09-14-2017, 02:24 PM
The Paul Ryan problem

Nice guys are no match for the ruthless ways of their opponents

It is tough to play hardball with your friends. Have you ever known someone who was exceptionally smart, very personable and highly accomplished, but was not particularly good at managing a large number of independently minded people? I have. His name is Paul Ryan.

Speaker of the House Ryan has a job that he did not seek and said he did not want. Unlike most members of Congress, Mr. Ryan is very knowledgeable about most of the issues he deals with — he is a bit of policy wonk. He has a solid understanding of economics, and especially tax economics.

Yet for all his knowledge and experience, he (and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell) has lost control of the schedule. Many times, we all heard Mr. Ryan and Mr. McConnell say if they won a majority of Republicans in the Congress and the White House they would get things done in an orderly fashion. In particular, they said they would go back to “regular order,” which meant that the Budget Act would be complied with. The budget is supposed to be passed by a date certain in the spring, and the various appropriations chairmen and their committees are supposed to work out the spending in each of their specific areas (e.g., defense, state, treasury, etc.) by a date certain before the new fiscal year. This is in contrast to what has been happening in recent years where the budgets are not agreed to or passed late, and all of the spending bills get lumped into one huge bill or a continuing resolution. This sets up the reoccurring threat of a “government” shutdown. If each bill were passed on time and separately, individual government departments could shut down but not the whole government.

Rest here - http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/11/paul-ryan-suffers-from-being-timid/

Speculation mounts, but Ryan’s job seen as safe

Paul Ryan’s job as Speaker of the House is secure, but people are beginning to chatter about whether this could be his final term leading House Republicans.

By the November 2018 midterms, the Wisconsin Republican will have spent three years in the Speaker’s office, a post he never asked for, never wanted and never intended to occupy forever.

And Ryan, 47, has faced a number of obstacles in year one of the Trump administration, most recently suffering the embarrassment of being publicly undercut when President Trump brokered a debt and spending deal with Democrats just hours after Ryan had dismissed the minority’s offer.

A report of a coup plot last week by Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and other conservatives never materialized, however, and in multiple interviews, Meadows repeatedly insisted to The Hill that there was no serious attempt to remove Ryan.

“I think if the Speaker actually is able to deliver on tax reform and we come back and address [ObamaCare] repeal and replacement in a meaningful way and deliver on some of the other campaign promises like infrastructure and the wall, he could be Speaker for as long as he wants to be Speaker,” Meadows told The Hill.

Rest here - http://thehill.com/homenews/house/350586-speculation-mounts-but-ryans-job-seen-as-safe

09-14-2017, 02:25 PM
As I said, he doesn't know me. You do.

I still couldn't imagine you would ever vote for Kerry, no matter the opponent, but I don't recall the conversation/thread/post.

09-14-2017, 04:12 PM
I still couldn't imagine you would ever vote for Kerry, no matter the opponent, but I don't recall the conversation/thread/post.

It was one of those wonderful questions directed at me when I said there was no way I'd vote for Trump. Some of the geniuses started trying to come up with worse candidates. Mind you, worse than the 2 that were the main choices.

I'd say I'd never vote for Kerry, but if he'd run as a 3rd party candidate? The pickings were slim. I could only rule out and was going to vote.