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View Full Version : Donald Trump's "Read My Lips" Moment

09-15-2017, 09:24 AM

“Read my lips, no new taxes,” President George H. W. Bush told the Republican convention in 1988. The crowd went wild. He, the heir to Reagan, would hold the line on taxes as Democrats were clamoring for more. But it did not last. Bush, with the support of Democrats in Congress and Republican opposition, approved a tax increase and the country headed into recession.In 1992, Pat Buchanan challenged Bush from the right and delivered a near fatal blow in New Hampshire. Bush hemoraged to the finish line where Bill Clinton finished him off. And history repeats itself.

President Trump has cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. He will allow DACA immigrants to stay in the country, which is something he campaigned against. He will increase border security, but he will cave on his plans for a wall. Instead, he will embrace Rick Perry’s plan that Trump pilloried in the primaries.If anything, this is a bigger cave than “no new taxes” because the tax pledge was not the centerpiece of George H. W. Bush’s 1988 Presidential campaign, but the wall very much was the centerpiece of Trump’s campaign.
Trump supporters are now blaming Republicans instead of Trump. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have forced Trump into the open arms of Nancy Pelosi. But that is not the Trump they claimed he was. Trump was a fighter who would drain the swamp and get the best deals and make Mexico pay for the wall. If Ryan and McConnell can manipulate Trump like this, Trump is a weak kneed gimp. Maybe they will ball gag Trump’s twitter account now.

09-15-2017, 01:10 PM
How many times now have we been told it's the impending doom of Trump about to happen? Not to mention a lot of what you posted there is more rhetoric and less in fact at this point.

09-15-2017, 02:20 PM
TF....you failed again. Your sources have all lied to you, and you sucked it up like the last drops of GRAPE Kool-aid, from the spigot of the DNC cesspool.
<img src="http://www.conservativehq.com/sites/default/files/170329Trumptweet1.JPG">

The Dems are lying about a deal, and they want us to forget about Dems meeting with Russians????
<img src="http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/03/04/17/3DF38A3F00000578-0-image-a-43_1488648415342.jpg">