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View Full Version : Female CNN Anchor Freaks Out When Clay Travis says he's for 1st Amendment and BOOBS

09-15-2017, 06:12 PM

09-15-2017, 08:01 PM
Brilliant. Is there a point besides just offending someone?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-15-2017, 08:38 PM
Ok, his comment was designed to make a point about free speech, imho..
His saying boobs offended her--well why?
She has them-all women do. So was it feigned indignation? In my view it was, because the correct things to do was ignore the comment or just laugh.
Yet the bait was to focus on it to paint the man as an uncaring sexist fool.
Did he get the reaction he thought he would get from both of them??
I think the answer is yes...

He did no make it personal by saying--your boobs--so why did she act as if he did?

Now on to the question was it a silly thing to say?

Depends-- was he honest?
I would have not said that but then again I am not looking to gain greater national attention.

Now we all know Jim would have , right. ?? ;);) Well maybe not on video interview... --Tyr

Black Diamond
09-15-2017, 10:28 PM
I am for boobs. Screw the first amendment.

09-15-2017, 11:20 PM
Some have boobs. Others are boobs.
Tailfins proves you can be both a dick and a boob. :rolleyes:

09-16-2017, 08:00 AM
Ok, his comment was designed to make a point about free speech, imho..
His saying boobs offended her--well why?
She has them-all women do. So was it feigned indignation? In my view it was, because the correct things to do was ignore the comment or just laugh.
Yet the bait was to focus on it to paint the man as an uncaring sexist fool.
Did he get the reaction he thought he would get from both of them??
I think the answer is yes...

He did no make it personal by saying--your boobs--so why did she act as if he did?

Now on to the question was it a silly thing to say?

Depends-- was he honest?
I would have not said that but then again I am not looking to gain greater national attention.

Now we all know Jim would have , right. ?? ;);) Well maybe not on video interview... --Tyr

I actually think there was a point to what he said. Lots of heterosexual men are sick and tired of walking on eggshells to appease cultural Marxism.

09-16-2017, 08:38 PM
I actually think there was a point to what he said. Lots of heterosexual men are sick and tired of walking on eggshells to appease cultural Marxism.So being an ass makes a point? I can say f*ck so I will. Yeah.

You make a point where it has an impact. There's no meaning to yours other than "I can so I will".

09-16-2017, 08:43 PM
Imagine that? A female, wannabe CNN journalist is offended when she hears the word BOOBS, but thinks nothing of her fellow wannabe journalists calling for the murder,
or assassination of the President???

Hypocrisy, stupidity, ignorance, hatred, and dumb run rampant in "what's Left?" of CNN.

09-16-2017, 10:15 PM
I actually think there was a point to what he said. Lots of heterosexual men are sick and tired of walking on eggshells to appease cultural Marxism.

Your appropriation of the term "cultural Marxism" demonstrates what astute DP members have known about you all along.
The modern usage of "cultural Marxism" is merely an update of Nazi ideology used to vilify Jews and Communists during Hitler's rise to power. The term was a favorite of misogynist gamers as they attempted to put down females who tried to enter their realm. Their hatred of all things female often led to threats of violence.
I don't think it is fair to compare you to misogynist gamers, though. At least they are proficient in operating their joysticks. :p

09-17-2017, 10:25 AM

That is all.

09-17-2017, 11:05 AM
Your appropriation of the term "cultural Marxism" demonstrates what astute DP members have known about you all along.
The modern usage of "cultural Marxism" is merely an update of Nazi ideology used to vilify Jews and Communists during Hitler's rise to power. The term was a favorite of misogynist gamers as they attempted to put down females who tried to enter their realm. Their hatred of all things female often led to threats of violence.
I don't think it is fair to compare you to misogynist gamers, though. At least they are proficient in operating their joysticks. :p

The above is a Marxist tactic from the resident Marxist (and not a very good one at that). It's not even a skilled use of Godwin's law. Let us all remember that NAZI acronym translated means National SOCIALIST. Nazi-ism *IS* Marxism.

Black Diamond
09-17-2017, 11:12 AM

That is all.
What else is there?

09-17-2017, 12:31 PM
What else is there?

I prefer the honey pot, preferably fully depilated.

09-18-2017, 01:57 PM
Oh, big dang deal with this one too. They should have cut him off instantly if they didn't care for it. All they did was allow him to prove a point, IMO. These ladies all wear outfits exposing their "boobs" all the time. THIS DOES NOT mean they deserve in anyway to be treated negatively or touched or any of that jazz. I just mean that "boobs" are a part of our lives. One minute the argument is that it's ok to whip out your "boobs" anywhere in order to feed a child, but just merely say "boobs have never let me down" and CNN goes berzerkos.

Keith Olbermann chimes in.


Keith Olbermann Just Says No To Boobs

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It), the other day a very important thing happened on CNN. No, seriously! A crucial moment in American history occurred on their air. Here’s what it looked like:

Can you believe that a misogynist pig named Clay Travis admitted on live TV that he’s the product of millions of years of evolution? What is he, some sort of science-hugger? I applaud CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin for setting him straight. Just because she was showing a tasteful hint of cleavage at the time, that doesn’t mean we’re supposed to look at it.

It used to be right-wingers who were the humorless moral scolds. I’m glad the other side has now picked up the torch.

As you can imagine, noted feminist Keith Olbermann was not happy about what happened:


You should heed his words, because nobody knows more about getting fired than Keith Olbermann.

And nobody knows more about the proper way to treat women! Just ask Michelle Malkin, who Olby once called “a big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it.” Or S.E. Cupp, of whom he once said: “On so many levels she’s a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does.” Or Betsy DeVos, who recently received the following correction from Keith:



09-18-2017, 08:41 PM
Oh, big dang deal with this one too. They should have cut him off instantly if they didn't care for it. All they did was allow him to prove a point, IMO. These ladies all wear outfits exposing their "boobs" all the time. THIS DOES NOT mean they deserve in anyway to be treated negatively or touched or any of that jazz. I just mean that "boobs" are a part of our lives. One minute the argument is that it's ok to whip out your "boobs" anywhere in order to feed a child, but just merely say "boobs have never let me down" and CNN goes berzerkos.

Keith Olbermann chimes in.


Keith Olbermann Just Says No To Boobs

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It), the other day a very important thing happened on CNN. No, seriously! A crucial moment in American history occurred on their air. Here’s what it looked like:

Can you believe that a misogynist pig named Clay Travis admitted on live TV that he’s the product of millions of years of evolution? What is he, some sort of science-hugger? I applaud CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin for setting him straight. Just because she was showing a tasteful hint of cleavage at the time, that doesn’t mean we’re supposed to look at it.

It used to be right-wingers who were the humorless moral scolds. I’m glad the other side has now picked up the torch.

As you can imagine, noted feminist Keith Olbermann was not happy about what happened:


You should heed his words, because nobody knows more about getting fired than Keith Olbermann.

And nobody knows more about the proper way to treat women! Just ask Michelle Malkin, who Olby once called “a big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it.” Or S.E. Cupp, of whom he once said: “On so many levels she’s a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does.” Or Betsy DeVos, who recently received the following correction from Keith:


http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/18/keith-olbermann-just-says-no-to-boobs/Just think though ... the MSM has gone from some conspiracy between Russia and Trump, to being offended by kids mowing lawns, boobs, and crying over Trump's political cartoons.

I STILL don't see the point to this guy doing it, but whatever.

09-18-2017, 09:03 PM
A CNN journalist is shocked by the word BOOBS, and the next commercial is:
