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View Full Version : Trump Golf GIF ‘Promotes Violence Against Women’

09-18-2017, 01:43 PM
These people are insane. So now a user generated and Trump re-tweeted, funny video/gif about him hitting a golf ball, and then it cuts screen and made to look like it knocked her over walking up the stairs onto an airplane, where she actually fell in real life. It's comical, IMO!! :)

But promotes violence? Please. And then look at the 2nd portion, how some of the liberals reacted, calling for his head! :laugh::laugh: I have ZERO issue with him doing so, even as president. It's FUNNY. And after all of the attacks from her, big effing deal.


Trump Golf GIF ‘Promotes Violence Against Women’

Jennifer Palmieri, a former Hillary Clinton communications director, argued Monday that a gif of Trump hitting Clinton with a golf ball “promotes violence against women.”

On Sunday, Trump retweeted a gif that showed him pegging Clinton in the back with a golf ball, causing her to trip.

The media predictably freaked out over the retweet, but perhaps none more than Palmieri, who joined MSNBC to talk about the apparent tragedy.

“It was very revealing about [Trump’s] state of mind,” Palmieri said. “It’s appalling because, let alone being unable to let go of the election…you know that’s promoting violence against women from the President of the United States.”

Rest - http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/18/jen-palmieri-trump-golf-gif-promotes-violence-against-women-video/

Liberal Snowflakes Meltdown After Trump Tweets Hilarious Hillary-Golf Meme

President Trump re-tweeted an animated meme or ‘gif’ of him hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball on Sunday and the liberals are coming unhinged.

President Trump retweeted a gif of himself hitting a golf ball from a golf course–the golf ball travels all the way to Hillary Clinton and knocks her down while she’s boarding a plane.

The video is a spoof a Hillary tripping and falling while she was boarding a plane back in January of 2011.

The liberal snowflakes melted down! One lib even said he should be jailed for it–yes, jailed for retweeting a video. Kathy Griffin holding up Trump’s bloody severed head is ‘art’ according to these same liberals, but him posting this video is grounds for impeachment.


Claudia @theClaudiaInez
Republicans, be prepared to be voted out of office.
You cannot condone abuse and hate coming from the office of Presidency against women.


.@realDonaldTrump what is wrong w/ you? Tweets like this besmirch the presidency & our country? You shld be ashamed of yrslf. @jaketapper


SO-O -O inappropriate- @realDonaldTrump has no idea how to behave as an adult-- so embarrassing. The world is appalled by his childishness




Grow up! This is not the type of tweets the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES should be sharing...


@realDonaldTrump you actually retweeted this? TF?


Anne Milligan @Amill2nm2
Oh My GOD!!!! Shouldn't he be jailed for that?


How the hell old are you?? This is one of you most unpresidential unprofessional tweets ever. SMDH. You're so sad and embarrassing.


09-18-2017, 03:20 PM
Maybe I'll alone here, but I'd like my president to be more mature than some jaded teenage reddit troll. I guess standards and professionalism are not important.

09-18-2017, 03:27 PM
Maybe I'll alone here, but I'd like my president to be more mature than some jaded teenage reddit troll. I guess standards and professionalism are not important.

I like one who can do both. Be mature and get shit done when necessary, and to try and knock hillary off the stairs and onto the tarmac when not.

09-18-2017, 03:28 PM
Maybe I'll alone here, but I'd like my president to be more mature than some jaded teenage reddit troll. I guess standards and professionalism are not important.

How did I guess you'd sound like a typical CNN liberal on this petey?

You guys are so FULL OF YOURSELVES, arrogant, full of hatred, and hypocrites who practice FULL FLEDGED Political Correctness....that YOU, and others have forgotten how to laugh, or allow anyone else to be happy. The President...like him or not, is a human being who knows how to have a good time. TOO BAD FOR ALL OF YOU MISERABLE LIBERALS....SMILE.

09-18-2017, 03:36 PM
How did I guess you'd sound like a typical CNN liberal on this petey?

You guys are so FULL OF YOURSELVES, arrogant, full of hatred, and hypocrites who practice FULL FLEDGED Political Correctness....that YOU, and others have forgotten how to laugh, or allow anyone else to be happy. The President...like him or not, is a human being who knows how to have a good time. TOO BAD FOR ALL OF YOU MISERABLE LIBERALS....SMILE.

You just can't help yourself. So creepy.

09-18-2017, 04:09 PM
you just can't help yourself. So creepy.

i totally agree. You are creepy!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-18-2017, 04:44 PM
Maybe I'll alone here, but I'd like my president to be more mature than some jaded teenage reddit troll. I guess standards and professionalism are not important.

Just like honesty, integrity, patriotism and carrying out his oath of office was not important, when your ffing boy obama was in charge, --right Petey???
Don't try that false outrage and fake idealism with we that know you being a lib/dem/socialist shill, have nothing but contempt for decency, Our Constitution, Rule of Law and what has made America great..
And saying/doing -anything-- to advance it, IMHO..
Trump has more integrity in his little finger than you do in your entire sad little body.-------TYR

09-18-2017, 05:20 PM
Maybe I'll alone here, but I'd like my president to be more mature than some jaded teenage reddit troll. I guess standards and professionalism are not important.
Then you must have hated Barry....


09-18-2017, 05:28 PM
You just can't help yourself. So creepy.

Petey....you want creepy to energize your hypocrisy? Try these...
<img src="http://logopolis.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341cba3953ef0105367c3ff6970b-320pi">
<img src="http://images.christianpost.com/ipost/full/3193/obama-loony-toons.jpg?w=350&h=218">


09-18-2017, 05:32 PM

09-18-2017, 05:39 PM
<img src="http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/03/03/article-2287381-18696698000005DC-696_634x363.jpg">

<img src="http://s2.dmcdn.net/JJ6RJ/1280x720-IiP.jpg">

09-18-2017, 06:05 PM
You guys would really fit in well to the new WH culture. Classy stuff!

09-18-2017, 06:20 PM
You guys would really fit in well to the new WH culture. Classy stuff!
Your comment is dripping of hypocrisy... but then... I know you either don't care or are oblivious.


09-18-2017, 06:31 PM
You guys would really fit in well to the new WH culture. Classy stuff!

You're right petey. Unlike you, since you resent, and dislike being near anything that resembles Truth, or Honesty. As for class. We all know..YOU HAVE NONE!

09-18-2017, 08:19 PM
You're right petey. Unlike you, since you resent, and dislike being near anything that resembles Truth, or Honesty. As for class. We all know..YOU HAVE NONE!

You know me? Wow you are creepy. Stop spying on me. For not being gay, you sure are on my ass all the time. Quick response times too, like you watch me.

09-18-2017, 08:20 PM
Maybe I'll alone here, but I'd like my president to be more mature than some jaded teenage reddit troll. I guess standards and professionalism are not important.Actually it's funny and who gives a crap except some lefties with their panties wound too tight.

09-18-2017, 09:42 PM
You know me? Wow you are creepy. Stop spying on me. For not being gay, you sure are on my ass all the time. Quick response times too, like you watch me.

I always watch anybody, or anything that can CREEP me out, like you do. I would be on your ass all the time, but I have to wait for you to get your head OUT!